CPC Bylaws Revised Sept 2013
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REVISED January 26th, 2016
Panhellenic Constitution Eastern Michigan University
Article I – Name
The name of this organization shall be the Eastern Michigan University (EMU) Panhellenic Council.
Article II – Purpose
The purpose of the College Panhellenic Council (CPC) is: A. To develop and maintain sorority life, such that the Greek experience has a positive influence on the daily lives of the women who choose to be a member of a sorority. B. To promote superior scholarship as a basis to intellectual achievement. C. To promote close, positive relations among all Greeks. D. To promote and serve EMU and the Ypsilanti community at large. E. To uphold the values of one’s individual organization as well as that of the larger Greek community. F. To implement and enforce regulations established by the CPC that governs sorority operations and activities at EMU.
Article III – Grant of Powers
The authority vested in the Panhellenic Council of EMU shall be derived from the Code of Conduct and Judicial Structure for the Students and Student Organizations, established by the EMU Board of Regents on May 22, 1995.
Article IV – Scope of Authority
All officers and agencies of Panhellenic Council shall be responsible to: A. The Greek Life Advisor. B. The EMU Student Center and Campus Life. C. The EMU Provost. D. The President of EMU. E. The EMU Board of Regents.
Article V – Agreements and Regulations
Section 1: The Panhellenic Standards of Ethical Conduct along with Fundamental Panhellenic Laws shall be observed by CPC of EMU. Section 2: Regulations and Laws of Panhellenic Council will be set in conjunction with: A. The Unanimous Agreements of the National Panhellenic Conference. B. EMU’s Student Code of Conduct.
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C. The Greek Social Policy. D. The FIPG national risk management policy. Section 3: No member organizations shall discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, age, ethnicity, class, ability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression at any time.
Article VI – Organization
Section 1: The constituency represented by the College Panhellenic Council of EMU shall consist of: A. All members of those sororities having regular membership and provisional membership status. Section 2: Delegates of CPC A. Delegates from any one organization with more than twenty members shall have: 1. A senior delegate 2. A junior delegate 3. A permanent alternate B. All names and contact information of senior, junior, and alternate delegates will be collected upon election. C. If the membership of an organization is fewer than twenty members, the chapter needs only one permanent delegate. D. Delegates shall be elected or appointed by their respective chapters. E. Delegates shall meet all scholarship requirements of their respective chapters. Section 3: When any delegate of CPC is unable to attend regular meetings, the permanent alternate shall be present to serve for her respective chapter. The permanent alternate shall serve a minimum of one semester.
Article VII – Membership
Section 1: Regular Membership A. Regular membership of EMU’s Panhellenic Council shall be composed of all chapters: 1. In good standing with National Panhellenic Conference fraternities. 2. Recognized by EMU. B. Shall have a voice and a vote. Section 2: Provisional Membership A. Provisional Membership of the EMU Panhellenic Council shall be composed of all chapters in good standing with National Panhellenic Conference colonies of initiated chapters. B. Shall have representation at Panhellenic meetings with a voice but no vote. Section 3: New groups seeking Regular Membership: A. In order to seek Regular Membership, they must have Provisional Membership for one full year. B. A group seeking Regular Membership in the Panhellenic Council of EMU shall present a petition, which shall include:
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1. Name of petitioning organization. 2. Names of members by class standing, designating officers. 3. Names and addresses of alumnae and advisors. 4. A copy of local and national (not applicable to non-NPC members) constitution and bylaws. 5. A statement of approval signed by the EMU Panhellenic Advisor and Campus Life Director. 6. A record of activities and projects of the group during its existence as an Provisional Member, which will provide documentation of the group’s stability and potential contributions to the campus and Greek Community. 7. A statement indicating that the organization is in good standing as defined herein. C. The petition must be presented to the Panhellenic Council two weeks prior the meeting at which it is to be approved. D. Admission to Regular Membership shall be granted upon a three-fourths approval of general assembly. E. An organization that has been accepted as a full member of EMU’s Panhellenic Council shall receive a grace period of one year before another group may be considered for provisional or regular membership. Section 4: New groups seeking Provisional Membership: A. An unaffiliated group wishing to obtain Provisional Membership in EMU’s Panhellenic Council shall present a petition, which must include the following: 1. Name of the petitioning organization or group. 2. Names of members by class standing. 3. Names of alumnae and advisors. 4. A copy of local and national (not applicable if the group is a non-NPC member) constitution and bylaws. 5. A statement of approval signed by the Panhellenic Advisor and Campus Life Director. 6. A statement of goals and contributions to the University and the Greek Community. 7. A statement indicating that the chapter’s cumulative G.P.A. is a 2.5 or better at the time of petitioning membership. B. No organization may promote their letters in or during the presentation of a petition. C. The organization’s membership must be no fewer than twenty. D. Admission as a Provisional Member will be granted only after a two-thirds vote of approval by the member chapters of the Panhellenic Council. F. Provisional members shall pay no dues and shall have a voice but no vote on all matters. Section 5: Dues of $13 per member, active and new members, shall be levied upon each member organization, every fall and winter semester. All Panhellenic expenses including dues are payable within two weeks of the billing period. A fee of 10% per week will be assessed until the bill is paid in full. Section 6: To be in good standing, member organizations shall: A. Abide by the constitution and bylaws of the Panhellenic Council of EMU.
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B. Abide by all of EMU’s rules and regulations. C. File all records, as stated in Article VII, Section 7, each semester. D. Be in good financial standing, as stated in Article VII, Section 5, each semester. Section 7: A full list of all initiated and associate members must be completed and turned in to Campus Life within one month of the start of the semester. All other paperwork distributed by the Panhellenic Council must be turned in by the deadline set on each individual document. Section 8: Failure to maintain good standing, as stated in Article VII, section 6, will result in the immediate loss of social privileges. A. Good Standing of a chapter is defined as having less than two Panhellenic Absences and has dues to the Vice President of Internal Affairs within two weeks of receiving the invoice each semester. B. A Panhellenic Absence is defined as a chapter missing a scheduled meeting scheduled by a Panhellenic Officer or the Greek Life Advisor such as: 1. Bi-weekly Panhellenic meetings (both Senior and Junior delegates in attendance). 2. Chair meetings (President, Recruitment, Philanthropy, Scholarship, New Member Educator, etc.). 3. Slate meetings. 4. Or otherwise deemed as mandatory for all chapters to attend.
Article VIII – Executive Board
Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist of six Executive Board officers and the Panhellenic Advisor. The officers are as follows: A. President B. Executive Vice President C. Vice President of Membership D. Vice President of Education E. Vice President of External Affairs F. Vice President of Internal Affairs G. Advisor (non-voting) Section 2: The officers shall be elected from the Full Membership chapters. Section 3: The Executive Board shall: A. Interpret and execute the purpose of the Panhellenic Council as expressed in the constitution and bylaws. B. Discuss and propose bylaw changes to the Panhellenic community. C. Maintain communication with Panhellenic Delegates, Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, the Greek Advisor(s) and other organizations on Eastern Michigan University’s campus. D. Disassociate from their individual chapters during formal recruitment.
Article IX – Qualifications for Executive Board
Section 1: Each member of the Panhellenic Executive Board must:
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A. Have a minimum cumulative G.P.A of 2.85. B. Have given at least two consecutive semesters of service to the Greek community. C. Be a rising junior or senior (56-credit minimum or rising to her third year attending the university. Any discrepancies must be discussed and decided upon by the current Panhellenic Council.). D. Be in good academic and judicial standing with Eastern Michigan University E. Be in good standing with her individual chapter. F. Must be well versed in Parliamentary procedure and Roberts Rules of Order. Section 2: The qualifications for President: A. She shall have served on Panhellenic Council, her chapter’s executive board, or as a Panhellenic delegate. B. She must be available for the summer. Section 3: The qualifications for Executive Vice President: A. She must be willing to become well versed in Panhellenic constitution and bylaws, Manual of Information, FIPG national risk management policy, Eastern Michigan University Code of Conduct, and all other documents governing the Panhellenic Council. Section 4: The qualifications for Vice President of Membership: A. She must be available for the summer for formal recruitment B. preparation and report her progress monthly to the Panhellenic president and Greek Life Advisor. B. She must have gone through formal recruitment as an active member of her chapter. Section 5: The qualifications for Vice President of Education: A. She shall hold scholarship as a high priority. B. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Section 6: The qualifications for Vice President of External Affairs: A. She shall have attended at least one Greek Week as a member of her chapter. B. She has attended at least one all-Greek philanthropy event C. She holds philanthropy and service as a high priority. Section 7: The qualifications for Vice President of Internal Affairs: A. She must have a basic knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping. B. She must possess basic secretarial skills, including but not limited to note taking, typing and keeping accurate records. Section 9: The Panhellenic advisor shall hold the position of Greek Life and Leadership Coordinator. Section 10: An exception on the basic requirements may be made if there is unanimous approval by the Executive Board.
Article X – Duties of Officers
Section 1: The Executive Board shall: A. Interpret and execute the purpose of the Panhellenic Council as expressed in the constitution and bylaws.
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B. Study, formulate, and further such policies and plans in the best interest of member organizations at Eastern Michigan University. C. Maintain effective communication with Panhellenic delegates, IFC, NPHC, all other student organizations, and the Greek Advisor(s). D. Serve office hours of a minimum of 2 hours per week in the Greek Life Office. E. Meet with the Greek advisor weekly for 30 minutes. F. Meet biweekly with IFC counterpart for one hour. G. Complete annual AFLV application. Section 2: The President shall: A. Preside over all Panhellenic meetings. B. Have overall responsibility for the operation of the Panhellenic Council. C. Serve as ex-officio member for all Panhellenic Council committees with a voice, but no vote. D. Review and approve all Panhellenic checks and contracts. E. Represent or appoint a representative to any organization meetings where Panhellenic Council has been given a voice or a vote. F. Report as required to the NPC area advisor. G. Meet weekly with CPC executive board members. H. Reserve rooms for all Panhellenic meetings. I. Work with the Vice President of Internal Affairs to recognize graduating seniors each year at the Greek Awards ceremony. J. Schedule, reserve rooms for, and preside over monthly Presidents meetings. K. Coordinate selection of UIFI and LeaderShape scholarship applicants. L. Coordinate annual executive board transition process. M. Attend Presidents retreat each semester. N. Be the liaison between Campus and Community and National Panhellenic Conference. O. In case of a campus emergency, the president will be the only one speaking on behalf of the College Panhellenic Council with the approval of the advisor. If the president is not available it will follow in the order of: 1. Executive Vice President 2. Vice President of Membership 3. Vice President of Education 4. Vice President of External Affairs 5. Vice President of Internal Affairs Section 3: The Executive Vice President shall: A. Inform the council about changes in the Manual of Information, Judicial policies, and other policies sent down by the highest governing bodies. B. Select members of the Greek Judicial Board with the help of the Panhellenic Advisor(s), IFC Executive Vice President and Director of Student Code of Conduct and Community Standards. C. Serve as Greek Judicial Board Chief Justice and preside over all judicial board meetings with a voice but no vote. D. Maintain safe social environments and address health and wellness issues through enforcement of the Greek Social Policy, FIPG Risk Management Policies and GLASS programming.
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E. Assume the duties of CPC President should she be unable to fulfill her duties. F. Hold regular meetings with designated risk management chairs. G. Schedule, reserve rooms for, set the agenda for, and run monthly Judicial Board meetings if no hearing takes place that month. H. Host GLASS events and maintain records of GLASS certification. Section 4: The Vice President of Membership shall: A. Direct all Panhellenic Recruitment programs in cooperation with member organizations. B. During Recruitment shall: 1. Be present at all judicial board meetings concerning recruitment. 2. Advertise recruitment. 3. Coordinate a recruitment information booth and recruitment orientation. 4. Gather all recruitment material prior to formal recruitment, including but not excluded to a calendar of recruitment dates, recruitment book, recruitment forms, and recruitment invitations. 5. Conduct recruitment survey for PNMs, including those who withdraw from the process. C. Enforce recruitment regulations. D. Compile recruitment statistics and file post-recruitment forms with the help of the Panhellenic Council and Greek Advisor(s). E. Select and train recruitment counselors. F. Hold an all sorority recruitment event in the winter semester for chapters still participating in continuous open bidding/recruitment. G. Hold regular meetings with Recruitment chairs. H. Prepare an annual report including recruitment statistics. I. Research and present on different methods of recruitment once per year. J. Provide resources to chapter recruitment chairs by scheduling one annual recruitment seminar. K. Coordinate summer recruitment efforts, including but not limited to, incoming freshmen mailing and all First Four events. Section 5: The Vice President of Education shall: A. Monitor the academic standing of the Panhellenic community through establishing goals with the academic chair of each chapter. B. Provide available resources in order to support the community in the areas of leadership development, academic achievement, and new member education. C. Meet regularly during the semester with Panhellenic chapters’ academic and new member education chairwomen. D. Oversee the operation and preparation of New Member Institute, including annual review of curriculum and workbooks, training facilitators, scheduling and reserving rooms, advertising, and tracking and reporting out the attendance of each chapter’s new members. E. Oversee the preparation and execution of the annual Photovoice project, including recruiting participants, working with Snow Health Center designee, booking rooms, and marketing for the event.
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F. Recruit and initiate new members, and maintain the integrity of Gamma Sigma Alpha Honors Fraternity. G. Coordinate one LBC-approved event open to the Greek community members per year. H. Promote and recruit for FASTforWARD programming. Section 6: The Vice President of External Affairs shall: A. Oversee and implement Greek Week. 1. Schedule meetings and program events with Greek Week captains. 2. Greek Week shall take place the winter semester of every academic year. B. Promote Greek unity through inter-sorority and inter-Greek functions by hosting one Greek-wide social and philanthropy project per semester. C. Promote Greek sports and communicate with REC/IM and Panhellenic chapters’ sports chairs. D. Hold regular meetings with service and philanthropy chairs. E. Shall be Executive Director for the annual all-Greek philanthropy event. F. Host one philanthropy and one community service project each semester. G. Collect information regarding each chapter’s community service hour totals and philanthropy dollars raised totals. H. Work with Greek Life Graduate Assistant on advertising and encouraging attendance at each monthly Greek Life service project. I. Appoint an assistant or committee as needed. 1. Committee members must be in good standing with their chapter. Section 7: The Vice President of Internal Affairs: A. Collect all dues, fines and fees as stated in this constitution and bylaws. B. Keep a complete and accurate record of all receipts and disbursements of Panhellenic of the past two academic years, and pay bills from the organization treasury. C. Submit annual and semester budgets and spending guidelines prepared in the constitution with the Panhellenic Advisor(s) and the President. D. Maintain a dial of minutes and Panhellenic directory in the Greek Life Office and in the Google drive. E. Call role at all meetings of Panhellenic Council and record all unexcused absences. F. Send minutes of the Panhellenic Council to each chapter Panhellenic delegate, the Greek Life Advisor, and the area Panhellenic advisor. G. Shall be responsible for all social media. H. Shall hold a fundraiser, in collaboration with the VP of External Affairs, once per semester. I. Shall hold regular meetings with chapter secretaries and treasurers. J. Shall be responsible for planning and executing Greek Awards. K. Shall hold at least one meeting with Public Relations chairs from each Panhellenic chapter per semester. L. Shall plan an annual senior recognition ceremony by working with the council President. M. Shall host annual Panhellenic Pride Week.
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N. Create and post a weekly cleaning schedule and office hours sheet for the Greek Life Office. O. Update and maintain a calendar of CPC-related events. P. Work with Greek Life Coordinator to create an annual council report. Q. Coordinate and collect all dues in accordance with University policy. R. Present the annual budget to the CPC delegates for approval. Section 8: Failure of any officer to complete the duties outlined in this article may result in impeachment.
Article XI – Terms of Office
Section 1: The officers shall serve for a term of two academic semesters (term begins at installation). Section 2: In the event that any officer is unable to complete her duties and/or term, the Executive Board may name a temporary substitute until a new officer can be selected. Section 3: When a delegate assumes an Executive Office of Panhellenic Council, a replacement delegate must be sent from the member organization.
Article XII – Meetings
Section 1: The Panhellenic Council executive board shall hold weekly or bi-weekly meetings during the fall and winter semester, and shall hold monthly meetings during the summer. A. The time and place of these meetings shall be established at the beginning of each academic year. B. Reports at meeting will be read in the following order: 1. President 2. Executive Vice President 3. Vice President of Membership 4. Vice President of Education 5. Vice President of External Affairs 6. Vice President of Internal Affairs
Section 2: Special meetings of the Panhellenic Council may be called by: A. The President of the Panhellenic Council. B. Consensus of the majority of the full voting membership of Panhellenic Council in a written request form to the President 24 hours prior to the time of the meeting. C. The advisor(s) of Panhellenic Council. Section 3: Notification of all regular and special meetings to all members is the responsibility of the senior delegate of each chapter. A. Notification of a special meeting must be submitted to chapters 48 hours prior to the meeting.
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B. CPC executive board shall submit notification of a meeting 48 hours prior to the meeting. Section 4: Absence at meeting: A. Any member organization that misses two regularly scheduled meetings within a semester will be required to host and document an educational program on time management and/or communication with 80% chapter in attendance by the end of the semester or at the discretion of the Panhellenic Executive Board. B. Failing to complete the sanctions outlined in Article XII, Section 4, Subsection A will be placed on social probation for four weeks. C. Prior to probationary terms, as long as a chapter has prepaid for an event and presents a signed and dated contract, the event will be allowed. The probationary period will begin at the conclusion of the allowed event. D. Any Executive Board member who misses an Executive Board meeting or Panhellenic meeting without approval of the Vice President of Internal Affairs, or the Panhellenic President, shall acquire an absence for that member’s respective chapter.
Article XIII – Voting on Business
Section 1: All business brought before Panhellenic Council that requires a vote will be discussed and then tabled for a minimum of one week so the delegates may discuss it with their individual chapters. Section 2: Quorum must be present in order for a vote to take place. Quorum is simple majority. Section 3: Vote counts: A. Two-thirds majority is required to approve: 1. Recruitment Regulations 2. The budget or any budget changes 3. Any governing document changes, including but not limited to CPC bylaws and Greek Judicial Board Bylaws. B. Simple majority is required to approve: 1. Resolutions 2. A statement of position 3. Any additional matter stated by the Executive Board Section 4: To amend the constitution, the following is required: A. The proposed amendment shall be presented to the Panhellenic Council 24 hours prior to the meeting it will be discussed. B. Two-thirds approval of the amendment. Section 5: Voting Procedures A. Voting for elections or removal of a position will be done by written ballot. B. Voting for business matters and policy changes will be done by a raise of hands. C. In the case of a tie vote, a second round of discussion and voting will be opened. In the case of an additional tie, the CPC President will vote to break the tie.
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Article XIV – Elections
Section 1: Elections shall be held annually in March or April with one exception being the Vice President of Membership, which will be held in early December. Section 2: The Panhellenic President will inform member organizations of the election date. A. Two meetings prior to when the slating will take place B. The President will inform the member organizations about the election process Section 3: The slate committee shall: A. Consist of one non-biased, appointed member from each Full Membership organization. B. Elect a chairperson from the newly appointed committee. C. Become active at the time of annual elections. D. Have the current Executive Board attend and advise these elections. E. Slate for all Executive Board positions is based only on the applications and letters of recommendations, which are turned into the Panhellenic President 48 hours prior to slating. F. The slate committee has jurisdiction over the slating process for the CPC Executive Board. Section 4: Any member of a chapter with full membership, and in good standing, may write a letter to the slate committee if they know any information that may hinder the candidates’ ability to effectively carry out the position. All letters will remain confidential. Section 5: On election day, prior to voting, additional nominations will be accepted from the floor. Section 6: The order of elections will go as follows: A. President B. Executive Vice President C. Vice President of Education D. Vice President of External Affairs E. Vice President of Internal Affairs Section 7: Any nominee that cannot be present on the day of elections can write a letter to be read by a member of the Panhellenic executive board.
Article XV – Alcohol Policy
Section 1: The Panhellenic Council acts in accordance with FIPG guidelines, the Manual of Information, Eastern Michigan University Code of Conduct, and Eastern Michigan University Greek Life Social Policy.
Article XVI -- Hazing
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Section 1: Per the National Panhellenic Conference Unanimous agreements, EMU Code of Conduct, EMU Greek Life Social Policy, and FIPG guidelines, the Panhellenic Council supports all efforts to eliminate hazing. All forms of hazing shall be banned.
Article XVII – Recruitment
Section 1: Recruitment regulations must be reviewed no later than two weeks prior to the end of the fall semester for the following calendar year. Section 2: An organization may affiliate a fully initiated new member who transferred at any time regardless of size. Section 3: College Panhellenic Council shall abide by all recruitment regulations outlined in appendix C.
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Appendix A: Inter-fraternity Council and Panhellenic Council Greek Social Policy at Eastern Michigan University
Inter-fraternity Council and Panhellenic Council Greek Social Policy At Eastern Michigan University
Article I: Purpose and Scope of Authority
Section 1 The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety, well-being, and responsible social behavior of the members of all Inter-fraternity Council and College Panhellenic Council organizations.
Section 2 All Organizations affiliated with Eastern Michigan University’s Inter-fraternity Council or College Panhellenic Council must act in accordance with this policy.
Section 3 This policy will govern the use of all organization houses; annex houses, events at third party vendors, as well as any other event that is hosted by the chapter where alcohol present defined by this policy.
Section 4 Events where alcohol is not present do not fall under this policy.
Article II: Definitions
Section 1 A party is any gathering in which more than 20 attendees present are not affiliated with the host organization(s) and alcohol is present.
Section 2 An annex is any dwelling that can be identified with any Inter-fraternity Council or National Panhellenic Council organization. The dwelling must be within ten miles of Eastern Michigan University, there must be at least four people living there, and 80% or more of the people living there must be affiliated with the same organization and on the active roster.
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Section 3 A fraternity/sorority house is any dwelling that displays the organization’s letters and/or houses the organization’s charter or is designated by the organization as their house or facility.
Section 4 A third-party vendor event is an event that is held at another location other than a person’s place of living such as a bar, hotel, or country club, where alcohol will be served. Third-Party vendors must have a liquors license.
Article III: Rules and Regulations
Section 1 Each organization must be aware of, understand, and follow FIPG, all Eastern Michigan University policies, and all federal, state, and local laws as well as this policy and its appendices.
Section 2 Parties must be approved 72 hours in advance. In addition an invite list of all attendees must be provided at this time. If the form is turned in to a council member in person five (5) days before the event then the council member should respond before the 72-hour deadline. If they do not then actions may be taken against the council member. The event may still not be held without approval.
Section 3 The serving of alcohol must conclude at 1:15 am and the party must be cleared by 2:00 am.
Section 4 Each host organization must provide a minimum of three sober monitors per event. Prior to any event with more than forty-five guests, an additional sober monitor must be added to maintain a minimum ratio of one sober monitor per fifteen guests. If the event is hosted by multiple organizations then each organization is responsible for their own guests.
Section 5 All sober monitors must be registered as GLASS certified at the Greek Affairs office. One of the sober monitors must also be 21 years of age or a junior in standing.
Section 6 Attendees over the age of 21 must be marked with adhesive bar style wristbands.
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BYOB guidelines and procedures shall be as follows (this policy is for any registered event that does not have a third party vendor):
a) Alcohol may only be brought to event by guests or members of the legal drinking age. b) Only persons of legal drinking age may consume or possess alcohol. c) The following stipulations apply per person per event: Maximum of six, twelve ounce cans/plastic bottles of beer/ wine coolers/ malt beverages. d) No glass containers allowed. e) No cases, twelve-packs, or other alcohol containers larger than six 12oz beers/wine coolers. f) No squeeze bottles, beer bongs, party balls, pitchers, tumblers or other containers. g) No kegs, hard alcohol, or liquor. h) The host organization(s) should provide a number of cans or plastic bottles of non-alcoholic beverages at least equal to the total number of people in attendance of event. i) An ample supply of non-salty foods must be available. j) All Alcohol must be checked at the bar and exchanged for a punch card stating the brand of alcohol and number of containers. k) Any alcohol at the bar at closing time shall stay in a secure location at the event site until the following day, when it may be picked up. l) If the event is off chapter premises then transportation must be approved by the President or Executive Vice President of Inter Fraternity Council or College Pan- Hellenic Council, and is someone outside of the host organization must approve it.
Section 8 Organizations are not permitted to sell alcohol nor facilitate the sale of alcohol at any event excluding third-party vendor events. Furthermore, organizations cannot purchase alcohol with chapter funds nor may they supply common sources of alcohol at any events.
Section 9 The possession, sale, or use of ILLEGAL DRUGS or CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES while on an organization’s premises or during an organization’s event is strictly prohibited.
Section 10 Third-Party vendor event guidelines and procedures shall be as follows:
a) No outside alcohol is allowed to be brought to the event b) Only persons of the legal drinking age may consume or possess alcohol. c) No squeeze bottles, beer bongs, party balls, tumblers or other containers. d) There should be a choice of non-alcoholic beverages that can serve every person in attendance of the event. e) An ample supply of non-salty foods must be available. 15 REVISED January 26th, 2016
f) Transportation must be approved by the President or Executive Vice President of Inter Fraternity Council or Pan-Hellenic Council. Someone outside of the host organization must approve it. g) Must complete the FIPG: Third-Party Vendor Checklist
Section 11 No more than two registered parties may be held on any given day by any individual Greek Letter organization.
Section 12 No chapter may co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor or tavern (a tavern is defined as an establishment generating more than half of annual gross sales from alcohol) at which alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at or on the property of a tavern as defined above for purposes of fundraising. Chapters may rent a room at a tavern if it is a closed event.
Section 13 All Inter-fraternity Council and College Panhellenic Council organization who wish to host events that fall under this policy must have liability insurance.
Section 14 All recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter will be non-alcoholic.
Article IV: Attendees
Section 1 Members associated with a host organization may invite up to but no more than three guests per member per event.
Section 2 A guest list must also be present at the entry door of host organization’s event.
Section 3 All people attending a party must have a valid state issued I.D. on their person during the event.
Article V: Violations Section 1 A violation will be defined as any act that contradicts the regulations set forth in this policy.
Section 2 All infractions will be heard and judged in accordance to the rules and regulations of the
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Article VI: Corollary Policies
Section 1 Petitions to hold events that are in conflict with, or outside of the scope of this policy, must be filed five business days prior to the event. The Greek Affairs Advisor must approve the petition before the event may be held.
Article VII: Amendments Section 1 Any proposed amendment must be tabled for at least two weeks.
Section 2 Any amendment will require a 3/4 vote of organizations in good standing as defined by their respective council’s constitutions (both Inter-fraternity Council and the College Panhellenic Council).
Appendix B: FIPG Risk Management Policy
The Risk Management Policy of FIPG, Inc. includes the provisions, which follow and shall apply to all fraternity entities and all levels of fraternity membership.
1. The possession, sale, use or consumption of ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, while on chapter premises or during a fraternity event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the chapter, or at any event an observer would associate with the fraternity, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and institution of higher education, and must comply with either the BYOB or Third Party Vendor Guidelines.
2. No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through or with chapter funds nor may the purchase of alcoholic beverages for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of or on behalf of the chapter. The purchase or use of a bulk quantity or common source(s) of alcoholic beverage, for example, kegs or cases, is prohibited.
3. OPEN PARTIES, meaning those with unrestricted access by non-members of the fraternity, without specific invitation, where alcohol is present, are prohibited.
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4. No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e., those under legal drinking age).
5. The possession, sale or use of any ILLEGAL DRUGS or CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES while on chapter premises or during a fraternity event or at any event that an observer would associate with the fraternity is strictly prohibited.
6. No chapter may co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor or tavern (tavern defined as an establishment generating more than half of annual gross sales from alcohol) at which alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at or on the property of a tavern as defined above for purposes of fundraising. However, a chapter may rent or use a room or area in a tavern as defined above for a closed event held within the provisions of this policy, including the use of a third party vendor and guest list. An event at which alcohol is present may be conducted or co-sponsored with a charitable organization if the event is held within the provisions of this policy.
7. No chapter may co-sponsor, co-finance or attend or participate in a function at which alcohol is purchased by any of the host chapters, groups or organizations.
8. All recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter will be non-alcoholic. No recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter may be held at or in conjunction with a tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy.
9. No member or pledge, associate/new member or novice shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in "drinking games.” The definition of drinking games includes but is not limited to the consumption of shots of alcohol, liquor or alcoholic beverages, the practice of consuming shots equating to one’s age, “beer pong,” “century club,” “dares” or any other activity involving the consumption of alcohol which involves duress or encouragement related to the consumption of alcohol.
10. No alcohol shall be present at any pledge/associate member/new member/novice program, activity or ritual of the chapter. This includes but is not limited to activities associated with “bid night,” “big brother – little brother” events or activities, / “big sister - little sister” events or activities, “family” events or activities and initiation.
No chapter, colony, student or alumnus shall conduct nor condone hazing activities. Permission or approval by a person being hazed is not a defense. Hazing activities are defined as: "Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol, paddling in any form, creation of excessive fatigue, physical and psychological shocks, quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any
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other such activities carried on outside or inside of the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, engaging in public stunts and buffoonery, morally degrading or humiliating games and activities, and any other activities which are not consistent with academic achievement, fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution or applicable state law."
The fraternity will not tolerate or condone any form of sexist or sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental or emotional. This is to include any actions, activities or events, whether on chapter premises or an off-site location which are demeaning to women or men, including but not limited to verbal harassment, sexual assault by individuals or members acting together. The employment or use of strippers, exotic dancers or similar, whether professional or amateur, at a fraternity event as defined in this policy is prohibited.
1. All chapter houses should meet all local fire and health codes and standards.
2. All chapters should post by common phones and in other locations emergency numbers for fire, police and ambulance and should have posted evacuation routes on the back of the door of each sleeping room.
3. All chapters should comply with engineering recommendations as reported by the insurance company or municipal authorities.
4. The possession and/or use of firearms or explosive or incendiary devices of any kind within the confines and premises of the chapter house is prohibited.
5. Candles should not be used in chapter houses or individual rooms except under controlled circumstances such as initiation.
Each fraternity shall annually instruct its students and alumni/alumnae in the Risk Management Policy of FIPG, Inc. Additionally, all students and key volunteers shall annually receive a copy of the Risk Management Policy and a copy of the policy shall be available on the fraternity website.
Appendix C: Structured Recruitment Rules
Eastern Michigan University Partially Structured Recruitment Process Fall Recruitment Rules
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Following Partially Structured Recruitment Style with RFM The following rules will be in effect from Disassociation 2015-Bid Day 2015
Section I Definitions A. All fall recruitment rules apply to any NPC and local fraternity who wishes to participate in the annual fall minimally structured recruitment process. B. The letters PNM refer to a Potential New Member. A PNM is any regularly matriculated student who has the potential or known desire to join a Greek Letter Fraternity. B.1. Registered PNM is someone who is in close relationship with a chapter member. C. Strict Silence is defined as verbal, written, printed, or text message communication between the PNM and fraternity members.
Section II Social Media A. Adding a PNM on any form of social media prior to Bid day should be avoided at all costs. If a PNM is known by an active prior to the start of the fall semester, this rule does not apply. B. Communication on social networks between an active fraternity woman and a PNM should be minimal, as well as keeping with the “Go Greek” mentality and not focusing on joining or meeting specific chapters. Communication should be done in a professional way. C. Gamma Rho Chi recruitment counselors and active members should maintain social networking sites as private as possible in order to hide Gamma Rho Chi affiliation. C.1. This includes all chapter social media sites. D. PNM’s do not need to be denied nor added friendship by a member until Bid Day. Section III Party Ban A. Any events which involve alcohol shall not be used as a recruiting opportunity. Any conversation regarding Greek Life or sorority recruitment at any event involving alcohol at which a PNM is present, is strictly prohibited. A PNM should never be avoided, but interactions should remain positive and values congruent at all times. B. Members may not attend any party, as defined by Greek Social Policy, from Disassociation until Bid Day. This includes registered parties, and parties that are in violation of Greek Social Policy (defined as an unregistered party). Section III Prior to Structured Recruitment A. A chapter member may not engage in preferential or excessive rushing prior to or during recruitment activities. Excessive Rushing is considered unfair and includes but is not limited to: A.1. Recruiting a PNM for one’s own chapter or promoting her own chapter over another outside of recruitment activities. All 20 REVISED January 26th, 2016
recruiting for minimally structured recruitment prior to recruitment should be done with no emphasis on a particular organization. A.2. Your best judgment and integrity should be used to consider any situation you may get into during and prior to recruitment activities. A.3. Interactions with PNM’s should be used to promote recruitment, going Greek, and the positive impact of a sorority on your college experience. 4. Registration of PNM- with the chapter’s membership chair and CPC council Section IV Gamma Rho Chi Selection A. A Panhellenic women applying to be a Gamma Rho Chi: A.1. Must be in good standing with her chapter A.2. Must be enrolled at Eastern Michigan University A.3. Must have participated in at least one structured recruitment as an initiated member of her chapter A.4. Must disaffiliate from her chapter for the duration of the formal recruitment process A.5. Should be able to remain unbiased, confidential, and completely unaffiliated from her chapter regarding all recruitment matters A.6. Must attend Gamma Rho Chi retreat, unless excused by VP of Membership A.7. Shall not be involved in the process of signing the Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement B. Gamma Rho Chi Infractions B.1. If a Gamma Rho Chi violates any recruitment rules, a fair and reasonable resolution will be reached by the VP of Membership. Section V Recruitment Process A. A woman must be a regularly matriculated student at Eastern Michigan University to be eligible to participate in membership recruitment. B. A woman must not be simultaneously enrolled in high school and college. C. The College Panhellenic Association shall prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages in membership recruitment events and Bid Day activities. D. All Fraternity Chapters are to abide by any Student Center and EMU regulations and rules E. The College Panhellenic Association shall prohibit the participation of men in membership recruitment events. F. All members are responsible for understanding and observing the membership recruitment rules as well as the Panhellenic Code of Ethics. G. Alumnae members are prohibited from actively recruiting PNM’s for any specific organization. H. If a participant is unable to attend a recruitment event due to class schedule, an illness, or any other emergency situations, the Panhellenic and/or recruitment counselors will then notify the chapters involved.
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I. All Fraternity Chapters are to follow the “no frills” policy during structured recruitment events I.1. Inside decorations should be kept to a minimum for all recruitment events I.1.A. All decorations must have a “purpose” (crest/coat of arms, motto, vision statement, founding information, mission statement, values, etc.) I.1.B. No balloons, confetti, or glitter may be used I.2. Eliminate all outside doors decorations. I.3. Discourage elaborate costuming and purchasing of special outfits. I.3.A. Fraternity women are not required to purchase clothing for recruitment events I.4. Eliminate specific or the same clothing to be worn by chapter members during each round of recruitment. I.4.A. Color schemes are allowed (EX: anything with 50% red in it or wear neutral color pants or skirt) I.4.B. Specific styles or types of clothing, accessories, or shoes are not allowed I.4.C. No discrimination of specific styles or types of clothing, accessories, or shoes I.4.D. T-shirts may be ordered and worn if they have a “purpose” (crest/coat of arms, motto, vision statement, founding information, mission statement, values, etc.) I.4.D.1. Chapter letters, name, abbreviations are allowed on T-shirts if a “purpose” is also on T-shirt
J. Fraternity women may not buy anything for a Potential New Member (meal, soft drink, etc.) J.1. Exception includes registered PNM- refer to Section 1 B K. No favors or gifts may be given to women by the fraternity and/or individual members. L. Membership recruitment events are to be held in the women’s fraternity house, or a facility specified by the College Panhellenic. L.1. All facilities that will house recruitment events must be handicap accessible. M.There will be no promising of bids directly or indirectly by any member, new member, alumnae or advisor of a participating fraternity. N. No fraternity members, including alumnae or advisors, may visit a Potential New Member in her place of residence during membership recruitment N.1. Exclusion applies to registered to PNM O.Strict Silence is the period of time from the end of the woman’s last event (typically preference) until the woman has signed a bid.
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P. A factual sheet must be provided by participating chapters and retained by each Potential New Member during membership recruitment. A copy of the sheet must be provided to the Vice President of Membership by Kick-off. The sheets must be made available for each day of recruitment; the only exceptions are Preference and Bid Day events. The factual sheet must follow the outline provided by the VP of Membership and Greek Life Coordinator and must include: P.1. A list of fees to be incurred by members during collegiate membership P.2. Grade requirements P.3. Housing obligations Q.From the time recruitment starts through Bid Day, no PNM shall visit a women’s fraternity house. R. No fraternity member shall suggest to any PNM that she refuse a bid from one group in order to wait for a bid from another group. S. All fraternity women shall avoid disparaging remarks about any fraternity or college woman. T. All Bids handed out on Bid Day must be presented to PNM’s in an envelope. T.1. All Bids must be turned into College PanHellenic Vice President of Membership by the assigned time T.2. The PNM’s first and last name but be clearly printed on the outside of the bid T.3. If the time is clearly stated to the chapter recruitment chairs then failure to turn in bids on time will result in a Panhellenic absence T.4. Bids NOT done correctly will need to be rewritten by the chapter U. A membership recruitment budget shall not exceed $700.00. This budget excludes the cost of any T-shirts or clothing items purchased for recruitment. U.1. An audit will be due to the Vice President of Membership by Preference round. This includes receipts of purchases for recruitment decorations and supplies used. U.2. This budget excludes the cost of anything used for Bid Day. U.3. Failure to turn in the audit and receipts by the preference round deadline will result in a Panhellenic absence. V. Recruitment Chair, Advisor, and New member surveys are to be passed out by the College Panhellenic following the conclusion of Fall Structured recruitment. V.1. Surveys are due to the VP of Membership two-weeks after receiving them.
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W.At the conclusion of Bid Matching bid lists will be finalized and made available to chapter in ICS. Chapter VPMs, Chapter Presidents and chapter advisers are to keep bid lists confidential.
Section VI Infractions A. Any violation of recruitment rules will result in a recruitment infraction. B. Recruitment infractions will be investigated by the Vice President of Membership, Greek advisor, and Council Members. C. When a report of an infraction has been received by the College Panhellenic, the accused chapter will be notified within 72 hours. D. The College Panhellenic shall strive to achieve a fair and reasonable resolution for infractions. E. Penalties will be assessed to fit the nature and degree of the offense. F. According to The Manual of Information recruitment rights may not revoked or reduced as the result of recruitment infraction.
Appendix D: Special Provisions Governing the University Recognition and Conduct of Greek Letter Social Organizations
A. Because of the importance of the Greek social system and because of the unique circumstances under which it operates, the following conditions have been established between the University and the Greek social organizations. These provisions set out the requirements for maintaining University recognition and good standing and delineate specific violations that may be handled through the Greek system’s own judicial process rather than under the Student Conduct Code
B. The University reserves the right to retain jurisdiction over cases in which the conduct violates both these provisions and the Student Conduct Code AND the University determines that the misconduct is of such severe nature as to impair, obstruct, interfere with or adversely affect the mission, processes or functions of the University.
C. The University may take action against an individual member of a student organization for misconduct that is both a violation of this provision and of the Student Conduct Code, regardless of any separate disciplinary action taken against the student organization.
D. This section of the Student Conduct Code applies only to the relationship between the University and the Greek social organizations and has no bearing on relations between chapters and national and/on alumni agreements.
E. Good standing must be maintained in order for Greek social organizations to participate in Greek sponsored activities. Failure to do any of the following will constitute a violation of these provisions of the Student Conduct Code and will subject the Greek social organization to disciplinary action, including possible loss of good standing, as described within these provisions under sub-sections F and G:
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1. Registering annually as a recognized student organization with the Office of Campus Life; 2. Participating in the appropriate Greek governing bodies (Greek Council and either National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), Inter- Fraternity Council (IFC), or College Pan-Hellenic Council); 3. Submitting roster and grade release forms for active members and pledges/associates during the first month of the semester; 4. Following all rules and guidelines for Greek Recruitment; and 5. Abiding by all terms and conditions of the alcohol and controlled substance guidelines below: 1. The possession, use and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages while on chapter premises during an official event or in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the chapter or organization must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws and University rules and policies. 2. No chapter or organization members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to anyone under the legal drinking age. 3. The possession, sale, and/or use of any illegal or controlled substance at any chapter, organization or University sponsored event is strictly prohibited. 4. Alcohol or controlled substances will be prohibited at any and all rush activities. 5. Open parties where alcohol is provided by the host chapter, meaning those with unrestricted access by non-members of the organization, without specific invitation, will be prohibited. 6. All organizations must provide, at no charge, an alternative non-alcoholic beverage and food at any event where alcohol is provided. 7. There will be no solicitation or encouragement of alcohol consumption by contest or promotion at any chapter event where alcoholic beverages are present. F. Greek organizations whose members are in violation of this policy, regardless of whether the individuals are identified, will be subject to one or more of the sanctions listed in the Student Conduct Code, Section VI.B: Sanctions for Student Organizations.
G. The following process will be utilized in any incident alleging a violation of these policy provisions by a Greek social organization: 1. The incident will be referred to the respective Greek Judicial Board for hearing and original adjudication (i.e. sorority cases will be handled by College Pan-Hellenic Council, fraternity cases will be heard by IFC and National Pan-Hellenic cases will be heard by Nation Pan-Hellenic Council). Each Greek Council will establish its own judicial board and its own set of hearing procedures for handling the incident. The chair of the respective Greek Judicial Board will immediately inform Student Conduct and Community Standards about any incident referred to it. 2. A decision rendered by the respective Greek Judicial Board may be appealed by either the party alleging the violation or by the Greek social organization being accused of a violation. The appeal will be made to the Greek Council Judicial Board, which may accept, modify or reject any sanction issued by the Greek Judicial Board.
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3. The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards will receive written transcripts of all final judicial decisions, whether from the respective Greek Judicial Board (if there was no appeal of its decision) or from the Greek Council Judicial Board (for decisions that were appealed). The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards will review the decision and may accept or reject the proposed sanctions. 4. In the event the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards rejects the final decision, the Director will provide a written explanation of the rejection and a recommended alternative. 5. In the event that Student Conduct and Community Standards and the Greek board rendering the final decision cannot reach an agreement, the case will be referred to the Eastern Michigan University Judicial Appeals Board as outlined in the Student Conduct Code. In this instance the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards will notify the national or international headquarters of the organization involved. In the case of local organizations, the Alumni Association will be notified.