Vietnam Innovation Day Application

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Vietnam Innovation Day Application

A' Vietnam Innovation Day Application "Environmental Action" "S


Project Proposal


Si Submitted by VIETNAM ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC (`ENTER (VAPEC% APRIL 2005 In association with Ill S S ---*------.7

Project: Building Assets for ENVIRONMENTAL- FRIENDLY TRADE CRAFT VILLAGES In Bac Ninh province


Application Letter...... In English

Project Proposal...... In English

Appendix I: Project Result Monitoring Framework In English

Appendix 2: Profiles of VAPEC and CDI...... In English

Appendix 3: Profiles (CVs) of Resource Persons In English andStaff......

Center for Development and Integration (CDI) Under Vietnam Asia-Pacific Economic Center

MC Vietnam Asia-Pacific Economic Center (VAPEC) (Center for Development and Integration)

25th April 2005

The Country Director World Bank Vietnam Office 63 Ly Thai To, Hanoi Vietnam

Dear Sir,

Subject: Application for Vietnam Innovation Day 2005 - "Environmental Action" Project on: ENGAGING COMMUNITIES IN ADVOCATING TO IMPROVE NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT

Thank you for your call on the project application, inviting VAPEC to submit a proposal for the Vietnam Innovation Day 2005 - "Environmental Action". We are pleased to submit one original copy of the application forte above project.

VAPEC, as the local NGO and lead agency in this proposed project, has tailored and strengthened its capability for this initiative project by associating with Center for Population, Social and Environment Affairs (CPSE) and Asian Institute of Management (AIM). We tfti#t tat the association will detail commitment and undertake the tasks specified in the proposal. Our three entities have long and rich experience in the field of research, environment and knowledge management which are required for the proposed project.

We also believe that such expertise, knowledge and experience are crucial ingredients in designing and conducting the project that is acceptable to stakeholders and will achieve long term sustainable outcomes.

We thank you for providing us with the opportunity to continue our association with the people, communities, government of Vietnam and donors to improve environment situation and hence people's quality of life.

We look forward to the outcome of your proposal deliberations and being of services subject to given award.

CENTER FOR POPULATION, SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENT AFFAIRS (CPSE) 9 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Str. Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: 84-4-8 228972 Email: [email protected]

25th April 2005

The General Director VAPEC 176 Thai Ha, Hanoi Vietnam

Subject: Application for Vietnam Innovation Day 2005 - "Environmental Action" ENGAGING COMMUNITIES IN ADVOCATING TO IMPROVE NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT

Dear Prof Dr. Vo Dai Luoc,

In regard to the above application, we hereby declare that CPSE is pleased to associate with VAPEC for the purpose of implementation of the project, according to agreed terms and conditions defined in the project.

We look forward to a successful cooperation and an effective project implementation, if successfUl selected and awarded, to improve the environmental natural resource managem#nt in Vietnam


Dang Nghia Phan


#itEC # Asp»= INSTITUTEOF MANAGEMENT Eugenic LCpez Foundation

Vietnam Innovation Day Application

"Environmental Action"



Environment is the persistent and emerging concern which related to poverty and people's quality of life. The issues are undertaken as global issues and in particular for Vietnam, environment protection and natural resource management need to have stronger and wider awareness for action. The diversification of environmental issues can be varied from solid waste, natural resources, air or water pollution, land degradation etc. Many of researches had been conducted in many locations to many environmental issues. Environment concerns are raised and absorbed the proper attention of the Government of Vietnam (GoV). The GoV has strong determination to promote environment conditions through the Agenda 21, reflected in Vietnam Development Goals. Now, environment is the responsibilities of all people, agencies and development partners.

In this case, the proposed project on ENGAGING COMMUNITIES IN ADVOCATING TO IMPROVE NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT is also the follow-up of previous efforts as Participatory Poverty Assessment (conducted by multi development agencies during 2003) which identified the environment issues as emerging issues to raise awareness #tYout and have stronger interventions.

The proposed project will look at the community involvement in protecting environment and changing policies and public awareness. The project will provide descriptions and sharing of the three typical cases in the three provinces: Ha Giang, Lao Cai in Northern Mountains and Bac Ninh in Red River Delta to (i) involve community in deeper way for awareness raising on the issues (ii) write about the cases as good practices in the way of sharing experience with larger stakeholders and (iii) The stakeholders like other communities, policy makers and environmentalists will be able to learn about process, local initiatives or models and replicate them in other geographical locations.

3. Location of Project:

The project will be implemented in selected 2 provinces in the Northern Mountainous region of Vietnam (namely Lao Cai, Ha Giang) and 1 province in the Red River Delta of Vietnam (namely Bac Ninh). The communities, through the facilitation of researcher and community development workers will participate in the on-site participatory reviews of community based resource management initiatives to share about their problems, solutions and make policy recommendations. A national workshop in Hanoi will be organized to policy makers, national and international environmentalists to raise the issues and advocate for natural resource protection.

4. Geography:



The project is implemented in rural and mountainous areas (see the above provinces). The communities involved would be the ethnic minorities and rural people living in Bac Ninh and Lao Cai and Hagiang province, who are living dependent on natural resources or causing environment degradation by their livelihood. Each province will provide specific cases on environmental protection and natural resource management as the good practices to share to wider stakeholders.

5. Implementing agency/individual:

The implementing agencies include three agencies; 1. The Vietnam Asia-Pacific Economic Center - center for Development and Integration (VAPEC) as lead agency. 2. Center for Population, Social and Environment Affairs (CSPE), as associate agency 3. Asian Institute of Management (AIM, Philippines), provide its experts as knowledge and resource agency

VAPEC, as a loc#l NGO would be able to be the good lead agency in this project with its experience and expertise over the last 12 years. First of all, VAPEC is ranked to be strong in research capacity (having many joint researches with national research institutes). The Center for Development and Integration, under the supervision of VAPEC include the strong researchers who can implement this project. VAPEC has resources and expertise in information sharing and publication (via its Asia-Pacific Economic Magazines and Newsletter at nation wide and international wide). VAPEC is found strong in capacity building and international network. It has organized so many international workshops in Vietnam for thematic issues. Lastly, VAPEC leaders, represented by Dr. Prof. Vo Dai Luoc and others (who are members of Prime Minister Research Committee as well) are strong and influencing person to advocate for the issues like environment and sustainable development.

The profiles of each agency and some brief of expert's profiles are described in the appendixi.

6. Contact information:

(a) The Vietnam Asia-Pacific Economic Center(VAPEC) Address: 176 Thai Ha, Hanoi, Vietnam Telephone: (84-4) 8 574304 Fax: (84-4) 8 574316 Email: [email protected] Name of person(s) responsible for project: Prof. Dr. Vo Dai Luoc Title: Chairman Telephone: (84-4)8 573199 Fax:(S4-4) 8 574316 Attention: Hoang Thi Hanh Ly, Mobile: 0904241172. Email: [email protected]

(b) Center for Population, Social and Environment Affairs (CSPE) Address: N# 9 Nguyen Dinh Chieu str Hanoi Telephone: 844. 8228972; Fax: 8228972 Email: dnphan( Name of person(s) responsible for project: Dang Nghia Phan Title: Director

(c) Asian Institute of Management (AIM) Address: Eugenio Lopez Foundation Building Joseph R. McMicking Campus,l23 Paseo de Roxas


4 MCPO Box 2095 Makati City 1260, Philippines Telephone: (632) 8924011 to 25 Fax: (632) 8921724- Webpage: Name of person(s) responsible for project: distinguished faculty members of AIM: Profs Benjamin Bagadion (PhD, Cornell University, USA) and Profs Grace Ugut (Phd from Vienna University in International Finance)

7. Banking information: Account Name: Vietnam Asia-Pacific Economic Center (VAPEC) Account Number 001 0 37 000 2349 Name of financial institution: Vietcombank HO Address of financial institution: 198 Tran Quang Khai, Hanoi, Vietnam Account type: USD$......


Since the project seeks for the cases and situation regarding environment issues like forest management and non-timber forest with community initiatives in two regions: Northern Mountainous and Red River Delta Region, the analysis of socio-economic situation is described briefly as follows;

People in the Northern Vietnam including mountainous areas in the North West region and Red River Delta are living largely under poverty, identified as low incomes and high poverty rate (22% in Red River Delta and 43.9% in Northern Mountainous Region1 in 2003 compared to 28.9% of Vietnam). The poverty rate is especially high among ethnic groups in the Northern Mountainous Region. The two regions have received a lot of programmes and policies from the Government in order to improve their socio- economic and: poverty situation like national target programs on poverty reduction, infrastructure, education. health. care, agriculture extension, land and forest land allocation, credit support etc. However, there are trend in increasing regional gaps and inequality, as well as rural-urban expenditure gap (2.6 times in Red River Delta Region) and King- Ethnic Group poverty gaps (4 times in Northern Mountains Region)2. There are different in landscape and population characters of the two regions: Northern Mountain Region is found with rocky, high slope and high soil mountains, lack of fertile land and decreasing forestry coverage, but high percentage of ethnic people living in the area. The Red River Delta is under high density of population, with high percentage of urban poor and under pressure of resources like land.

The two regions are facing critical problems. The Red River Delta, among others like education quality, health care, sanitation and water, faces emerging issues like migration, land constraints and environmental impacts as #vaste and pollution. The Northem Mountain Region, on the other hand, is facing land degradation and low forest quality and coverage and timber collection3 by ethnic people4. In summary, Northern Mountain Region has increasingly exploitation of natural resources related to degrading forestation, illegal timber while some other parts of the Red River Delta is growing fast with industrialization and urbanization so the problems are pollution caused solid waste.

Including North East and North West 2 GSO 2002 VLHSS ` It is estimated that 6 member family uses 2Om3 of firewood per year , equivalent to 1.5 to 2 ha of forest # Regional Poverty Assessment, Northern Mountains and Red River Delta, 2003


4 These environmental problems need to be addressed by more sustainable way. As suggested by local people and local officials, there is need to improve the situation by awareness raising, community communication (through lEC) and increase of community ownership in conservation and taking action, besides reinforcing the stricter implementation of policies on forestry or waste management.

As such, the proposed project will address the above issues and problems with innovative approaches. There are tentatively three major cases: (i) Community based forestry management in Ha Giang province, with ethnic groups of H'mong (ii) Non-timber forest product and alternative livelihoods in Lao Cai province with ethnic groups of Dao (iii) Solid waste management in Bac Ninh province, with suburbl urban folks groups

The cases related to the three thematic issues above will be undertaken and written by environment researchers, as community facilitators, who will work closely with communities, by participatory manner. The community will gather at their places to talk and share about their related environment problems and discussed the solutions, as well as reflect the community initiatives in solving the problems down the line. The participation of local officials in such meeting at commune or district levels will be important that local people are empowered to voice their concerns and request to environment, natural resource management that influences the local policies in implementation. The researchers will then write about the experiences, lessons in the form of cases to share to larger stakeholder. The communication and advocacy efforts on environment protection will then be made in the form of national thematic seminar. Hence, voice and initiatives of people are presented in the forum. The national seminar will be also with presence of other countries experiences, presented by international environmentalists, which will help stakeholders to benchmark and learn about best practices in community based environmental protection in the regional scale. The proposed project will be the combination of (i) capacity building for the communities on environment an& natural resource management (ii) advocacy (iii) knowledge sharing.

With such above approach in tackling the local environmental problems, the proposed project seems to offer the unique approach so far. While local knowledge, community based management are crucial for sustainability development, advocacy and knowledge sharing efforts are means to achieve the objective. The project is designed in such comprehensive and systematic approach.

The project's outputs as published cases and participants into the national environmental seminar will include indigenous people and policy makers and environmentalist. As the first time, they all participate in a shared forum to voice the concerns and share experience. Vietnam will learn a lot from those experiences as well as other countries' communities will leam about Vietnam through cases `and publication. The project will then bring larger impact to larger groups of stakeholders through learning and sharing manner.

7. Project Impact:

7.1. Impact: The project will bring change in behavior of the communities and stakeholders in their natural resource management and environment protection. The communities involved, through their active participation in the series of communityI village meetings and review meeting at commune and district level will learn how to collaboratively protect natural resource for their livelihood and their quality of life. The project, through advocacy efforts, will also change the mindset and understanding of policy makers at


national levels on formulating policies on environment and natural resources management (focusing on forestry, non-timber, land use, marine resources) especially for poor farmers and ethnic minority groups. The project, through its publication can also reach to other provinces, stakeholders and other communities in Vietnam and in other countries, to share about experiences or initiatives on natural resource protection and conservation.

7.2. Replicability: The community based natural resource management, through the participatory manner, is the good model in protecting environment and natural resource conservation. While there are many good models in neighboring countries and even in Vietnam, it is crucial to write, talk and share it across. The project can be sustained since published cases can be used and shared to future students in universities, in other seminars/workshops and learnt by communities with lEC leaflets. The three beneficiaries groups as mentioned in lV.l can work together in the future to scale up the initiative in other provinces. Environmentalists through other source of fund will be able to help government officials at all levels to solve the emerging problems through community based approach. NGOs working in the areas will pay more attention to community based natural resource management approach and learn some skills from the seminars to facilitate their related projects. Other communities when they leam about the local initiatives, shared in the publications, will be more confident and active to participate in conservation of natural resources and environmental protection.


The overall objective of the project "Engaging communities in advocating to improve natural resources management" aims to empower people , including indigenous people and bring behavior change in collaborative, initiative, effective and efficient management of projects related to natural resources protection and conservation.

The project tends to conduct three main activities:

1. Research and Case Writing on natural resource management

This main activity includes several tasks as: * The research team will work with communities to facilitate and then help them to analyze the community problems and challenges in environmental related natural resources management. The participatory manner will be followed in all community meeting and research fact findings. The community will gather to talk and share about their related environment problems and discussed the solutions, as well as reflect the community initiative in solving the problems down the tine. The participation of local officials in sudh meeting at commune and, district levels will be important that local people are empowered to voice their concerns and request to environment, natural resource management that influences the local policies in implementation. * The local initiative in community based resource management will be explored and captured in the draft field report. The field research will be conducted by a team including a researcher on environment/or livelihood and a community development worker. The team will work in collaboration with local Department of Natural Resource and Environment (DONRE) and local authorities. During the meetings with community, Information - Education - and Communication skills and some available lEC materials on environment protection will be used to share knowledge on natural resource management and improve the people's


knowledge on community based environmental protection. The tentative field work will be conducted from July 2005 to Dec 2005 * The information given by communities then will be captured and written in the format of cases. There will be a help to fine-tune cases by national and international experts on environment to ensure the quality of cases for publication. The tentative field work will be conducted from Dec 2005 to March 2006.

2. National seminar on community based environment protection and natural resource management

The national seminar will be served as as forum for stakeholders (i) to know and learn about environmental issues and discuss to recommend for the policies concerned (ii) to share the experience rom other counties on community efforts towards narural resources protection; (iii) To impart some skills in community driven project management.

This key activity includes some activities as follows; * Prepare for communities and local representatives to talk about their initiatives on natural resource management * Prepare the backgYound papers, summarized the cases in the form of leaflets, which are used campaign toolkits for environment protection * Get the international resource persons to come to talk and share about regional initiatives on natural resource management. The cases and experiences we shall share revolve around community forestry( Indonesia, Philippines) community coastal resource management (Thailand) ; Ecotourism (Philippines); Non-timber forest product utilization for alternative sustainable livelihood (Nepal) * The seminar will be hold for live discussion among key stakeholders like related communities and local governments, national government ie. Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, environmentalists, NGOs and mass organizations working on environment areas * Publications about environment protection will be collected and shared, in the form of exhibition, at this seminar as part of communication and awareness raising at nation#llevel. * Drafting the workshop proceedings and summarize in the cases as appendixes. * It is expected to organize the workshop in April 2006. The tentative agenda is as appendix 3.

3. Publication of cases and workshop proceedings

* All cases and workshops proceedings will be published under the name of three main implementing agencies in collaboration with MONRE and related DONREs. * The publications will be designed in the user-friendly style which fit to communities! indigenous people and in the form of case to use in universities. The network of library or knowledge center like Vietnam Development Forum and AIM Knowledge Excel Center (sponsored by WorldBank, located at AIM) will serve as the resource centers. * Time line for this publications will be end of June 2005 -

The project result and monitoring framework is as appendix 1.


1. The beneficiary groups in this project are identified as follows;

(i) Communities (the ethnic groups and suburb! urban folks groups) involved in the research and awareness raising/behavior change building in selected location of the three mentioned provinces. These groups will understand the local issues as well as know better


4 how to solve their own problems. They are empowered through external facilitation and participated in the discussion with local officials on the issues.

(ii) The national and local officials and environmental natural resource staff who participated in the case collection and the national seminar. They will learn about good practices of Vietnam and other countries on the related issues and then can formulate the related policies properly.

(ill) The last beneficiaries group is environmentalists (both local and international ones) and NGQs, mass organizations who learn about the process and learn about good practices. This would help them to have more knowledge and techniques in advocacy, with communities! grass root approach.

2. There will be there partners in the implementation of the project as identified above:

(i) The Vietnam Asia-Pacific Economic Center (VAPEC) (ii) Center for Population, Social and Environment Affairs (CSPE) (iii) Asian Institute of Management (AIM, Philippines)

The there partners will collaborative work in this initiative as sharing scheme. The lead agency will be VAPEC, represented by honor Dr. Prof Vo Dai Luoc, which has rich experience in research and advocacy linkage with international agency like AIM. VAPEC, by its Center for Development and Integration (a subordinate center focus on research and development initiative) will be in charge of overall activities, in particular facilitating and coordinating national seminar/thematic forum. The forum will be able to gather key and important stakeholders as policy makers, environmentalists (both local and international) to listen to the communities. VAPEC will be in charge of writing and finalizing cases, with the help of intemational experts from AIM. VAPEC, with its experience in knowledge sharing and publication will be able to handle the publication and share it widely to stakeholders, through its network in all provinces of Vietnam and to other countries in the region.

AIM will also support in providing resource persons (2 distinguished professors) to come and share the knowledge and experience in terms of case presentation and lecture (case method) and facilities of Knowledge Center (World Bank library) located in the school to share the publication as the outputs of the project.

The participation of CPSE as associated local NGO will complement with environmental expertise and community development experience to conduct the field research. This organization will be able to provide local researchers and community facilitators in the process of collecting information.


1. The project will be implemented on a cost sharing basis with joint funds from the World bank- Danish Embassy, Canada Fund, Mercedes Benz Vietnam, and part of fund from AIM as the project counterpart. Details are as follows;

2. The total project estimated cost is USD20,000 while contribution from Prize Money (Innovative Award) amounting to USD10,000 and USD10,000 is the contribution from one partner agency (AIM) in terms of resource persons

S. Funding requested from the Vietnam Innovation Day: USD10,000


4. Project budget planning:

Project Key Activities Contributions B Prize money Recipient* Others** Total

1 Case Writing on natural USD4,000 USD4,000

2. national seminarI forum USD4000 USDlO,OOO** USD14,000 on community based The Asian Institute of environment protection and Management natural resource (Philippines) (md. management costs related like lecture costs for 2 resource persons training materials, airfares, accommodations 3. Publication of cases and USD2,000 USD2,000 workshop proceedings

USD10,000 USD10,000 USD20,000 Total From what source do you know about this competition? Public Call and contact with the Bank



Appendix 1: Project Result Monitoring Framework Appendix 2: Profile of VAPEC, CPSE, AIM as project partners Appendix 3: Resofirce person's profile for seminar and proposed seminar agenda

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Appendix I: Project Result Monitoring Framework

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PROPOSED SEMINAR FOR VIETNAM ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION 2005 Community Based Project Management for Natural Resources Protection

Time -# Da#l+.#t, -Day2 I . - 8:00-8:20 REGISTRATION THEME: Making things work on the 8:20-9:00 ground 8:30 Welcome and Introduction to Case from Vietnam Lecture/case Discussion: 10:20 Community based forest Case from Vietnam management in Bagiang Community Solutions for solid (tentative) Waste in Bac Ninh (tentative)

Coffee Break Coffee Break THEME: Ecotourism THEME: Strategizing 10:20 tO Lecture/Case Discussion: 12:00 Lecture/Case Discussion: Towards A Strategy for Mt. Makiling Baliangao 12:00 to LUNCHBREAK LUNCHBREAK 1:30

THEME: Ecotourism and Spotting BaliangaoTHEME: Coastal Opportunities resources Management 1:30 to ______

- 2:30 Lecture/Case Discussion: Lecture/Case Discussion: Case from Vietnam Fisherfolks of Trang Alternative livelihood for eco- ______villages_in_Lao_Cai_(tentative) ______THEME: Non Timber Forest THEME: Problem solving and 2:30 Product Utilization and Alternative decision making to Livelihood Lecture/Case Discussion: 3:30 Lecture/Case Discussion: Case of Environmental Social Entrepreneurs' vision Impasse

Coffee Break Coffee Break - GROUP DISCUSSION 3:50 GROW' DISCUSSION Representative of groups! to Representative of groups! Presentations of issues and 5:00 Presentation issues and recommendations recommendations Summary and closing


Appendix 2: Profiles of VAPEC and partners

( VIETNAM ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC CENTER Summary of Profile (2001-2005)

Vietnam Asia-Pacific Economic Center Area: Research (2001-2005)

Project experiences Partners: Institute of

Economics and Politics of The research cooperation programs for 4 years Academy of Social Science of China Conducted research on "Strengthening Market Socialism Economic Institution Reform Process in China"

Publication: "China with strengthening of market oriented economic institutions"

Research on China with WTO assession and its impact to South East Asia

Project experiences Partners: Institute of World

Economics Research on "Asian Economic Security in the 21st century and the role of Japan"

Conducted the project on "Prospective of economic cooperation among Japan- Asia in 2l# century"

Conducted the 3 international workshops in related areas.

Vietnam Asia-Pacific Economic Center Area: Information and Asia - Pacific Economic Magazine and Journal Communication (2001 -2005)

Partners Project experiences

VAPEC Headquarter in The Information Center is able to produce! publish both magazine Hanoi works closely with every 2 months central government, Prime

Minister research The new Journal! Newsletter is published 2 times per month . committee. The Information Center' s branches were opened and operated in all VAPEC in Danang can regions of Vietnam work well and closely with local authorities, The journal serve as forum to multi-stakeholders like enterprises, universities foreign and domestic scientists

VAPEC in Hochiminh city works closely with ______enterprises, scientists.

( VIETNAM ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC CENTER Summary of Profile (2001-2005)

Vietnam Asia-Pacific Economic Center Area: Capacity Building (2004 - 2005) and Training

Project experiences Partners Opened the Hoi An International University, led by Dr. Prof. Tran Van VAPEC in Danang Tho

VAPEC with subordinate The Modernization Economic Training Partners Center (CMET)

Institute of World Cooperation in researches, trainings on science and technology and Economics economic integration

Institute of Economics and

Politics of Academy of

Social Science of China

Vietnam Asia-Pacific Economic Center International Relations


Project experiences

7 international workshops and seminars were held successfully: at Research and International central level, Danang, Hanoi such as:

International workshop on "Japan and Asia : economic cooperation potentials in 21st century"

International workshop on "Communities in Information technology and public media in Asia: Institutional Perspective"

International workshop : "WTO assession and its impact to South East Asia" International workshop on "Asian Economic Security in the 21st century and the role of Japan"

Operation of IATSS Forum (International Exchange Program between Japan - ASEAN)

Introduction and Capacity of The Research and Development Center for Population, Social and Environment Affairs (CPSE)


The Research and Development Center for Population, Social and Environment Affairs (CPSE) is local non-government organization, registered under Union for Scientific and Technological Development of Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA), since 1991. The organization is actively working under the context of emerging civil society in Vietnam in the field of development. Though there is yet law of civil society and local NGO yet promulgated, the organization, among other few, is operating under the new decree allowing local organization working in the field of science, technology and development and in the light of grass root democracy decree (No.79/2003/ of Prime Minister). The dev6Iopment of such organization is still limited because it lacks of full fledge law but they are much more participating in the society movement for the democratic and just world in the context of socialist country. Now it is the time for such organization to develop themselves in terms of human resources and field of expertise to be able to take over the role of international NGOs and to mainstream of local initiative and capacity. The local NGOs are also expected to be strong to support localities in delivering services. This task is given the due attention and support of the government as new alternative in development. In such context, the organization has its vision, mission, and objectives towards development of Vietnam.

Vision: A better world for human development living in environmental and social progress.

Mission: To promote effective and sustainable development for disadvantaged Vietnamese through better public management, service delivery, right claimant, and exchanging knowledge between researchers, development practitioners.

Objectives: The organization carries certain key objectives as to contribute to the development of socio-economy and protection of environment by scientific and social researches; to contribute to the poverty reduction in Vietnam through strengthen of people's capacity, right and entitlements for better services delivered by the government; and to promote capability of its staff and voice of researchers for better human development in Vietnam.

The organization's key working areas:

The main themes for the organizations are:

* Good Governance and Civil Society * Sustainable development * Cooperation and integration

The organization is operating towards good governance by various ways: Capacity building local government and mass organizations; training and counseling (plus lEC methods) to improve knowledge, attitude and behavior (KAB) on laws and policies relating equity of

Introduction of the Research and Development centre for Population, social and Environmental Affairs cPSE-

-1- gender for people and indigenous groups under the national flag of social change, poverty alleviation, grass root democracy and protected environment in Vietnam. Through good researches and development practices, the organization, with support from Union for Scientific and Technological Development of Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations can make good recommendations to the government agencies on developing and improving the policies and programs on poverty alleviation and environmental protection such as Programs of controlling Drug IV, program 135 (hunger alleviation and poverty reduction 200 1-2005).

The organization nowadays is moving more towards sustainable development, combining researches and application of researches to promote livelihood and food security for the poor people. In the working approach, the programs are designed through participation of people, consultation with stakeholders and combination of capacity building, demonstration of livelihood, and advocacy to policy makers at all levels for better service delivery.

The organization is working through cooperation in the open economy and in the context that Vietnam is entering fast regional integration and globalization. Through exchanging of knowledge and human resources, the organization can collaborate, cooperate with countries and other institutes like research institutes, universities, government agencies and NGOs in order to enhance the capacity and quality of programs.

About the organization's structure:

CPSE now has 14 permanent senior staff which compose of 4 members of management team (the Director and 3 vice-directors). The staffs expertise varies from field of Demography, Economics, Agriculture and Community Development, Law, Chemist, Environment, Biologist, and Finance.

The management team include the Director in the field of Demography, I vice- director in the field of Economics, 1 vice director in the field of agriculture and community development and I vice director in the field of Programs and Organizational Development.

To meet with the rapid change and requirement of development in Vietnam, local organization like CPSE needs to strengthen its own capacity, diversify of programs and widen the cooperation of partners, hence CPSE is wish to have the this work enhanced.

Table I: List of key staff of the organization ______Name Profession Sex Position Years on the ______board

Dang Nghia Phan Demography, M Director 11 ______MSc ______

Nguyen Van Dam Economy, BSc M Vice Director 11 Nguyen Thi Coi Economy, MSc F Senior staff 11 Do Trong Khue Chemist M Senior staff 11 Dang Minh Ngoc Law, MA F Head of Law and 8 - Gender section ______

Vu Thanh Hien Anthropology M Head of Anthropology 7 and Development Doan Dinh Hoang Biologist M Head of Environmental 5 section ______Do Huu Bien Law M Specialist 4 Vu Van Hap Agriculture M Specialist 3 Dang Hung Nguyen Agriculture M Specialist 11 Nguyen Van Nho Economist M Specialist 3 Other staff details are provided in the appendix 1

Introduction of the Research and Development centre for Population, Social and Environmental Affairs (CPSE)-


Some key program projects:

1999: * 2 year project on Law awareness education for ethnic minority in Northern Vietnam (funded by CIDA) * Research of Slash and burn agriculture and environmental degradation (funded by VUSTA) * Development of Manuals on Drug control

2000: * Survey on buffer zones in northern and central region of Vietnam: On going Survey (1994-2004) on the socio-economic situation of the buffer zone of the special use forests of Muong Nhe Natural Reserve Area, Lai Chau province; Sop Cop NRA, Son La province; Cuc Phuong National Park, Ninh Binh province; Ke Go NRA, Ha Tinh province; Pu Mat NRA, Nghe An province; Kon Ka Kinh NRA, Gia Lai province; Chu Yang Sin NRA, Dak Lak province; and Chu Mom Ray NRA, Kon Turn province * Survey for application of scientific technology (feasibility study of Vietnam program 135 (hunger alleviation and poverty reduction 2001 -2005). 2002 * HEPR program: Integrating Environmental Protection activities into HEPR for Ministry of Science and Natural Resources. * Development of Environment Booklet for Ethnic Minority (for National Committee of Ethnic Minorities, CEMMA) * Research on " Socio-economic features of Kh'mu Ethnic Minority in Vietnam and recommendations for development" * "Sustainable Development Solutions for Mong people in Northwest of Vietnam"

2003 * Project on Community Pest Management (funded by UNDP) * Project on Asset Building (funded by Ford Foundation) * Research and report on "Protecting the Forest and sustainable Economic Development in South of China and South East Asia (supported by CEMMA)

2004 * On going: Education on Environment Protection and Integration of Poverty Reduction for Dao Thanh Phan ethnic group in Bac Giano Province * Project on Community Based Resource Management in forestry : Development of Community Based forestry and sustainable livelihoods for the ethnic group in De Chia and Phieng Py villages. Pu Nhung commune. Tuan Giao district. Lai Chau province (funded by EQ * Project of Right and Legal Awareness for ethnic groups in northern mountainous areas (funded by Finnish Embassy)

Introduction of the Research and Development centre for Population, Social and Environmental Affairs (cPSE)-



About AIM- History

For more than three decades, the halls of AIM have witnessed the growth and passage of some of Asia's best minds - leaders and managers of the present and the future.

On December 9, 1969, at the dedication ceremonies of the buildings of AIM, Stephen H. Fuller, AIM president (1968-71), declared: "This occasion which marks the dedication of the Asian Institute of Management buildings can very well be a milestone in the economic development of Asia for it is our hope that through these halls will pass young men and women of superior intellectual and moral capacity who, fortified by their training here1 t#ill exercise strongly beneficial influences in Asian institutions of the future. It is the - professional cbmmitment of the Institute that our students shall be equipped with - knowledge of the best available managerial tools and that they shall be inspired to creative ways of using these tools. It is the social commitment of the Institute."

1956 Washington SyCip, founder of the SGV Group; Ramon del Rosarlo, Sr., founder of the PHINMA Group; and Stephen Fuller of the Harvard Business School CHBS), signify their interest in establishing a full-time MBA program. 1966 Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle College, and the Philippine Inter- University Consortium receive a five-year, US$1.2 M grant from the Ford Foundation for the development of a full-time MBA program.

1968 An SGV Foundation feasibility study is presented to and approved by Ateneo and De La Salle. AIM's charter members convene for the first time.

Don Eugenio Lopez, Sr. pledges PhP S million in the name of the Eugenio Lopez Foundation for the construction of the building that will house AIM. The total donation amounts to PhP6.S million. Jaime Zobel de Ayala formalizes Ayala COrp.'s pledge of a one-hectare site in Makati for the new school -

The Institute's Board of Trustees is constituted. Washington SyCip is elected chairman. Stephen H. Fuller, then the associate dean for external affairs at


HBS, accepts the post as the first AIM president.

The AIM Scientific Research Foundation is incorporated as a private, non- stock, non-profit organization to assure benefactors of tax credits for their donations.

1969 Groundbreaking of the AIM campus in Makati. Coinciding with the start of its formal operations, AIM receives 20 endowed professorial chairs from the Philippine business community. The Ford Foundation provides US$224,000 to fund operations.

Classes begin at the Padre Faura campus in Manila (the premises of Ateneo's business school). AIM admits 94 first year students into the Master in Business Management program- 1970 The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ford Foundation provide additional funding of US$300,000 and US$130,000, respectively, for faculty development, library facilities, and equipment.

Classes begin at the new campus in Makati. Enrollment in the MBM program surges to 235 students from Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Ceylon, Thailand, Pakistan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines, and the US-

1971 AIM's international Board of Governors, representing Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Republic of China, and Thailand, holds its first meeting. The BOG later expands to include representatives from Australia, Brunei, Canada, India, South Korea, UK, USA, and Vietnam.

1974 The one-year Master in Management program is launched- About SS0Io of the students are from overseas.

The faculty responds to the worldwide recession by offering short- term executive development programs- A short-term program for first- level managers is proposed and later becomes the Basic Management Program-

1975 Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos signs presidential Decree 639, formalizing the Institute's international character and granting AIM prerogatives conducive to its growth as an international graduate school of management-

1978 AIM launches the Rural Development Management program with funding from the Ford Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation- The program would generate over 25 workshops and educational programs, five books, hundreds of cases, and a wealth of industry notes addressing development issues-

USAID funds a new research initiative, the Small and Medium Business Improvement program. 1985 AIM designs new programs and offers more of its regular programs overseas in Bangkok, Penang, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu, and Kuching.

The Rural Development Management program offers its first public Program for Development Managers-

1986 The Rural Development Management program becomes the Development Management program.

1988 The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship program, funded by the government of Japan, is created to sponsor degree program students for citizens of ADB's developing member countries.

The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) grants CAD$2-3 M for research on the role of women in business, development, and entrepreneurship. CIDA also funds a study for the establishment of a masters degree program on development management. 1989 With financial support from CIDA, the Master in Development Management is offered.

Jose L. Cuisia, Jr. is elected co-chairman of the Institute.

1991 AIM introduces the Asian Management Awards to honor outstanding Asian organizations for management excellence. 1992 AIM celebrates its 25th Anniversary by launching a fundraising campaign for scholarships, professorial chairs, and a new AIM building at its campus in Makati.

The Program and Project Development and Management course holds its initial offering. 1994 The International Student Exchange Program commences, enabling AIM

students to visit schools in the US, Europe, Canada, Japan, and Australia.

The AIM Conference Center at Club John Hay in Baguio City is inaugurated.

AIM and the Far East Bank and Trust Co. jointly launch the Gov. Jose B. Fernandez, Jr. Center for Banking and Finance in honor of the late Central Bank Governor.

1995 AIM is conferred the Ramon Magsaysay Award (the Asian equivalent of the Nobel Prize) for International Understanding. AIM is cited for setting regionwide standards for excellence and relevance in training Asian managers for Asia's development.

The Development Management program is renamed Center for Development Management in recognition of AIM's expanded involvement in development work in the region. 1996 The W SyCip Policy Center is founded, and an endowment is created to- support the activities of the center through the generosity of colleagues and friends of Washington SyCip

AIM is voted into the Program for International Managers, an international association of the finest management schools in North America, Latin America, and Europe. AIM is the first member-school from Asia.

1997 The AIM Conference Center is inaugurated by Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos. The building is constructed with the generous assistance of the tit (

Philippine business community; ASEAN, American, and European business groups; the AIM Boards of Governors and Trustees; and alumni.

AIM launches the Executive MBA program in Malaysia in cooperation with the Selangor Human Resource Development Centre. The EMBA is the first AIM degree program to be offered outside the Philippines.

The Asia-Europe Meeting, a grouping of heads of states and governments from Asian and European nations, accepts the establishment of the Asia- Europe Management Program at AIM upon the initiative of the Philippine government.

AIM is singled out by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific as a Center of Excellence in Human Resource Development and Training.

1998 The Fidel V. Ramos Research Chair in Policy Studies is created through the support of the business community.

1999 AIM launches the Master in Entrepreneurship, a degree program designed exclusively for practicing entrepreneurs running SMEs.

AIM establishes the Ramon V. del Rosario, Sr- Center for Corporate Responsibility with the support of the Ford Foundation and PHINMA. The C.V. Starr Foundation funds an endowed Chair in Corporate Governance.

2000 AIM is the first graduate school of management in the world to receive ISO 14001 Certification for its Environmental Management System.

2001 AIM institutionalizes the multi-school system creating four schools: Asian Center for Entrepreneurship, Center for Development Management, - Graduate School of Business, and Executive Education and Lifelong Learning - Center.

AIM transforms into a broad-spectrum institution by launching programs for IT, healthcare, education, environment, and the arts.

AIM is honored with the 1st Beyond Grey Pinstripes Award for Business School Innovation in Social Impact Management. AIM was chosen among the world's best business schools for incorporating environmental and social impact management topics in activities, curricula, and research-

The World Bank names AIM as its strategic partner in the World Bank Global Development Learning Network.

2002 Nieves Confesor becomes the first woman Dean of the Institute-

AIM names its graduate school of business in honor of its founder and co- chairman, Washington SyCip.

Former Philippine President Corazon Aquino becomes the first woman member of the Board of Governors.

The W SyCip GSB launches the Maurice Greenberg Chair.

The AIM-World Bank Development Resource Center is inaugurated.

The Center for Corporate Responsibility launches two regional conferences: Managing Corporate Governance in Asia and Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility. 2003 AIM is awarded the European Quality Label, making it the first in ASEAN to receive this accreditation and become a member of the European Foundation for Management Development.

The international Beyond Grey Pinstripes Survey recognizes AIM anew by granting the award Excellence in Integration in Core Curriculum.

AIM launches the Asian Corporate Social Responsibility Awards to honor the best practices and principles of corporations in CSR-

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) designates AIM as a Center of Excellence and a partner in knowledge creation and management.

AIM establishes the Hills Governance Center.

2004 AIM is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), making it the first school in Southeast Asia to attain accreditation from the two major international accrediting institutions, AACSB and EFMD ADB and AIM formally introduce the ADB-AIM Networking Project by presenting the Inaugural Networking Conference.

The AIM-Mirant Center for Bridging Societal Divides is inaugurated.

Appendix 3: Profile of Resource Persons and Staff

Benjamin C Bagadion, Jr,, PhD Faculty

Professor Benjamin C. Bagadion, Jr. is a prominent environmental management, community organizing, and conflict resolution expert in the Philippines. He has worked extensively with urban and rural poor communities in the Philippines. Over his twenty-year career, he has built a credible track record in mobilizing people's organizations around issues related to environmental conservation and protection, irrigation, livelihood, housing, and other social services. He has lived and worked with farmers, fishermen, sugar workers, the urban poor, and tribal ommunities. He is the author of Bending the Wind - Empowering People for atural Resources Management (AIM 2000).

Prof. Bagadion has provided consulting services to the Asian Development Bank, the International Center for Law and Development, the United Nations International Children's Educational Fund, and the Food and Agricultural Organization- He has assisted government agencies such as the National Irrigation Administration, the National Housing Authority, and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in formulating participatory strategies for irrigation systems, and low-income housing, and integrated social forestry-

Prof. Bagadion was Undersecretary for Environment and Research of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources from 1994 to 1995- In this assignment, he chaired the ASEAN Senior Officials on the Environment and the Pollution Adjudication Board and led the Philippine Delegations to the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel Convention and the Convention on Biological Diversity. He was also the former Associate Dean of AIM's Center for Development Management-

Prof. Bagadion received his Ph.D. in Development Sociology, with Minors in Southeast AsLan Studies and Inte,rnational Planning (with special focus on centrally planned economies) from Cornell University (1990). He holds a Master's degree in Organization Development and Planning from the Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute (1982). He has taken postgraduate studies on conflict resolution and negotiations at the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University and at the Banff Center of Management in the United States and Canada, respectively. He holds advanced certification from the Professional Association of Dive Instructors (PADI) and from the Technical Diving International (TDI) and is a member of the World Hwarang Do Association (Philippine Chapter).


Personal Profile


Personal Data:

- Date of Birth: September 26th, 1943 - Place of Birth: Xuan Hong commune, Xuan Truong district, Nam Dinh province - Position: Director of CPSE

Qualification: - 1965: Professional: Mathematic statistics, Hanoi University- - 1982: Demography, International Institute for Population Study (lIPS), Bombay, India. - 1965-1980: Head of life statistic section, Yen Bai statistic Department. - 1980-1982: Study in Bombay. - 1982-1992: Study in National Statistical Scientific Institute. - 1992-2004: Director of Center for Population, social and Environment.


- Director of study projects :17 study projects such as o Study in free migration in highland areas (funded by CEMMA), o Study in advanced agricultural technologies in high mountain area (funded by CEMMA), o Life around conservation areas and National Park (funded by VUSTA) o Shifting cultivation and environmental degradation (funded by VUSTA) - Director of development projects: such as o Improving life of Mnong gar in Dak Lak (funded by Action Aid), - - o Law Education and life improvement for ethnic minority people in Lao Cai province (funded by Finland Embassy, 2004) o Community forest protection in Pu Nhung commune- Tuan Giao district, Lai Chau province (funded by UNDP, 2004), o Developing maize and soybean and their product in Vi Xuyen district, Ha Giang province (funded by Ford Foundation, 2004); o Support Dao Thanh Phan ethnic minority people to develop sustainable in Son Dong, Sac Giang (funded by VUSTA, 2004), o Integrate protecting environment to development projects in Luc Nam district, Sac Giang province (2003), support H'mong people in Muong Mun commune, Tuan Giao district, Lai Chau province to agro forestry development (funded by ICCO, 2002)- o Support Law education and agricultural development in Nghe An and Lai Chau provinces (funded by CIDA, 2001).

CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) I - PROPOSED POSlTlON : Project Coordinator FOR THIS PROJECT 2. NAME : Ngo Thi Minh Huong 3. DATE OF BIRTH : 26 May 1975 4. NATIONALlTY : Vietnamese 5. PERSONAL ADDRESS : 10 Trinh Hoai Duc, Hanoi, Vietnam TELEPHONE NO. : 84-4-7-842169 FAX NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS : nmhuonpvn(&?vahoocom 6. EDUCATION 2002 - 2003 Asian Institute of Management Makati City, I Master of Development Management Doing a Management Research Report on Strategy to improve effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of ActionAid Vietnam (a global recognized International NGO)

1995-1998 National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam * Bachelor of Economics - Finance and Banking.

1995-1996 National University, Hanoi, Vietnam * Bachelor of Arts - Languages 7. OTHER TRAINING . * Leadership ( by World Vision Vietnam) * Certificate of Advance Accounting and Internal Control ( by Ernst and Yourrg Ltd. Vietnam) * Training for Trainers ( OXFAM NGO Training Project) * Social Accountability for Auditor (SABOOO by Social Accountability International) * Certificate of Fundamental Accounting and Credit Analysis (by KPMG Limited Vietnam) 8. LANGUAGE & DEGREE OF : Master, English - Excellent PROFICIENCY

9. MEMBERSHIP ISOCIETIES - 10- COUNTRIES OF WORK : Vietnam, Philippines, India EXPERIENCE 11. EMPLOYMENT RECORD FROM TO April 2004 - now - * Provide support to poverty reduction activities for Asian Development Bank ADB in Vietnam including participation in policy Consultant, Poverty dialogues with Government and other Reduction Specialist stakeholders through Vietnam Poverty Task Force;

A; C

* Undertakel supervise researches relating to policy analysis and poverty for ADB in Vietnam; * Conduct the poverty analysis and poverty monitoring of projects; * Maintain poverty database for research and new project purposes; and Identify potential projects on poverty reduction for ADB in Vietnam - * Conduct Impact Assessment of programs, participatory 2000 - April 2004 monitoring and evaluation * Conduct annual review and reflection and write annual ActionAid Vietnam, reports and program reports * Ensure knowledge management within the organization Senior Impact Assessment, and with its outside partnersI alliances for effective Monitoring and Evaluation and sharing and learning Shared Learning Officer

1999 - 2000 * Work with local partners to train and set up their PLAN International, Vietnam project financial system Programme Accountant * Review 300 projects a year regarding financial status * Design and revise the Community managed Projects Manual which is used by all local partners and community 1996-1999 * Credit evaluation, analysis of economic and financial Vietnam Leasing Company eligibility of SMEs Credit Officer

12. DETAILED TASKS ASSIGNED : WORK UNDERTAKEN THAT BEST ILLUSTRATES CAPABILITY TO HANDLE THE TASKS ASSIGNED. 1. Study Research on * Position held: Mentor, team leader, report writer socio-economic - approach and strategy * AJI provinces, Central Region, Vietnam - - -for Central Region, ADB, * Design methodology, framework, questionnaire, Guide 2005 the field research and consolidate the reports * Year: 2004 2. CPRGS integration into Socio-economic * PositioWheld: Coordinator, Trainer Planning * Location: Central Highland provinces * Duties rendered: Conduct participatory Poverty Assessment and Participatory Planning: design the framework, tools and facilitate the field work * Year: 2004

* Position held: Tham member 3. CPRGS review, MPI, ADB, ActionAid, 2003 * Duties rendered: Partic[pated in Participatory Poverty and Governance Assessment re. CPRGS review * Location: DakIak province * Year: 2003

4. Research on the vulnerability of migrant a Position held: Team leader workers in integration a Location: Hai phong city and globalization in * Duties rendered: Design the methodology, Haiphong, Vietnam, questionnaires, and tools, Facilitate the field research and


ActionAid consolidateI write up the research reports -

5. Other review and * Impact Assessment of 11 years of experience of researches for ActionAid ActionAid in Sonla- 2003 * Strategy to improve the implementation of ActionAid Vietnam's Country Strategy Plan, 2002 * Social, economic and political changes in a good development model in Hatinh - 2003 6. Midterm Review for a EC * Position held: Consultant, Team member Project * Location: CaoBang - Bac Can) * Duties rendered: Review the program and audit the system * Year 2002


Day 15 Month: Apdi Year 2005

NGO 11-il MINH HUGNG Bia chi: Sd 10 Trinh Ho#i 0cc, H# N6i, Vi#t Nam Si#n thoai:(84)47 842169 Di d#ng: (84) 90416 3429 (VN) or npotmh#adb.oro

T6m tM cbnp thc u COng t#c trong inh vuc ph#t trign vOi c#c td ch#Az Phi chi'nh phO v# Nh# chinh t#i trq (v4 gi&m ngh&o, kinh t&, xA h6i, gi6i) trong vOng 8 Mm qua - * C6 chuy#n mOn v6 qu#n 19 t#i chfnh, kd to#n, ki4m to#n c#c td chClt ph#t tri#n v# c#c dir #n ph#t tri4n * ChuyAn gia v6 gi#m s#t Thnh gi# c#c d# #n ph#t tri6n * Chuy#n gia vd ph#t tri6n c#ng ddng, d#c bi#t l# theo phu'dng ph4 cO sq tham gia * ChuyAn gia l#p kd hoach * Ougc Tho tao Th#c si chuy#n ng#nh Qu#n 19 Ph#t tri6n t?i Hpc vi@n Qu#n 19 Ch#u # (Manila, PhiIippin6s) * Su#c Tho t?o thea chtldng trlnh Kd to#n t#i chinh cCia Hi#p h@i Kd To#n Vu'cing qudc Anh (ACCA) * CO kinh nghi#m v# hi& bidt vd c#c ho#t d#ng t@i CMu # Trinh db hoc v&n 2002-2003 Hoc vi&n Qu#n 19 Ch#u # (Manila, PhiIippin#s) Thac si vd Qudn 19 PMt tri6n *. Lu#n v#n thac si v6 "O#nh gi# v# ho@ch djnh chidn liiqc td chit ActionnAid a4 tang tfnh hi#u qua, v# b6n vCing'. *> C#c mOn hoc g6m cO: QuAn 19 c#c chitdng trinh dq #n ph#t tri4n, Kinh t6 hoc, L#nh dao, Qu4n 19 ph#t tri#n, Thi chinh trong ph#t tri4n, S#nh gi# mOi trirOng, Qu&n 19 dO thi, Sanh gi# t6 chCrc, Qu#n 19 vA l#p kd hoach chi'nh lutic trong ph#t tri6n, Tin d'ng ng#n hAng cho ngUdi ngh#o, Qu&n 19 ngu6n tAi nguy&n, Qu&n tri nhA nu#c vA xAy dytig mang lu'6i hoat d&ng, C#c td chit tAi chinh qudc t6, PhAt tri#n doanh nghi#p xi h#i, Thuang thuy6t vA gi#i quydt miu thu#n vv

2001 Hjip h#i K&toin Anh (ACCA-UK). (Sang tiip tyc)

1995-1998 Twdng D@i h9c Kinh t6 Qu6c Din Hi n@i, Vietnam * CCi nhin Kinh t& nginh tAi chinh ngin hAng.

1991 -1996 Trisdng O@i h9c Qu6c gia Hi n# i, Vietnam * CCtnhinng6nngCt

Cic khoi hoc khAc * T# p huin cho t#p hu5n vim (OXFAM NGO Training Project) * K9 ning linh dao ( by World Vision Vietnam)

C * KWtoin vi kiiTm tom (by Ernst and Young Ltd. Vietnam) * Kiem tom xi h6i (SA8OOO by Social Accountability International) Kinh nghiAm lim vi&c 6/2004 - now: NgAn hang Phit triJn Chdu d (ADB) ChuyOn gia gidm nghto * H6 tro Ngin Hing vi Chfnh phO trong xiy dung, phin tfch vi dinh gii cic chinh sich giThi nghio vi chinh sich phit tri#n * Xiy dung vi thi#t k# cic dir in cho giAm nghio tai Viit nam cCia ADB vi nhi nuOc * Xiy dung n#ng luc (trong dinh gii nghio, 14 k6 ho@ch) * Thac hi#n cic nghiin cit v6 nghio, kinh W, xi h#i * Thi6t lip mang luOi hoat d#ng gi#m nghio

2000 -2004 ActionAid Vietnam (MV) CdnbOchO chdt, Ddnh gid tdc d#ing chuong trinh

* Phy trich b6 pMn dinh gii chwng trinh vi Gum sit d'inh gii * T6 chit vi Thit him cic dinh gii, 14 k6 hoach, thi6t k6 did in, chiin lucic vCing phit tri#n cCia td chit * Xiy dyng n#ng lip cho dO tic v6 quTh 19 chucing trinh dir in * Phy trich m#ng Qu#n 19 ki6n thit cCia tS chit * Phi trich vi6t cic bio chucing trinh, bio cio thuting ni&n cCia uS chit * Tham gia cic nghimn cit * Si4u phOi chueng trinh Trich nhiim xi hOi * Chiu trich nhi&m vi ChC bi6n t#p Tap Chf `Ti6n b@M ci#a uS chit

Kid'm todn neil b#S (2000-2002)

1999- 2000 PLAN international Vietnam KCtodn chLflvg trinh * Linh gii cic tO trinh dq in * Kiim soit gii vi thCi tyc thyt thi dq in * Tip hu6n xiy dung n#ng hc cho dO tic vi #ng d6ng v4 qu#n I) di in vi qu&n 19 tii chinh

1996-1999 COng ty cho thud tdi chinh ViOt nam Hanoi, Vietnam CAn bO Tin dyng * Oinh gii vi c#p t#n dung tii ch(nh cho cic doanh nghi4 (Nhi nuOc, v&a vi nh6) * Qu#n 19 hqp d6ng tin dyng

1995-1996 Ngin hing ANZ Hanoi, Vietnam NhJn WOn klein soAt neil bO

Cic cOng viic d#c bi@t * Tham gia dinh gii dir in EU (Cao B&ng-BAc c?n) (2001) di lim * Tham gia Oinh gii ngh#o trong khuOn khd dinh gii Chidn lilac Tom diinv6Thng tritng vi Xoi d6i gi#m nghio cCia Vi#t na m (2003) * Dinh gii Tic d#ng 10 n#m hot d#ng t?i San Ia cCia ActionAid (2003) * Nghi6n cit "Tic d6ng ci#a h6i nhmp kinh t# v6i cOng nhin nh4 cu" (2003, ActionAid) * Nghimn cit "Oinh huOng gi#m nghmo vi Phit tri4n kinh t6 xi hOi b&n vCing cCsa Miin trung Vi#t nam" (ADB, 2004) * Bio cio `L6ng ghip CPRGS trong 14 k6 ho? ch, Thy nguymn Vi@t nam" (2005) * Thu'c hi#n vi tri#n khai cic khoi dio tao v6 14 k4 ho?ch theo ki#u mOi

cho cic dja phircsng * T6ng bi&n t#p T#p chf "Ti6n b7Y' cCsa ActionAid (2003-2004)

Cic thbnp tin khic: * Thinh thao vi ti'nh * Thi'ch du ljch, cloc sich, th# thao Nci#v sinh: 26 thing 5 n#m 1975 Tinh trang hSn nhhn Si c6 gia dinh, I con

Curriculum Vitae Personal details:

Full name: VU Thi Dieu Huong

Date of Birth: 28 June, 1976 Place of Birth: Hanoi Occupation: Researcher Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Present working address: Centre for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (CRES), Vietnam National University. 19 - Le Thanh Tong Str, Hanoi, Vietnam Telephone: 84 - 4 - 8253506 Fax: 84-4-8262932 E- mail: huongvudieu(& or [email protected] Education: M.A. in Sustainable Development in Chiangmai University, Thailand B.A in Education in Vietnam National University (Additional coursework in French.) B.A in International Trade in Hanoi University Lof Foreign Trade.

Other training February 2001 Participated in workshop on "In search of Gender and Gender responsiv6 in community-based resource management in Mekong river region" held by OXFAM America in Siem Reap, Cambodia June 2000 Participated in 6 week-training workshop on "Human Dimension in Sustainable development in upland area" held by East- West Centre, Hawaii and CRES. August 1999: Participated in shot training course on "Environmental Communication" held by Management Training Institution (MTI) and German Foundation of Development (DSE) July 1999: Took pat in a shot training course on. Youth Environmental Initiatives (YEI) held by St. Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. January 1999: Participated in a short training course on "Visualizational Participatory Practices" (VIPP) held by

A: C Management Training Institution (MTI) and German Foundation of Development (DSE) November 1998: Participated in a short course on "Environmental Assessment" held by CRES and funded by CIDA, Canada. September 1998: Participated in the workshop on "Developing material of environmental communication" held by Management Training Institution (MTl) and German Foundation of Development (DSE) April 1998: Attended in a 6-month training course on "Ecological approaches to Environmental Management and Assessment" funded by ORO VERDE, Germany. August 1997: Took part in 3-mont training course on "Environmental Education" held by Centre on Environmental Education (CEE) in Gujerat state, India (donated by ILJCN & WWF) June 1997: Attended a short course on "Environmental planning" given by School of Republic and Environmental Affairs, Indianna University, hosted by CRES, Vietnam National University. June 1996 Participated in a training course on "Cross-culture" held by Volunteer in Asia (American organisation) Workin2 Experience 2004- present Working as Research Fellow ICollaborator for Vietnam Asia Pacific Economic Center 1/1/1997- 2004: Working as a researcher and a program officer of MSc. Program on Environment and Sustainable Development in Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (CR55), Vietnam National University 23-27/8/2004 Being facilitator for a short training workshop on "Training of trainer on Environment and Biodiversity" funded by Forestry Protection Department. 1/11/1999- 2003: Researcher and project manager of CIDA (Canada) -funded project on "Community-Based Conservation Management in - China and Vietnam". Conducting baseline studies of current environment and social conditions in selected communities to identify development situations. Being responsible for Environmental Education section within the project with focus in Youth Environmental Initiatives (YEI) activities as well as a pat of project management. 1/1/2000 - 2001: Researcher of IDRC funded project on "Assessment of Environmental changes and related activities in Xuan Thuy Ramsar site since its foundation (1989)". Conducting field surveys on socio-economic situation of selected communities

which focuses on land use issues, mangrove exploitation situation and environmental awareness of the local people, gender issues are included. March 2001 Participated in Ford funded project on "Environmental Education in Tien Hai coastal area" as an EE staff Developing teacher's guide in integrating environmental issues as well as wetland related issues into school formal curriculum 6/ 1999 - 2001 Researcher and project officer of an ORO VERDE (Germany)-fi.inded project on "Environmental Awareness, Biodiversity Conservation and Community Development in Tien Hai coastal district, Thai Binh province". Participated in studies on socio-economic survey, which focused on living situations of local people and their way to exploit the natural resource in wetland area. Moderators for a workshop on "Environmental education for local school teacher". March 2000 Researcher of a GTZ funded project. Participated in the interdisciplinary team to conduct socio-economic survey with focus on Environmental awareness of local people and local authorities in the buffer zone of Tam Dao National Park which is located in Tuyen Quang province, Vinh Phuc province and Thai Nguyen province. 1/3/1999 - 1/5/2000 Participated in translation of a set of books :on "Participatory methods in Community-based Coastal Resource Management" funded by IDRC, Canada. 27/9/1999 - 29/9/1999: Assistant of the workshop on "Gender Analysis" donated by IDRC, Canada. 7/1998 - 10/1999: Researcher of project on "Environmental Awareness, Biodiversity Conservation and Community Development m Xuan Thuy Ramsar Site, Nam Dinh province" funded by The Royal Netherlands embassy. Conducting studies of the current wetland exploitation status of the local people in some selected communiti6s in order to give feasible solutions. Participated in Environmental education activities for school children and local people in the studied area. Developed material on environment education for local school teachers 13/6/1998 - 23/6 /1998: Being a moderator in a workshop on "Environmental Education" for secondary and elementary school teachers funded by Save Children Fund of U.K held in Tien Yen District, Quang Ninh Province. t# 13/5/I 998 - 18/8/1998: Paticipated as a researcher for the Rural Developmefit program for Tay minority group funded by Save Children Fund U.K in Baccap village, Tien Yen district, Quang Ninh province. 27/4/1998 - 30/4/1998: Co-ordinator of a workshop on Environmental Education "General Introduction on EE Concept and Methodology" for teachers of Thing Vuong Secondary School and Luong The Vinh High School 06/ 1996 - 12/1997: A lecturer of English in English Faculty, Vietnam National University Others Being a member of Committee of Environmental Communication of IUCN (World Conservation Union) A member of SASEANEE (South and South -East Asia Network on Environmental Education) Paper: Workshop paper "Gendered knowledge in the management of a Dzao community in the buffer zone of Ba Vi National Park" presented in the workshop on "Sustainable Development and Managment of Upland Resources" organised by CRES in June 3- 4, 2004 Currently Most Working Areas: Environmental communication and education Gender and local knowledge. Language ability Fluently English speaking, listening and writing. Other skill: Knowledge of computer, most of office software. Experience with interpersonal relations and group dynamics Strong organisation and time management skills References available: Prof. Vo Quy Chairman of Scientific Board of CRES, VNU 19 Le Thanh Tong str., Hanoi, Vietnam E-mail: vtson(&; . vn Ass. Prof. Dr. Santita Ganjanapan Regional Center for Sustainable Development (RCSD), Social Science Department, Chiangmai University, Thailand Emai: santira&

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`it'.. PROPOSED POSlTlON : Natural Resources Economist


2. NAME : Le ThI Phi Van

3. DATE OF BIRTH : 28 May 1962

4. NATIONALITY : Vietnamese S. PERSONAL ADDRESS : 106110 Vo Thi Sau Str., Thanh Nhan, Hal Ba Trung, Hanoi TELEPHONE NO. : +844 943 3854 FAXNO. : +8449433854 E-MAIL ADDRESS : lethiphivan§ 6. EDUCATION : 1997 Master of Science in Rural & Regional Development Planning, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, BangkoK Thailand 1994 Bachelor of Economics, Hanoi Agricultural University, Hanoi, Vietnam 1984 Bachelor in Russian Language, Hanoi Foreign Language Teacher College, Hanoi, Vietnam 7. OTHER TRAINING : Data Management for Rural Development Market Economy Planning & Management of a credit project NGOs in Development Action Training Method for Community Health Volunteers Effective Management Skills 8. LANGUAGE & DEGREE OF : Speak Read Write PROFICIENCY Vietnamese Fluent Fluent Fluent Russian fluent Fluent Fluent English Fluent Fluent Fluent 9. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES


11. EMPLOYMENT RECORD FROM: 1998 TO: Present EMPLOYER Institute of Agricultural EconomIcs, Hanoi, vietnam POSITiON HELD AND : Senior Researcher. Responsible for conducting research works related DESCRIPTiON OF DUTIES to agriculture and rural development; training courses on project monitoring and evaluation, on gender issues; credit project

FROM: 2000 TO: 2002 EMPLOYER : The Center for Rural Progress (CRP) POSITION HELD AND : Program Manager. Responsible for the CRPs "Poverty Reduction and DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES community development for three communes of Ninh Phuoc District. Ninh Thuan Province," assuring quality management. and day-to-day coordination of program. Duties included working with local community and stakeholders in building up plan for improving the habitats and regulations for the local people to protect and develop their living conditions. FROM: 2000 TO: 2000 EMPLOYER AD B TA Agriculture Sector Program

POSITION HELD AND : Senior AdminIstrator. Responsible for arranging meeting's; organizing DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES workshops; conducting field surveys and write reports; collecting data and information. CV Le Thi Phi Van I

4-,' FROM: 1999 TO: 1999 EMPLOYER : Bread for the World, Hanoi Office POSiTION HELD AND : Program Coordinator. Responsible for planning and monitoring of the DESCRIPTlON OF DUTIES projects funded by Bread for the World; screening and appraisal of its partners' project proposals; writing reports on field visits, on progress of the office's work; solving problems related to the implementation. monitoring of the projects. 12. DETAILED TASKS : Work undertaken that best Illustrates capability to handle the tasks ASSiGNED assigned I) Review the socioeconomic : Project Assessment Researcher, Reviewed; impacts on Livelihood in development plans of Lung Vai, Lao Cai Province (OXFAM GB), 1998. Role encompassed data participating provinces, collection using participatory methods, as well as analysis and report districts and communes writing. Researcher - Project Assessment, 1995. Forwarded by the Swedish intemational Development Agency, part of team set to review socio- economic impacts of policies reforms on livelihood of rural people In the six northern mountainous provinces. Role encompassed data collection using participatory methods, as well as analysis and report writing. ii) Recommend improved : Program Manager, Centre for Rural Poverty's Program "Poverty coastal zone liVelihoods and Reduction and community development for three communes of resource management Ninh Phuoc District, Nlnh Thuan Province", 2000-2002. Assured Interventions in selected quality management, and worked on day-to-day coordination of program. communes As part of the CRP- Team, duties included working with local community and stakeholders to building up plan for improving the habitats and regulations for the local people to protect and develop their living conditions. Team Member, Recognisance survey for a disaster mitigation program of World Vision in Quang Nam, 2004. Help local communities in developing programs to mitigate natural disasters through improved coastal resource management lii) Prepare guidelines and : SenIor Researcher, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Hanoi, criteria for financial and Vietnam. Responsible for conducting research works related to economic evaluation of agriculture and rural development; training courses on proj&t monitoring proposed interventions, and evaluation; gender issues; credit projects. - following ADBs Guidelines Economic Consultant Assessment of comparative advantages of for the Economic Analysis of various agricultural commodities 1998-1999. Advised the assessment Projects team on appropriate economic assessment principles, and helped plan and conduct the comparative assessment of a range of agricultural commodities including pork, coffee, pepper, rubber, cashew nut, coconut iv) Conduct economic and : Socio-economic Advisor - Assessment of expected environmental financIzl evaluation of effects and Impacts of Khe Chon Dam on livelihood of local people existing and alternative in Tuong Duong, Nghe An, 1999. In conjunction with other team livelihood opportunities in members conducted the assessment of local socio-economic impacts. the coastal communes, across a range of livelihoods including agriculture, livestock, and small taking Into consideration business ventures. transboundary Impacts Master of Science in Rural & Regional Development Planning qualification v) Analyze market-based Researcher - Mobilization of Capital, 1998-1999. Part of team Instruments in combination assessing of the Mobilization of Capital and its use . io Agriculture with regulatory measures Production and Rural Development Role encompassed data collection using participatory methods, as well as analysis and report writing. vi) Recommend economic Micro Planning SpecialIst, ADS TA 3818 "Forestry Development for initiatives for selected Livelihood Improvement in Central HIghlands", 2003-2004. Worked communes In compliance with local communities and the expert team to design commune with natural resources and development plans for ethnic minority communities living nearby forests. environmental protection Master of Science In Rural & Regional Development Planning guidelines qualIfication

CV Le Thi Phi Van 2 vii) Conduct financial and : Program Coordinator, Bread for the Worid, Hanoi Office, 1999. economic analyses and Responsible for planning and monitoring of the projects funded by Bread estimate the total investment for the World; screening and appraisal of its partners' project proposals; cost of each intervention, writing reports on field visits, progress of the office's work; solving subproje6t, and the whole problems related to the implementation and monitoring of the projects. project (prepare project Bachelor of Economics qualification costs In COSTAB format) viii) Assess the service : Researcher - Rural Industrialization. 1998-1999. Part of the team delivery costs of indicative assessing the potential for and requirements of Agriculture and Rural rural and coastal enterprises Industrialization in Tay Ninh Province, and Gia Lam. Hanoi. Role and costs of market access encompassed data collection using participatory methods, as well as for their outputs analysis and report writing. lx) Propose improved or Researcher - Land Capital, 1998. Forwarded by Oxfam GB, part of alternatIve activities to team which reviewed the issue of landlessness and its effects and extend microfinance to impacts on the Rural Poor in Duyen Hai, Tra Vinh Province. Role qualified poor households encompassed data collection using participatory methods, as well as analysis and report writing. Micro-Finance Specialist Assessment of microfinance program of - World Vision in Quang Th, Da Nang & Quang Nam, provinces, Oct. 2004. ____

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