Willaston Residents and Countryside Society s1

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Willaston Residents and Countryside Society s1

Willaston Residents’ and Countryside Society Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 30th April 2012 in the Memorial Hall

Fifteen minutes had been set aside before the Committee Meeting to hear resident’s issues. No requests to attend were received.

1 Apologies for absence: Chris Hampshire, Margaret Smyth, Colin Winstanley, Ray Dent, Martin Collins, Carol Savage, Pam Irving, Sue Unsworth

2 Declaration of Interest: Cllr. Hogg stated an interest in the issue of the Roften Site.

3 Minutes of the Meeting held 5th March 2012 Item 8.1. Replace Benty Heath Lane with Heath Lane. Item 10.1. Amend footpath references – replace 33 with 29 and 39 with 33. Otherwise the Minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting. Proposed by: Hilary Booth Seconded by: Barry Vowles

4 Matters arising from the previous Minutes (5th March 2012) 4.1 Parking on the Green (8.12) – The Society needs to know the legal situation from the Council’s Legal Department. Cllr. Hogg requests that the official car park off Buckley Lane be used for long term parking and businesses be advised. There are usually spaces available. It was noted that the traffic wardens were in Willaston on two occasions last week. 4.2 Traffic calming measures on Hadlow Road at the Wirral Way crossing (10.2) – The Vice Chair had contacted the Council. She pointed out that there is no signage for parking at the Wirral Country Park site. It was reported that heavy vehicles continue to use Hadlow Road despite the weight limit. Cllr. Hogg suggested details should be recorded / photographed and forwarded to the police.

5 Correspondence / Publicity Nothing to report

6 Treasurer’s Report 6.1 The previous balance of the Current Account was £67.16. Payments during the last period consisted of £155.80 for Residents' Society insurance and expenses for the Community Led Plan Public Meeting - £55.50 for the Memorial Hall hire, refreshments of £6.52 and £18 for flyers. Income comprised the receipt of a grant of £250 to offset the costs of setting up the Community Led Plan process and £39 for the sale of Willaston books at the CLP meeting. A further £400 was transferred from the Lottery Fundraising Account. The current account balance now stands at £520.34. 6.2 The Fund Raising account had a balance of £603.78 from which payments of £120 were made for the March and April [Year-end] Lottery draws. The transfer of £400 to the Current Account resulted in a balance of £83.78. Lottery ticket sales for the coming Lottery year total £1564.00. This is made up of 97 tickets at £16 and 3 tickets at £4. There will be further deductions for printing, etc., and a further three members are expected to re-enrol. The balance of the Fundraising Account stands at £1647.78.

7 Planning 7.1 New Applications in March & April 2012 Application Validation & Address Work Request WR&CS Comment & Date Ref (Consultation submitted & notes Expiry) dates 12/01726/FUL 19 Apr 2012 Netherfield Extension to front and TBA Mill Lane porch extension to (24 May 12) Willaston rear, erection of detached double garage and associated works 12/01711/TPO 12 Apr 2012 Highfield Crown lift, removing No comment made Street Hey Lane dead, low branches to regarding trees Willaston 1 Oak which is obstructing lawn area and driveway 12/01689/FUL 26 Apr 2012 Lane End Single and two storey TBA Benty Heath Lane side extensions (24 May 12) Willaston (Demolish existing outbuildings)

1 12/01590/FUL 4 April 2012 Corner House Single storey side and TBA – this is in Cottage, rear extensions Conservation area, need to (10 May 12) Village Square including demolition of study carefully Willaston a section of wall and the construction of new gated access for off road parking. 12/01488/FUL 28 Mar 2012 Aviemore Single storey rear The Society has no 27 Wallcroft Willaston extension and loft objection in principal to the (2 May 12) conversion with rear application providing the dormer plans comply with the Ellesmere Port & Neston Borough Local Plan sections GB6 & H6 and with the Borough “House Extensions Supplementary Planning Document” of Dec 2006 15 Apr 2012 12/01470/FUL 27 Mar 2012 Rakeside Benty Orangery to rear. The Society has no Heath Lane Willaston objection in principal to the (2 May 12) application providing the plans comply with the Ellesmere Port & Neston Borough Local Plan sections GB5 & H6 and with the Borough “House Extensions Supplementary Planning Document” of Dec 2006 15 Apr 2012 12/01416/EXT 23 Mar 2012 Pollard Inn Village Extension of time to The Society has no Square Willaston implement planning objection to the application (25 Apr 12) permission for extension of time to P/2009/101/WT/46 for implement planning double doors, new permission windows, ramp and P/2009/101/WT/46 hardstanding to front and new door and 15 Apr 2012 window at rear 12/01320/FUL 19 Mar 2012 Leahurst Installation of external The Society has no lighting objection in principal to the (25 Apr 12) application providing everything possible is done to avoid additional light pollution within this Green Belt location 15 Apr 2012

7.2 Prior Months Applications - Pending Consideration/Decision - with activity in March-April Application Validation & Address Work Request WR&CS Comment & Date Ref (Consultation submitted Expiry) dates 12/00685/LDC 14 Feb 2012 Hanns Hall Livery Use as residential The use of this property as Stables dwelling a Residential Dwelling is (30 Mar 12) Hanns Hall Road not in keeping with the Neston principals of the Green Belt around Willaston as per the Local Plan. Acceptance of this application would in effect be setting an unacceptable precedent and the applicant is in breach of prior planning decisions. The Society

2 believes that this application should be rejected. 22 Mar 2012 11/03802/OUT 9 Aug 2011 Roften Works Demolition of all Extensive set of comments Hooton Road existing buildings, submitted ( 3 Oct 11) Hooton residential development 23 Sep 2011 comprising 265 residential units and We understand that this will 72 bed care home be discussed at the together with accesses Strategic Planning from Hooton Road, car Committee on 10 May parking, landscaping, 2012. We will make a children's play spaces verbal representation - and open space details as agreed (OUTLINE)

7.3 Decisions in March & April 2012 Application Ref Decision & Address Work Request WR&CS Comment & Date Date 12/00844/FUL Application 4 Pemberton Close Rear and side The previous application Permitted Willaston extensions was approved after (amendment to detailed representation and 11/04760/FUL) discussions with the 11 April 12 immediate neighbours. We assume therefore that the Planning Department will review this modified application with those same neighbours to ensure they remain satisfied, 26 Mar 2012 12/00731/FUL Application Farm Cottage Conversion of garage No specific objection. Permitted Mill lane to habitable Noted that this property is Willaston accommodation with only just outside the (24 Apr 12) single storey rear Willaston Conservation extension Area. Any development (resubmission must be in sympathy with 11/05972/FUL) the existing building and conform to the Borough Local Plan section GB6 22 Mar 2012 12/00504/FUL Application Madeloch, Benty Single Story rear The Society has no Permitted Heath Lane extension – comments on this resubmission of application 11/02889 26 March 12 6 Mar 2012 12/00437/CAT Consent Ashtree Farm Pruning & crown None – we do not comment Granted Hadlow Road reduction of trees on trees

9 Mar 2012 12/00264/FUL Application The Sefton Stables Two storey extension The Society has no Permitted The Lydiate to side and single objection to the Planning Birkenhead Road storey extension to Application subject to rear. compliance with sections 4 April 12 GB5 & H6 of the Ellesmere Port and Neston Borough Local Plan 19 Mar 2012 12/00192/FUL Application Roundfell First floor side No specific objection but Permitted 20 Hooton Road extension, single noted that property is only Willaston storey rear extension just outside the Willaston and porch to front Conservation Area, and the 1 Mar 12 upwards extension, over an

3 existing prior ground floor extension, may have a negative impact on the immediate neighbours 20 Feb 12 12/00189/FUL Application Veterinary Station Installation of We have no objection Perrmitted Leahurst photovoltaic panels on Chester High Road flat roofs 21 Feb 12 Neston 12 Mar 12 11/05794/FUL Application Land Rear of 3 Erection of new The new application is of permitted Meadow Croft dwelling (amendment concern as the increased Willaston to design of dwelling floor plan extends what 29 Mar 12 (formerly Lark Rise) on plot 2 of planning was already a size of permission concern to the Society. 10/11595/FUL Council also reminded of existing strict Planning conditions for landscaping etc. 2 Feb 2012 11/05434/FUL Application Leaswood Farm Two storey side No Comment Permitted New Hey Lane extension Willaston 10 Jan 2012 26 March 12 11/04838/FUL Application Willaston C of E Gazebo to Rear The Society recommends Perrmitted Primary School (Retrospective) that the addition of the Neston Road gazebo complies with GB6 Willaston of the local plan and 9 Mar 12 that the views of the neighbours are taken into account. If the application is allowed could the gazebo be moved to a location where it has less impact on the immediate neighbours? 11 Nov 2011

7.4 Appeals No Appeals in March & April 2012 7.5 Roften Application The Committee unanimously endorsed the verbal submission prepared by the Planning Officer for his attendance at the Cheshire West and Chester Council’s 10th May Planning Meeting. [The Planning Officer has subsequently received a communiqué from the Council’s Senior Planning Officer for the application stating that further ecological information relating to the Roften site had not been submitted in time for the Roften application to be included on the May agenda.] Details of planning applications can be found on web page: http://pa.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/online-applications/advancedSearchResults.do?action=firstPage

8 Local Councillor’s Report [Cllr. Myles Hogg] 8.1 The Cheshire Heating Oil User Club has been formed with the intention of grouping together users from post code sectors to obtain better discounts. See website www.oil-club.co.uk. 8.2 Streetscene – Cheshire West and Chester Council, in partnership with Oldham Council and Keep Britain Tidy, has taken a bespoke piece of Smartphone software so that environmental issues can be reported to the Council simply and quickly. Reports can also be submitted using the following website or by Text or MMS. See http://www.smyleforcheshirewest.co.uk/Help for further details. Types of reported issues include fly tipping, graffiti, abandoned vehicles, litter, dog fouling, and fly posting. 8.3 Cheshire West Warm Zone continues to offer free loft and cavity wall insulation. Phone 0800 033 7873 or 01513 566 484. Website: www.cwwz.co.uk. 8.4 Project Rural Matters – the next meeting takes place at Neston Police Station at 6pm, Wednesday 23rd May. Roger James will attend on behalf of the Society. 8.5 Heath Lane Travellers – Two new sites in Winsford and Ellesmere Port have been approved. Once completed, travellers will be expected to leave temporary unauthorised sites.

4 8.6 Hinderton Road Cross Roads – Half of the work has been completed but no date is available for the remainder of work. This will require a further closure of the road. 8.7 Green Field Site Applications – Builders are rushing forward with green field site applications even though planning permission has been given for 6000 homes. New applications, however, can only be assessed against homes completed statistics even though there is a slow rate of building. 8.8 Composting Volunteers – CW&C Council is looking for passionate volunteers to advise and empower local residents to reduce their waste by home composting and making the most of leftover food. The next induction training sessions take place at 9.30am, 19th May at Delemere Forest Visitor Centre. To book a place phone 0300 123 8 123 or apply online at www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/waste.

9 Community Projects 9.1 Friends of Willaston Meadow – A herpetologist has found a Great Crested Newt in the pond and will produce a report on how to provide a better habitat. Work on the pond will be restricted at certain times of the year. The AGM will be held at 2pm, Wednesday 6th May in the Methodist Hall. Secretary David Nind will talk on ‘Ten Years of the Big Meadow’. The Friends have received a visit from the Heritage Lottery Fund and have learnt that Ranger Saul Burton is to take up the position of Estate Manager at Erdigg. Future levels of assistance from the Rangers are unknown. 9.2 Johnston Recreation Ground – Roger James, the Society’s Representative to the JRG Committee, said he was disappointed on how the JRG Committee operates. Things crop up and no action is taken and is often told that money is not there. Issues include: Dog fouling – There is meant to be a Warden but he does not appear very often and needs to catch a dog in the act to take any action; Maintenance – A problem with little support; Pavilion – Inconclusive discussion on its use for other things. It is a pretty disgraceful place; Goalposts – The youngsters want them to remain so they can use the football pitches throughout the summer; Parking – Football player parking continues to be a problem; The Deed – The Council Legal Dept. has sent its apologies for not completing the changes to the deed; Damp – Roof tiles are missing and drainpipes are broken; Toilets – These are in a bad condition. The Committee can only act as an advisory body and only recommend changes to the Council. There is growing frustration by a number of Committee members. 9.3 Sporting Organisations – The posts and rails have been removed and the goal posts removed from the main pitch. 9.4 Scouting Organisations – The Cub Scout Leader is resigning after 43 years of service and there is concern the pack may be lost. The Scout Troop is now 15 and going up and up with a good education program. The appeal continues for new leaders. 9.5 Guiding Organisations – In May all Wirral Rainbows are going to Gulliver's World as part of Rainbow's 25th Anniversary celebrations. In June we will be taking part in the Village Festival and later in the month joining with District Brownies, Guides and Senior Section for a Fun Day at Hadlow Fields. We continue to have good attendance at our weekly meetings and as always would welcome new leaders. 9.6 Memorial Hall – Nothing to report. 9.7 Willaston Village Festival Society – Delivery of the Festival Leaflet is underway – 300 have gone up and the leaflet will be delivered to every house. Two hundred hours of volunteer help is needed and there is an exciting programme of events throughout the weekend 15th – 17th June – see http://www.willastonvillagefestival.org.uk/ for details. The main road through the Village will be closed for one hour on Festival Day. 9.8 Parent Teacher Association – No report received

10 Footpaths and Bridleways 10.1 If you spot a problem with any local footpath please contact Jane Townsend, our Footpaths Officers. 10.2 A small group has been looking at ways of providing leaflets for walks around Willaston and both black & white and colour versions have been produced. The Committee approved payment for a short run of the black and white leaflets to determine the response / requirement. It was proposed that the leaflet should be made available on appropriate websites and the local Rangers consulted about directional signs around the Village.

11 Community Led Plan 11.1 The Society applied for a £2,750 grant to develop the plan and has been advised the application scored highly. Cheshire Community Action, the organisation responsible for CLP in Cheshire West, has requested departments of CW&C Council to confirm the release of the funding. Replies have been received from 2 out of 3 departments and due to a condition in the CCA letter to the council regarding the deadline for replies (30th April) grant funds are to be released to the Society.

11.2 The Committee elected Paul Janvier as Acting Chair of the CLP process to take intermediate responsibility for the project and to organise a meeting of all the registered volunteers so that a

5 Community steering group can be formed to take the project forward. At this meeting a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer will be appointed and the title of the Community Led Plan group determined. 11.3 The Acting Chair emphasised the need to attract more volunteers. Please contact the Acting Chair, Society Officers or write to / email the Society if you wish to be involved in this significant Village project (see end of the Minutes for details).

12 Traffic Calming Survey 12.1 Members of Cllr. Hogg’s Traffic Calming Committee have produced a questionnaire seeking Village resident’s views on whether they would favour a 20mph restriction in parts or throughout the Village. 12.2 The Committee was asked to endorse the distribution of the questionnaire in their name. Concerns were expressed about the Residents' Society title being incorrectly presented, the lack of impartiality familiar with Society material, the fact that the leaflet had already been printed, and no option for those saying ‘No’ to give a view on which of the three alternatives they would favour if the vote went in favour of a 20mph limit. By majority vote and with some agreed changes to the proposed distribution and collection proposals, the Committee endorsed the distributed.

13 AGM 13.1 At this year’s AGM, the Officer posts of Secretary, Vice Chair and Publicity Officer are open to election, as defined in the Society’s Constitution. The Secretary said he would not be seeking re- election. 13.2 The Chair announced that she would be resigning at the AGM. By doing this now she hoped it would give others sufficient time to apply for the post.

14 100 Club News 14.1 Hilary Booth has being appointed Promoter of the Lottery, taking over from the Chair. 14.2 April draw: 1st Prize: Peter Brooker; 2nd Prize: Brian Marland; 3rd Prize: David Hannam The draw was made by Jane Townsend, Vice Chair and Paul Janvier, Group Scout Leader. 14.3 The Society launches its second Lottery in May and has changed the Lottery period to coincide with the Society’s financial year, which runs until 31st August. The new lottery will run for sixteen months.

15 Any Other Business 15.1 Concerns about parking at the entrance to Hawthorne Drive were expressed. Action – MH 15.2 A complaint of excessive dog fouling in Field Hey lane was made. Action – MH 15.3 Methodist Chapel 15.3.1 The Churches Together Alpha course is in its third week and anyone is welcome to come and join in. It starts at 7pm with a meal, followed by a d.v.d. and discussion. Every Wednesday 7pm – 9pm in the Methodist Chapel. 15.3.2 “Create” – the after school club for children and carers meets monthly at the Chapel – see the notice board. 15.3.3 Everyone is welcome at the Coffee Mornings held on the first Thursday of each month in aid of different charities. 15.3.4 The Chapel Anniversary takes place on 20th May. Two services will be held, at 10.45am and 6.30pm, the latter being preceded by a Faith Tea for all. 15.3.5 The Methodist Chapel will be participating in the Village Festival by having a Flower Festival and refreshments will be available. The Chapel will be open 10am – 5pm Friday, 10am – 6pm Saturday, and 2pm – 5pm Sunday. 15.4 Cllr. Butcher enquired if planning permission had been obtained for the Alpha banners. 15.5 The problems of vehicles being parked at the junction of Birkenhead Road and Neston Road was raised again. Cllr. Hogg repeated his previous comments to contact the police about this issue. 15.6 A request was made for the lighting in the alleyway between Old Vicarage Road and Hadlow Road to be improved. Action – MH

Date of the next Committee Meeting – Monday 2nd July 2012 in the Memorial Hall at 7:15pm. Dates for other Committee Meetings in 2012: Monday 3rd September, Monday 5th November Date of the Annual General Meeting: Friday 28th September 2012

These Minutes are subject to ratification. J Goodwin, Secretary

6 See the latest from Willaston Residents' & Countryside Society by visiting the AboutMyArea website: http://www.aboutmyarea.co.uk/Cheshire/Neston/CH64/Villages-in-CH64/Willaston . Email the Society from the website or directly at [email protected] or write to the Society c/o The Memorial Hall, Willaston, CH64 2XR


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