Brenda-Jean Tyler, M
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BRENDA-JEAN TYLER, Ph.D. 1751 Gantt Drive, Christiansburg, VA 24073 Home: (540) 639-4743 Cell: (512) 785-6725
Ph.D. Special Education 2006 With an emphasis in Multicultural Special Education The University of Texas at Austin
M.Ed. Special Education 1996 With an emphasis in English as a Second Language The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX B.A. French and German 1981 Dickinson College Carlisle, PA
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE RADFORD UNIVERSITY School of Teacher Education and Leadership Fall 2007- ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, High Incidence Program Present TEACH courses that deepen undergraduate and graduate students’ understanding of the characteristics and needs of students with disabilities and that enhance students’ level of skill in adapting instruction and developing classroom supports to facilitate the success of students with disabilities in the general education setting. Serve on committees that further the University’s mission and goals.
AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Kealing Middle School Fall 2002- Spr. 2007 SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER, Grades 6-8 TAUGHT reading in a resource setting to students with identified learning disabilities, mild/moderate retardation, emotional disturbance, and/or ADHD; also provide Content Mastery services to students with and without disabilities. Have taught science and math in inclusive settings and resource math.
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN, The University of Texas Center for Fall 2001- Reading and Language Arts Sum. 2002
GRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANT: PROJECT MANAGER, READING COMPREHENSION PROJECT CONDUCTED search of the reading comprehension literature, identified appropriate articles for inclusion in synthesis; read, analyzed, and synthesized articles; and participated in writing up findings for publication. OVERSAW the final year of the Reading Comprehension Project, including participating in meetings with Project Directors to design tutoring lessons and program and managed follow-up assessment of study participants. GRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANT: PROJECT COORDINATOR AND TUTOR, READING Fall 2000- COMPREHENSION PROJECT Spr. 2001
PROVIDED year long intensive reading instruction to two small groups of Spanish-language background 4th and 5th grade students with learning disabilities. Intervention consisted of explicit instruction in fluency, phonological awareness, word study, vocabulary, spelling/writing fluency, and comprehension. Created materials for instructional activities and lessons. Planned and participated in weekly meetings with principal investigators, the project consultant, and the other tutor on the project to discuss and analyze student response and progress. Appeared in an educational video highlighting research-based practices in the teaching of reading to struggling readers.
MODELED reading comprehension strategy package in the classroom for content area middle school teachers. Observed teachers teach and use the strategies on a weekly basis to document strategy implementation. Participated in weekly support meetings where teachers and project staff discussed implementation questions and problem-solved barriers to success, such as availability of appropriate reading materials. Managed and, with other project staff, conducted pre- and post-assessment of students.
ASSISTED with data collection in a year-long professional development/reading interventions study (fluency and comprehension strategies) in a mixed rural/urban setting. Modeled partner reading fluency intervention on-site for 3rd grade classroom teachers. Participated in support meetings where teachers and staff problem-solved issues related to the implementation and the effectiveness of the interventions. Co-authored an article about the experience and outcomes.
WORKED closely with professor to act as external reviewers on a project sponsored by May 2000 Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL), providing feedback on a draft of a Guide that a team of investigators from Southwest Texas State University was preparing for publication. The Guide reviewed the research on struggling secondary readers. Our focus was on drafted text related to culturally and linguistically diverse students with reading difficulties. The Guide was published in 2000. PRESENTATIONS
TEACHER EDUCATION DIVISION (TED), Milwaukee, WI Nov. Co-Presenter: Taking a Look at Disabilities through Film, Public Images, and 2007 Personal Experiences
TEACHER EDUCATION DIVISION (TED), Portland, ME Nov. Co-Presenter: Learning From the Knowledge and Practice of Teachers of 2005 ELLs with/without Disabilities
COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN CONVENTION, Baltimore, MD Apr. Co-Presenter: Learning From Teachers’ Understanding About Culture, 2005 Language, and (Dis)Ability
TEACHER EDUCATION DIVISION (TED), Albuquerque, NM Nov. Co-Presenter: Teacher Beliefs About Educating Language Minority 2004 Students: Implications for Teacher Education
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LEARNING DISABILITIES, Charlotte, NC Oct., Co-Presenter: Reading Comprehension and Skills Instruction for Spanish 2001 Language Background Students with Learning Disabilities
COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN CONVENTION, Vancouver, Canada Apr. Co-Presenter: Preliminary Findings from a Research Synthesis of Fluency 2000 Interventions with Struggling Elementary Students
LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS, Austin, TX Sept. Co-Presenter: Collaborative Strategic Reading: Providing Students with 2000 Learning Disabilities Access to Content Area Text
UNIVERSITY COURSE PRESENTATIONS Doctoral Seminar: Guest Speaker, Conducting a Research Synthesis Jan. 2002 Undergraduate Course: Guest Lecturer, A Research-based Reading Oct. Intervention for Struggling Readers 2001
AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Nov. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Webb Middle School teachers 2000 Co-Presenter: Collaborative Strategic Reading for Middle School Students
Tyler, B.-J. (2007). What is evidence-based practice for teaching reading to middle school English language learners with LD? Diversity forum feature associated with Chapter 5 on teaching students who have learning disabilities, in T. Smith, E. Polloway, J. R. Patton, & C. Dowdy (Eds.), Teaching students with special needs in inclusive settings (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Chard, D. J., Vaughn, S., & Tyler, B.-J. (Sep-Oct 2002). A Synthesis of Research on Effective Interventions for Building Reading Fluency with Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35(5), 386-406.
Vaughn, S., Chard, D. J. Bryant, D. P., Coleman, M., Tyler, B.-J., Linan-Thompson, S., & Kouzekanani, K. (2000). Fluency and Comprehension Interventions for Third-Grade Students. Remedial and Special Education, 21(6), 325-35.
Tyler, B.-J., & Chard, D. J. (2000). Using Readers Theatre To Foster Fluency in Struggling Readers: A Twist on the Repeated Reading Strategy. Reading and Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties, 16(2), 163-68.
Exploring reading disabilities and other learning differences in English-language learners and native English speakers, as well as discovering ways to close achievement gaps through creative instructional strategies.
Exploring ways to address and manage the unique challenges students who are non-native speakers of English confront at school, including language-related challenges, differences in cultural norms and expectations, and the impact of prejudice and poverty on the educational experience of language minority students.