2012 WebEx Training Overview

Series Modules Audience Name 1. The ResCare Quality Way 2. World Class Customer Service 3. Working With Upset Customers 4. You’re Safe, I’m Safe for Workforce Services All-Staff 5. Embracing Diversity All Workforce Training 6. It’s About Time (Time Management) Services Staff Series 7. Supporting People With Disabilities for Workforce Services 8. ResCare Safe Driver for Workforce Services 9. Let’s Work Together (Team Building)

The purpose of the All-Staff Training Series is to build a common culture and understanding of the ResCare organization. The series also includes customer service principles that help us communicate more effectively, both with each other and external customers. All ResCare Workforce Services employees are encouraged to complete the first 5 modules. Employees who drive as part of their job duties are required to complete ResCare Safe Driver Training.

Most sessions are offered every-other-month. Some are offered quarterly (It’s About Time, Supporting People With Disabilities). Let’s Work Together (Team Building) is offered upon request. Some sessions have been recorded and can be accessed at: https://rescare.webex.com.

Learning Outcomes for the All-Staff Training Series:

1. The ResCare Quality Way The new ResCare Quality Way describes our culture by outlining our values. It encourages employees to focus on: a. Responsibility - my role in meeting our organization’s goals b. Accountability - what I do to get the results needed regardless of the obstacles or barriers c. Results - achieving the desired quality outcomes for both me and the company

1. World Class Customer Service: Introduce customer service expectations to all staff in order to deliver a "World Class Service" experience. Staff will be able to identify: a. Why customer service is important and how it fits into ResCare’s mission b. Who their customer is – internal, external, primary and secondary c. How Appearance, Attitude and Actions can create a positive experience for our customers d. The needs of their customers, both practical and emotional

2. Working With Upset Customers: Introduce concepts that will help staff work effectively with upset customers, including: a. Understanding stressors that our customers may be experiencing b. Implementing the HEAR technique when working with upset customers c. Utilizing the “Teflon” method to act, rather than react, to upset customers d. Understanding the Four Levels of Crisis Development and how to create calm through communication

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All Staff Training, continued

3. You’re Safe, I’m Safe for Workforce Services: Understand how to handle hostile customers, including: a. Understanding that how interactions begin can affect how hostility develops. b. Identifying verbal and nonverbal communication techniques that will help defuse an escalating situation. c. Identifying the early warning signs of potential violence. d. Develop responses and interactions that appropriately correspond to situations during the development of a behavioral crisis.

4. Embracing Diversity: Introduce diversity training that helps staff understand and embrace the value of a diverse workplace, including: a. Identifying how diversity benefits us all b. Defining diversity c. Identifying the dimensions of diversity d. Learning key competencies for embracing diversity, with a focus on cooperation, collaboration and inclusion

5. It’s About Time!: Learn time management techniques to improve productivity, including: a. Recognizing your work style b. Understanding the Three Governing Concepts of effective time management c. Learning strategies for identifying and addressing time wasters d. Tips for zapping job burnout

6. Supporting People With Disabilities for Workforce Services: Learn more about how to support to people with disabilities. This session will help staff: a. Learn communication tips for working with people with disabilities b. Understand the purpose of the ADA c. Learn about tools and resources to assist in serving people with disabilities in workforce center

7. ResCare Safe Driver for Workforce Services: Required training for all staff members who drive as part of their job responsibilities (home visits, to meetings, between centers, etc.). a. Understand and apply Smart Driving Strategies to reduce the likelihood of being in a crash or involved in an aggressive driving incident b. Identify aggressive driving behaviors

8. Let’s Work Together (Team Building): Introduce tips for enhancing team work, including: a. Characteristics of a high-performing team b. Stages of Team Development c. Causes of team conflict d. Tips for improving communication and giving feedback

All-Staff Modules are highlighted in yellow on the training calendar.

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Series Modules Audience Name 1. Introduction and Methodology Staff who Career 2. Case Management Foundations perform case Consultant 3. Interviewing & Communication Skills management Training 4. Career Assessment & Planning functions; Series 5. Placement & Retention I Supervisors 6. Placement & Retention II

The Career Consultant Training Series is designed to help Career Specialists, Career Coaches, and Case Managers understand the basic elements of effective case management, utilizing proven methodology and techniques.

Sessions are typically offered live every-other-month, but may be delivered upon request. Recorded sessions can be accessed at: https://rescare.webex.com.

Learning Outcomes for the Career Consultant Training Series:

1. Introduction & Methodology: This session focuses on the ResCare career consulting methodology and gives an overview of the Career Consultant Certification Process.

2. Case Management Foundations: Documentation, Confidentiality and Caseload Management: Understand the importance of accurate documentation in case files and protecting confidential information. Other topics include: a. The “Six C’s” of effective documentation: Clear, Concise, Complete, Correct, Confidential, Confined b. The importance of up-to-date and accurate case notes c. How to manage their caseloads more efficiently using the 1/20 Method

2. Interviewing & Communication Skills: Understand techniques for conducting an effective interview, including: a. How to use the REACH Communication Model b. Implementing the “Building on Strengths” approach c. Utilizing Helping Skills d. Understanding tools to interact and communicate in a positive way

3. Career Assessment & Planning: Understand the elements of effective assessment and employment planning, including: a. Using assessment and labor market information as the foundation for the plan b. Reviewing useful web sites for gathering Labor Market Information c. Implementing effective goal-setting techniques d. Utilizing “The Stewardship Model” to enhance the employment planning process

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Career Consultant Training, continued

4. Placement & Retention Strategies I: Introduce important concepts for meeting placement & retention benchmarks, including: a. The importance of focusing on placement and retention from the moment a job seeker enters the system. b. Tools to help prepare customers for placement and retention. c. Emphasizing why job retention is important and learn about pre-placement retention strategies. d. Understanding the common themes from the Employer Relations and Retention Specialist Certification Processes.

5. Placement & Retention Strategies II: This module is designed to help career consultants: a. Understand Post-Placement transitional and retention supports that will assist customers in maintaining employment. b. Review the importance of effective follow-up and discuss tools and techniques to improve follow-up conversations. c. Review recognition activities that case managers can use to encourage and support employed customers.

Career Consultant Modules are highlighted in blue on the training calendar.

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Series Modules Audience Name 1. Creating Direction Regional 2. Employee & Customer Focus Directors, Supervisor 3. Face-to-Face Communication Project Training 4. Managing for Outcomes Directors, Series Supervisors, Leads

The Supervisor Training series is designed for anyone who works in a supervisory capacity. The series is based on the ResCare Quality Way and will help managers understand how they can use the Quality Way to lead and manage their teams more effectively.

Learning Outcomes for Supervisor Training Series:

1. Create Direction for teams by establishing an inspired vision that promotes high quality services and real work satisfaction. Supervisors will be able to implement: a. Respect and Care in leadership b. Servant Leadership c. Effective goal-setting for employees

2. Focus on Employees and Customers to ensure quality services, customer satisfaction, and to maximize employee involvement. Supervisors will understand: a. The leader's role in customer service b. Employee Development c. How to reward and recognize employees

3. Utilize Face-to-Face Communication to communicate openly and frequently with teams. Supervisors will learn: a. Effective communication styles and techniques b. How to conduct effective meetings c. How to manage conflict

4. Manage for Outcomes to ensure we meet our customers’ expectations and the company’s goals by: a. Delegating to team members b. Implementing problem solving and decision making skills

Supervisor Modules are highlighted in purple on the training calendar.

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Series Modules Audience Name 1. Training Methodology Facilitators, 2. Participant-Centered Training Workshop Facilitator Readiness 3. Anatomy of an Effective Group Workshop Instructors, Training anyone who Series conducts group activities; Supervisors

The Facilitator Training Series is designed to introduce presentation techniques that engage and motivate participants. Attendees will learn about our Training Methodology, along with time-tested training techniques that will help them make the most of their group workshops. These sessions are typically offered on a quarterly basis.

1. Training Methodology: Understand ResCare Workforce Services training methodology and philosophical principles that have proven over many decades to change lives and get results. Topics include: a. Understanding the Pygmalion Effect and how The Four Right Attitude Angles help set participants up for success b. Implementing the Five Principles of Self-Sufficiency to empower participants to take responsibility for their futures c. How to utilize positive language that motivates and inspires participants to move forward d. Understand the Three Rules of Success and how they can enhance motivation

2. Participant-Centered Training: This segment is designed to help trainers engage learners and assist them in understanding and applying the new information to existing situations. Topics include: a. Recognizing the difference between information- and participant-centered training b. Utilizing Bloom’s Taxonomy to teach to the head, the heart and the hands c. Understanding the specific needs of youth and adult audiences d. How generational differences may impact training receptiveness e. Recognizing different learning and teaching styles

3. Anatomy of an Effective Group Workshop: This session focuses on the ‘nuts and bolts’ of an effective group workshop, including: a. How to utilize the REACH Communication Method in a group setting b. Utilizing handouts, flip charts, and other visual aids effectively c. How to arrange the workshop room to enhance interaction d. How icebreakers and activities can enhance any group workshop (samples included) e. How to work with challenging customers, such as Socializers, Disagreeables, Doodlers and Sleepers

Facilitator Modules are highlighted in light green on the training calendar.

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