Course Syllabus (Approved) Template, Version 9
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Healthcare Strategic Planning and Marketing PHMS- ###
Course Data
Number: PHMS-<#> Title: Healthcare Strategic Planning and Marketing Credit-hours: 3 Department: Health Management and Systems Sciences School/College: School of Public Health and Information Sciences Type: Lecture
Catalog Description
This course offers an introduction to strategic planning and marketing within the healthcare system. Lectures and assignments will focus on various topics including strategy formulation, environmental analysis, and market assessment.
Course Description
This course is designed for students seeking general management or executive positions within health services organizations. Students will learn the foundation of the strategic planning process and marketing principles that can be applied to various health services- related projects. This involves learning how to assess the internal and external environment of organizations, strategy formulation, goal-setting, and implementing and evaluating strategic plans. In addition, students will gain an understanding of consumer behavior and decision- making in the healthcare marketplace, recognizing how marketing differs in the healthcare sector. Through case studies and other exercises, students will have the opportunity to use the skills they have learned to address situations that occur in the workplace. The course will culminate with students working together to complete strategic/marketing plan for a real-time project affiliated with a local hospital or other health organization. The final project will assist students in fostering their interpersonal skills, as well as their presentation skills.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, students will: 1. Understand basic marketing concepts, key elements of the marketing mix, and the product/service life cycle. 2. Identify and analyze consumer behavior and other stakeholders in the healthcare marketplace. 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various marketing formats (i.e, digital marketing, social media platforms, etc.). 4. Examine the internal and external environment of an organization, including conducting a SWOT, PEST, and Porters 5-Forces analysis. 5. Apply the strategy formulation process to assigned cases and projects. 6. Evaluate the impact of strategic plans using performance measurement techniques. 7. Develop and propose a marketing plan for a health services organization. 8. Develop and demonstrate communication skills, both oral and written, as well as presentation skills. 9. Apply interpersonal communication skills to team-based activities.
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Course Instructors
Name Office Phone Email J’Aime C. Jennings, SPHIS (502) 852- [email protected] PhD 113 3286 u Course Instructor
The course instructor welcomes conversations with students outside of class. Students may correspond with the instructor by email or make an appointment for office hours.
Course Topics and Schedule
IMPORTANT NOTE: The schedule and topics may change as the course unfolds. Changes are posted on Blackboard. (*denotes deliverables for the week)
Class Topic(s) Reading Assignment Introductions, Syllabus Discussion, & History of Week 1 Chapter 1 Marketing Healthcare Markets, Stakeholder Assessment, & Target Week 2 Chapters 4-6 Marketing Week 3 Healthcare Consumer Behavior & Loyalty Chapter 7
Week 4 Marketing Mix: Product & Price Chapters 8, 9
Week 5 Marketing Mix: Place & Promotion Chapters 10, 11
Week 6 Marketing Formats Chapter 12
Chapters 2, 3 Developing a Strategic/Marketing Plan: Strategy Week 7 Supplemental readings Formulation Process; Setting Goals & Objectives and handouts provided on a weekly basis. Developing a Strategic/Marketing Plan: Internal Week 8 Environmental Assessment (SWOT Analysis)
Week 9 Developing a Strategic/Marketing Plan: External Chapters 2, 3 Environmental Assessment (PEST Analysis, Porter’s 5- Forces)
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Developing a Strategic/Marketing Plan: Action Plans & Week 10 Strategy Implementation Supplemental readings and handouts provided Measuring Effectiveness: Monitoring & Evaluation Week 11 Chapter 14 Techniques
Supplemental readings Week 12 The Future of Healthcare Marketing and handouts provided.
Week 13 Healthcare Strategy/Marketing Trivia & Course Wrap-up Week 14 Final Presentations Week 15 Final Presentations & Peer Evaluations
Course Materials
The primary mechanism for communication in this course, other than class meetings, is UofL’s Blackboard system at or Instructors use Blackboard to make assignments, provide materials, communicate changes or additions to the course materials or course schedule, and to communicate with students other aspects of the course. It is imperative that students familiarize themselves with Blackboard, check Blackboard frequently for possible announcements, and make sure that their e-mail account in Blackboard is correct, active, and checked frequently.
Required Texts*
Berkowitz, E.N. (2010). Essentials of Health Care Marketing. Sudbury. MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Hillestad, S.G., & Berkowitz, E.N. (2013). Health Care Market Strategy: From Planning to Action. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
*Books are sold as a pack through the school bookstore.
Other Required Reading
Supplemental reading materials will be accessible to students via Blackboard.
Additional Suggested Reading
It is suggested that students regularly check healthcare news outlets (i.e, Modern Healthcare, NPR, etc.) to remain knowledgeable about current healthcare topics and events.
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Prepared Materials Used by Instructors
Materials used by instructors in class are available to students via Blackboard no later than 24 hours following the class. These may include outlines, citations, slide presentations, and other materials. There is no assurance that the materials include everything discussed in the class.
Course Policies
Attendance, Class Participation, & Peer Evaluations
Students are expected to attend every class session. Missing class sessions may result in missing material pertinent to course assignments. Participation during class means students should be prepared to discuss the week’s reading assignment. Healthy dialogue and discussion are critical to the learning process, therefore, students are expected to be respectful of other opinions and conflicting viewpoints on all issues.
Participation also means that students should be engaged in the classroom discussion, which means minimal side chatter and use of telephones and laptops that may be disruptive in the classroom setting.
Peer evaluations will be completed in order to assess each student’s involvement and commitment to team-based activities. The results of these evaluations will count towards the student’s participation grade.
Student Evaluation
The components of student evaluation are:
1. Pop Quizzes: There will be 4 pop quizzes administered throughout the semester. Information for these quizzes may be drawn from in-class lectures, team assignments, and guest lectures. Students will be allowed to drop the lowest quiz score. No make-up quizzes will be provided under any circumstances.
2. Team Assignments: Each team will be assigned a case study that presents a marketing dilemma for a health services organization. The team will act as consultants for the organization by providing a proposed solution to the dilemma and addressing a series of questions. The team will make a presentation before the organization’s board of directors, patients, physicians, and employees. Other teams will represent one of the aforementioned stakeholder groups. During the course of the semester, each team will have an opportunity to represent each stakeholder group. The consultant group will give a 10-15 minute PowerPoint presentation on their assigned day. All other teams should be prepared to ask questions representative of their stakeholder group’s concerns in order to facilitate classroom discussion. In addition, teams not presenting the case during that week will provide a 1-2 page summary of their responses to the case questions.
3. Team Project: Each team will be assigned a project where they will serve as consultants for a health services organization. These are real-time projects currently being considered by a local healthcare entity. Your team will present a strategic/marketing
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plan to the class and to the organization’s administrators. The following is the outline for project:
Strategic/Marketing Plan Template: - Executive Summary - Description of your organization - Situational analysis - Environmental Assessment (internal and external) - Plan objectives - Financial analysis and objectives - Action plan o Marketing objective o Action description o Implementation steps o Budget - Monitoring - Projected results
All assignments will be evaluated on demonstration/application of principles discussed in class, thoughtfulness, clarity of ideas, technical fluency, and adherence to the guidelines for the assignment. Rubrics for graded assignments are provided at the end of the syllabus.
Pop Quizzes 20% Team Assignments 30% Team Project 40% - Marketing - 25% Plan - 15% - Presentation Classroom 10% Participation Total 100%
There are NO make-up assignments. Late assignments will not be accepted for full credit. Students will automatically lose 10% credit on an assignment for every day it is late (i.e., 0-24 hours late = 10% deduction; 25-48 hours = 20% deduction; etc.), indicating the highest possible grade that can be earned on the assignment. For example, an assignment turned in one day late will start with a grade of 90 and additional points will be deducted based on the accuracy of the assignment.
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The course will be graded with the +/- letter grades A, B, C, D and F in accordance with the university-wide grading policy. However, students in the MPH program are expected to perform at or above a C level. Performance below that level will require students to repeat the course.
A+ 97-100% A 93-96% A- 90-92% B+ 87-89% B 83-86% B- 82-80% C+ 77-79% C 73-76% C- 72-70% D+ 67-69% D 63-66% D- 62-60 F < 60%
Other Policies
Expected Student Effort Out of Class
Students are expected to spend an average of at least 2-1/2 hours per week per credit hour on the course exclusive of class time. This time includes but is not limited to reading, research, preparations for class or team meetings (electronic or otherwise), and course deliverables.
Syllabus Revision
The course instructor reserves the right to modify any portion of this syllabus. A best effort is made to provide an opportunity for students to comment on a proposed change before the change takes place.
Inclement Weather
This course adheres to the University’s policy and decisions regarding cancellation or delayed class schedules. Adjustments are made to the class schedule as necessary to take into account any delays or cancellations of this class. Local television and radio stations broadcast University delays or closings. The UofL web site ( and telephone information line (502-852-5555) also broadcast delays or closings.
A student who has grievances regarding the course should seek to have the matter resolved through informal discussion and through administrative channels, such as the course director, chair of the course’s department, associate dean for student affairs, and university grievance officer. If the issue remains unresolved, the student may file a formal grievance. More information is located at Summary of SPHIS Student Academic Grievance Procedure in Student Academic Grievance Committee (
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In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students with bona fide disabilities are afforded reasonable accommodation. The Disability Resource Center certifies a disability and advises faculty members of reasonable accommodations. More information is located at
Academic Honesty
Students are required to comply with the academic honesty policies of the university and School of Public Health and Information Sciences. These policies prohibit plagiarism, cheating, and other violations of academic honesty. More information is located at
Course instructors use a range of strategies (including plagiarism-prevention software provided by the university) to compare student works with private and public information resources in order to identify possible plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Comparisons of student works require students to submit electronic copies of their final works to the plagiarism-prevention service. The service delivers the works to instructors along with originality reports detailing the presence or lack of possible problems. The service retains copies of final works and may request students’ permission to share copies with other universities for the sole and limited purpose of plagiarism prevention and detection.
In addition instructors provide the opportunity for students to submit preliminary drafts of their works to the service to receive reports of possible problems. Such reports are available only to the submitting student. Copies of preliminary drafts are not retained by the service.
Title IX/Clery Act Notification
Sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual/dating/domestic violence) and sex discrimination are violations of University policies. Anyone experiencing sexual misconduct and/or sex discrimination has the right to obtain confidential support from the PEACC Program 852-2663, Counseling Center 852-6585, and Campus Health Services 852-6479.
Reporting your experience or incident to any other University employee (including, but not limited to, professors and instructors) is an official, non-confidential report to the University. To file an official report, please contact the Dean of Student’s Office 852-5787 and/or the University of Louisville Police Department 852-6111. For more information regarding your rights as a victim of sexual misconduct, see the Sexual Misconduct Resource Guide
Continuity of Instruction Plan
A plan for continuity of instruction for this course has been developed and published. All plans are available at Continuity of instruction plans provide guidance for how instruction may be modified to lessen disruption by events that affect transportation, communication, or personal interaction. Such events may be weather-
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Additional Policy Information
Additional policy information is available in the following: SPHIS Catalog ( SPHIS Policies and Procedures ( UofL Graduate Catalog (
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Course Rubrics
Criteria for Written Case Assignment Overall opinion of Exemplary – Competent – Developing – Unacceptable – the consulting Explicitly states Explicitly states Explicitly states Unable to state team’s position on final position on final position on final position on final recommendation recommendation and recommendation recommendation, recommendation provides sound and provides an but provides little or demonstrate an arguments/rationale acceptable level reasoning behind acceptable for their opinion. of rationale position and understanding of Possible behind their connection with the opinion. ideas presented. issues/problems. Points 22-25 Points 16-18 Points 0-15 Points 19-21 Analysis and Exemplary - Presents Competent - Developing - Unacceptable - Evaluation of an insightful and Presents a Presents a limited Presents a Primary Question thorough analysis of thorough analysis analysis of several superficial or or the identified of most of the of the issues incomplete Issues/Problems issues/problems; issues identified; identified; missing analysis of some (one question includes all missing some some necessary of the identified from the case necessary necessary calculations, if issues; omits assignment will calculations, if calculations, if applicable. necessary be selected) applicable. applicable. calculations, if Points 16-18 applicable. Points 22-25 Points 19-21 Points 0-15 Preparation of Exemplary - Team Competent – Developing – Unacceptable – response members were Team members Team members Teams members questions prepared with 3 or were prepared only had 2 had less than 2 more thoughtful with at least 3 questions questions questions for the questions for the prepared for the prepared for the consulting team that consulting team consulting team consulting team, demonstrated critical that that demonstrates which lacked thinking. demonstrated an a somewhat clear focus and acceptable level presentation of connection with Points 22-25 of thought and ideas. the case effort. Points 19- Points 16-18 assignment. 21 Points 0-15 Writing Mechanics Exemplary - Competent - Developing - Some Unacceptable - and Formatting Demonstrates clarity, Occasional grammar or Writing (if any) is Guidelines conciseness and grammar or spelling errors; unfocused, correctness; spelling errors, but demonstrates a rambling, or formatting is demonstrates a somewhat clear contains serious appropriate and clear presentation presentation of errors; poorly writing is free of of ideas; although ideas but lacks organized and grammar and somewhat lacking organization. does not follow spelling errors. organization. specified guidelines. Points 19-21 Points 16-18 Points 0-15 Points 22-25
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Criteria for Case Assignment Presentation Overall Exemplary – Competent – Developing – Unacceptable – recommendation Explicitly states final Explicitly states Explicitly states Unable to state of the consulting recommendation and final final final team supports it with recommendation recommendation, recommendation sound and provides an but provides little or demonstrate arguments/rationale acceptable level reasoning or the use of any (supported by of rationale support from prior prior research. research). (supported by research. research). Points 19-21 Points 16-18 Points 0-15 Points 22-25 Analysis and Exemplary - Presents Competent - Developing - Unacceptable - evaluation of all an insightful and Presents a Presents a limited Presents a questions thorough analysis of thorough analysis analysis of several superficial or presented in the all identified of most of the of the issues incomplete case assignment issues/problems; issues identified; identified; missing analysis of some includes all missing some some necessary of the identified necessary necessary calculations, if issues; omits calculations, if calculations, if applicable. necessary applicable. applicable. calculations, if Points 16-18 applicable. Points 22-25 Points 19-21 Points 0-15 Presentation Exemplary - Team Competent – Developing – Unacceptable – members were Team members Team members Teams members prepared, clear in were prepared, as were somewhat were unprepared, their delivery, and well as acceptable prepared and which included provided thoughtful in their delivery lacked in their lacking in their responses to all and responses to delivery of ideas delivery and questions. any questions. and responses to responses to audience questions. Points 19-21 questions. Points 0-15 Points 22-25 Points 16-18 PowerPoint (ppt)- Exemplary – Ppt Competent - Developing - Some Unacceptable – Organization and presentation Occasional grammar or Ppt unfocused, Writing Mechanics demonstrates clarity, grammar or spelling errors; lacked conciseness and spelling errors, but demonstrates a organizations and correctness; writing demonstrates a somewhat clear contained serious is free of grammar clear presentation presentation of grammar and and spelling errors. of ideas; although ideas but lacks spelling errors. somewhat lacking organization. organization. Points 22-25 Points 19-21 Points 16-18 Points 0-15
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Criteria for Final Project Presentation Organization Exemplary – Competent – Developing – Unacceptable – Presentation had a Presentation had a Presentation was Presentation was logical flow with logical flow, but disorganized at disorganized clear headings and some slides were several parts, and throughout and bulleting. outside the focus of lacked focus. lacked focus. Possible the presentation. Points 22-25 Points 19-21 Points 16-18 Points 0-15 Content/ Exemplary – Every Competent – Most Developing - Unacceptable - Writing point was well points were well Presents a limited Presents an developed and developed and analysis as many incomplete analysis supported by supported by points were of many identified research. No research. Minor incomplete or issues; omits spelling/grammar spelling/grammar rushed over. necessary research errors. errors. Numerous to support main spelling/grammar points. Numerous errors. spelling/grammar errors. Points 22-25 Points 19-21 Points 0-15 Points 16-18 Clarity Exemplary – Main Competent – Main Developing – Unacceptable – ideas and objectives ideas were Several ideas were Most ideas and were presented presented clearly, confusing, some of slides were difficult clearly and with a yet some slides the presentation to follow and were consistent focus. were confusing. needed more focus, not presented in a Slides were easy to and some slides clear manner. read and interperet. needed clarification. Points 22-25 Points 19-21 Points 16-18 Points 0-15 Delivery/ Exemplary – Oral Competent – Oral Developing – Oral Unacceptable –Poor Audience presentation skills presentation skills presentation skills presentation skills; questions were excellent and were good and were somewhat Was unfocused and practice was practice was lacking; answered rambled while evident; answered evident; answered audience questions, answering audience audience questions audience questions but unfocused in questions. in concise and in a concise and providing response. thoughtful manner. thoughtful manner. Points 22-25 Points 19-21 Points 16-18 Points 0-15 Strategic/Marketing Plan Executive Exemplary- Provide Competent- Developing-Did not Unacceptable- Did Summary a 1-page overview Provided a 1-page adhere to the page not adhere to the of the plan that was overview of the plan limit. Summary was page limit; Overview concise and covered that was concise not concise and did was not concise, all major details. and covered only a not cover the main contained few major details. details. superfluous information, and did
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not cover the main Points 9-10 Points 7-8 Points 5-6 details. Points 0-4 Summary Provided a thorough Provided a thorough Problem a general Description lacked Description description of the description of the description of the an understanding of organization and organization, main organization, main the organization, main problem(s). problem and overall problem and overall main problem, and goal, but omitted goal; omitted overall goal. minor details. several details Description was Points 9-10 Points 7-8 Points 5-6 incomplete as vital information was omitted Points 0-4 Situational Exemplary- Competent- Developing- Unacceptable- Analysis/Env- Conducted an Conducted an Conducted an Internal and/or ironmental internal and internal and internal and external Assessment external external external assessments were assessment of the assessment of the assessment of the incomplete and organization, using organization, organization, yet deficient in several all tools learned in presenting an analysis omitted areas, omitting class. acceptable analysis several key factors. numerous key of the factors under factors. consideration. Points 14-15 Points 11-13 Points 8-10 Points 0-7 Plan Exemplary- Competent- Developing- Unacceptable- objectives Objectives were Objectives were Objectives were Objectives were not clearly presented clearly presented clearly presented, presented in a clear and provided an and provided an but overview of the manner and excellent overview acceptable overview main goal(s) was overview of the of the main goal(s). of the main goal(s). unsatisfactory. main goal(s) was confusing and Points 9-10 Points 7-8 Points 5-6 lacked focus. Points 0-4 Financial Exemplary-Provided Competent- Developing-Budget Unacceptable- Analysis a clear budget and Provided a clear was lacking in some Budget was lacking justified all costs for budget and detail and not all in detail and costs each line-item adequately costs were were arbitrarily within the budget; supported most adequately presented; Did not included costs presented; supported; included present any calculations if included some calculations calculations. needed. calculations if where needed. Points 9-10 needed. Points 5-6 Points 0-4
Points 7-8 Action Plans Exemplary- Plans Competent- Plans Developing- Unacceptable- were clearly were clearly Objectives were Objectives were not presented, presented, clearly presented, presented in a clear supported by supported by but background manner and were background background research and level supported by little or research, aligned research, and of thought/creativity no background with the plan exhibited an were unsatisfactory; research, exhibiting objectives and acceptable level of Somewhat aligned little exhibited thought thought and with plan objectives. thought/creativity and creativity. creativity, as well as and alignment with alignment with plan plan objectives. obejctives. Points 8-10 Points 0-7
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Points 14-15 Points 11-13 Monitoring Exemplary- Competent- Developing- Unacceptable- Suggested an Suggested an Suggested Did not suggest an appropriate appropriate evaluation tool may appropriate evaluation tool for evaluation tool for not have been evaluation tool for measuring measuring appropriate for plan measuring effectiveness; effectiveness; goals/objectives, effectiveness and included tool within contained a few but was included did not account for the project timeline. flaws or was not within the timeline. its inclusion in the included in the project timeline. Points 9-10 timeline. Points 0-4 Points 7-8 Points 6-5 Grammar & Exemplary - Competent - Developing - Some Unacceptable - Spelling Demonstrates Occasional grammar or spelling Writing (if any) is clarity, conciseness grammar or spelling errors; unfocused, and correctness; errors, but demonstrates a rambling, or formatting is demonstrates a somewhat clear contains serious appropriate and clear presentation presentation of errors; poorly writing is free of of ideas; although ideas but lacks organized and does grammar and somewhat lacking organization. not follow specified spelling errors. organization. guidelines. Points 9-10 Points 5-6 Points 0-4 Points 7-8 Overall Exemplary- Plan Plan was formatted Plan was formatted Plan was not Document was formatted correctly and correctly and formatted correctly correctly and free of contained minor contained and contained errors. errors. numerous errors. numerous errors. Points 3-4 Points 2 Points 0-1 Points 5
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