June 9, 2005, SJC, Room #200, 3:30 PM

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June 9, 2005, SJC, Room #200, 3:30 PM

Board of Trustees AGENDA MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Thursday, June 9, 2005 San Jacinto Campus Room #200 3:30 P.M.

I. OPEN MEETING A. Call to Order B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call D. Approve minutes of the May 12, 2005 meeting E. Additions and/or Deletions to the Agenda





VI. COMMENTS OF INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS, DELEGATIONS LIMITED TO AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are limited to agenda items and shall be no more than five (5) minutes per speaker and twenty (20) minutes per subject unless further time is granted by the Board of Trustees.

VII. CONSENT AGENDA A. Superintendent/President 1. Item 2004/05-242 Superintendent/President Selection Process Committee Membership 4

B. Business Services 2. Item 2004/05-243 Transfers of Appropriation 5 3. Item 2004/05-244 Contract Agreements 6 4. Item 2004/05-245 2004-2005 Budget Modification #8 8 5. Item 2004/05-246 Approval of Payroll, Purchase Orders, Contracts and Commercial Warrants 9 6. Item 2004/05-247 2004-2005 Year End Budget Adjustments 10 7. Item 2004/05-248 2004-2005 Year End Balancing Transfers 11

C. Instruction 8. Item 2004/05-249 Program Revision – Learning Skills Program 12 9. Item 2004/05-250 Program Revision – Business Administration Programs and Certificates 13 10 Item 2004/05-251 Program Revision – Audio Technology 14 11. Item 2004/05-252 Program Revision – Allied Health 15 12. Item 2004/05-253 Program Revision – ADS Program/Certificate 16 1 13. Item 2004/05-254 New Course Approvals 17 14. Item 2004/05-255 Major Course Revisions 18

D. Human Resources 15. Item 2004/05-256 Volunteers 19 16. Item 2004/05-257 Substitute Assignments 20 17 Item 2004/05-258 Stipend 21 18. Item 2004/05-259 Short-Term Positions 22 19. Item 2004/05-260 Short-Term Appointments 23 20. Item 2004/05-261 Separations 24 21. Item 2004/05-262 Professional Expert Assignments 25 22. Item 2004/05-263 Out of State Travel 26 23. Item 2004/05-264 Classified Appointments 27 24. Item 2004/05-265 Faculty Intern Assignments – Spring 2005 28

VIII. OPEN AGENDA A. Superintendent/President 1. Item 2004/05-266 Order of Election/Resolution 29

B. Business Services 2. Item 2004/05-267 Professional Personnel, Inc. Agreement RE: Vice President of Student Services Position 30

C. Instruction 3. Item 2004/05-268 Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program 31 4. Item 2004/05-269 Proposed Fee Increase for Subsidized Families of the Child Development and Education Centers 32

D. Student Services 5. Item 2004/05-270 Board Policy 5555 – Smoking Policy 34

E. Human Resources 6. Item 2004/05-271 Retirement – CalPERS 35 7. Item 2004/05-272 Academic Appointments – Interim/Temporary 36 8. Item 2004/05-273 Academic Appointments – Full-Time Tenure Track 37 9. Item 2004/05-274 Classified Recruitments 38

IX. COMMENTS OF INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS, DELEGATIONS Public comments may address any item of interest to the public, other than agenda items, that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the college. Comments shall be limited to five (5) minutes per speaker and twenty (20) minutes per subject unless further time is granted by the Board of Trustees.

X. INFORMATION AGENDA A. Superintendent/President 1. Donations to the Foundation 39

B. Instruction 2. Update on Academic Resource Centers 41

C. Human Resources 3. Police Department Re-organization 42 4. Public Hearing - CWA Bargaining Proposal for Academic Year 2005-2006 43 2 D. Academic Senate

E. Classified Senate

F. Associated Student Body

XI. CLOSED SESSION Pursuant to all applicable education codes, government codes and recently enacted statutes, the Board of Trustees will meet in closed session to discuss and/or act on the following matters:

A. Real Property Negotiations – Wildomar The chief negotiator representing the Board of Trustees is Becky Elam.

B. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation Mt. San Jacinto Community College District v. Azusa Pacific University Riverside Superior Court Case No. RIC34990

C. Conference with Labor Negotiator – CTA. The chief negotiator representing the Board of Trustees is Dr. Jon Tyler.

D. Conference with Labor Negotiator – CSEA. The chief negotiator representing the Board of Trustees is Dr. Jon Tyler.

E. Conference with Labor Negotiator –Unrepresented Employees – Administration/Supervisory/ Confidential. The chief negotiator representing the Board of Trustees is Dr. Jon Tyler.


The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Thursday, June 23, 2005, 3:30 p.m., San Jacinto Campus, Room #200.

Board of Trustee meetings are LINKED to room 130 on the Menifee Campus. Additional information or available background material regarding any item on the agenda may be obtained by contacting the Administration Office at 951-487-6752, extension 1100 prior to the meeting.

*Any member of the public who wishes to speak before the Board must complete a Public Participation form and return it to the Board Chair prior to the meeting. Late arrivals will not be permitted to speak. (Forms are available at the speaker’s table)

MSJC Board of Trustee meetings are taped and video recorded per Government Code Sections 54953.5 and 54953.6 and Education Code Section 72121(a). Recordings shall be subject to inspection by members of the public in accordance with the California Public Records Act, Government Code Sections 6250.

Any person with a disability may request this agenda be made available in an appropriate alternative format. A request for a disability-related modification or accommodation may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting to: Kathy Donnell Executive Assistant to the Superintendent/President 1499 N. State St San Jacinto, CA 92583-2399 951-487-6752 ext. 1106 Office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Request must be received at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

3 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Superintendent/President Selection Process Date: 2004/05-242 Superintendent/President Committee Membership 06/09/05


Attached Superintendent/President Search Process


In order to begin the process of selecting a new Superintendent/President the Mt. San Jacinto College Board of Trustees must determine and approve a search committee, search liaison, selection process and timeline regarding the Superintendent/President position search.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees consider the Superintendent/President selection process and direct the Maas Companies, Inc. consultant based on their determination.


Funds will be assigned in the 2005-06 budget.

4 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-243 Business Services Transfers of Appropriation 06/09/05




It is recommended the Board of Trustees of the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District approves transfer of the attached budget appropriations.


The 2004-2005 adopted budget represented the best estimates in both income and expenditures. As the year progresses we find some accounts with surplus funds and some under-budgeted. This agenda item provides the authorization to accomplish the needed transfers.


It is recommended the Board of Trustees approves the transfers of appropriations.


Funds are appropriated in the budget for this purpose. The total amount of transfers by fund are as follows:

Unrestricted General Fund 11 $ 38,260 Restricted General Fund 12 33,134 Child Development Fund 33 9,000 Capital Outlay Projects Fund 41 -0- Self-Insurance Fund 61 -0- $ 80,394

5 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-244 Business Services Contract Agreements 06/09/05


Copies are available in the business office for information and review.


Consultant Event/Services Date Amount/Funding Source

1. Chris Mozga Athletic Recruiting 05/11/05 to $740 – Eagle Athletic Club 07/11/05

Description: Mr. Mozga will assist with athletic recruiting.

2. Workforce MESA Grant 04/27/05 to n/a Development Center 09/30/2 005

Description: Nurses’ Workforce Initiative (NWI) Regional Training Collaborative (RTC) Mathematics, Engineering and Science (MESA) Grant Modification Addendum #1 for budget modifications only.

3. Francisco’s Catering 2005 Men’s Basketball 04/19/05 NTE $1,000 – ASB Awards Banquet

Description: Catering services for 2005 Men’s Basketball Awards Banquet.

4. Regents UC Student Upward Bound 06/24/05 $1,024 – categorical funds Recreation Center

Description: Thirty students and six chaperones will participate in Team Excursions event at the University of California, Riverside.

5. UCR Conference Upward Bound 06/23/05 to $3,566 – categorical funds Services 06/25/0 5

Description: Lodging and food expenses for thirty students and six chaperones to participate in the Upward Bound program 2005 Summer Conference at the University of California, Riverside.

6. Riverside County Classroom Rental 07/01/05 to $13,150 – revenue Office of Education 06/30/0 categorical 6 funding

Description: Rental of two Childhood and Education Centers classrooms to Riverside County Office of 6 Education.

7. Hamel, Green & MVC LRC 05/03/05 to $16,500 – capital outlay Abrahamson, Inc. 10/01/0 5

Description: MVC LRC utility relocation and parking lot addition.

8. Jules Ruggles – Community Education Summer 2005 $2,500 – cost will be covered by Education To Go by class enrollment

Description: On-line Classes class sections 9451-9456, 9458-9461, and 9474-9479.

9. Andrew Gibeault Community Education Summer 2005 $6,000 – cost will be covered by by class enrollment

Description: Club Z Tutoring class sections 9030-9047.

10. Debra Hardman Community Education Summer 2005 $750 – cost will be covered by class enrollment

Description: ABC’s of English class section 9026.

11. Phyllis Harris Community Education Summer 2005 $1,000 – cost will be covered dba WHA Companies by class enrollment

Description: Certified Tax Preparer class section 9134.

12. Terry Rowen, Inc. Community Education Summer 2005 $8,000 – cost will be covered by class enrollment

Description: Medical Billing class sections 9118-9123.

13. Marshall Reddick Community Education Summer 2005 $1,000 – cost will be covered by class enrollment

Description: Business Seminars class sections 9130 and 9131.

14. Merlina Combs Community Education Summer 2005 $4,300 – cost will be covered by class enrollment

Description: State Notary Public class sections 9101-9104.


It is recommended the Board provide authorization to execute the contract agreements.


Funds are appropriated in the budget for these consultants. 7 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-245 Business Services 2004-2005 Budget Modification #8 06/09/05


The resolution for expenditure of excess funds is attached.


The District has been advised it will receive additional revenues for the general fund restricted in the amount of $13,898.18 for the Disabled Students Program, $5,000 for the Credit Matriculation program, and $12,000 for the CalWorks program. Additionally, there will be an increase in the child care fund in the amount of $5,000 for the Food Money program. There will be reductions in the child care fund in the amount of $50,000 for the district parent fee revenue and $1.00 for the campus state bailout award. There will be a reduction in the general fund restricted in the amount of $14,190 for the TANF CDE grant.


Whereas, the governing Board of the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District has determined that an income (reduction) in the amount of $28,292.82 is assured to said District in excess (reduction) of amounts previously budgeted, and

Whereas, the governing Board of the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District can show just cause for the expenditure (reduction) of such excess funds,

It is recommended that such excess (reduction) of funds be appropriated according to the schedule on the attached page.


The adoption of this resolution will increase the general fund restricted by $16,708.18 (fund 12) and reduce the child care fund by $45,001 (fund 33). A budget for the above programs will be filed with the Riverside County Office of Education and administered according to the state Budget and Accounting Manual, the Education Code, and Board Policy.

8 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Approval of Payroll, Purchase Orders, Date: 2004/05-246 Business Services Contracts, and Commercial Warrants 06/09/05


Supporting documents are in the business office for information and review.


1. Payroll 10M General Fund $ 2,118,798.00 Categorical Funds $ 242,228.09 11A General Fund $ 37,234.60 Categorical Funds $ 67,110.60 Total General Fund $ 2,156,032.60 Total Categorical Funds $ 309,338.69 Grand Total $ 2,465,371.29

2. Purchase Orders P13613 – P15795 in the amount of $204,196. 3. Purchase Orders Special Funded – none 4. Contract C10195 – C10254 in the amount of $141,784. 5. Commercial warrants #14132548 – #14161737 in the amount of $2,088,584.

Ratification of Purchase Orders exceeding $10,000.

000865TX-2 $ 12,000 College Book Company – bookstore – MVC 000866TX-2 $ 35,000 MBS Textbook Exchange – bookstore – MVC 000881TX-2 $ 11,000 MBS Textbook Exchange – bookstore – MVC 000891TX-2 $ 13,500 Pearson Education – bookstore – MVC P15654 $ 10,000 Coast Roofing Co., Inc. – MVC CDEC roof repairs – maintenance and operations – MVC P15741 $ 11,119 Rapidtext – captioning software and hardware – DSPS – District P15748 $ 35,398 Del Mar Office Products – office remodel – business services – SJC P15794 $ 12,386 GHA Technologies – computers, printers and accessories – financial aid – SJC, MVC


Approval is recommended. The Board of Trustees must authorize and approve all expenditures of the District to comply with applicable education and public contract codes.


Funds are appropriated for the items listed.

9 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-247 Business Services 2004-2005 Year End Budget Adjustments 06/09/05


The resolution for the 2004-2005 Year End Budget Adjustments is attached.


As the fiscal year comes to a close, final budget allocations are realized which require adjustments to the approved budget. It is requested that the Board of Trustees authorize the Riverside County Office of Education to make any required budget adjustments for the fiscal year 2004-2005. A resolution giving the authority to do the adjustment is required as follows.

Whereas, the governing Board of the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District approves the budget transfers and expenditure increases and/or decreases; and

Whereas, there is the possibility that required budget adjustments after the close of the 2004-2005 fiscal year may be necessary; and

Whereas, the governing Board of the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District will determine that additional and/or reduced income is assured in excess and/or less of the amounts previously budgeted, and will be required for budget balancing purposes after the close of the 2004-2005 fiscal year; and

Whereas, the governing board of the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District can show just cause for the expenditure of such funds,

Now therefore be it resolved that Mt. San Jacinto Community College District may appropriate any such excess and/or reduced funds, identify, and make such transfers between the designated and/or unappropriated fund balances and any expenditure classification (s) for the fiscal year 2004-2005 as are necessary.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize the Riverside County Office of Education to make the necessary budget adjustments as required.


The adoption of this resolution will increase or decrease the previously approved and adopted budgets for Mt. San Jacinto Community College for the fiscal year 2004-2005.

10 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-248 Business Services 2004-2005 Year End Balancing Transfers 06/09/05


The resolution for the 2004-2005 Year End Balancing Transfers is attached.


The Riverside County Office of Education makes final adjusting entries, if necessary, to the District’s general ledgers each year. A resolution giving authority to do the adjustments is required.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize the Riverside County Office of Education to make the necessary budget transfers to balance the major object code budget categories for the 2004-2005 fiscal year, if necessary.



11 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-249 Instruction Program Revision – Learning Skills Program 06/09/05


Program revision forms and back-up materials are available in the Instruction Office for review.


In accordance with Education Code and MSJC Policy and Procedures, the Learning Skills academic department proposes to update the college catalog aligning mnemonics to correctly reflect the Learning Skills academic department. Learning Skills courses are specialized instruction for learning disabled students and are offered through the Learning Skills academic department. Therefore, in order to promote student success, the Learning Skills academic department respectfully requests to align the mnemonics from ENGL and MATH to LNSK.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the above Program Curriculum Revisions for inclusion in the college offerings.



12 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Program Revision –Business Administration Date: 2004/05-250 Instruction Programs and Certificates 06/09/05


Program revision forms and back-up materials are available in the Instruction Office for review.


In accordance with Education Code and MSJC Policy and Procedures, the Menifee Valley Business Administration department, in consultation with the San Jacinto Business Administration department, proposes to place BADM 098A – Developing Time Management Techniques, BADM 098B – Reducing Stress & Improving Performance, BADM 098C – Developing Leadership in Organizations, BADM 098D - Dynamics of Successful Teamwork, BADM 098E – Raising Performance Levels Through Motivation, BADM 098F – Developing Customer Relations & Rapport, and BADM 098G – Business Ethics into the Business Administration Degree, Certificate in Business – Office Administration Technician, Office Administration Degree, and Certificate in Business Clerical, under Electives.

These courses are part of a VTEA project and must be offered within one year of the course approval, either during or before spring 2006.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the above Program Curriculum Revisions for inclusion in the college offerings.



13 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-251 Instruction Program Revision –Audio Technology 06/09/05


Program revision forms and back-up materials are available in the Instruction Office for review.


In accordance with Education Code and MSJC Policy and Procedures, the San Jacinto Audio Technology department, in consultation with the Menifee Valley Audio Technology department proposes to create an additional Audio Technology Certificate.

The Advanced Audio Certificate would consist of 27 units. The certificate will use the required classes from the existing certification with the addition of: MUS/AUD 145 – MIDI and Computer Recording, and MUS/AUD 146 – Recording Music and Live Sound. MUS/AUD 147 – The Music and Audio Business, and MUS/AUD 148 – Radio Production will be added as electives. (Existing 18 unit certificate will continue.)

Student and Industry interest in having an extended certificate is high. Many students are already taking these classes and these skills assist in student success.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the above Program Curriculum Revisions for inclusion in the college offerings.



14 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-252 Instruction Program Revision –Allied Health 06/09/05


Program revision forms and back-up materials are available in the Instruction Office for review.


In accordance with Education Code and MSJC Policy and Procedures, the Allied Health department proposes to make available AH 122- Medical Ethics, AH 124 – Pathophysiology, and AH 126 – Techniques in Patient Care as elective courses in the existing Allied Health programs. These courses need to be available for student enrollment for Spring 2006 in order for students to be eligible to apply to the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program beginning summer 2006.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the above Program Curriculum Revisions for inclusion in the college offerings.



15 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-253 Instruction Program Revision –ADS Program/Certificate 06/09/05


Program revision forms and back-up materials are available in the Instruction Office for review.


In accordance with Education Code and MSJC Policy and Procedures, the ADS department, proposes to remove HS 123 – Drugs, Their Use and Abuse from the Alcohol and Drug Studies Certificate and Degree program completely and be replaced with HS 121 – Fundamentals of Healthful Living. HS 121 is much more relevant to the ADS Program and is already approved and listed as an optional required course for the ADS Certificate and Degree program.

The ADS department also proposes to add SOCI 106 – Intercultural Relations as a requirement to the ADS Program/Certificate. SOCI 106 – Intercultural Relations is a vital component to the ADS program. Within the scope of the counseling milieu, it is paramount that an individual counseling those with addictions have a working concept of the dynamics of various cultures and how they affect the counseling relationship. This knowledge is central to any critical and/or multicultural understanding or analysis of social interaction and/or social relations.

With the addition of SOCI 106 – Intercultural Relations, the total unit requirement for the ADS Program/Certificate will increase from 36 to 39.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the above Program Curriculum Revisions for inclusion in the college offerings.



16 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-254 Instruction New Course Approvals 06/09/05


New Course Approvals

BACKGROUND: In accordance with Board Policy and the Education Code, the following New Course Approvals have been added by recent actions of the Curriculum Committee:

New Course Approvals 1. MUS/AUD/BADM 147 – The Music and Audio Business 2. MUS/AUD 148 – Radio Production 3. TA 082 – Introduction to Tutorial Writing 4. PHYS 100 – Conceptual Physics 5. DMS 110 – Sectional Imaging 6. DMS 112 – Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation 7. DMS 114 – Clinical Experience I 8. DMS 120 – Abdomen Scanning 9. DMS 122 – Ultrasound Pathology I 10. DMS 124 – Clinical Experience II 11. DMS 126 – Clinical Experience III 12. DMS 130 – Obstetric/Gynecology Scanning 13. DMS 132 – Ultrasound Pathology II 14. DMS 134 – Ultrasound Seminar 15. DMS 136 – Clinical Experience IV 16. SPAN 104 – Elementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers II 17. AGTM 109 – Landscape Design 18. AGTM 110 – Laws and Regulations an Integrated Pest Management Approach 19. ACCT 081 – General Concepts Concerning Corporate Taxation 20. BADM 098G – Business Ethics 21. PE 180 – Methods of Teaching Golf 22. PE 181 – Methods of Teaching Golf: Short Game and Putting 23. PE 182 – Golf Academy Practicum 24. AGTM 120/BADM 120 – Sales and Marketing in Hospitality 25. AGTM 121/BADM 121 – Sanitation and Safety in Resort Management 26. AGTM 122/BADM 122 – Resort Food & Beverage Operation 27. AGTM 123/BADM 123 – Menu Planning in Resort Management

SUPERINTENDENT/PRESIDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the above New Course Approvals for inclusion in the college offerings.


17 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-255 Instruction Major Course Revisions 06/09/05


Major Course Revisions


In accordance with Board Policy and the Education Code, the following Major Course Revisions have been added by recent actions of the Curriculum Committee:

Major Course Revisions

1. MUS 100/HIST 113 – Introduction and Appreciation of Music (Adding History cross-listing) 2. MUS 107/HIST 114 – Introduction and Appreciation of American Music (Adding History cross-listing) 3. CDE 125 – Child, Family and Community (Update integrated format) 4. ENGL 071 – Learning Skills: Assessment Workshop (Request to change to LNSK 071) 5. ENGL 073 – Learning Skills: Study Skills (Request to change to LNSK 073) 6. ENGL 075 – Learning Skills: Language Arts (Request to change to LNSK 075) 7. ENGL 076 – Learning Skills: Language Arts Lab (Request to change to LNSK 076) 8. MATH 075 – Learning Skills: Math (Request to change to LNSK 077) 9. AH 120 – Emergency Medical Technician I (Course revision by third party mandate) 10. AH 121- Emergency Medical Technician I Basic (Course revision by third party mandate) 11. ADS 110/PSYC 110 – Introduction to Counseling (Re-cross list, Class Max and Prerequisite realigned) 12. ADS 115/PSYC 115 – Individual, Family and Group Counseling (Re-cross list, Class Max and Prerequisite realigned) 13. BIOL 115 – Topics in Biology ( Update integrated format) 14. BIOL 150 – General Biology I (Update integrated format) 15. CHEM 101 – General Chemistry I (Update integrated format)


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the above Major Course Revisions for inclusion in the college offerings.


18 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-256 Human Resources Volunteers 06/09/05




Volunteers play an invaluable role in the operation of the College in many areas. This is another example of the fine community support received by the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District.


Pirnik, Victor Athletics Intercollegiate Sports

Strickland, Tom Athletics Intercollegiate Sports


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees acknowledge the contributions of these volunteers.



19 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-257 Human Resources Substitute Assignments 06/09/05




The following appointments have been made Pursuant to Board Policy Manual Chapter 7, BP7110-Delegations:


Bell, Emmy Assistant Teacher, CDEC-SJC/MVC NTE 40 hrs/wk- Effective 05-05-05/06-30-05 Reason: Substitute Pool

Rodriguez, Raul Enrollment Services Clerk, SJC/MVC/TVC NTE 40 hrs/wk- Effective 05-31-05/06-30-05 Reason: Substitute Pool


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees confirm the substitute assignments described above.


Funds are available in the 2004-2005 budget.

20 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-258 Human Resources Stipend 06/09/05





Mozga, Christopher Head Women’s Basketball Coach $1,600.00 05-02-05/06-30-06


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the stipend described above.


Funds are available in the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 budgets.

21 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-259 Human Resources Short-Term Position 06/09/05




Pursuant to Education Code Section 88003 the Board hereby specifies the following required services and certifies the beginning and ending date of the service for the following short-term position:


1. Student Services Assistant I 07-01-05/09-30-05 SJC-SS 1 NTE 40 hrs/wk

Services to be performed: This short-term position is needed to answer the telephones in Enrollment Services and provide additional assistance to students during peak periods.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the short-term position described above.


Funds are available in the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 budgets.

22 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-260 Human Resources Short-Term Appointments 06/09/05




The following short-term appointments have been made pursuant to Board Policy Manual Chapter 7, BP7110- Delegations. Additionally, the short-term positions have been previously authorized and approved by the Board. Pursuant to Ed Code 88003, the following employees have been employed to perform duties associated with short-term projects:


Mikucki, Jennifer Student Services Assistant I- SJC/MVC/TMC NTE 40 hours per week - Effective 04-25-05/06-30-05 Board Approved: 5-12-05

Ricketts, Tessa Instructional Aide I - MVC NTE 19 hours per week - Effective 6-1-05/07-30-05 Board Approved: 4-29-05


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees confirm the short-term appointments described above.


Funds are available in the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 budgets.

23 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-261 Human Resources Separations 06/09/05





Camp, April Clerical Assistant I 05-19-05 Resignation

Jones, Jan L. Dean of Instruction 07-15-05 Resignation

Noble, Janice Associate Dean of Instruction 06-30-05 Resignation

Orr, Sharon Clerical Assistant I 05-27-05 Resignation

Rich, Pele Full-Time Instructor, Biology 06-06-05 Resignation


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees confirm the separations described above.



24 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-262 Human Resources Professional Expert Assignments 06/09/05




The following appointment has been made Pursuant to Board Policy Manual Chapter 7, BP7110-Delegations, and Ed Code 88003:


Vargas, Liliana Professional Expert – Instructor, Upward Bound Summer Program June 20, 2005 – July 29, 2005 NTE 16 hrs/wk

Vitamanti, Steve Professional Expert – Instructor, Upward Bound Summer Program June 20, 2005 – July 29, 2005 NTE 08 hrs/wk

Walsh, James Professional Expert – Instructor, Upward Bound Summer Program June 20, 2005 – July 29, 2005 NTE 24 hrs/wk


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees confirm the professional expert assignments described above.


Funds are available in the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 budgets.

25 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-263 Human Resources Out of State Travel 06/09/05





Loomis, Susan Datatel Users Group Conference-CHUGADUG June 22-24, 2005 Phoenix, AZ

Rowley, Richard Regional Phi Theta Kappa Honors Institute July 29-July 31, 2005 Reno, NV


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Out of State Travel as described above.


Ms. Loomis will use $626.52 in departmental funds. Mr. Rowley’s expenses will be paid by the Regional Phi Theta Kappa office.

26 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-264 Human Resources Classified Appointments 06/09/05




The following appointments have been made Pursuant to Board Policy Manual Chapter 7, BP7110-Delegations. Additionally, these positions have been previously authorized and approved by the Board.


Tercero, Christian Warehouse Assistant I- SJC 40 hours per week/12 months - Effective: 05-23-05 Replacement for Jessica Thompson who resigned effective March 25, 2005.


Cruz, Florencia Associate Teacher, CDEC- MVC 40 hours per week/12 months - Effective: 05-23-05 Replacement for Melissa Bingham who resigned effective January 10, 2005.

Berkhoel, Shannon Clerical Assistant I, CDEC- SJC 40 hours per week/10 months - Effective: 05-16-05 Replacement for Sarah Salazar who resigned effective February 11, 2005.

Lovato, Roxanna Cafeteria Assistant I, CDEC- MVC 30 hours per week/12 months - Effective: 05-16-05 Replacement for Sherry Tercero who transferred to a 10 month position at SJC.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees confirm the classified appointments described above.


Funds are available in the 2004-2005 budget.

27 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-265 Human Resources Faculty Intern Assignments – Spring 2005 06/09/05





Hass, Eric Faculty Intern Political Science Guy Kimbrough

Sather, Robert Faculty Intern Counseling Julie Smathers/Mike Rose


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the faculty intern assignments as described above.


Funds are available in the 2004-2005 budget. Interns receive a $200.00 stipend for each assignment.

28 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-266 Superintendent/President Order of Election/Resolution 06/09/05


Attached – Resolution Ordering Consolidated Governing Board Member Biennial Election, Specifications of the Election Order and Request for Consolidation


In accordance with Education Code Sections 5323 and 5340, the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools sent notification the “school district or community college district governing board member elections for two or more school districts of any type to be held in the same district or area on the same day shall be consolidated…” The purpose is to allow persons entitled to vote in two or more such elections to do so at the same time and place and with one ballot. The cost of the elections to each district is kept lower by consolidation.

The attached resolution was provided to assist districts in meeting the requirement of Education Code Sections 5304, 6422 and 5340.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees adopt the Resolution Ordering Consolidated Governing Board Member Biennial Election, Specifications of the Election Order and Request for Consolidation.


As of this date, budget implications are unknown.

29 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (909) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Professional Personnel, Inc. Agreement Date: 2004/05-267 Business Services RE: Vice President of Student Services Position 06/09/05


The document is available in the Business Services office for review.


It is requested that the Board of Trustees of the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District approve the agreement with Professional Personnel Leasing, Inc.

The Vice President of Instruction vacancy is currently being filled on an interim basis by the District’s Vice President of Student Services. This move has left the Vice President of Student Services position unmanned. As such, Professional Personnel Leasing, Inc., has agreed to provide the services of a qualified retired student services administrator to fill this position during the process of searching for and hiring a Vice President of Instruction.


It is recommended the Board of Trustees of the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District approve the Professional Personnel Inc., agreement.


The monthly cost not to exceed $8,200 has been funded.

30 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-268 Instruction Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program 01/20/05


Program application forms and back-up materials are available in the Instruction Office for review.


In accordance with Education Code and MSJC Policy and Procedures, the Allied Health department proposes to create a program in Diagnostic Medical Sonography.

The philosophy of the Mt. San Jacinto College Diagnostic Medical Sonography program acknowledges that any student who desires has an opportunity to achieve a lifelong career in a field that is constantly challenging and changing. The MSJC Diagnostic Medical Sonography program will continually strive to provide the student training in an excellent hospital environment, under qualified supervision, to meet the needs of our community in providing excellent patient care in a culturally diverse setting.

The Mt. San Jacinto College Diagnostic Medical Sonography program will provide the following:

1. Occupational training in a culturally diverse environment under the supervision of qualified personnel.

2. Didactic education in Sonography that will prepare the graduate to successfully complete the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography examination.

3. Graduates who are competent and confident with excellent skills in patient care and scanning techniques for employment in a healthcare environment.

Students who have successfully completed this program will be qualified for gainful ultrasound employment in a hospital setting with scanning skills based upon the knowledge of human anatomy and disease and perform those skills within accepted practice of standards.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the above new Diagnostic Medical Sonography program for inclusion in the college offerings.



31 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Res. No. Section: Subject: Proposed Fee Increase for Subsidized Date: 2004/05-269 Instruction Families of the Child Development and Education 06/09/05 Centers




As part of the continual effort to ensure offering quality services that are affordable for all families we reviewed our current fee structure and prices for fee-based families. It was determined that the current structure was more complicated than any of our competitors and that the price set was lower than the current market rates for the Menifee/Murrieta area. Since the majority of our fee-based clients are at the Menifee campus we decided to adopt a fee structure competitive with that market. The San Jacinto campus will primarily serve subsidized clients. Based upon this analysis it is recommended we adopt the following fee structure and rates for the 2005/06 fiscal year:

½ Day Preschool Program (MVC only) MWF $210.00 / month TTH $144.00 / month

Parents can choose from AM or PM session.

Full Day Preschool Program (MVC and SJC) M-F $670.00/ month MWF $420.00/ month TTH $280.00/ month

Toddler Program Full Day Only M-F $945.00/ month MWF $540.00/ month TTH $360.00/ month

 Tuition is payable in advance and due on the first of each month.  Late tuition will be assessed a $25.00 fee for payments received 5 or more days after due date.  Returned checks will be charged a $25.00 fee.  Habitual returned checks will result in the family being required to pay by money order only.

A survey of child care prices in the Menifee/Murrieta area shows the following:

Full Day Preschool Half Day Preschool ABC - $660.00/ month 3day/week $396.00 2day/week $280.00 Kindercare- $680.00/month 3day/week $520.00 2day/week $416.00 LaPetite- $728.00/month 3day/week $440.00 2day/week $288.00

32 Toddler Care Full Day M-F 3days/week 2days/week ABC- $780.00/month $576.00/month $408.00/month Kindercare- $936.00/month $704.00/month $560.00/month LaPetite- n/a n/a n/a


Whereas, the governing Board of the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District has determined that an increase in parent fees for CFC families is appropriate.

Whereas, the governing Board of the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District can show just cause for the increase in parent fees for CFC families.

It is recommended that the adjusted parent fee schedule for full-time and part-time daily rates for CFC families be adopted effective 7/1/05.


The adoption of this resolution will increase funding to stabilize the fiscal operations of the Child Development and Education Centers.

33 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-270 Student Services Board Policy 5555 – Smoking Policy 6/9/05


Copies are available in the President’s Office on the San Jacinto Campus and in the Student Services Office on the Menifee Valley Campus.


The policy on Non-Smoking and Smoking Tobacco (BP 5555) was approved by the Board of Trustees on May 6, 2004. Out of concern for the health and welfare of the campus community, this revised policy will designate all properties owned, leased or rented by the district as smoke-free environments, with the exception of those areas designated as approved district smoking areas.

The Mt. San Jacinto Community College District shall establish designated smoking areas prior to the full implementation of this policy.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District Smoking Policy as described.


Minimal costs involved and only to establish safe smoking areas.

34 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-271 Human Resources Retirement-CalPERS 06/09/05




The following employees will be retiring from the District and will participate in the CalPERS Golden Handshake:


Ives, Sally Receptionist/Switchboard Operator 06-30-05

Velkoff, Jacqueline Administrative Associate III 06-28-05


The President/Superintendent requests that the Board of Trustees extend their appreciation to these retirees.



35 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-272 Human Resources Academic Appointments – Interim/Temporary 06/09/05




The following appointments have been made Pursuant to Board Policy Manual Chapter 7, BP7110-Delegations:


Adsit, Randall Full-Time Instructor, Earth Science-SJC Effective: 8-12-2005/5-31-06 (interim one year academic assignment) New Position: Board approved on February 10, 2005

Elsayad, Amr Full-Time Instructor, Math-SJC Effective: 8-12-2005/12-17-05 (temporary one semester assignment) Sabbatical Replacement for Steve Narin


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees confirm the interim/temporary academic appointments contingent upon verification of records.


Funds will be available in the 2005-2006 budget.

36 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-273 Human Resources Academic Appointments-Full-Time Tenure Track 06/09/05




The following appointments have been made Pursuant to Board Policy Manual Chapter 7, BP7110-Delegations. Additionally, these positions have been previously authorized and approved by the Board.


Beckham, Michael Full-Time Instructor, Mathematics-MVC Effective: 8-12-2005 Replacement for Don Robinson

Castro, Lissette Full-Time Instructor, Spanish -MVC Effective: 8-12-05 Replacement for Jennifer Lisses

Combs, April Full-Time Counselor-MVC Effective: 7-1-2005 Replacement for Bernard Carrigan

DeDonno, Thomas Full-Time Instructor, Computer Science/Information-SJC Effective: 8-12-2005 Replacement for Prameet Chhabra

Moss, David Full-Time Instructor, Communication-MVC Effective: 8-12-2005 New Position: Board approved on February 10, 2005

Rosser-Middleton, Linda Full-Time Instructor, Child Development & Education-MVC Effective: 8-12-2005 Replacement for Grace Van Thillo


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees confirm these academic full-time tenure track appointments contingent upon verification of records.


Funds will be available in the 2005-2006 budget.

37 Board of Trustees ACTION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Item No. Section: Subject: Date: 2004/05-274 Human Resources Classified Recruitments 06/09/05




Food Services Assistant I – 5 positions, Menifee Campus (2) San Jacinto Campus (3) 19 hours per week/9 month positions, effective July 1, 2005.

Food Services Assistant I – 1 position, Menifee Campus 30 hours per week/9 month position, effective July 1, 2005.

Food Services Assistant II – 1 position, Menifee Campus 19 hours per week/10 month position, effective July 1, 2005.

Over the past two years the Café has been contracted out in an effort to save dollars and provide additional services. All but three Café positions were eliminated during that time frame, the supervisor and two part-time classified positions. Both previous contractors were unable to make a profitable venture. The District has once again taken control of this service. Additional part-time staff is required to effectively operate this service as noted on the attached HRSR’s. These positions will be funded via the enterprise fund.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the classified recruitments as described above.


Funds are available in the 2005-2006 budget.

38 Board of Trustees INFORMATION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Section: Subject: Date: Superintendent/President Donations to the Foundation 06/09/05 Each month the Mt. San Jacinto College Foundation reports to the Board of Trustees a list of people and organizations that have made donations of money or items of value to the Foundation. Donations are made through payroll deductions, pledges, memorials, and direct contributions of each or usable items. This report is for contributions posted from 5/4/05 to 5/31/05.

Name City *Cash Item Designation Assistance League of Temecula Temecula CA Scholarship Fund John & Grace Bacher Hemet CA President’s Club Ken & Carolyn Baustian Sun City CA President’s Club Diane Boss Hemet CA President’s Club Joanne Carlisle San Jacinto CA Alumni & Friends Ms. Priscella Chacon San Jacinto CA Child Care Citizen’s Scholarship Foundation Temecula CA Scholarship Fund Rick Collins Hemet CA President’s Club Barbara Colton-Juelson Hemet CA Scholarship Fund Michael Ditomasso Murrietta CA Foundation Rhonda & Jim Dixon Temecula CA President’s Club Jean Domenigoni Hemet CA President’s Club Kathy Donnell Hemet CA President’s Club Kathy Donnell Hemet CA Alumni & Friends Kathy Donnell Hemet CA Eagle Athletic Club Darrell & Becky Elam Hemet CA Scholarship Fund Darrell & Becky Elam Hemet CA President’s Club Shartelle Fears Murrieta CA Alumni & Friends Melvin & Darian Friedlander Sun City CA Alumni & Friends Mr. & Mrs. William Fritz Sun City CA Memorial Scholarship Julia Garvey Hemet CA Alumni & Friends Dr. Richard & Vicki Giese Menifee CA President’s Club Golden State ScholarShare Trust Sacramento CA Scholarship Fund Kristen Grimes San Jacinto CA Alumni & Friends Steven & Susan Guarino Hemet CA President’s Club Joyce Hendley Moreno Valley CA Memorial Scholarship Fund Paul & Theresa Hert Idyllwild CA President’s Club Dennis & Heidi Hogan Hemet CA President’s Club Ms. Mary Ann Holmes Riverside CA Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. Milo P. Johnson Estate Banning CA Foundation Dr. Milo P. Johnson Estate Banning CA Scholarship Fund Dr. Nizam & Marina Kazi Moreno Valley CA President’s Club Ron Krimper Victorville CA President’s Club Dr. & Mrs. Roy B. Mason Hemet CA Foundation Maze Stone Quilt Guild Hemet CA Scholarship Fund Rebecca L. Mitchell Hemet CA Student Services John & Ann Motte Perris CA Eagle Athletic Club John & Ann Motte Perris CA President’s Club

39 Nile C. Kinnick Booster Association FPO AP, Japan CA Scholarship Fund Lesia Navarro Riverside CA Alumni & Friends Jan & Neill Noble Lake Elsinore CA President’s Club Mr. John Norman San Jacinto CA Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. John Norman San Jacinto CA Eagle Athletic Club Mr. & Mrs. Karl Puechl Hemet CA Symphony Ms. Shahla Razavi Menifee CA Child Care Bob & Addie Rockwell . Hemet CA Music Program Gwen Schlange Hemet CA Scholarship Fund Roger & Laurie Schultz Yucaipa CA Eagle Athletic Roger & Laurie Schultz Yucaipa CA President’s Club Rick & Teri Sisco Hemet CA Eagle Athletic Club Rick & Teri Sisco Hemet CA Shakespeare Festival Soroptomist Intern’l Golden West Chino CA Scholarship Fund Dr. Robin & Mr. Glenn Steinback, Jr. Hemet CA President’s Club Dr. Robin & Mr. Glenn Steinback, Jr. Hemet CA Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. Robin & Mr. Glenn Steinback, Jr. Hemet CA Faculty/Mini Grant Program Dr. Robin & Mr. Glenn Steinback. Jr. Hemet CA Alumni & Friends Linda Stevens & Bob Morriss Hemet CA President’s Club Toyota-Temecula Valley Temecula CA Scholarship Fund Dr. Jon & Joy Tyler San Jacinto CA President’s Club Lorenza Urquiza Hemet CA Child Care

Total Restricted Cash Donations $24,189.94 Total Unrestricted Cash Donations (includes Pres Club) $219,969.54 Total Non-Cash (Items Value, In-Kind) Restricted -0- Total Non-Cash (Items Value, In-Kind) Unrestricted -0-

TOTAL 5/4/05 to 5/31/05 $244,159.48 - *Cash - CA=Cash, IV=Item of Value, IK=In Kind Donation

40 Board of Trustees INFORMATION MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Section: Subject: Date: Instruction Update on Academic Resource Centers Services 06/09/05

Dr. Laurel Jones, Dean of Instruction, Academic Success and Technology and the Faculty Coordinators of the respective Academic Resource Centers, will present a brief update on the Academic Resource Centers and the services they offer.

41 Board of Trustees

MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INFORMATION 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Section: Subject: Date: Human Resources Police Department Re-organization 06/09/05

Dr. Jon Tyler and Interim Chief Segawa will give a brief overview on the planned re-organization of the Mt. San Jacinto Community College’s Police Department. They will accept questions and public comment on the re-organization.

42 Board of Trustees PUBLIC

MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT HEARING 1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752

Section: Subject: CWA Date: Human Resources Bargaining Proposal for Academic Year 2005-2006 06/09/05

Pursuant to GC 3547, the District was provided the attached Communications Workers of America (CWA) proposal to open negotiations for Academic year 2005-2006 which was made public at the April 14, 2005 Board of Trustees meeting. At this time, in accordance with Government Code 3547 (c), the Board of Trustees will hear any public comment concerning the CWA proposal.

1. Open Public Hearing

2. Public Comments

3. Close Public Hearing


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