Adarus Business Plan for Office 97
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![Adarus Business Plan for Office 97](
Executive Summary
24853 Warren Road Rainier, Oregon 97048
This document contains confidential information belonging to InventSuccess Contents Executive Summary...... 1 Company...... 2 Legal Structure...... 2 Vision and Mission...... 2 Location...... 6 Products...... 6 Services...... 6 Trademarks/Copyrights...... 6 Patents...... 6 Management Plan...... 7 Key Personnel...... 7 Board of Directors...... 7 Management Team...... 7 Management Style...... 7 Organizational Structure...... 7 Strategic Partners/Consultants...... 7 Operating Plan...... 8 Staffing...... 8 Research & Development...... 8 Manufacturing/Production...... 8 Equipment & Technology...... 8 Quality Control...... 8 Inventory Management...... 8 Supply & Distribution...... 8 Customer Service...... 8 Health & Safety...... 8 Environmental Impact...... 8 Management Information Systems...... 8 Accounting Systems...... 9 Licenses/Permits...... 9 Insurance...... 9 Marketing Plan...... 10 Industry Analysis...... 10 Target Market...... 10 Timing of Market Entry...... 10 Market Segmentation...... 10 Customer Profile...... 10 Product/Service...... 10 Positioning...... 10 Pricing...... 10 Place (Distribution Methods)...... 10 Packaging...... 10 Competitive Analysis...... 10
2 Promotion & Advertising...... 11 Personal Selling...... 11 Public Relations...... 11 Strategic Alliances...... 11 Market Research...... 11 Financial Plan...... 12 Financial Assumptions...... 12 Cash Flow Statement...... 12 Income Statement...... 12 Break-Even Analysis...... 12 Balance Sheet...... 12 Ratio Analyses...... 12 Sources and Uses of Capital...... 12 Appendices...... 13 Appendix 1: Financial Projections...... 14 Appendix 2: Resume/CV...... 15 Appendix 3: Marketing Material...... 16
3 Executive Summary
Asperger’s Syndrome Disorder and High Functioning Autism are now reaching epidemic proportions…in general, 1 in 150 will be diagnosed on the Autistic Spectrum now and boys are at a level of 1 in 94.
Youth with AS and HFA seem to rarely fit into the traditional academic and employment roles and therefore are not always being served to the greater good of the individual or the communities where they reside. Most of these youth are not being moved into a successful, self-sustaining adulthood with their current available services.
InventSuccess was conceived to develop ways for those on the higher end of the spectrum and with other targeted learning disabilities, to gain skills for sustainable income through traditional and non-traditional training, apprenticeships as well as innovative, intellectual property avenues that use current and emerging technologies.
Most of these individuals have a “gift” or “passion” that they focus on and those are what this organization will seek to strengthen and market for them to become successful, self- sustaining adults. Those who have a more traditional career desire but will not succeed in the traditional avenue to gain that knowledge or skill will be assisted in non-traditional avenues to meet their career goal. InventSuccess is hands-on, goal oriented and provides out-of-the-box opportunities to meet successful, measurable end results.
InventSuccess is a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted program that will encompass educational, vocational and other avenues of opportunities that are both traditional and non-traditional concepts. By blending concepts and opportunities the individuals, school districts and partner agencies we assist or partner with will have increased opportunities for resource availability, services, successful experiences and overall more independence as a adult.
InventSuccess is building the bridges over the barriers that are currently keeping these individuals from a successful adult life. Join this adventure and see the results.
Executive summary is not fully completed
1 Company
COMPANY InventSuccess is located at 24853 Warren Road, Rainier, Oregon. Our target service market is individuals aged 12 –24 (26 with exceptions) with Asperger’s Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and other targeted learning disabilities that impede successful transition into adulthood.
LEGAL STRUCTURE InventSuccess is an Oregon non-profit 501(c) 3 corporation established in October 2003.
The Mission
Educate, train, support, encourage and sustain youth with Asperger’s Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and specially targeted learning disabilities.
To provide alternative educational and career options to youth who struggle to succeed and thrive within the traditional educational, career training and vocational training settings so they may become successful, financially independent, self-sustaining adults and valued contributing members of society.
To provide opportunities to obtain success through different models utilizing current, emerging, virtual and innovative technologies and strategies.
To provide training opportunities for career success through individualized apprenticeships and mentoring programs.
The Vision
To accomplish our mission, we plan to construct 4 regional ASSET Centers
(A utistic S pectrum S pecialized E ducation & T echnology/training Centers), and numerous smaller, local ASSET Centers will be constructed to meet this increasing diagnostic need. The regional Centers will provide educational classroom curriculum in methods that are alternative and innovative in delivery method, teacher/student ratios, curriculum content and designated outcomes. We hope to augment school district curriculum that are within the regional centers coverage area for special education curriculum via remote delivery methods thereby
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assisting the school districts along with helping those students who need our specialized services. These centers will have a minimum of 3 trained Special Education Teachers in the most current and up to date teaching methods for children on the Autistic Spectrum but will also be specifically trained in all new, innovative techniques that will better identify learning and retention abilities in the student, evaluate student strengths and weaknesses in learning aptitudes and abilities, thereby capitalizing on the greater strengths for better retention and real-life applications.
Our centers will also be constructed to provide specialized vocational training based on the students strengths, passions and aptitude through careful evaluation and screening so the students will have the best opportunity to pursue choices that will ensure the most success and financial independence. Our centers will contract with paid and volunteer mentors and trainers in areas of student interests for vocational training, mentorship’s, apprenticeships and individualized, specialized training opportunities.
Local Centers will be designed to augment and enhance local school districts for curriculum, training opportunities, career counseling, assessment, transitional skills and guidance while also providing the students access to the upgraded and enhanced curriculum via a remote delivery method. This opportunity will help to level the playing field for education and career training for youth and young adults on the spectrum so it makes no difference what state or school district they reside in. This augmentation to the school districts will also help them to meet their federal and state guidelines for education requirements while enhancing the students’ educational opportunity in that school district.
Each local center will also act as a community resource center and community center to better integrate and introduce these special needs students into their local community and to local residents. Being informed, educated, trained and accepted, these students have a much greater opportunity for success and the communities they reside in will have better residents and a more informed demographic of population. Each center will partner with local mediation resources to assist parents and caregivers with IEP requirements.
Regional and Local centers will also be designed and staffed to assess specific talents that could be capitalized upon in the realm of intellectual property protection to develop these students strength or passion into an alternative avenue of income that has potential to be sold, licensed or marketed to provide an income stream to sustain them.
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InventSuccess also plans to purchase and develop a number of unique work/camp/respite centers throughout the United States to provide work/career training sites that will also continue teaching necessary life and transition skills ie: coping skills, leadership skills, life skills, work ethics, team-building skills, social and social interaction skills. Currently, there are no respite centers that are affordable for the typical American family trying to live, work and manage jobs, home and siblings of children on and off the spectrum. Insurance doesn’t cover a camp and a respite stay may be covered if there is a profound medical reason for such. With this in mind and to assist parents and caregivers the opportunity to have some down time to regroup, recharge & take an opportunity to refocus and care for their children who are not on the spectrum or reconnect with their spouse, our work sites will also have continued education, camp and respite options for these families across the US on an affordable basis through a variety of funding and participation options.
InventSuccess will seek strategic partnerships with various transportation modalities including the airlines for affordable plane fares to the designated sites or regional ASSET Centers for those camp /respite opportunities.
Regional centers will also be designed with University partnerships in mind that offer continuing educational credit to professionals. With this aspect, professionals will be “immersed” within a center and it’s Autistic Spectrum residents and staff to have a better and more hands-on perspective of behaviors, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses that are presented by the students. This would allow an opportunity that is not available to those professionals in a typical treatment or interactive setting.
With this opportunity, the professional (teacher, doctor, counselor, judicial) will have a better perspective of the Autistic Spectrum disorder thereby allowing them to be better trained and informed when they go back into their communities and attend to those that they may teach, counsel, treat or represent or may show up in their jurisdiction of services. This immersion opportunity should also provide a more compassionate understanding of the person who has the Autistic Disorder, along with their parents and caregivers as well. This increased knowledge and compassion would then, in hopes, be a common tie of unity between those community’s residents’, service personnel and providers. With that goal, we could then hope to see a more unified basis of general treatment and understanding of those who are living within the Autistic Spectrum nightmare.
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InventSuccess also will strive to be the “go to” resource for the United States. Uniting resources into one area for quick and accurate reference and contact information via our interactive US Map where resource data will be listed by state>county>city. This resource map will be regularly maintained/updated and a reasonable annual fee will be assessed for professional listings only. All state, county or non-profit resources will be listed on a no-fee basis.
InventSuccess Centers will also strive to develop special support outsourced business communities for individuals on the Autistic Spectrum and other targeted disabilities. These business communities will provide necessary or needed support in areas of traditional employment deficits (disability management, supported working environment, team building) for projects, etc. to create or enhance employment, individual financial success and independent success strategies. This opportunity will provide continuing opportunities for developing employment skills, adequate work ethics, socializing and leadership skills while providing businesses with options and opportunities for success with trained individuals to do the required work without cost-prohibitive workplace adaptations.
InventSuccess Centers will also strive to develop special support communities (not group homes or institution-like settings) for individuals on the Autistic Spectrum. These communities will provide necessary or needed support in areas of resident deficit (financial management, living skills, etc which are assessed prior to taking up residency) to continue to allow them to live independent lives without being subjected to restricted or confined resident options or continuing to live with their aging parents. This opportunity will provide continuing opportunities for developing living, coping, socializing and leadership skills while providing the parents/caregivers with a sense of relief for their charges well-being should they not be able to care for them in the future.
To create a “GREEN” city around the Center, leasing out land for green business development and renewable energy options and opportunities while integrating those businesses into potential work training sites or
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apprenticeship sites for our students. Our vision is to facilitate opportunity to create sustainable businesses and farming opportunities and for our students to become a more environmentally friendly, upcoming population that will better manage the land and resources.
Central and Eastern Regional Sites are yet to be determined. Please refer to organizational data for more in depth information.
Camps and Respite Centers are necessary for both children and caregivers. There are currently none that are financially affordable for most of the families with children on the higher end of the spectrum, therefore the caregivers get little or no relief unless they have a family member who is willing to take over duties for a short period of time. Even a few days isn’t really enough for these caregivers to get recharged adequately to go back to full time care taking.
LOCATIONS Regional ASSET Centers will be located in areas to best serve the states within the designated service region.
Western Region: (13 states) Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona. Colorado, Alaska, Hawaii.
Central Region: (13 states) North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana.
North Eastern Regio n: (12 States) Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New York New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut.
South Eastern Region: (12 States) Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida
Local ASSET Centers will be opened within designated areas to assist and supplement local school districts, resource agencies and the targeted area communities.
PRODUCTS Products to be marketed will be dependent on what is developed by the students to create viable income for financial independence goals and opportunities.
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SERVICES InventSuccess will provide the following services:
1) Education via specially trained special education teachers and innovative delivery technologies 2) Career & Vocational training programs 3) Outsource resources for businesses seeking qualified personnel 4) Mediation Services 5) Camp & Respite Opportunities 6) Continuing professional education (Teachers, Professionals, Researchers, Agency Personnel) 7) Research Projects and Partnerships 8) Virtual Community & Interactive Role Playing Website 9) Live, video and/or Web educational opportunities/links to local ASSET centers that are linked into local school districts to assist in delivering educational benefits. These would also provide access to opportunities within the virtual community, socialization, leadership skills, and alternative income opportunities.
TRADEMARKS/COPYRIGHTS InventSuccess is currently seeking to trademark the InventSuccess and ASSET Center names. There are currently no trademarks or copyrights filed for students at this time, but it is anticipated that several will result from the opportunities presented to the students.
Online Virtual Community:
To build an online community that crosses Social networking with real life activities in a virtual reality environment.
The purpose of the community is to help children that are both challenged and non-challenged interact in a community to help them learn basic skills in life to develop team building skills as well as interaction with other people in the environment. This community will also have educational and career information to assist and learn what careers require in skills, training, education including financial and time requirements to reach the goal. There will be filters that are in place to keep sexual, violent, bullying, stalking, and foul language out of this interactive environment.
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The web site will be scaled to handle all browsers and run on databases that can be converted into future projects such as use through desktop software.
The community will be like a virtual city where the users will be able to take on jobs, play games, chat in instant messengers, and even send mail through the cities postal service.
PATENTS None at this time, but it is anticipated that several will result from the opportunities presented to the students.
8 Management Plan
MANAGEMENT PLAN This is an Oregon non-profit corporation. The current Board of Directors consists of 6 members but bylaws were developed to accommodate up to 11 members. There is also a minimum of 5 additional voting members who are not on the Board of Directors.
It is expected that the Board of Directors will oversee personnel, which is expected to consist of 1 Executive Director, 3 Regional Center Directors and multiple Local Center Directors.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, David Orr, MA (x2), PhD., is a registered US patent agent, intellectual property and engineering technologies consultant on the global level. Dr. Orr has also been an educator, trainer and green technology innovator. David brings more than 40 years experience in technology and innovation to InventSuccess.
Allen R. Sullivan, M.Ed., PhD Ed & Developmental Psychology, Dallas, TX, is an administrator, teacher, counselor and innovator of programs and processes for youth with disabilities and educational barriers. Dr. Sullivan brings more than 40 years of working with youth, youth with disabilities and autism and school and agency administrators to our organization. His unique combination of experience and program development and implementation is well known & well received throughout the United States.
Kate Alvarado, M.Ed (x2), Ontario, OR, has been an educational administrator, teacher, counselor and academic advisor. Kate has been an elementary and junior high school teacher and counselor for almost 30 years. Living in the border town of Ontario, Oregon, Kate has worked in both Oregon and Idaho schools. Along with her secondary educational experience, she brings with her the experience of being an adjunct professor and advisor at the post-secondary level and a successful small business owner in Ontario, Oregon. In her teaching, counseling and advisory positions, Kate has worked closely with a high percentage of students both on the autistic spectrum and with other disabilities.
Secretary & Executive Director, Christine Knapp, BA Communications, Cert. Conflict Resolution/Negotiation, Clatskanie, OR is the founder of InventSuccess and the mother of an 18 yr old daughter with Asperger’s Syndrome. Christine is a consultant, inventor and innovator who brings more than 30 years of business & innovation consulting to InventSuccess. Based on her experience and frustration of not getting educational, transitional and social services for her daughter, she
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felt something had to be done to help youth and young adults become independent, financially secure and contributing members of society.
MANAGEMENT TEAM To be developed beyond the current Board of Directors and Executive Director.
MANAGEMENT STYLE InventSuccess expects to blend the following management styles and utilize the best practices of each to provide the most effective and efficient management policy and implementation of organization goals and objectives.
Participatory Management Style Participative Management Style, managers have to invest real responsibility, and, consequently, real trust in their staff. Origins of the Participative Management Style can be traced back to the credo: Total Quality Management. TQM called for (among other things) employee interaction in the management process, and, accordingly, encouraged the formation of management committees to discuss and decide upon issues of importance at an organizational level.
Democratic Management Style Democratic management style puts everyone in an order of equal importance. Oftentimes, employees are given tasks that lead to the overall betterment of the company and if there is disarray, everyone from managers to employees feels the sense of burden and responsibility. Democratic management style simply involves feedback from everyone and gives employees a sense of investment in their company. Democratic management style also gives the managers a chance to listen and act on employee ideas.
Democratic management style is one of the more popular forms of management in most large corporations in today’s business market. Democratic management style employs a system within an organization that allows for the flow of free thought and the sharing of ideas between employees and managers. Democratic management style managers typically want feedback from employees. They want to input from other managers and from the employees on various business policies and decisions. Democratic management style is often beneficial to companies because it keeps employees feeling valued and content in the workplace, which often leads to higher and more efficient productivity.
Conflict Management Style While there are several different styles of Conflict Management, InventSuccess will strive to utilize the following two in their overall blended management framework.
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Compromising conflict management style. Using this method, one would come up with a solution to the problem or issue at hand that would make both parties happy without completely giving in to one side or the other. This could possibly be a good strategy for an issue between two employees; however, if it is between the manager or owner and an employee, then it might not be the safest strategy since you do not want your employees to think that you are “giving in” to meet them half way.
Collaborating conflict management style. Using this method, one would sit down with the individuals involved in the issue and hear their concerns, as well as voice their own. Once each party has had a chance to have their say, the manger or owner would then try to find a solution that would make both parties happy if possible. If not, they would choose the solution that is best for the company.
InventSucces Board of Directors
Western Regional Central Regional Center 2 -Eastern Regional Center Centers
Local School Districts Local Resources & Agencies
Medical: Dr. Michael Wieting, DO, M.Ed, Lincoln Memorial University- DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine (Professor & Rehabilitation Specialist), Harrogate, Tennessee Michael Wieting, D. O., M.Ed, Harrogate, TN, is a teaching professor at DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine in Harrogate, TN. Dr. Wieting is currently a licensed physician in Tennessee, Minnesota, Michigan and Oklahoma and travels
11 Management Plan globally as a consultant and lecturer. Dr. Wieting is a physical medicine & rehabilitation physician.
Dr. Al Sullivan, PhD (Dallas Texas) – (Professor/Psychologist - Working within the Autism Field, since 1964), Dallas, TX
Disability & Disability Compliance: Ms. Kedma Ough, MBA, Avita & Associates Mr. Barney Fleming, PhD, ATP Training and Information Specialist DBTAC Northwest - ADA Technical Assistance Center
Speech & Language Pathology: Brenda Gilbert MS, CCC-SLP Speech-Language Professional For Crying Out Loud
Educational: Dr. Terre Glahn, PhD Ed Clinical Director of Services for Autism & Other Brain Disorders, for The Children's Foundation, Vancouver, British Columbia. Ms. Louise Nielsen, MA (Conflict Resolution & Mediator), Portland, OR Ms. Kathryn Alvarado (Crossover expertise) Dr. Michael Wieting, DO (Crossover expertise) Dr. Allen Sullivan, PhD (Crossover expertise) Ms. Erin Kelley, Special Education Teacher, Tigard, Oregon Dr. Eugene Edgar, PhD, Professor, Special Education, University of Washington, Seattle
Technology & Innovation Mr. Barney Fleming, PhD, ATP Training and Information Specialist DBTAC Northwest - ADA Technical Assistance Center
Web Hosting/Virtual Community Development (Services are provided ProBono or Donation in Kind) Host Upon, Toronto, Ontario Canada
Parents/Caregivers/Supporters /Adult & Peer AS Individuals Ms. Kedma Ough, parent Mr. Don Geyman, parent Mr. Kevin Summers, parent Mr. John Moore, family member Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Resnick, family member
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Kevin Summers, Owner/Designer KIStek Studios Video game development
Eduardo Norell, CEO, Portland, OR Norell Design Website design and organizational/corporate image
Casey Golden, Owner, Portland, OR Crackerjack & House Consulting Consultant
Rich Aydelott, CEO, Vancouver, WA Amazing Life Institute Health and Behavior Management through specialized trainings
Robert Fletcher, Founder/Developer Thought Process Management
Glen Fletcher, Consultant Thought Process Management
Mel Levine, MD, Durham, NC All Kinds of Minds Organization Learning programs
Paul Law, MD MPH, Baltimore, MD Kennedy Krieger Institute IAN Project
Host Upon Web Hosting Services Toronto, Ontario Canada. All web hosting is supplied Pro Bono
Special Interests in Partnership: Autism Society of Oregon, Marylhurst, OR
13 Management Plan
Terre Glahn, PhD Director/Founder, Victoria, B.C. Community of Kindness Educator, advisor for specialized curriculum development for ASSET Center programs
Robert Fletcher, Founder Thought Process Management Glenn Fletcher, Consultant Educator, advisor, advisor for specialized curriculum development for ASSET Center programs
Mr. Rich Aydelott, CEO Amazing Life Institute Trainer & coach for specialized life skills, life management, coping and stress reduction programs for ASSET Center programs
14 Operating Plan
OPERATING PLAN I. Area of Operation: United States Of America (Model to be developed for potential global development)
II. History of Operation: Originally founded in 2003 as an inventors non-profit group focusing on inventions for individuals with disabilities, it was redesigned and refocused in April 2009 to incorporate that mission through working with youth and young adults on the autistic spectrum.
III. Mission, Goals, Objectives: Mission Statement
Educate, train, support, encourage and sustain youth with Asperger’s Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and specially targeted learning disabilities.
To provide alternative educational and career options to youth who struggle to succeed and thrive within the traditional educational, career training and vocational training settings so they may become successful, financially independent, self-sustaining adults and valued contributing members of society.
To provide opportunities to obtain success through different models utilizing current, emerging, virtual and innovative technologies and strategies.
To provide training opportunities for career success through individualized apprenticeships and mentoring programs.
Corporate Objectives
Educate, train, support and sustain youth with Asperger’s Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and other learning disabilities by:
Identifying, inventing, developing, promoting and utilizing sustainable programs and life-enhancing solutions for youth and young adults with Asperger’s Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and targeted learning disabilities.
Seeking, developing, establishing and enhancing community, corporate, governmental, collaborative, strategic individual support bridges and partnerships and alliances.
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Providing direction services which guide and counsels children, youth, and young adults into successful, financially independent, self-sustaining adulthood in the communities in which they reside.
Establishing innovative, technical assistance and educational resource centers that support, mentor, train and enhance lives of those with Asperger’s Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and other individuals within their communities and beyond.
Embracing and adopting innovative and emerging technologies, which enhance and advance the overall mission of the organization and those it serves.
Building the organization and its ability to provide services, education, mentoring and training opportunities and resources for youth and young adults with Asperger’s Syndrome and High Functioning Autism.
Corporate Goals Create new life options and opportunities, which will enrich the circumstances of those with Asperger’s Syndrome and High Functioning Autism and others in their community.
Incorporate innovative technology, and develop new ideas, inventions and concepts by creating opportunities for community involvement, mentoring, and skilled apprenticeships to further their knowledge and skills base.
Employ successful team building and collaborative strategies with individuals, companies, organizations and agencies and find or invent solutions for financial, emotional, vocational training, educational growth and long-term self-sustainability.
Promote investigation and research to find and document beneficial treatment(s) and approaches for Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
Create a strong and enduring sense of commitment and community connection all patrons and participants in this effort with the benefits being the reduction of conflict for those children, youth, and young adults and their families, coupled with an enhanced sense of belonging and importance.
Reduce conflict and promote understanding of the nature and needs and individual worth of persons with Asperger’s Syndrome or High Functioning Autism and other learning disabilities.
Become a nationally and internationally recognized Model; Applied Research, Demonstration, and Dissemination site for successful strategies to improve the lives of those children, youth, and young adults with Asperger’s
16 Operating Plan
Syndrome, High Functioning Autism in particular, and all children, youth, and young adults in general.
IV. Description of the Operation: ASSET Centers
(Autistic Spectrum Specialized Education & Technology/training Centers)
4Rural Residential ASSET (Success) Centers/Ranches/Green-developed towns (Western, Central and Eastern locations), with the following components included in each center: Education via specially trained teachers and innovative technologies Career & Vocational training programs Camp & Respite Continuing professional education Research Projects and Partnerships Virtual Community & Interactive Role Playing Website. Live, video and/or Web educational opportunities/links to local ASSET centers that are linked into local school districts to assist in delivering educational benefits. These would also provide access to opportunities within the virtual community, socialization, leadership skills, and alternative income opportunities. Camp/Work/ Respite Centers:
Establish a minimum of 3 camp/respite centers to augment the educational and vocational opportunities by providing peer camp experiences to help strengthen social interactions thereby increasing social skills, coping skills and peer relationships. Respite opportunities will provide family and caregivers an opportunity for down time, family interaction with other and opportunities to be “off duty” and thereby renewing their abilities to effectively take care of their child on the autistic spectrum.
Designated camp and respite centers will also act as training centers for students to increase their transitional skills; social skills, team-building skills, coping skills & leadership skills while working at a chosen job within that location.
Create research opportunities to further the opportunity of discovery of cause, effect and cure of Autistic Spectrum Disorders but serving a distinct population that has an opportunity to willingly participate in research projects.
17 Operating Plan
Continuing Education for Professionals
Provide professionals in the roles of teacher, counselor, agency specialist and judicial personnel, opportunities for increased awareness of the differing levels of behaviors, treatment options and techniques that may be available or developed from InventSuccess’ “immersion” programs that will be available at the regional ASSET centers. Possible smaller versions of the immersion program may be developed on a local ASSET center level for those professionals unable to travel to a regional center for extended stay studies.
The Immersion program of living with a child or young adult on the autistic spectrum will provide the professional with increased insight into day-to-day behaviors, mood patterns, anxieties, passions, hopes, dreams, fears and hopes of the students attending the centers while also making them aware of alternative options of treatment and interactions with individuals they come into contact with while practicing their profession.
Immersion could also provide the professional with new and innovative treatment ideas and options, which would then benefit the professional’s patients and families.
Mediation Assistance
A division of the continuing education for professionals component will also include training senior mediators in local areas through the local ASSEST Centers, to assist parents, guardians, care givers and agency-responsible personnel, in the educational IEP (Individualized Education Plan) process. This is in hopes to balance the power that comes into developing educational curriculum plans when a child needs special education benefits from a local school district. Typically, there is one or two parents, possibly a trained IEP partner from a local agency and then more than 4 representatives from the child’s school and school district. The IEP meeting is to determine the child’s educational and transitional needs that the school district is mandated to provide by law. Since the balance of power is usually so one sided (school districts’ favor), the child’s needs are not always adequately represented due to the parents lack of negotiation skills, understanding of their legal rights, understanding of what their child is eligible for and what the school district is obligated to provide and what shortcomings may be within that school district thereby reducing the child’s ability to obtain the proper services and thrive.
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This service will be provided in partnership with local Conflict Resolution Centers, Universities/Colleges offering Conflict Resolution Curriculum, other non-profit agencies that have established IEP training programs and partnerships along with local senior mediators who volunteer to go through the specialized IEP training programs available within their local areas.
Educational, vocational and alternative training opportunities for students
Assessing students’ strengths, passions and weaknesses will allow the centers to assist the student in becoming financially independent, self-sustaining adults. Through the use and development of alternative and innovative educational, vocational, apprenticeships, mentorships and uniquely designed, individualized training programs, each student will have the opportunity to find a successful life path.
V. Projected Revenue Components for Organization Sustainability
1.Student Tuitions 2.Camp/Respite Tuitions 3.State Educational Funds 4.Federal Educational Funds 5.State & Federal Vocational Training Funds 6.Lease funds from lands developed around ASSET Centers 7.Incentives available for green business practices and renewable energy 8.Royalties and Licensing fees from product development 9.Membership fees from developed products and websites 10. Grants 11. Sponsorships 12. Donations 13. Gifts 14. Endowments 15. Federal and State Stimulus funds for Education, Training and Health Services
VI. Staff Requirements:
Each regional center will be staffed by a minimum of 3 Special Education Teachers who have also been given additional training in alternative methods of teaching, behavior modification techniques, stimulating brain
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patterns/synapses, creative conflict resolution, thinking processes and alternative curriculum delivery methods.
Each teacher, counselor and training professional will be trained in leadership, team-building and stress reduction techniques as well as social and coping skill techniques that will be continually practiced and enforced with the students so they are better able to adapt to their educational, career and social situations in their chosen life path.
Local ASSET Center staffing will be based on the local needs of the students and available community resources within that designated service area. Assessed needs and resources available will then determine how that local center will be staffed and what programs will be offered thereby enhancing the opportunities and options for that serviced population living within that specific local ASSET centers region.
STAFFING Location, student populations’ needs, and current resources that are available or need to be developed, enhanced or augmented to provide for the students will determine staffing.
Staffing will consist of trained, certified teaching staff, counselors, and master craftsmen, journey level tradesmen mentors and necessary support staff to administer the mission, goals and objectives of InventSuccess.
RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Continued awareness of new and emerging technologies, research findings, and training options will be monitored closely and implemented as deemed appropriate and vital to the mission and the individuals who are targeted for service through InventSuccess.
To be determined on an as needed basis
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InventSuccess will strive to equip all centers with the most up-to-date technology and equipment, thereby keeping the students and staff well informed and trained on all necessary advancements. InventSuccess will seek strategic and collaborative partnerships within industries that are leaders in their fields and show continued innovative and sustainable business practices, products and services.
QUALITY CONTROL A program of checks and balances, measurable goals and accomplishments, and predetermined outcomes will be developed and put in place in each component and project developed and administered through InventSuccess. Student’s ability to succeed at their passion, chosen career or vocation is of the utmost importance to the success of the mission of InventSuccess and why it has been developed.
INVENTORY MANAGEMENT A comprehensive system will be developed as each center is developed; so all assets, supplies and donations are effectively managed and tracked.
SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION To be developed as needed should the students develop new products that necessitate a supply & distribution channel. The possibility of outsourcing for expertise and increased quality control and delivery will be reviewed on a case- by-case basis.
CUSTOMER SERVICE Customer and client service requirements will be handled by trained staff members and will always be diligently overseen as satisfaction by clients/customers in mandatory for the continued success of the organization.
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HEALTH & SAFETY There will be OSHA standards applied as well as other necessary procedures to maintain the highest standards of health and safety of students, staff, clients, customers, vendors, partners and the general public who are present in any of our centers, camps, respite facilities or center grounds.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT InventSuccess, as part of its overall mission and program development, seeks to decrease its impact on the environment. To accomplish this, we will create the our ASSET Centers utilizing green building technology, sustainable business practices, and utilizing renewable energy resources and technology to power and promote our centers and program deliverables.
Part of this sustainable plan will be to decrease environmental factors that may play a part in students’ medical issues. This can include but is not limited to: food allergies, excessive environmental pollution factors, heavy metal content in products and drinking water supplies, increased use of plastics that leach chemicals, etc. We will seek supply sources that are organic, environmentally friendly, natural and wholesome in their development and growth.
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS A comprehensive system will be developed and implemented when deemed necessary to accommodate organizational growth. All information will also be kept in the strictest confidence and released only under proper authority and permission to safeguard staff and students.
ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS Current accounting system is on a calendar year basis and will continue until the corporation accountant deems a change is necessary or beneficial for the overall financial health of the organization.
Licenses and permits will be obtained on a as needed basis.
INSURANCE All necessary insurance policies will be obtained at the time they are required.
22 MARKETING PLAN To initially acquire through a grant award or donation, a travel trailer /RV to become a mobile office, event office and national mobile marketing tool for autism awareness and InventSuccess awareness instead of having fixed overhead costs for office, utilities, etc.
To brand autism with the puzzle butterfly to bring unity to the cause & to organizations committed to the cause.
Create and/or participate in an annual convention for autism awareness.
Create strategic partnerships for event and fundraising activities that promote awareness, financial support and success opportunities for both InventSuccess and the individuals we assist.
INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Current industry focus is on education through high school level and research to determine cause(s) of autism. No apparent focus, beyond what InventSuccess is developing, for youth, young adults or individuals success opportunities beyond high school.
TARGET MARKET Youth and young adults between the ages of 12 and 24 (26 with special consideration), who fail to succeed and thrive in the traditional educational, career and transitional training settings.
TIMING OF MARKET ENTRY Timing for the development of the InventSuccess ASSET Center model is at a peak. It is clear that current resources, training & education opportunities, and treatment programs are severely lacking and lagging behind the population increase of needs and services. Currently, both diagnosis and public awareness are high and the population is screaming for change, services, and resources to assist, delay and prevent the continued rise of children being diagnosed on the Autistic Spectrum. The medical industry is actively researching different avenues to try to pin point cause, cures and treatments. Funding for this group of individuals is a high priority on federal and state levels, however, there seems to be a lack of organizations that provide a hands-on approach that will provide the necessary services to develop a financially independent, self-sustaining adult population of those diagnosed on the higher end of the autistic spectrum.
Resources and research seem to abound but that still leaves the diagnosed individuals, their families and care takers, with precious little assistance in the day-to-day, hands-on, special needs requirements that this targeted population desperately needs.
InventSuccess has identified the lack of resources; educational and vocational training along with the necessary transitional skills required for success as an adult and are prepared to fill that niche with unique and innovative yet useful and individually designed programs to prompt successful outcomes.
PRODUCT/SERVICE To provide alternative avenues for success through education, training, career and ability assessment, support options, and innovative opportunities
PLACE This is being designed and built with a national focus to eliminate barriers created by state, county, school district or city requirements and restrictions for services and resources.
COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS Currently no know competitors exist with similar program elements.
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS Executive Director $45,000 - $75,000 yr Office Manager/Administrator $28,000 – 31,500/yr
PROFESSIONAL STAFF FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS These will vary based on field of expertise and duties. Ie: educational, medical, etc. APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS APPENDIX 2: RESUME/CV
Please see attached complete resumes/CV of all members of the Board of Directors. APPENDIX 3: MARKETING MATERIAL
The Skeleton Key will become our marketing tool along with the Autism Awareness Puzzle Butterfly.
We will utilize brochures, print, TV and radio media as available.
Fundraising and Awareness events will be developed for additional funding and market awareness.
We will create branding items with both the key and butterfly for promotional items.