Curriculum Vitae 2017 s1
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University of New Hampshire Email: [email protected] Department of Political Science Tel: 603-862-0881 319 Horton Social Science Center Fax: 603-862-0178 Durham, NH 03824
RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS International Relations, International Organizations, American Foreign Policy, Humanitarian Intervention, Peacekeeping, Religious and Ethnic Identity, Demobilization of Political Violence
EDUCATION . Ph.D., Political Science, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, August 1999. International Relations, Minor: Comparative Politics, Cognate: American Politics (Distinctions). . Masters of Arts, Political Science, New Mexico State University, May 1993 (Distinctions). . Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Law and Society, New Mexico State University, May 1991 (with Honors).
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE . University of New Hampshire, Associate Professor (Fall 2009 to present) . University of New Hampshire, Assistant Professor (Fall 2003 to May 2009) . Southeast Missouri State University, Assistant Professor (Fall 1999 to June 2003) . University of South Carolina, Instructor/Graduate Assistant (Spring 1994-Spring 1998) . New Mexico State University, Instructor/Graduate Assistant (Fall 1991-Spring 1993)
PUBLICATIONS Books . Alynna J. Lyon, “US Politics and the United Nations: A Tale of Dysfunctional Dynamics.” Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2016. . Karen Mingst, Margaret Karns and Alynna Lyon, “The United Nations in the 21st Century” 5th edition, Westview Press, 2016. . Manuel, Paul, Alynna Lyon, and Clyde Wilcox, eds. “Religion and Politics in a Global Society: Comparative Perspectives from the Portuguese-Speaking World,” Lexington Press, 2012.
Books under contract . Alynna Lyon, Christine Gustafson, and Paul Christopher Manuel eds. “When Theology and Politics Meet: Pope Francis as a Global Actor” (under contract with Palgrave, completion date October 2017).
. Alynna Lyon and Kent Kille, “The United Nations: 75 Years of Promoting Peace” (under contract with ABC-CLIO/Praeger, completion date June 2019).
Peer-reviewed articles P a g e | 2
. Chris Dolan and Alynna Lyon, “Calculation of Goodwill: Humanitarianism, Strategic Interests, and the U.S. Response to Typhoon Yolanda,” Global Security and Intelligence Studies 2:1 (2016). . Alynna Lyon, "When Do We Heed ‘The Responsibility to Protect’?" Irish Studies in International Affairs 20 (2009): 41-54. . Alynna Lyon and Mary Fran T. Malone, "Where Are the ‘Good Samaritans’? Assessing Cross- National Support for Peacekeeping Operations." Journal of International Peacekeeping 13 (2009): 239-66 . Alynna Lyon and Mary Fran T. Malone, "Was Woodrow Wilson Right? Assessing American Attitudes towards Humanitarian Intervention." Peace, Conflict and Development 13 (2009): 1-41. . Alynna Lyon and Chris Dolan, "American Humanitarian Intervention: Toward a Theory of Coevolution," Foreign Policy Analysis 2 (2007): 46-78. . Alynna Lyon "Moral Motives and Policy Actions: Dag Hammarskjöld at the United Nations." Public Integrity 9 (2007): 79-96. . Alynna Lyon "Beyond Rwanda and Kosovo: The Interactive Dynamics of International Peacekeeping and Ethnic Mobilization." Global Society 19 (2005): 267-88. . Alynna Lyon "International Influences on the Mobilization of Violence in Kosovo and Macedonia." Journal of International Relations and Development 5, (2002): 275-94. . Arrick Jackson and Alynna Lyon, "Policing after Ethnic Conflict." with, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management 25, (2002): 221-41. . Alynna Lyon and with Emek Ucarer, "The Transnational Mobilization of Ethnic Conflict: Kurdish Separatism in Germany and the PKK." Ethnic and Racial Studies 24, (2001): 925-48.
Chapters and articles under review and/or forthcoming . Alynna Lyon, “Where there is no Peace to Keep: Complex Multidimensional Peacekeeping in the 21st Century” in Diana Ayton-Shenker ed. A New Global Agenda (forthcoming, Rowman & Littlefield, 2018) . Alynna Lyon, “Pope Francis as a Global Policy Entrepreneur: Moral Authority and Climate Change.” In Alynna Lyon, Christine Gustafson, and Paul Christopher Manuel eds. “When Theology and Politics Meet: Pope Francis as a Global Actor” (under contract with Palgrave, completion date October 2017). . Alynna Lyon, “The Last, Best Hope of Earth: Contending Narratives, American Multilateralism and the Birth of the United Nations” under review, Journal of International Organization Studies.
Book Chapters . Alynna Lyon, “The Politics of the Catholic Church in East Timor,” in Religion and Politics in a Global Society: Comparative Perspectives from the Portuguese-Speaking World: Lexington Press, November 2012. . Alynna Lyon, "Liberalism and U.S. Foreign Policy," in Handbook of American Foreign Policy, edited by Christopher Jones and Steve Hook: Routledge Press, 2011. . Alynna Lyon, “Why Democracy?” with Jonathon Hiskey, in Achieving Democracy: Democratiza- tion in Theory and Practice, edited by Mary Malone. Continuum Books, 2011. . Alynna Lyon, "Responding to Kosovo’s Call for Humanitarian Intervention: Public Opinion, Partisanship, and Policy Objectives," with Mary Malone, in Kosovo and the International Community: Intervention, Statebuilding and Independence, edited by Aiden Hehir: Routledge Press, 2010. . Alynna Lyon, "Dag Hammarskjöld and the Impact of Religious and Ethical Values of the United Nations Secretaries-General on Building the Peace," in The UN Secretary-General and Moral P a g e | 3
Authority: Ethics and Religion in International Leadership, edited by Kent Kille. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. 2007: 111-142. . Alynna Lyon, "The East Timorese Church: From Oppression to Liberation," in Of Swords and Crucifixes, Georgetown University Press, edited by Paul Manuel, Christopher Reardon and Clyde Wilcox. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown Press, 2006: 131-148. . Alynna Lyon, “Separatism in Chechnya: The Role of the Jihad, " in Religion and Politics in the Developing World: Explosive Interactions, edited by Rolin G. Mainuddin. United Kingdom: Ashgate, 2001.
Works in Progress
Book Projects (in progress) . Donald J. Puchala, Katie Verlin Laatikainen, Roger A. Coate and Alynna J. Lyon, United Nations Politics: International Organization in a Divided World (in negotiations with Prentice Hall Studies in International Relations: Enduring Questions in Changing Times).
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (in progress) . Alynna Lyon, “An Invitation to Struggle: The Impacts of Congress on United Nations’ Reform,” to be submitted to Foreign Policy Analysis, May 2017. . Alynna Lyon and Chris Dolan, “Halos and Hangovers: The Selectivity of American Humanitarian Intervention,” to be submitted to International Studies Perspectives, June 2017. . “Opening the Circle: The Obama Administration and Multilateralism at the United Nations,” to be submitted to Global Governance July 2017. . Alynna Lyon, “Scapegoating the United Nations: An Analysis of American Public Attitudes and the United Nations,” under revision. . Alynna Lyon, “The Public and Humanitarian Intervention: A Concordant Model of Transatlantic Support for Engagement” under revision.
Other Publications . Alynna Lyon, Book Review, A Stability-Seeking Power, Jonathan Paquin, in International Journal, Volume 66, Issue 1, (Winter 2010-11) . Alynna Lyon, Book Review, Humanitarian Intervention, Thomas Weiss (Polity, 2007) Journal of Politics Summer 2008 70:3 (2008): 886-887. . Alynna Lyon, Book Review, Kimberly Zisk Marten, Enforcing the Peace: Learning from the Imperial Past. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004. Peace Review 20:4 (2007). . Alynna Lyon, “Can Democracy Create World Peace? Democratic Peace Theory: Misguided Policy or Panacea” Discovery Dialogues Essay, 2007-2008
. Alynna Lyon, Book Review, Ethnopolitical Warfare: Causes, Consequences and Possible Solutions. Edited by Daniel Chirot and Martin E.P. Seligman. (American Psychological Association, 2001) for Journal of Politics. February 2002, 64:1. . Alynna Lyon, "Reading, Writing, and Warfare: Children in Armed Conflict." History Behind the Headlines, Sonia G. Benson, ed. (Detroit: Thomas/Gale) Volume 4 (2002), pp. 49-61. . Alynna Lyon, “East Timor: The Path of Democracy,” History Behind the Headlines, (Detroit: Thomas/Gale) Volume 2 (2000): 88-98 . Alynna Lyon, “International Intervention and the Aggravation of Ethnic Conflict: Rwanda and Iraq,” Sixteenth Conference Proceedings of the Association of Third World Studies, 1998: 93-104
RECENT PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS Papers . “Pope Francis, Global Politics and Moral Authority.” New England Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Providence, RI. April 22, 2017. . “Where there is ‘little or no peace to keep’: The United Nations and Complex Multidimensional Peacekeeping”, Prepared for the International Studies Association, February 2017, Annual Meeting. . “Pope Francis, Global Politics and Moral Authority.” Symposium on Pope Francis, St. Anselm College, NH. October 7, 2016. . “Pope Francis as a Global Policy Entrepreneur: The UN, Moral Authority and Climate Change” New England Political Science Association, April 29, 2016. . “Pope Francis as a Global Policy Entrepreneur: the UN, Moral Authority and Climate Change” New England Political Science Association, April 29, 2016. . "An Invitation to Struggle: United Nations Reform and the U.S. Congress” International Studies Association, Atlanta, GA. March 19, 2016. . ‘An Invitation to Struggle’: The Impacts of the U.S. Congress on United Nations Reform” The Academic Council on the United Nations, The Hague, June 2015. . “Mapping Multilateralism” International Studies Association, New Orleans, February 20, 2015. . “Opening the Circle: The Obama Administration and “Renewed” Multilateralism at the United Nations” International Studies Association, Toronto, March 28, 2014. . “Contending Narratives, American Multilateralism and the Birth of the United Nations” AMSAB-ISH Workshop, Birth of the United Nations, Ghent, Belgium, October 10-12, 2013. . “A Return to Multilateralism? The Realities and Rhetoric of American Engagement at the United Nations,” International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA April 3-5, 2013. . “Rhetoric and Reality: The Domestic Politics of American Multilateral Engagement with the United Nations” The Academic Council on the United Nations, New York, NY June 13-15, 2012. . “Modeling Humanitarian Intervention: A Test Case of Libya” with Chris Dolan, International Studies Association Annual Meeting – San Diego, CA. April 1-4, 2012 . “The Activist Catholic Church in Independent East Timor: “The Church is not a Political Institution.” World International Studies Committee, Annual Conference, Porto, Portugal. August 17, 2011. . Building a Framework of American Multilateralism: Mapping Episodic Engagement and Estrangement,” Academic Council on the United Nations, Waterloo, Canada. June 2-4, 2011. . “Building a Framework to Map American Multilateralism: Engagement, Estrangement and Denial” Paper prepared for the International Studies Association Annual Meeting - Montreal, CA. March 16-20, 2011. . “Modeling Church-State Relations: East Timor.” New England Political Science Association, April 22-24, 2010, Newport RI. P a g e | 5
. “Engagement or Estrangement: American Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century” Roundtable for the International Studies Association Annual Conference, February 2010, New Orleans . “Closing the Theory-Practice Gap: Prosopographical Analysis of Secretaries-General of International Organizations” Roundtable for the International Studies Association Annual Conference, February 2010, New Orleans . “When Can We Be Good Samaritans? The Rhetoric and the Realities of ‘A Responsibility to Protect’ in a Post 9.11.01 World.” Invited presentation to the Royal Irish Academy Committee for International Affairs Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, November 19-21, 2008. . The Activist Catholic Church in Independent East Timor: “The Church is not a Political Institution.” Paper presented at the American Political Science Association, Annual Convention, Boston, MA August 30, 2008. . “Rejecting One’s Protégé: The Impact of Media Coverage on American Public Perceptions of the United Nations” Paper presented at the International Studies Association, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA March 25-28, 2008. . “The Moral Authority of Dag Hammarskjöld,” presentation on roundtable at the International Studies Association, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA March 25-28, 2008. . “Assessing the Determinants of US Public Opinion and the United Nations” International Studies Association-South Annual Conference, October 25-27, 2007 . “Transnational Mobilization and Sectarian Strife within the Russian-Chechen Conflict” New England Political Science Association, " Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 27, 2007 . “The Public and the Peacekeepers: Assessing European and American Attitudes towards Peacekeepers” International Studies Association, Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL Feb 28- March 3, 2007 (with Mary Malone and Donald Puchala) . “Through a Glass Darkly? Public Opinion and the Relationship between the United States and the United Nations.” International Studies Association, Annual Convention. San Diego, CA March 22- 25, 2006. . “The Public and the Peacekeepers: Assessing the Role of Public Attitudes towards Peacekeeping in Kosovo,” Northeast Political Science Association Annual Conference, November 17-19, 2005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. . Mapping the Contributions to the Outbreak of Genocide: An Examination of the Rwandan Experience,” (with Nicole Powell) International Studies Association –Midwest Annual Conference St. Louis, MO. October 20-22, 2005 . “American Humanitarian Intervention: The Co-evolution of Self-interested Altruism” International Studies Association –Midwest Annual Conference St. Louis, MO. October 20-22, 2005 . “Strategic Humanitarianism? An Exploration of American Involvement in Iraq, Kosovo and Tsunami Relief Efforts,” Georgia Political Science Association, November 10-12, 2005, Savannah, Georgia. . “The UN Charter, the New Testament and Psalms: Dag Hammarskjöld’s Ethical Framework and the Secretary-Generalship” Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS), Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, June 16-19, 2005. . “Trust, Television or Tolerance? An Exploration into the Influences on Public Attitudes towards Peacekeeping.” Coauthored with Mary Malone, New England Political Science Association Annual Conference, , April 29-30, 2005, Portland Maine. . “Dag Hammarskjold: A Study on the Impact of Ethical Values on the United Nations Secretary- General,” International Studies Association, Honolulu Hawaii. March 1-5, 2005. . “Transnational Politics and Separatism in Transitional States.” Northeast Political Science Association, November 11-13, 2004, Boston, MA P a g e | 6
. “Ally, Advocate, or Adversary: An Exploration into the Historical Relationship between the United Nations Secretaries-General and the United States” International Studies Association - South, Annual Convention, Columbia, SC, October 22-23, 2004. . “Relationships Between the Secretaries General and the US: Friends or Foes?” with Paul Smith, New England Political Science Association, " Annual Meeting, April 30, 2004 Portsmouth, NH. . “The Church in Asia: East Timor” Symposium on Relationship Between Catholic Church and States in Comparative Perspective, April 23-24, 2004, St. Amselm’s College. . “The Transnational Mobilization of Islamic Fundamentalism: Separatism in Chechnya and the Wahhabi” International Studies Association-Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. March 2004. . “Revisiting the Lessons of Multilateral Peacekeeping: A Critical Analysis of UNAMIR and KFOR” International Studies Association, Midwest. St. Louis, MO. November 7-8, 2003. . Roundtable: International Studies at Undergraduate Institutions—What is it and how should programs be structured? Co-sponsored by International Studies Perspectives, International Studies Association, Midwest , November 8, 2003 . “Diffusion, Contagion and Mobilization: Mapping the Transnational Linkages of Ethnic Conflict” International Studies Association – New Orleans, LA. March 24-26, 2002. . “Cognitive Images and Perceptions in the Field of Peacekeeping,” International Studies Association – Midwest Annual Conference. St. Louis, MO. November 1-3, 2002. . Roundtable Presentation “The Challenges of Global Governance” International Studies Association – Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. March 24-26, 2002. . “US Strategic Humanitarianism: The Co-evolution of International Involvement and Non- Involvement Through the 1990s” International Studies Association, Midwest -- Annual Conference. St. Louis, MO. November 2-3, 2001. . “Blue -Helmets, Band-Aids and Bullets: International Involvement and the Escalation of Ethnic Conflict” International Studies Association, Chicago, IL. February 20-24, 2001.
Presentations . “Model Diplomacy” Council on Foreign Relations, invited lecture, April 21, 2017. New York, NY. . “The Trump Presidency and the United Nations” Invited lecture College of Wooster, OH, April 5, 2017 . “Religion and Politics: The Catholic Church in East Timor” Invited lecture Georgetown University, October 15, 2015 . “Top Ten Foreign Policy Challenges Facing the Next U.S. President” Riverwoods Retirement Community, August 20, 2015 . “Teaching International Organizations versus Global Governance” International Studies Association, New Orleans, February 21, 2015. . “The United States and Multilateral Institutions: What Has Changed Since 1990?” Roundtable, International Studies Association,– San Diego, CA. April 1-4, 2012 . “American Multilateralism and Diplomacy” Roundtable presentation International Studies Association Annual Meeting - Montreal, CA. March 16-20, 2011. . “Looking Back at President Obama’s First Year: Diplomacy. Trade and Other Foreign Policy Issues” The Exchange, New Hampshire Public Radio, January 21, 2010 . Iraq After the Election, Fulbright Association - UNH Elliott Alumni Center April 8, 2010 . “Democratic Peace Theory,” Sidore Lecture Series, January 21, 2008, Durham, NH . “Primary Primer: US Presidential Elections and the World” Discovery Program, December 5, 2008, Durham, NH . “Preparing Future Faculty” Graduate School, October 11, 2007, Durham, NH . “US Foreign Policy and Iraq,” Project Search, October 12, 2007, Durham, NH . “State of Democracy after 9-11” September 11, 2007 Discovery Program Durham, NH P a g e | 7
. “American Civilian Military Relations,” Partners for Peace Kazakhstan Delegation, Durham NH, March 10, 2006 . “Peacekeeping and American Public Opinion” with Mary Malone, Department of Political Science Brown Bag Series, February 23, 2006. . The Dilemmas of Democracy in Iraq, Keene State University, December, 1, 2005 . Democratic Peace Theory and Iraq, Durham Rotary International, August 17, 2005 . The Transnational Mobilization of Islamic Fundamentalism: Chechnya, the Wahhabi and the War on Terrorism, Justice Studies Colloquium Series, April 1, 2005 . Roundtable: Professors, Politicos and Policy Analysts: Exploring Alternative Career Paths in International Studies, International Studies Association - South, Annual Convention, Columbia, SC, October 22-23, 2004. . “The Role of the United Nations and Iraq,” Guest Speaker, Robbins Memorial Symposium, Phillips Exeter Academy, April 26, 2004 . “The Arab-Israeli Conflict” Project Search March 23, 2004. . Roundtable: International Studies at Undergraduate Institutions—What is it and how should programs be structured? Co-sponsored by International Studies Perspectives, November 8, 2003 . “Going Public” KRCU Public Radio Interview “Roadmap to Peace?” Aired June 8, 2004. . The War on Terrorism and War with Iraq: Connections and Implications. Cape West Rotary, October 7, 2002. . US Foreign Policy One year after 9-11-02, Department of Political Science Forum on Terrorism, September 11, 2002. . “Going Public” Southeast Public Radio, KRCU Public Radio Interview “Cuba and U.S. Diplomacy”, Aired May 12, 2002. . “Re-railing the Middle East Peace Process” Great Decisions Series, MO, March 2002. . “Terrorism and Islamic Fundamentalism: The Jihad?” Missouri Humanities Council, St. Louis, MO. November 20, 2001, February 12, 2002, February 19, 2002. . “Using Political Simulations to Teach International Studies” International Studies Association – Midwest Annual Conference. St. Louis, MO. November 2-3, 2001. . “ Causes of Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East,” Department of Political Science Forum on Terrorism, September 26, 2001. . “Terrorism and the Middle East,” Going Public Southeast Public Radio, KRCU, September 13, 2001. . “ The WTO and China”, Going Public Southeast Public Radio, KRCU Public Radio, June 24, 2000. . “The 2000 Presidential Elections and Foreign Policy: Does Anyone Care?” March 3, 2000 Forum on Presidential Primaries, Southeast Missouri State University. . “The International Mobilization of Ethnic Conflict in Rwanda,” April 8, 1998, Richard L. Walker Institute of International Studies, Brown Bag Series. University of South Carolina. . “ Disseminating Enlightenment,” South Carolina Conference International Relations, Annual Meeting, March 22, 1996, Columbia, South Carolina.
Chair and Discussant . “The UN Security Council” International Studies Association, New Orleans, February 21, 2015. . “Presidential Theme Roundtable—Teaching International Organization Today,” International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, April 3-5, 2013. . “The United States and Multilateral Institutions: What Has Changed Since 1990?” Roundtable, International Studies Association, San Diego, CA, April 1-4, 2012 . “Academic and Practitioner Perspectives on Multilateral Processes” Academic Council on the United Nations, Waterloo, Canada, June 4, 2011 P a g e | 8
. “American Multilateralism and Diplomacy” Roundtable presentation International Studies Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, CA, March 16-20, 2011. . “Engagement or Estrangement: American Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century” Roundtable for the International Studies Association Annual Conference, February 2010, New Orleans . Discussant: “Great Power Politics,” International Studies Association, Annual Convention. New York, NY February 15, 2009. . Discussant: “Women at the United Nations,” International Studies Association, Annual Conven- tion. San Francisco, CA March 25-29, 2008. . Discussant: “Great Powers at the United Nations,” International Studies Association, Annual Con- vention. San Francisco, CA March 25-29, 2008. . Chair, “Bridging Nation, State and Disciplinary Divides: Distinguished Scholars Panel in Honor of Aristide Zolberg, International Studies Association, Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA March 25-29, 2008. . Chair, “IGOs, NGOs, and Regime Formation: Full-Time Actors in the International System” International Studies Association-South Annual Conference, October 25-27, 2007 . Discussant, “Theorizing NGOs,” International Studies Association, Annual Convention. San Diego, CA March 22-25, 2006. . Chair and Discussant, “US Foreign Policy and Historical Perspectives,” New England Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Friday, April 30, 2004 Portsmouth, NH. . Chair and Co-Discussant, “Individuals, Groups and Political Violence,” New England Political Science Association Annual Meeting, April 30, 2004 Portsmouth, NH. . Discussant, “Correlates of Internal Conflict” International Studies Association, Midwest. St. Louis, MO. November 7-8, 2003. . Discussant, “Comparative Perspectives on Managing Groups Inequality and Minority Protection” International Studies Association – Annual Conference, February 20-24, 2001 Chicago, IL, . Discussant, “Domestic and Ethnic Conflict” Midwest Political Science Association, 58th Annual National Meeting, April 27-30, 2000, Chair and Discussant
ACADEMIC AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS . Faculty Fellow, Senior Vice-Provost, Office of Engagement and Academic Outreach (2017- 2018) . Emeriti Council Student International Service Initiative (EC SISI) Grant (2017) . OER Ambassador, spring 2015 . Faculty Scholars Research Grant, University of New Hampshire, fall 2013. . Karen Von Damm Leadership Development Grant 2012-2013, UNH ADVANCE Program (funded with support from the National Science Foundation). . Humanities Interdisciplinary Conference Project Funds, Center for Humanities, 2016 . Council on Undergraduate Research, University of New Hampshire, March 2012 . 2012-2013 Fulbright U.S. Scholars program, Ireland, finalist, not funded. . International Development Travel Grant, Center For International Education, UNH, Porto, Portugal, August 2011. . Research and Engagement Academy, UNH, Faculty Fellow 2011 . Excellence in Teaching, College of Liberal Arts, 2008 . Elected Chair, Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Migrations Section of International Studies Association, 2007-2008 . Graduate School Summer Faculty Fellowship, UNH, 2007. . Executive Committee, Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Migrations Section of ISA, elected 2001-05. . College of Liberal Arts Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, UNH, 2005. . Faculty Exchange Program, Department of International Business and Political Science, P a g e | 9
SEMO, March 2002, Cuba. . Faculty Development Seminar, Fredrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany, May 20-30, 2001. International Studies Program . Department of Government and International Studies, (February 1999, March 1997, March 1998, October 1998) . Graduate School of the University of South Carolina, (March 1997, March 1998) . Richard L. Walker Institute of International Studies, (March 1997, March 1998, October 1998 ) . First Place Graduate Student Award For "Rethinking Intervention in Ethnic Conflict: Blueprint for Assistance or Aggravation?" from Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Migration Section of the International Studies Association, 1999. . John C. West Graduate Fellowship, Fall-Spring 1995-1996 . Distinctions on Written Ph.D. Comprehensive Exams, Fall 1995 . Crimson Scholar, New Mexico State University, 1990-1993 . Dean's List, New Mexico State University, Fall 1990, Spring 1991
Awards as Faculty Advisor . Best Student Organization Award, UNH May 2017 . Honorable Mention Award - UNH Model United Nations for representing Congo at the National Model United Nations sponsored by the NCCA, March 2017 (faculty advisor). . Distinguished Delegation Award - UNH Model United Nations for representing Estonia at the National Model United Nations sponsored by the National Collegiate Conference Association (NCCA) April 2014 (faculty advisor). . Honorable Mention Award - UNH Model United Nations for representing Saudi Arabia at the National Model United Nations sponsored by the NCCA, March 2013 (faculty advisor). . Outstanding Delegate Award - UNH Model United Nations for representing Saudi Arabia at the National Model United Nations sponsored by the NCCA, March 2013 (faculty advisor). . Distinguished Delegation Award - UNH Model United Nations for representing Tanzania at the National Model United Nations sponsored by the National Collegiate Conference Association (NCCA) April 2012 (faculty advisor). . Distinguished Delegation Award - UNH Model United Nations for representing The Islamic Republic of Iran at the National Model United Nations sponsored by the NCCA, March 2011 (faculty advisor). . Outstanding Delegate Award - Model United Nations Annual Convention for representation of Iran March 2010 (faculty advisor) . UNH Parents Association Grant Recipient for Model United Nations, 2008. . UNH Model United Nations, “Campus Collaboration Award” 2007-2008 (faculty advisor). . Distinguished Delegation Award - UNH Model United Nations for representing The United Republic of Tanzania at the National Model United Nations sponsored by the National Collegiate Conference Association (NCCA) March 2007 (faculty advisor). . STAND, “New Student Organization of the Year” and the “Up and Out Award” 2007 (faculty advisor).
PROFESSIONAL SERVICE National and International . Chair, International Organization Section of International Studies Association (2016-2018) . Incoming Co- Editor-in-Chief, Global Governance (2018-2023) . Executive Committee, elected Secretary of International Organization Section of International Studies Association (2015-2016) . Council on Foreign Relations, Model Diplomacy Advisory Group (2013-2015) P a g e | 10
. Pay it Forward: Women Helping Women (2016-2018) International Studies Association . Finkelstein Award Committee Chair for International Organization Section of International Studies Association (2014-2015) . Social Science Research Council, screener for Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship field of “Critical Approaches to Human Rights” February 2013 . National Endowment for the Humanities, Kluge Fellowship Review Committee (2013) . Executive Committee, Ethnicity, and Nationalism Section of International Studies Association (2000-2009), Chair (2007-2008), Vice-Chair (2006-2007) . Human Rights Section of International Studies Association, Vice-Chair (2006-2008) . At-large member, ISA-Midwest (2001-2003) . Section Chair, Comparative Politics, New England Political Science Association (2003-2004)
University of New Hampshire Undergraduate Committee Chair (AY2015-16), MA Graduate Director (2011-2013), Graduate Committee Chair (2011-2013), Fulbright Review Committee, University of New Hampshire, 2012. Graduate Committee (2003-2010), Undergraduate Committee (2003-2004; 2009), Library Committee (2003-2004), Junior Faculty Committee (2004-2008), Model United Nations (faculty advisor, 2003-2016), STAND, Student Anti-Genocide Coalition (faculty advisor, 2007-2012), US and the World Forum Committee, for Parents Association Grant (2007-2008), Ceremonies (2008-2012), Colloquia, Chair (2008), University Faculty Senate, University Planning Committee, Space Allocation, Renovation and Repairs Committee
Southeast Missouri State University University Task Force on Multicultural Studies, University Equity Issues Committee Organization Committee for Eighth Annual Student Research Conference., College of Liberal Arts - College Council, International Studies Committee, Faculty Advisor for Model United Nations, University Task Force on Globalizing the Curriculum
University of South Carolina Graduate Student Representative to Faculty
EDITORIAL BOARD International Journal of Political Science & Diplomacy
REVIEWER Oxford University Press, International Studies Quarterly, International Studies Perspectives, Journal of International Relations and Development, Foreign Policy Analysis, Global Governance, Polity, Journal of Peace Research, CQ Press, Pearson and Longman Press, Westview Press, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Georgetown University Press, Social Science Research Council, National Endowment for the Humanities, Kluge Fellowship Review Committee, Fulbright Review Committee, UNH. NSF Grant Review Committee, Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order.
COURSES TAUGHT University of New Hampshire U.S. and World Affairs (introductory, online, honors) International Relations of the Middle East Terrorism and Political Violence (intermediate) P a g e | 11
Global Justice (introductory, honors) International Organizations (intermediate, advanced and graduate) Introduction to World Politics (intermediate) Sustainability and Global Governance (advanced and graduate) Seminar on Research Design (graduate) International Affairs (intermediate)
Southeast Missouri State University Global Issues (introductory), Introduction to American Politics (introductory) Introduction to Comparative Politics (introductory, intermediate) American Foreign Policy (intermediate), International Relations of the Middle East Terrorism and Political Violence (intermediate) International Politics (intermediate), Third World Politics (intermediate)
University of South Carolina American Public Policy (introductory) International Organizations (intermediate)
PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIPS International Studies Association Academic Council on the United Nations New England Political Science Association Initiation on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity United Nations Association of the United States of America South Carolina Political Science Association (Fall 1995) Graduate Student Representative, Department of Government and International Studies, University of South Carolina at Columbia, Summer 1994, Fall 1994, Spring 1995. Pi Sigma Alpha, Honorary Political Science Association, President, New Mexico State University, Fall 1991 to Spring 1993. Pre-Law Association, Vice-President, New Mexico State University, Fall 1992.
EDITORIAL POSITIONS Managing Editor, Richard L. Walker Institute of International Studies Newsletter, University of South Carolina Newsletter, volumes 2:1-4.3. Editorial Board, “Global Perspectives on Regime Change, Transitional Cultures, and Social Movements.” Occasional Papers Series.
OTHER RELEVANT EXPERIENCE . UNH Writers Academy summer 2014 . ADVANCing Your Career Workshop, UNH, NSF sponsored, Spring 2012 . 2012 Council for Undergraduate Research, Annual Meeting, Washington DC February 2012. . Program Coordinator, Palmetto Forum, Richard L. Walker Institute of International Studies, University of South Carolina (Fall 1997, Spring 1998, Fall 1998) . International/National Conference Organizer, Walker Institute of International Studies, University of South Carolina . “Emerging Operational Concept in the 21st Century Strategic Environment,” August 1998. . “Looking at the World Through Non-Western Eyes,” April 1998. . “Global Impacts of European Monetary System,” December 1997. P a g e | 12
. International Studies Alumni Conference, May 1997.