Employers Details

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Employers Details



Name and Surname:

Date of Application:

Postal Address:

Physical Address:

E-mail Address:

Home Tel: Work: Cellular:

Fax number:

Family Religion:

Home Language:

Do you require the candidate to speak Afrikaans?

Where did you hear about Au Pair Angels?


Adults Names:

Number of children:

Children’s Name/s and Ages:

Do your children have any disabilities, disorders or special needs we need to be made aware of? (Please note this question is asked in order to better assist you in finding the most suitable candidate)

What school do your children attend?

What grades are your children in?

Is Afrikaans homework applicable?

Do you have pets and if so what kind?

© 20117 Au Pair Angels. All Rights Reserved Do any of the adults smoke?

Do you have a pool and can the children swim?

Please tick or make a cross next to the specific requirements

EMPLOYER COMMENTS Please answer the following questions

Expected Start Date/ Please provide us with the exact date as this will depend on when interviews will be conducted

Will the family be providing a car during working hours Age Preference of the candidate (Please keep in mind should you require a candidate aged 25+ the salary expectation is higher) Day and times you require the candidate (Please specify)

Time Off

Overtime(Please specify)

Do you require the candidate to attend: Play dates Birthday parties School functions (Candidates are very rarely available over weekends) Qualifications Do you require a teaching degree or diploma? Do you require teaching experience?

Trained/Experienced or Both





Duration of contract

Living Arrangements In/Out Salary Offered

Christmas Bonus

© 20117 Au Pair Angels. All Rights Reserved How often will the salary be reviewed Nature of Accommodation, should you require a live in Au Pair.

EMPLOYER PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER (Please tick) What is important to you as an employer Confident Outspoken Sophisticated Quiet Passive Old Fashioned Calm Introvert Outgoing Modern

Basic duties you will require the employee to perform


Newborn baby care Dressing Baby Washing Bottles Sleep Routine Bottle Feeding Potty Training Play and Mental Stimulation First Aid/CPR Knowledge Changing Nappies Bathing Sterilizing Bottles Administering Medication Start/Feeding Solid Food Making baby Food/Toddler Food Discipline without smacking

ADDITIONAL TASKS Cooking for the family / preparing meals and lunches for children Assisting with homework

Bathing children in the evenings

Grocery Shopping

Running errands

Taking care of a sick child

Would you like the Au Pair to join you on © 20117 Au Pair Angels. All Rights Reserved family holiday or travel with the family to look after the children Do you require the Au Pair to work full day during the school holidays – (this is very difficult to find as many Au pairs are students and need to attend class)

Salaries and requirements

Salaries Mornings only (Payable to the Au Pair)

R4 000 per month for 4 hours R5 000 per month for 5 hours R6 000 per month for 6 hours

Salaries afternoons only

R4 500 to R5 000 per month for 3 hours or less R5 000 to R6 000 per month for 4 hours R6 000 to R8 000 per month for 5 hours R7 500 to R9 000 per month for 6 hours or more

Full Day per month

R 8 500 per month for 7 hours R10 000 per month for 8+ hours R11 500 per month for 10+ hours R13 500 per month for 12+ hours

 Travelling costs would be in addition to the salary, reimbursement of R3.25 (AA rates) per km travelled (Excludes to and from work)  If the employer provides a vehicle the R3.25 is not payable by the employer.  Please note that an Au Pair with a teaching degree or diploma will request a higher salary.


Terms and Conditions Au Pair Angels i. I hereby agree to use the services of Au Pair Angels for my own use and not on behalf of a third party. ii. I agree to the terms and conditions as they currently are, and accept that these are subject to change. iii. I understand by using the services of Au Pair Angels, I am bound by all the Terms and Conditions of Au Pair Angels iv. Au Pair Angels shall not be held liable to any employer in any circumstances whatsoever for any loss, injury, theft or death caused, damage of any nature whatsoever or howsoever sustained, whether as a result of any negligence, non-compliance and/or breach of this agreement or by the employee recruited through Au Pair Angels and the employer hereby indemnifies Au Pair Angels and holds it harmless against any such claim by any other person. v. Au Pair Angels will do their utmost best to check the legal status of each candidate placed, but will not be held responsible if the candidate misled both Au Pair Angels and the employer. vi. I understand that I have an option to choose guarantee periods for replacement from Au Pair Angels and Au Pair Angels will only replace a candidate within the chosen period from commencement of employment). Once the © 20117 Au Pair Angels. All Rights Reserved placement fee payment and the extended period chosen has been paid for in full. If for any reason I am not happy with the candidate I have to place this in writing to Au Pair Angels within seven (7) days in which Au Pair Angels will find a new candidate by going through the interview process again. I understand that Au Pair Angels will only give 30 days from receiving the complaint in writing to find a second suitable candidate. If the second candidate is also not suitable Au Pair Angels is under no obligation to replace this candidate again or refund the placement fee paid by you. vii. I agree that should I take a temp / fixed term placement (0 – 11 months) from Au Pair Angels and renew the contract thereafter, the employer will be held liable to pay the top up fee of R4 000.00 to the agency within 24 hours. viii. I understand that the employer will be responsible to register the employee for UIF and PAYE as soon as possible and will be responsible to pay the employee their monthly salary as agreed on in the employment contract. ix. If an employer withholds the salary for any reason and it is not paid across by the employer on the last day of the month the employee has the right to ask the employer for interest on their salary and the matter will be referred for legal action to be taken. x. I understand that all monies paid to Au Pair Angels are non-refundable under no circumstances as Au Pair Angels incurs costs with a placement. The employer will only be given an opportunity to interview candidates again within the guarantee period, provided the placement has an applicable guarantee. xi. Au Pair Angels incur costs with a placement which has already been done on acceptance of the offer that you (the client) presented to the candidate. Unfortunately you (the client) will be held responsible for the costs if you decide afterwards that you are no longer offering the candidate employment. The offer made is a verbal offer, before contracts are sent out. The cancellation invoice is payable within 24 hours. xii. I agree to adhere to all Labour Law Regulations with my employee, including an employment contract, payment of UIF, PAYE, overtime, salary and salary increases. xiii. I agree to adhere to Section 10 of the Constitution of 1996 of the Republic of South Africa which states that everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected. xiv. I agree that the full placement fee will be paid to Au Pair Angels on acceptance of the candidate in order to reserve the candidate, if no payment is received within 24 hours from acceptance; Au Pair Angels have the right to place the candidate with someone else and charge you the client a cancellation fee. xv. I also understand that if Au Pair Angels introduces me to a prospective employee and from the time of the introduction of the candidate I attempt to bypass Au Pair Angels and recruit the employee privately, or introduce the employee to a third party I will be held responsible to pay Au Pair Angels the full placement fee within 24 hours. xvi. I understand that Au Pair Angels will not find me a suitable candidate until the Employer Application Form has been signed and Au Pair Angels received the original signed application form via email. Should your chosen candidate resign from your employment within the chosen guarantee period directly as a result of inadequate living conditions, salary and working hour deviations or any other reason, Au Pair Angels will not be required to replace the candidate free of charge. Au Pair Angels reserves its rights to investigate the reason why the candidate resigned from your employment and Au Pair Angels may obtain affidavits from the employee if needed. xvii. If a timeslot has been booked with Au Pair Angels to interview candidates and the prospective employer does not arrive for the appointment or cancel the day of the interview not within 24 hours before the appointment, Au Pair

© 20117 Au Pair Angels. All Rights Reserved Angels has the right to charge the prospective employer an administration fee of R500.00 which is payable within a 24 hour period. xviii. I agree, that making false statements, and or complaints of Au Pair Angels of whatsoever kind in a public forum that cannot be substantiated, might lead to the irreparable harm of Au Pair Angels and will be investigated and Au Pair Angels will take the necessary steps to prevent same and if there are any legal proceedings instituted against the complainant, the costs will be for the account of the complainant. xix. Au Pair Angels will provide the employer with a contract of employment. The contract of employment has to be signed within 7 days of commencement of employment and a copy of the signed contract of employed has to be send to Au Pair Angels within 3 days from date of signature. Should the employer fail to send a copy of the signed contract of employment to Au Pair Angels, then Au Pair Angels will not replace the candidate within the guaranteed period chosen by the employer, if a guarantee period is applicable. xx. Au Pair Angels rights remain reserved.

Detailed below are the fees charged for our Courses and Placements

Placements Fees Placement Fee for an Au Pair 6 – 11 months – 20% of contractual salary (30 day guarantee)

(If contract is renewed after 11 months an additional top up fee of R4 000 is payable to the agency)

12 + months – 12% of annual salary (90 day guarantee) Courses Fees Au Pair and First Aid Course R1 700.00 Au Pair training only, no First Aid R1 000.00 Pediatric First Aid, CPR and Choking only R 900.00

BANKING DETAILS Domestics 4 U CC trading as Au Pair Angels ABSA Northcliff Branch Code: 632005 Account number: 407 397 1349

Hereby I acknowledge and agree to the above terms and conditions. Furthermore I agree to be bound to the information as provided by myself in the application form (i.e. salary, working hours and job

© 20117 Au Pair Angels. All Rights Reserved description). In the event that there is any deviation from the information provided resulting in a candidate resigning from my employment I acknowledge that Au Pair Angels will not be required to replace this candidate free of charge within the agreed guarantee period (if applicable) from the date of employment.

Signed on this day______of ______20__ in the area of ______

Signature______Name in Print______

© 20117 Au Pair Angels. All Rights Reserved

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