Saied Reza Ameli Renani

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Saied Reza Ameli Renani

Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 1

Saied Reza Ameli

Associated Prof. of Media Studies and Member of Department of Communications- Faculty of Social Sciences – University of Tehran and Director of Institute for North American & European Studies – University of Tehran P.O. Box: 14395 - 773 Tell. No. 0098 21 8012111 Fax No. 0098 21 8012549 Mobil. 0098 912 1227877 Email. [email protected]

Date of Birth: 25 th of December 1961


 1997-2006 Founder and Member of Trustee in Islamic College for Advanced Studies-London

 1997-1999 Director and Founder of the Institute for Islamic Studies - London  1997-up to Now Founder and Member of Trustee of IHRC  2002 up to Now Member of International Committee of Global Studies Association – Britain  2001 up to Now Member of the Faculty of Social Sciences of University of Tehran-Department of Mass Media  2004 up to Now Founder and Director of Institute for North American and European studies -University of Tehran

 2006 to 2009 Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of American and Canadian Studies – University of Birmingham. Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 2


1977 : Graduate from John F. Kennedy High School – Sacramento USA 1977-78: BA in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sacramento (uncompleted) 1980-92: Seminary Study in Islamic Studies including , Arabic Literature, Theology, Logic, Philosophy, jurisprudence and Principal of Jurisprudence 1988-92 : BA in Social Sciences at the University of Tehran 1994-95: MA in Sociology in University College of Dublin; MA dissertation TOPIC was: The Relationship between TV programs and Religious Practices and Values 1996-01: P.H.D. in Sociology of Culture, at the Royal Holloway University of London Research Topic was: The Impact of Globalization on British Muslim Identity Publication s:


2002, Globalization, Americanization and British Muslim Identity, London, ICAS Press. 2004, Dual Citizenship: British, Islamic or Both: Obligation, Recognition, Respect and Belonging, London, IHRC,– co- authors, Saied R. Ameli & Arzu Mirali 2004, Social Discrimination: Across the Muslim Divide, London, IHRC, Saied R. Ameli, Manzur Elahi & Arzu Merali. Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 3

2005, Secular or Islamic? What Schools do British Muslims want for their children?, London IHRC, Saied R. Ameli, Alya Azam & Arzu Merali. 2006, Hijab, Meaning, Identity, Otherization and Politics: British Muslim Women, London, IHRC, Saied R. Ameli and Arzu Merali. 2006, Law & British Muslims: Domination of the Majority or Process of Balance?, London, IHRC, Saied R. Ameli, Beena Faridi, Karin Lindahl and Arzu Merali. 2007, The British Media and Muslim Representation: The Ideology of Demonisation and the Media, London, IHRC, Saied R. Ameli. S. M. Marandi, S. Ahmed, S. Kara and A. Mirali. 2007, Evaluation of Iranian Virtual Space, Tehran, UT, Edited and Introduction by Saied R. Ameli.

Published Papers:

 Over 70 papers published in English Daily Newspaper Tehran Times, between 1991 to 1992, the title of some these papers are as follow:

. A series of articles on Leadership from an Islamic Viewpoints and Its Position within the Islamic Republic of Iran(in 7 issues) . The Great Architect of Islamic Thought (Imam Sadeq) . Multi-Faceted Functions of Friday Prayer . A look at the Academic and Political Personality of Ayatollah Mutahhari . The Status and Position of Women in an Islamic Society (two issues) . A Series of Articles on Media and Society—Mediacracy (12 issue) . The Philosophy of Fasting in Islam Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 4

 1999: Women in Islam, Q News, London, issue 300.

 2000: Cultural Globalization and Muslim Identity, in Muslim Identity: Challenges of Modernity in the 21st Century edited by M. S. Bahmanpour.  2002: Interaction between Globalization, Religion and Citizenship, Letter of Social Sciences, The University of Tehran.  2003: Reverse Civilisational Processing: Euro-centerism, Americo- centerism, Poly-centerism or Universalism Dialogue, Book Chapter: G. Safavi, Dialogue among Civilization, pp. 364-380, London.  2003: Globalizations: Westernization and Islamization of the World – Islamophobia and Enlargement of Modernity, Published in Globality of Islam and Globalization, May, Vol. 2.  2003: Concepts, Perspectives and Challenges of Citizenship: Safe City and Society based on Powerful and Legitimized Citizenship, in Abad Boom, Monthly Magazine of Association of Civil Engineering, July, No. 15, pp. 6-10.  2003: Dual Globalizations and Future of the World, Published in Social Sciences Monthly Review and Information Journal, July & August, Vol. 6(9-10).  2003: Dual Globalizations and World Stress Society, Published in the Journal of Social Sciences, September, the University of Tehran.  2003:Glocal Space: Power and Powerlessness of Culture, Published in Revista de Retorica y Teoria de la Communicacion, Vol 3 (5), pp. 93- 70, Spain.  2003 Globalization and Religious Sphere, Book Chapter: Globalization and Religion, Vol 2, M. J. Sahebi, pp, 127-169.  2003 Reverse Dialogue, Published in Islam im Dialogue, Jan., Vol 2 (7), pp. 73-98, Germany – Hamburg. Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 5

 2004 Exegetic Interaction between Radio and Critical Changes of Modernization and Globalization, Quarterly Journal of Communication & Culture, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 3-20.  2004 Dual Globalizations: Inter-religious Communication in the Real World and the Virtual World, Published in Islam im Dialogue, February, Vol 3 (8/9), pp. 47-61, Germany Hamburg.  2004 Hybrid City Space, Published in Abadboom, Monthly Magazine of Association of Civil Engineering, No. 23, pp. 36-42.  2004 Globalizations: Concept and Theories, Arganon, A Quarterly Journal of Philosophy, Litrature and the Humanties, Summer, No. 24, pp. 1-55.  2005, Duality of City Space: Virtual City as a Necessity for the Metropolis, Quarterly Journal of Iranian Association for Culture & Communication Studies, pp. 117-134.  2005, Liberation Theology and the Case of Palestine, September, Crescent International, Spring & Summer, Vol. 34(7), pp. 31-37.  2005, Dunyanin Filistinlestirilmesi, Kudus, No. 6, pp. 83-104, in Turkish Language.  2005, Dual Globalizations and Reverse Process of Cultures, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Cultural Studies and Futurology, Tehran, Edited by Ali Aaya & Hossein Raghfar.  2006, New Individualism and Mobile Phone: Technology of Individualism and Identity, Journal of Global Media (Persian Version), No, I, . 2006, Palestine as a Millennium Dome: Globalization, Exceptionalism, Americanism, Zionism and Palestinization of the World, Electronic Journal of Palestine Internationalist, Vol. 1 (3).  2007, Intercultural Approach to Americanism and Anti-Americanism: British Muslim Impressions of American Before and After 11 September, An International Journal of Comparative American Studies, Vol. 5(1), pp. 39-64. Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 6

Papers in different Web Sites:

2001 Feminist Expectation of Muslim Women , 2001 Muslim Responses to Globalization , 2001 Euro-centrism and Islamophobia , 2003 Palestine as a Millennium Dome: Globalization and Islamization of the World: Universalization and Particularization of Palestinian Movements), 2003 Democracy in Question – the Persecution of the Believers: The Reverse Processing of Power and Powerlessness, Dual Globalizations: Future Synchronic Identity. And many other papers in different website in Farsi, Arabic, German, English, Chinese.


1997: Euro-Centrism and Islamo-phobia, February, This paper was presented in the International Conference on Islamo-phobia organized by the Islamic Institute of London, 1997, Published in Discourse, issue 7, London-UK. 1998: Cultural Globalization and Muslim Identity, presented in the International Conference on Muslim Identity: Challenges of Modernity in the 21st Century held in SOAS 1998, Organized by Institute of Islamic Studies-ICEL, London-UK. 2000: Cultural Consequences of Globalization, June, presented in the International Conference on Cultural Globalization and Everyday Life in Metropolitan University of Manchester, Manchester-UK. 2000: Globalization and Iranian Identity, July, Presented in Tehran in the International Conference of Discourse of Iranians, Tehran-Iran. 2000: Feminist Expectation of Muslim Women, July, Presented in an International Conference on Women and Islam, Organized by Institute of Islamic Studies, London-UK. Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 7

2000: Reverse Civilizational Processing:Eurocentrism or Poly- centrism Dialogue, October, presented in the International Conference on Dialogue among Civilizations, Oct. 2000 in IIS, London-UK. 2001: Muslim Responses to the Process of Globalization, September, Presented in the international Conference on Third World Policy in Response to Globalization in Jakarta-Indonesia. 2001: Feminist Expectations of Muslim Women, 9th of September, Presented in the International Conference on ‘Women in Islam’ in IIS, London, UK. 2001: Process of Globalization and Citizenship, 19th of Dec., presented in Conference on Communication and Society organized by University of Tehran. 2002, Islamophobia, Faith and Globalization, 14th of Feb., Presented in the Conference on “Islamophobia, Faith and Globalization, London, Organized by ICEL. 2002: Democracy in Question: Power and Powerlessness: Prisoner of Faith, 17th of Feb, Present in the International Conference on “Prisoner of Faith Organized by Islamic Human Rights Commission, London. 2002: Analysis of Dialogue among Civilizations in relation to Globalization Process, 28th of May, Presented in Conference of University and Dialogue among Civilization, organized by University of Mazanderan, Sari-Iran. 2002: Glocal Space: Power and Powerlessness of Cultures, 9-14th of December, Presented in International Conference on ‘Rhetoric, Globalization and Culture, Organized by LOGO and University of Salamanca, Salamanca-Spain. 2003: Exegetic Interaction between Radio and critical changes of Modernization and Globalization era, 1-2 March, Presented in Conference of Rule and place of Radio in New Communication System, Organized by University of Tehran and Radio Broadcasting of Iran, Tehran-Iran. 2003: Palestine as a Millennium Dome: Globalization and Islamization of the World: Universalization and Particularization of Palestinian Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 8

Movements, 1-2nd of March, Presented in International Conference on Jerusalem/Al-Quds: The City of Three Monotheistic Faiths and the Islamic Rule, Organized by Institute of Islamic Studies, London-UK. 2003: Reverse Dialogue: Global Exclusivism and Inclusivism—Hard Power and Soft Power, 23-26th of April, Presented in World Conference Dialogue among Civilizations: The Key to a Safe Future, Organized by The Polish Asia and Pacific Council, Varso-Poland. 2003: Globalization and Religious Sphere, Presented in conference on ‘Globalization and Religion: Challenges and Opportunity’, May, Qom- Iran. 2003: Globalizations: Westernization and Islamization of the World – Islamophobia and Enlargement of Modernity, May, Presented in an International Conference of Globality of Islam and Globalization, Tehran-Iran. 2003: Challenges of Globalization on Public Sphere, Cultural Rights and National Citizenship, May, Presented in an International Conference of Human Rights, Organized by University of Mofid, Qom- UK. 2003: Glocal Spaces: Globalization and Power of Religion: 6-10th of July, Presented in A Catholic-Shia Engagement: Sharing our Spiritual & Theological Resources in the Face in Contemporary Challenges, Ample forth Abbey, York-UK.. 2003: Glocal Spaces: Globalizations, Ideology and Islamophobia, 16- 19th of July, Presented in a Joint Workshop between University of Potsdam-Germany and University of Tehran-Faculty of Social Sciences, Potsdam-Germany. 2003: Paradoxical Trends: Dual Globalization verses Dual Violence— Hard and Soft Power, 21-23rd of July, Presented in an International Conference on Globalization and Violence, organized by University Surrey, Roehampton, UK. 2003: Globalizations, Ideological Democracy and Islamophobia, 30th of July, presented in the Seminar, Organized by Islamic Human Rights Commission. Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 9

2003: Dialogue among Civilizations: Opportunities and Limits: Presented in the World and Traditional National Religions Congress, November, Organized by Presidency of Kazakhstan, at Astana. 2003: Dual Globalizations and Future of the World: series of three lectures in the Islamic Centre of Vienna, Austria, November. Austria- Vienna. 2003: Dual Globalizations and New Paradigm of Cultural Studies, December, organized by University of Tehran: Faculty of Social Sciences, Tehran-Iran. 2003: Moscow.New Culturology: Dual Globalization and Future Culture: An Articulation on Virtuality of Culture, 1-5th of December, Presented in International conference on Information for all: Culture and Information Society Technologies, organized by Centre on the Problems of Information in the sphere of Culture of the Ministry of Culture of Russia (Centre PIC). The State Tretyakov Gallery EVA Conferences International, Moscow. 2004: Dual Globalizations and Future of Synchronic Identities, January, Organized by National Research Institute for Science Policy and institute for Management and Planning Studies, Tehran-Iran. 2004: Sacred Reform for the Future: A Political Prospect of Imam Hussein, Global Movement—A Reverse Globalization, 14th of March, Presented in a Seminar on Imam Hossein’s Movement and the Concept of Socio-Political Reform, organized by Institute of Islamic Studies. 2004: Dual Globalizations and Reverse Cultural Processes, 8th of May, Presented in Second Workshop on Future Studies: Future Studies and Cultural Studies, organized by National Research Institute for Science Policy and institute for Management and Planning Studies. 2004: Dual Globalizations: Intercommunication between Religions in the Cyberspace and the Real World, 24th of January, Homburg, Organized by Islamische Akademie Deutschland e. V., Homburg- Germany. Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 10

2004: Negative Globalizations: New Centralism or Decentralism, 26th of January, A Day Seminar, Organized by Islamic Human Rights Commission, London-UK. 2004: Reverse Globalization and Revolution, 9th of February Moscow, Conference on 25th Anniversary of Islamic Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities, organized by Science Academy of Russia, Cultural Attacher of IRI etal, Moscow-Russia. 2004: Sacred Reform for the Future: 14th of March, A Political Prospect of Imam Hussein’s Global Movement—A Reverse Globalization, A Seminar Presented by the Institute of Islamic Studies, London-UK. 2004: Dual Globalization: Synchronic Identities in the Future, Presented in the Workshop on Futurology and Cultural Studies, Tehran-Iran. 2004: Dual Globalization: Synchronic Immigration – Glocality of Iranian Society, Presented in the Conference: The New Orders of Difference: Cultural Text and Discourses of Economic Migration: organized by Ferguson Centre: African and Asian Studies, London-UK. 2004: Dual Globalizations and New Global Order, July, Presented in the Conference: Southern Voices and Global Order, organized by Global Studies Association, University of Warwick, Warwick-UK. 2004: Globalization Message: Paradoxical Approach in the Global Order, 18_21 August, Presented in the Conference: The Meaning of Globalization: Confusions, Conjectures, Confirmations, Inaugural Conference of Globalization Studies Network, The, organized by Centre for the study of Globalization and Regionalization, Warwick-UK. 2004: Chosen Globalization and Hegemonic Globalizations: Futurist Expectations of Final Revitalization of Human Life—The Second Coming, September, Presented in the international conference in London Organized by Institute for Islamic Studies, London-UK. 2004: Vireal City: Solution and Destination for Developing Countries, October, Presented in the Conference: Urban Generations: Post- colonial cities, organized by Mohammed, Rabat- Morocco. 2004:Dual Globalizations, Government, Place and People: National Belonging, 4-6 November, Presented in the Conference: Social Life, Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 11

Civil Society, and Governance, Comparing Local Political Participation in a Global Society –Interdisciplinary Views, Organized by University of Potsdam, Potsdam-Germany. 2005, Dual Globalizations and American Exceptionalizm: CNN Approach to War Policy—Construction of Iranophobia, Presented in the International Conference on ‘American Media Foreign Policy’ organized by Institute for North American and European Studies-University of Tehran and IRIB, Tehran-Iran. 2005: Pervasive Computing System and it’s Consequence on Public Relations in the dual World’s Space, Tehran-Iran. 2005: Universality of Liberation Theology: One Is Equal to All and All are Equal to One, 12th of June, Presented in IHRC’s conference on: Towards a New Liberation Theology: Reflections on Palestine, London- UK. 2005: Intercultural Approach to Americanism and Anti-Americanism: British Muslim Perception of America in a Post-September 11 th era, 20- 22nd of August, presented in International Conference on Perception/Construction of the West from ‘Outside” in Contemporary Cultural Text and Discourses, organized by Peking University – China, Peking-China. 2005: Globalization and Family Moral Values, 1st to 2nd October, presented in the International Congress on Family & Globalization PTA of the I.R. of IRAN and FIEP, organized by Central Organization of Parents-Teachers Association and Ministry of Education, Tehran-Iran. 2005: Cyber Religion and Duality of Religious Spaces; on-line and off- line Religious Communications, 13-14 Nov., presented in the International Conference on Religion and Media organized by University of Tehran and The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, Tehran-Iran. 2005: Cyber Capacity and Globalization of Religion in two Parallel worlds, 13-14 Nov., presented in International Conference on ‘Globalization and Religion: Power and Identity, organized by Institute for North American and European Studies, Open University of UK and The Organization of Culture and Islamic Relation, Tehran-Iran. Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 12

2006: Multi-Networking System of Marketing: Virtual Community and Economic Communities, 2nd January, presented in a day seminar on Evaluation of different socio-cultural aspects of Network Marketing, organized by Association for Culture & Communication Studies, Tehran-Iran. 2006: Fundamental Concepts of Virtual City, 11th of March, Presented in International Conference on Virtual City: First Workshop, Organized by Institute for North American and European Studies. 2006: Master Forces of Religious Discrimination, 22nd of March, Presented in a Panel Discussion of Religious Discrimination, organized by IHRC, London, Uk. 2006: Iranian Virtuality: Communication Resourcefulness and Mobil Pervasive Networking, Presented on International Conference of Association for Cultural Studies: Crossroads Conference at Istanbul Bilgi University, 20-23 July 2006. 2006: Two Globalizations and Many Cultural Diversities: Ideological Domination – Peace or Conflict, 21-23 August 2006, presented in the 3rd International GSN Conference: Globalization and Human Diversity – Asian and other Regional Experiences, organized by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 2006: Global Media and Political Representation of Islam and Muslims: BBS and CNN, Presented in ISESCO’s National Workshop on Position of Media on Implication of Rabat Agreement on Expansion of Dialogue Among Cultures, organized by National Centre of Globalization Studies and Regional Office of ISESCO in Tehran, 26-27 August 2006. 2006: Chosen Globalization or Hegemonic Globalizations : Shia Approach to the Second Coming, presented in Theology of End Times in the Abrahamic Religions: Political Implication, organized by The International Peace Research Institute, Oslo in Geneva, 2-4 of September 2006. 2006, Peace and Conflict Resolution in Relation to Dual Globalization Trends, Present in 6th Annual Conference of the Global Studies Association, Roehampton University, London, 4-6th of September. Curriculum Vita: Saied R. Ameli 13

2006, Virtual Time and Construction of Historical Synchronic Cities, Continuity of Civilization and History: Case of Tehran City, organized by INAES UT, Society of Virtual Studies, Tehran, 18 of December. 2007, Dual Globalizations, Individuality and Professional Ethic: Change id Economical Value of Time, The Concept of Whole-Time, Presented in International Symposium of Business Ethics in The Age of Globalization, Organized by TCCIM, NCGS, University of Tehran, Tehran, 18-19, Feb. 2007, Globalization and Virtual Religiosity: Analyzing the Situation of Religiosity of the Internet Users in Iran, Joint paper of Saied Reza Ameli and Mahdi Mahdavi, The 2007 International Conference on Globalization, Immigration, and Change in Religious Movements, Bordeaux, France, 7-9 June. 2007, Eurocentrism, Americo-Centrism and Iran’s Representation in Global TV: Case Study of CNN and BBC, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Shanghai Conference: Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production, University of Shanghai, June 15-17. 2007, Civil Society and Accountability in the Organization of the Islamic Conference: Future Orientation, Pathways to Legitimacy? CSGR/GARNET Conference, Scarma House, The University of Warwick, 17-19 September 2007. 2007, Understanding globalization through Dual Globalizations and Virtual Reality Discourse: Iranian Reactionary and constructive Response, The Workshop on Building South-North Dialogue on Globalization Research, McMaster University and Centre for International Governance Innovation, Waterloo, Ontario, September 26th-28th.

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