Oracle Reader Report

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Oracle Reader Report

Oracle Reader Report March, 2017 March 2017

To Whom It May Concern:

In November 2016, Erdos & Morgan was retained to conduct an online survey sponsored by Oracle Magazine. The study collected information regarding readership of Oracle Magazine, other publications read, business and profession information and demographic information.

The survey sample was Oracle Magazine’s worldwide subscriber base. Oracle Magazine supplied Erdos & Morgan with a list of 9,996 subscribers.

On January 25, 2017, an invite letter was e-mailed to all sample members explaining the research objectives and directing them to a special URL to complete the survey.

Reminder letters were e-mailed to non-responders on January 31st and February 7th.

The incentive to respond was a sweepstakes offer to win one (1) of five (5) gift certificates, value at $100.00 each.

A total of 450 e-mail addresses were eliminated, leaving a new effective e-mailing of 9,546.

When the survey closed for tabulations on February 12, 2017, there were 646 usable responses which represented a 6.8% response rate to the net mailing.

Erdos & Morgan prepared percentages and other calculations herein in accordance with accepted research practice.


Paul Di Lillo Executive Vice President, Client Services 485 Underhill Blvd. . Suite 200 . Syosset, NY 11791 . Tel: (516) 935-6959 . Fax: (516) 935-4040 .

1 Oracle Magazine Executive Summary

 Nearly all (94%) of Oracle Magazine readers access the magazine in digital format via a web browser.

 Oracle Magazine readers have been accessing/receiving Oracle Magazine an average of 5.3 years.

 Oracle Magazine subscribers spend an average of 47 minutes with the HTML on OTN format; 44 minutes with the web browser format, and 38 minutes with the APP format.  After reading Oracle Magazine, 72% of readers take some action, most often they visited an advertiser’s web site or a URL link at the end of an article (47%). Over 4 in 10 (42%) discussed or shared an article, and 38% downloaded or copied the sample code that accompanies an article.

 One-third (34%) receive other digital publications.

 When digitally accessing magazines, books and newspapers, the device readers use most often is a PC (93%) – either a laptop at the office (47%) or a laptop at home (45%). About two-thirds (65%) use their smart phone to access these media – most often an Android (40%). Over half (55%) use an electronic tablet – most often an iPad (27%). The overwhelming majority (84%) use 2 or more devices.

 For those who use 2 or more devices, 60% of readers prefer a PC – either a laptop (17%) or the desktop (17%), both at the office.

 To access Oracle Magazine via digital format, 75% of readers use a PC – either a desktop (25%) or a laptop (24%), both at the office.

 Nearly 6 in 10 (58%) of digital/APP mobile magazine readers prefer the HTML (web page) platform.

 On average, less than one other person (.6) typically reads or looks through the respondent’s copy of Oracle Magazine, however it is notably higher for those using the HTML version on OTN (1.5 other people).

 When to comes to other people reading or looking through the respondent’s digital copy of Oracle Magazine at the office, on average, it’s less than one other person (.5), however it is twice as high for those using an APP (1.0 other people).

 Nearly 9 in 10 respondents are male; their average age is 52 years; nearly all are college graduates and nearly all are employed; their average household income is $114,100; 54% reside in the U.S.

 Of those employed, 75% are IS/IT staff, and 23% are corporate management/staff. They work in companies with an average 4,577 employees.

2 Note: Data in this report may not add to 100% due to multiple responses, rounding or a percent of “other” not shown. Oracle Magazine Survey Details

How Access/Receive Oracle Magazine

 Nearly all respondents (94%) access or receive Oracle Magazine digitally through a web browser.

How Access/Receive Oracle Magazine Total Any Digital Format (net) 98% Digital format through a web browser 94% Digital format through an APP 9% HTML version on OTN 11%

Base: Total: 646

Average Time Accessing/Receiving Oracle Magazine through Any Format

 On average, respondents have been accessing/receiving Oracle Magazine an average of 5.3 years, while they’ve accessed it through the HTML version on OTN for 5.1 years.

Average Time Accessing/Receiving Oracle Magazine : Any format Total Digital through a web browser 5.3 years HTML version on OTN 5.1 years Digital Via APP 2.5 years

Base: Digital through a web browser: 609; HTML version on OTN: 68; Digital through an APP: 60

Time Spent Reading a Typical Issue of Oracle Magazine

 Oracle subscribers spend an average of 47 minutes with the HTML on OTN format; 44 minutes with the web browser format, and 38 minutes with the APP format. HTML Digitally via Digitally Time Spent Reading a Typical Issue by Format on OTN web browser via an APP Less than 30 minutes 28% 37% 45% 30 to less than 45 minutes 28% 29% 28%

45 minutes to less than 1 hour 28% 18% 17%

1 to less than 1 ½ hours 10% 10% 10% 1 ½ to less than 2 hours 3% 4% 0% 2 hours or more 3% 2% 0% Mean 47.1 Min. 44.2 Min. 37.7 Min. Base: Digital through a web browser: 609; HTML version on OTN: 68; Digital through an APP: 60

Actions Taken in the Last 12 Months As a Result of Reading Oracle Magazine

3  After reading Oracle Magazine, 72% of respondents took some action. Most often they visited a URL link in the article or visited an advertiser’s web site (47%), discussed or shared an article (42%), or downloaded or copied the sample code that accompanies an article (38%).

Actions Taken Last 12 Mos. After Reading Oracle Magazine Total Any Actions Taken (Net) 72% Visited Web Site or URL Link (Subnet) 47% Visited a URL contained in or at the end of an article 41% Visited an advertiser’s web site 22% Discussed or Shared an Article 42% Downloaded or Copied the Sample Code that Accompanies the Article 38% Used Oracle Magazine to Justify an IT Purchase/Decision to my Management 16% Requested Something (Subnet) 10% Requested information or bought/ordered an Oracle product or service 7% Requested information or bought/ordered an advertiser’s product or service 5% Signed Up (Subnet) 5% Signed up for a free Oracle Cloud service trial 4% Signed up for a paid subscription to an Oracle Cloud service 1%

Called OracleDirect for product information 2% Base: Total: 646

Other Digital Publications Currently Receive for Business or Personal Needs  One-third (34%) of Oracle Magazine subscribers read other digital publications with Java being currently read by 4%.

Other Digital Publications Currently Receive Total Any 34% Java 4% MSDN Magazine 2% Linux Journal 2% Computer World 1% IEEE Society/Computer Magazine 1% The New York Times 1% Misc. Computer Magazines 4% Misc. Technology Publications 4% Misc. News Publications 3% Misc. Trade Journals/Industry Specific Publications 2% Other 7% None, do not receive any other digital publications 63%

No answer 3% Base: Total: 646 8 or fewer respondents not shown.

Used, Preferred in Last 30 Days to Digitally Access Magazines, Books or Newspapers or How Access Oracle Magazine

4  Device Used: Nearly all respondents use a PC Desktop or Laptop to digitally access magazines, books or newspapers. PC laptops at the office (47%) or home (45%) are used most often. Smartphones are also widely used by respondents (65%), most often, Android (40%), and Electronic tablets are used by 55%.

 Device Preferred: Six in ten of those who use 2 or more devices (60%) prefer a PC Desktop or Laptop to digitally access magazines, books or newspapers. PC laptops (17%) or PC desktops (17%) both at the office are preferred by most. Electronic tablets are preferred by 26%, with the iPad being the top choice at 14%.

 Device Used to Access Oracle Magazine: Three-fourths of those who access Oracle Magazine digitally use a PC Desktop or Laptop with one quarter using their office desktop (25%) or their office laptop (24%).

Device Used/Preferred for Access to Magazines, Books, Newspapers, Device Device To Access Device Used to Access Oracle Magazine Used Preferred Oracle PC – Desktop/Laptop 93% 60% 75% PC- Laptop – office 47% 17% 24% PC – Laptop – home 45% 14% 14% PC – Desktop – office 41% 17% 25% PC – Desktop – home 39% 11% 11% Other PC 2% -- 1% Electronic Tablet 55% 26% 14% iPad 27% 14% 9% Galaxy 12% 4% 3% Kindle product 8% 2% -- Surface (Windows) 4% 1% 1% Other tablet 13% 5% 1% Smartphone 65% 8% 5% Android 40% 5% 3% iPhone 25% 3% 2% Blackberry 2% -- -- Other smart phone 3% -- -- MAC – Desktop/Laptop 13% 6% 6% MAC – Laptop – home 7% 2% 2% MAC – Desktop – home 5% 2% 2%

MAC – Laptop – office 3% 1% 1% Base for Used: Total MAC – Desktop – office 1% -- -- Respondents: Total: Summary of Products Used 646 Less than 5 respondents not shown. 1 Only 16% NA NA Base for 2 or more 84% NA NA Preferred: Used 2 or more devices in the last 30 days: 540 Less than 5 respondents not shown. Base for Access to Oracle Magazine: Access Via Digital Format: 630 Less than 5 respondents not shown.

5 Preferred Platform for Reading Magazine Content of Digital/APP – Mobile Magazine Readers

 The majority of respondents (58%) who read via digital/APP mode prefer to read magazine content as an HTML (web page). Preferred Platform Total HTML (web page) 58% Digital reader platform 42% Base: Total: 646

Number of Other People Who Read or Look through Your Copy of Oracle Magazine

 On average, less than one other person (.6) typically reads or looks through the respondent’s copy of Oracle Magazine, however it is notably higher for those using the HTML version on OTN (1.5 other people). One in five (19%) say other people do read or look through their copy of Oracle Magazine. Base: Total: 646

Number of Other People at the Office Who Read or Look through Your Digital Copy of Oracle Magazine

 On average, less than one other person at the office (.5) typically reads or looks through the respondent’s digital copy of Oracle Magazine, however it is twice as high for those using an APP (1.0 other people). One in six (16%) say other people at the office do read or look through their digital copy of Oracle Magazine. Base: Prefer to Access Oracle Magazine via PC or MAC desktop at the office: 162

6 Demographics

 On average, nearly 9 out of 10 respondents are male.  Their average age is 52 years.  Nearly all (95%) are college graduates or better.  Nearly all (95%) are employed – mostly full-time (81%).  The average HHI is $114,100.  Just over half (54%) reside in the U.S. – mostly in the Pacific (14%) or South Atlantic (10%) regions.

Gender Total % Male:% Female Ratio 87:10 Prefer not to answer 4% Age Mean 52.4 yrs. Education Graduated College or More 95% Employment Status Employed 95% Employed Full-Time 81% Self-Employed 11% Employed Part-Time 4% Household Income Average $114,100 $100,000 or more 30% Prefer not to say 38% Region Pacific 14% South Atlantic 10% Middle Atlantic 8% East North Central 5% West North Central 4% East South Central 4% Mountain 4% New England 3% West South Central 3% Outside of U.S. 46% Base: Total: 646 Company and Job Characteristics

 Three-fourths (75%) have IS/IT Staff job titles, mostly DBA/Systems Administrator (26%) or Application Development/Programming Staff (12%). About 1 in 4 (23%) are in Corporate Management/ Staff. 7  There is an average of 4,577 employees in respondents companies.

Job Title/Area of Responsibility Corporate Management/Staff 23% IT/Systems Management 12% Executive Management 6% Line of Business Management 4% Corporate Staff 1% IS/IT Staff 75% DBA/Systems Administrator 26% Application Development/Programming Staff 12% Consulting 9% Software Engineer 8% Software/Enterprise Architect 6% Application Development/Program Management 5% Technical Support Director/Manager 2% Education/Training 2% Miscellaneous 2% Number of Employees in Company Average 4,577 1,000 or more 54% Base: Employed: 615


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