Ag freastal ar an Dún agus Ard Mhacha Theas Serving Down and South Armagh Planning Applications Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Planning Offices are currently closed to the public, however full details of the following planning applications including plans, maps and drawings are available to view on the NI Planning Portal website at If you are unable to access the Planning Portal, please contact us by email at
[email protected] or by telephoning 0330 137 4036 and we will assist you. Written comments should be submitted within the next 14 days. Please quote the application number in any correspondence and note that all representations made, including objections, will be posted on the NI Planning Portal. App No. Location & Proposal App No. Location & Proposal LA07/2020/1745/F LA07/2020/1772/F Unit 2A Loughway Business Park, 15a Drummanmore Road, Kilkeel, Newry Greenbank, Newry (formerly Duffy’s Accident Proposed extension and alterations to dwelling Repair Centre) LA07/2020/1774/F An educational Training Academy for car Lands adj. and N.W. of 1 Bryansford Village, bodyshop repairs (CRASH Bodyshop Training Ballyhafry, Newcastle Academy) Proposed extension to existing caravan LA07/2020/1754/F park (Bryansford Caravan Park) comprising Carpenham Court, Greenpark Road, Rostrevor 75 static sites, 8 glamping pods, amenity Proposed change of house type at sites 6,7,8 building, children’s play area and playing field, and 9 and additional houses at sites 10 and 11, landscaping, new access, entrance feature walls from that approved under P/2007/1732/F and associated ancillary infrastructure LA07/2020/1757/F No.5 Newtown Road, Rostrevor Re-advertisements Proposed commercial store LA07/2020/1339/F LA07/2020/1758/F 27 Greenpark Road, Rostrevor, BT34 3EZ 7 Duke Street, Warrenpoint 2 storey side extension to extend kitchen Proposed extension of existing public house with bedroom over and extension of curtilage into No.5 Duke Street (adj.