The Family Holiday Act 1, Scene 1

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The Family Holiday Act 1, Scene 1

Stage struck! | Stereotypes

The Family Holiday – Act 1, Scene 1

(The scene opens with POPPY sitting at the family dining table, which is front of stage. The stage is quite bare except for the dining table and four chairs, and a side board with family photographs on it. It looks like dinner has just finished. Her younger brother, ANDREW, pops on and offstage to pick up plates, then glasses, then the salt and pepper. He is a bit clumsy and this appears to irritate POPPY. POPPY is doing homework. She looks like she is trying to concentrate but is frequently interrupted by text messages she is receiving on her mobile phone. She finds the messages quite entertaining and they cause her to smile, laugh and also look surprised. Both children are wearing school uniforms.)

POPPY: I am trying to do my homework, Andrew. Perhaps you could try to clear the table quietly and carefully.

(ANDREW walks onstage again and grabs the glasses carelessly nearly spilling water. He appears to ignore his sister. He walks offstage precariously balancing the glasses.)

POPPY: (frustrated) Andrew! You are so annoying.

(Poppy receives yet another text message and this one makes her smile and laugh to herself. She then looks back at her books. The table has now been cleared and POPPY’S mum and dad, SADIE and PETER, join her at the table.)

SADIE: (calling out) Andrew, come and join us at the table please.

PETER: (happily) Family conference time.

POPPY: (now quite irritated) Can’t anyone see I’m trying to do my homework? This is really important you know. Mr Collins is going to be so mad if I don’t get it done.

(POPPY’S phone is heard yet again and she quickly picks it up. Another text message. SADIE and PETER glance at each other. ANDREW joins the family at the table a bit reluctantly.)

PETER: (a little sarcastically) Yes. We can see you are very busy. It seems you’re completely absorbed by this homework. Now just close your books. This won’t take long.

(POPPY closes her books and makes a neat pile with her phone propped on top.)

ANDREW: This family conference thing is pretty embarrassing. Doubt it happens in anyone else’s house.

SADIE: (quite excitedly) Alright. Your dad and I have been doing a bit of secret planning. And we’re very excited. It’s been a while since we have spent quality time together. Just the family. (pause)

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PETER: This summer, the four of us, and Nanna, are going on holiday.

(PETER and SADIE look excitedly and each other and then their children. POPPY and ANDREW are leaning back arms crossed. They look a bit puzzled. They glance at each other. It is clear they don’t like the idea. There is a long pause.)

SADIE: The whole summer holidays. Just us, and Nanna. It’s going to be so much fun.

PETER: It’s going to be a hoot.

POPPY: You’re kidding, right?

ANDREW: They must be kidding.

PETER: No, no. We are certainly not kidding. There will be fishing, minigolf, beach walks, ice-creams. You name it. We are heading north. We’re chasing the sunshine. No TV and no phone range. Woo hoo. Six weeks all up.

POPPY: This is not fair. What about my friends?! Not six weeks. Not Nanna. Not Andrew. I’ll go crazy! (POPPY puts her head in her hands dramatically.)

ANDREW: It just sounds so boring.

SADIE: Come on you two. Your dad and I think this is really exciting. A great opportunity (there’s a noticeable pause). And we don’t know how much time we have left with Nanna. (SADIE lowers her head sadly.)

(PETER stands up, moves behind his wife and places his hands supportively on his wife’s shoulders. There is another long pause. POPPY realises she has said the wrong thing and glances with concern at her mum.)

PETER: It’s going to be a summer to remember.

ANDREW: (slightly under his breath) … Or forget. (He gets up from the table and walks off slowly stage left.)

(PETER and SADIE stand up slowly and leave the stage exiting stage right. POPPY is left sitting alone. She picks up her phone and puts it down, opens a book, closes it, and then quietly rests her head in one hand. The lights go down on the stage.)

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The Family Holiday – Act 1, Scene 2

(The scene opens and fast paced electronic music can be heard. The stage is bare except for a lounge and lamp centre stage. The characters move on and off the stage quite quickly and at a fast pace. It is clear everyone is in a rush. All the characters are dressed in summer beach type gear. Sun hats, singlets, summer dresses, board shorts, sunglasses, thongs etc.)

POPPY: (Walks on stage dragging a very heavy suitcase. She plonks herself on top of it. She appears to be trying to work out what she may have forgotten.) Books, iPod, hair straightener, lip gloss, bathers (there’s a brief pause), toothbrush! (She races offstage leaving the suitcase where it is).

ANDREW: (wanders onto stage. He’s wearing a backpack which he throws off near the suitcase and calls out.) Okay, I’m all packed. Hurry up all of you. I thought we wanted to beat the traffic. (He glances at POPPY’S suitcase) That’s ridiculous. (He walks offstage kicking a football.)

SADIE: (Races on stage with a basket in one hand and wheeling a suitcase in the other) Okay, okay, food, tick, clothes, tick, beach gear, tick, games, tick, magazines … I’ve forgotten the magazines. (She races offstage.)

PETER: (He’s speaking as he walks on stage weighed down by three boxes which are very heavy. He carefully but quickly puts them down and calls out) Andrew, I need your help. Petrol, check, oil, check, boardies, check, cricket bat, check, fishing rods… (pause) Andrew, where are the fishing rods? (He races offstage.)

NANNA: (Wanders onto the stage quickly but also a little stiffly) I’m here. I’m ready. Let’s get a wriggle on. (She’s just carrying a handbag. She looks around a little impatiently and then takes a seat on the lounge.)

(All the family race back onstage, each carrying the item they have forgotten. They scramble to get the items in their bags except for the fishing rods that ANDREW nearly pokes people with.)

PETER: Okay everyone. Pick up your stuff; let’s get this show on the road. (He starts singing joyfully.)

POPPY: (shaking head) You are so embarrassing, Dad. You’d better not do that in the car.

(There is much commotion as everyone grabs their luggage and tries to make an exit together. NANNA seems a little bewildered and confused.)

POPPY: Here, come with me, Nanna. (She leads her out along with the © Department of Education WA 2013 ENG7AC068 Page 3 of 4 Stage struck! | Stereotypes


SADIE: (Calling as she exits the stage) Who’s got the maps? We need to know where we’re going.

(A car horn is sounded a little too enthusiastically and the lights go down on the stage.)

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