Gaultney Vita
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Professor Department of Psychology University of North Carolina 9201 University City Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 (704) 687-1331 [email protected] EDUCATION
Ph.D. August 1992 Florida Atlantic University Developmental Psychology Dissertation title: The Effects of Knowledge on the Acquisition and Retention of a Reading Comprehension Strategy.
M. A. December 1989 Florida Atlantic University Experimental Psychology Thesis title: Gender Differences in Children's Domain-Specific Theories of Intelligence: Developmental Effects upon Academic Performance.
B. A. December 1976, summa cum laude Palm Beach Atlantic College Elementary & Early Childhood Education, Minor in psychology
EMPLOYMENT The University of North Carolina at Charlotte 1992-present
An asterisk indicates research partially funded by UNC-Charlotte Faculty Research Support Grant. Names of UNC-Charlotte students who are coauthors are in italics.
Peach, H. D. & Gaultney, J. F. (under review). Charlotte Attitudes Towards Sleep (CATS) scale: A validated measurement tool for college students. Under review at Behavioral Sleep Medicine. Peach, H., Gaultney, J. F. & Reeve, C. (2015). Sleep characteristics, body mass index, and risk for hypertension in young adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44(2), 271- 284. doi:10.1007/s10964-014-0149-0. Gaultney, J. F. (2014). Risk for sleep disorder measured during students’ first college semester may predict institutional retention and grade point average over a three-year period, with indirect effects through self-efficacy. Journal of College Student Retention, 27(1), 5-23. Gaultney, J. F. (2014). Weekend-weeknight shifts in sleep duration predict risk for metabolic syndrome. Journal of Behavioral Health, 3(3), 169-175. doi:10.5455/jbh.20140704094111
Gaultney, J. F. (2014). Association of weekend to weeknight changes in sleep duration with peer and supervisor ratings of top business leaders' performance. Psychologist-Manager Journal, 17(2), 112-127. doi:10.1037/mgr0000016 Gaultney, J. F., Gray, D., & Daley, K. (2014). Improving predictive accuracy of a survey measure of risk for narcolepsy. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 2(1), 314- 321. doi:10.1080/21642850.2014.892430 Gaultney, J. F. (2014). College students with ADHD at greater risk for sleep disorders. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Development, 27(1), 5-18. Peach, H. & Gaultney, J. F. (2013). Sleep, impulse control, and sensation seeking predict delinquent behavior in adolescents, emerging adults, and adults. Journal of Adolescent Health, 53, 293-299. Gaultney, J. F. (2012). Instructor’s manual and test bank. To accompany D. F. Bjorklund (author) Children’s thinking: Developmental function and individual differences. Belmont, CA: Cengage. Gingras, J. L., Gaultney, J. G. & Picchietti, D. L. (2011). Pediatric Periodic Limb Movement Disorder: Sleep symptom and polysomnographic correlates compared to obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 7, 603-609. Gaultney, J. F. (2010). Prevalence of sleep disorders among college students: Impact on academic performance. Journal of American College Health, 59(2), 91-97. Gaultney, J. F. & Collins-McNeil, J. (2009). Lack of sleep in the workplace: What the psychologist-manager should know about sleep. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 12(2),132-148. Catrett, C. D. & Gaultney, J. F. (2009). Morning tiredness predicts some risky behaviors among adolescents when controlling for grade, gender, and depressive symptoms. Journal of Genetic Psychology,170(4), 287-309. Gaultney, J. F., Merchant, K. & Gingras, J. L. (2009). Children with PLMD display more behavioral problems than children with SDB: The importance of using clinical diagnosis to define study groups. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 7(3), 1-17. Gaultney, J. F. (May 2008). Sleep apnea and learning in children. Wake Up America Newsletter, 1(1), linked from front page. Gingras, J. L. & Gaultney, J. F. (2008). Restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorders in children: Association with ADHD. In A. Ivanenko (Ed.) Sleep and Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents, 193-224. New York: Informa Healthcare. Gaultney, J. G. (2007). Doing research: A lab manual for psychology. Belmont, CA: Cengage. Gaultney, J. G., Terrell, D., & Gingras, J. L. (2005). Parent-reported periodic limb movement, sleep disordered breathing, bedtime resistance behaviors, and ADHD. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 3(1), 32-43. * Gaultney, J. F., Gingras, J. L., Martin, M., & DeBrule, D. (2005). Prenatal cocaine exposure and infants' preference for novelty and distractibility. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 166(4), 385-406. Gaultney, J. G. & Gingras, J. L. (2005). Fetal rate of behavioral inhibition and preference for novelty during infancy. Early Human Development, 81(4), 379-386. * Gaultney, J. G., Kipp, Katherine, & Kirk, G. (2005). Utilization deficiency and working memory capacity in adult memory performance: Not just for children anymore. Cognitive Development, 20(2), 205-213.
Gaultney, J. G. (2004). Instructor’s manual and test bank. To accompany D. F. Bjorklund (author) Children’s thinking: Developmental function and individual differences. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson. Goolkasian, P., Van Wallendael, L., & Gaultney, J. F. (2003). Evaluation of a web site in cognitive science. Teaching of Psychology, 30(3), 266-269. Gaultney, J. F. & Cann, A. (2001). Grade expectations. Teaching of Psychology, 28(2), 84-87. Gaultney, J. F. & Foos, P. (2000). Web-based materials for an interdisciplinary course in cognitive science; Cognitive development module. Retrieved from Cognitive Science Academy, University of North Carolina at Charlotte web site: * Gaultney, J. F., Kipp, K., Weinstein, J., & McNeill, J. (1999). Inhibition and mental effort in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 11(2), 105-114 Coyle, T. R., Read, L. E., Gaultney, J. F., & Bjorklund, D. F. (1998). Giftedness and variability in strategic processing on a multitrial memory task: Evidence for stability in gifted cognition. Learning and Individual Differences, 10(4), 273-290. Gaultney, J. F., Bjorklund, D. F., & Goldstein, D. (Spring 1998). What is the source of gifted memory performance? Quest, 9(1), 2-5. * Gaultney, J. F. (1998). Individual differences in benefit from strategy use: What's good for me may not be so good for thee. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 21, 160-178. Gaultney, J. F. (1998). Utilization deficiencies among children with learning disabilities. Learning and Individual Differences, 10, 13-28. Gaultney, J. F., Bjorklund, D. F., & Goldstein, D. (1996). To be young, gifted, and strategic: Advantages for memory performance. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 61, 43- 66. Gaultney, J. F. (1995). The effect of content knowledge and metacognitive knowledge on the acquisition of a reading strategy. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 59, 142- 163. Bjorklund, D. F., Gaultney, J. F., & Green, B. L. (1993). I watch, therefore I can do: The development of meta-imitation over the preschool years and the advantage of optimism in one's imitative skills. In R. Pasnak & M. L. Howe (Eds.), Emerging themes in cognitive development (pp. 79-102). New York: Springer-Verlag. Krupski, J., Gaultney, J. F., Malcolm, G., & Bjorklund, D. F. (1993). Learning disabled and nondisabled children's performance on a serial recall task: The facilitating effect of knowledge. Individual Differences in Cognition, 5, 199-210. Bjorklund, D. F., Coyle, T. R., & Gaultney, J. F. (1992). Developmental differences in the acquisition and generalization of an organizational strategy: Evidence for the utilization deficiency hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 54, 434-448. Gaultney, J. F., Bjorklund, D. F., & Schneider, W. (1992). The role of children's expertise in a strategic memory task. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 17, 244-257.
An asterisk indicates research partially funded by UNC-Charlotte Research Support Grant. Names of UNC-Charlotte students who are co-authors are in italics.
Peach, H. & Gaultney, J. (2014). Do attitudes matter? Examining attitudes towards sleep in college students. Presented at the meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, June 2014, Minneapolis, MN. Gaultney, J. F., Gil-Rivas, V. & Peach, H (2014). The importance of social context in sleep problems during adolescence. To be presented at the meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, June 2014, Minneapolis, MN. Peach, H. & Gaultney, J. (2013). Impulsivity and sensation seeking predict delinquency in adolescence, emerging adulthood, and adulthood. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC, USA. Marczyk, K. D., Gray, D. D., Taylor, D. J., Gaultney, J. F. (2013, June). Ethnic differences in beliefs and attitudes about sleep medication use. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Baltimore, MD. Peach, H., Gaultney, J., & Gil-Rivas, V. (2013). Sleep as a risk factor for adolescent obesity: Differential patterns between boys and girls. Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC, Baltimore, MD, USA. Peach, H. & Gaultney, J. (2013). Sleep, obesity, and blood pressure in young adolescents. UNCC Graduate Research Symposium, Charlotte, NC. Gil-Rivas, V., Peach, H., & Gaultney, J. (2013). Sleep problems as a predictor of internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Society for Research in Child Development. Seattle, WA, USA. Peach, H. & Gaultney, J. (2012). The combined impact of poor sleep characteristics on blood pressure. Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Boston, MA, USA. Peach, H. & Gaultney, J. F. (2012). The combined impact of poor sleep characteristics on blood pressure. Poster presented at the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Boston, MA, June 2012. Gaultney, J. F., Gray, D. D. & Daley, K. D. (2012). Refining a survey measure of risk for narcolepsy. Poster presented at the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Boston, MA, June 2012. Gaultney, J. F. & Hale, A. (2012). Sleepiness and strategic and nonstrategic predictors of recall in children. Poster presented at the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Boston, MA, June 2012. Washing, A., Odiorne, C. & Gaultney, J. F. (2011). Daytime sleepiness predicts recall when controlling for strategy use. Poster presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Philadelphia, PA, October 14,2011. Gaultney, J. F. & Gil-Rivas, V. (2011) Psychosocial factors that influence adolescents' sleep duration. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada, April 2, 2011. Gaultney, J. F. (2010). The prevalence of sleep disorders in college students and association with academic performance. Poster presented at the Association of Professional Sleep Societies meeting in June 2010 in San Antonio, Texas. Perez, C. & Gaultney, J. F. (2009). Amount of sleep predicts risk-taking behavior among adolescents. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO April 4, 2009. Gaultney, J. F. & Gingras, J. L. (2007). Slower information processing associated with Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) but not Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD). Poster presented at the Cognitive Development Society conference, Santa Fe, NM October 26,
2007. Gingras, J. L. (Chair), Durmer, J., Gaultney, J., Ivanenko, A., Picchietti, D., & Walters A. (2007). Diagnostic and clinical challenges in children with Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD): Toward a rational diagnosis and treatment approach. Clinical Discussion presented at the Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Sleep 2007, Minneapolis, MN. Gaultney, J. F. & Gingras, J. L. (2007). Does treatment change outcome? Talk presented as part of a symposium entitled “Diagnostic and Clinical Challenges in Children with Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD)” at the June 2007 meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies in Minneapolis, MN. Catrett, C. D. & Gaultney, J. F. (2007). Morning tiredness predicts some risky behaviors among adolescents when controlling for grade, gender, and depressive symptoms. Poster presented at the April 2007 meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA. Gaultney, J. F. & Gingras, J. L. (2006). Cognitive and behavioral outcomes associated with insufficient/disordered sleep among children. Talk presented at the American Association of SIDS Prevention Physicians meeting in Charlotte, NC, October 2006. Roane, B. M., Taylor, D. J., & Gaultney, J. F. (2006). Epidemiology of adolescent insomnia and psychological disorders and suicide. Poster presented at the Association of Professional Sleep Societies meeting in June 2006 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Gingras, J. L., Gaultney, J. F., & Merchant, K. (2006). Clinical presentation, daytime sequelae among children with periodic limb movement disorder and sleep disturbed breathing: A comparative study. Poster presented at the Association of Professional Sleep Societies meeting in June 2006 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Gaultney, J. F., Gingras, J. L., & Merchant, K. (2006). Does a periodic limb movement index (PLMI) > 5 uniquely define periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) in children? Poster presented at the Association of Professional Sleep Societies meeting in June 2006 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Gaultney, J. F., Gingras, J. L., Adams, S. M., & Neal, E. (2006). Sleep indices and early language arts achievement. Poster presented at the Conference on Human Development, April 2006, Louisville, KY. Gaultney, J. F., Gingras, J. L., & Merchant, K. (2006). Children with PLMD display more negative daytime behavior and attention problems than children with SDB: The importance of using clinical diagnosis to define study groups. Poster presented at the Pediatric Sleep Medicine Conference, March 2006, Amelia Island, FL. *Gaultney, J. F., Gingras, J. L., Kaplan, C., Horn, L., & Fetterman, L. (2005). Sleep disordered breathing associated with decreased verbal IQ: Deficits may not improve with treatment. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA, April 2005. *Gaultney, J. F., Gingras, J. L., & Kaplan, C. PLMD and ADHD: Is there really a link? (2004). Talk presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Philadelphia, PA, June 2004. *Gaultney, J. F., Gingras, J. L., Horn, L., Fetterman, Lisa. (2004). Behavioral aspects of ADHD associated with periodic limb movement disorder. Poster presented at the Conference on Human Development, Washington, D. C., April 2004. *Gaultney, J. F., Gingras, J. L., Horn, L., Kaplan, C. (2003). Features of sleep and measures of
cognition. Poster presented at the October 2003 meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Park City, Utah. Phillips, K., Carter, J., Braxton, W. Terrell, D., Gaultney, J. F., & Gingras, J. L. (2003). Sleep disturbances and blood pressure among overweight youth. Poster presented at 49th annual meeting of the Southeast Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA March 28, 2003. Kipp, K. & Gaultney, J. F. (2002). Utilization deficiencies: Not just for kids anymore. Paper presented at the Conference on Human Development, April 2002, Charlotte, NC. * Gaultney, J. F., Gingras, J. L. (2001). Fetal rate of habituation and preference for novelty during infancy. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development conference April 2001 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. * Gaultney, J. F., Gingras, J. L., DeBrule, D., Martin, M. (2000). The effect of prenatal exposure to alcohol, nicotine, and/or cocaine on a measure of attention. Poster presented at the Conference on Human Development held in Memphis, Tennessee, April 2000. * Jordan, M. L., Gaultney, J. F., Gingras, J. L., LaCount, M. L., Bowers, J. L. (1999). Visual recognition memory and attentional measures in infants prenatally exposed to cocaine, nicotine, and SES matched controls. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development conference April 1999 in Albuquerque, NM. Gaultney, J. F. (1997). Why I succeed vs. why I fail: Attributional characteristics of children who demonstrate a utilization deficiency on a text recall task. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development conference held in Washington, D.C., March 1997. * Gaultney, J. F., Kirk, G., Aldrich, M., & Craig, J. (1996). Individual differences on a complex measure of working memory. Presented at the meeting of the North Carolina Cognition Group in Greensboro, NC, February 1996. * Gaultney J. F. & Phillips, E. M. (1996). Individual differences in the impact of strategy use on text comprehension. Presented at the Conference on Human Development held in Birmingham, Alabama, March 1996. Gaultney, J. F., Weinstein, J, McNeill, J., & Baumgarten, A. (1995). Efficient inhibition of cognition: A developmental study of children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Conference held in Indianapolis, Indiana, April 1995. Gaultney, J. F. (1994). The facilitative effect of prior knowledge and metamemory on strategy acquisition by children with lower and average cognitive ability. Presented at the Conference on Human Development held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1994. Gaultney, J. F., Branon, R., Jones, D., Bjorklund, D. F., & Goldstein, D. (1994). The relation between strategy use and recall in gifted and average children. Presented at the North Carolina Cognition Group, Winston Salem, NC, February 1994. Gaultney, J. F., Branon, R., Jones, D., Bjorklund, D. F., & Goldstein, D. (1994). The relation between strategy use and recall in gifted and average children. Presented at the Conference on Human Development held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1994. Gaultney, J. F., & Hack-Weiner, N. (1993). The role of knowledge base and declarative metamemory in the acquisition of a reading strategy. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development conference held in New Orleans, Louisiana, March 1993. Coyle, T., & Gaultney, J. F. (1992). Evidence for the utilization deficiency theory: The cost/benefit balance in young children's strategy use. Presented at the Human Development Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia, April 1992. Gaultney, J. F., Bjorklund, D. F., & Goldstein, D. (1992). The cognition of gifted children:
Strategic or nonstrategic differences? Presented at the Human Development Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia, April 1992. Gaultney, J. F., Bjorklund, D. F., & Schneider, W. (1992). The effect of knowledge on strategic functioning. Presented at the Human Development Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia, April 1992. Willits, P., & Gaultney, J. F. (1992). The development of typicality judgments among learning disabled and nondisabled children. Presented at the Human Development Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia, April 1992. Gaultney, J. F., & Perry, L. C. (1991). Implicit theories of intelligence in children at risk for dropping out of school. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Conference in Seattle, Washington, April, 1991. Perry, L. C., & Gaultney, J. F. (1990). Gender differences in children's domain-specific theories of intelligence: Developmental effects upon academic performance. Presented at the Human Development Conference in Richmond, Virginia, March 1990.
April, 2005 Davidson College, lecture on Sleep Disorders in Children November 2006 "Sleep and Health" presented to the Greater Charlotte Association of Clinical Research Professionals at Carolinas Medical Center 2006 Gaultney, J. F. & Gingras, J. L. (2006). Sleep disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Invited talk presented as part of a symposium titled “Sleep Methodology, Comorbidity, and Correlates In Children at Risk for Sleep Problems or Developmental Delays” at the Gatlinburg Conference on Developmental Disabilities, March 2006, San Diego, CA. September 2007 “Sleep and Health” presented to the North Carolina Association of Pharmacy Technicians. September 2007 “Sleep and Health” presented to the University of South Carolina at Lancaster.
April 2008 “Sleep, Health, and Daytime Outcomes” presented at Davidson College April 2009 “Sleep and Developmental Psychopathology” presented at Davidson College November 2009 “Sleep and Academic Outcomes” presented at Davidson College April 2010 “Sleep and Health Outcomes” presented at Davidson College May 2011 One of three invited panel member on two webinars on sleep in adolescents organized by Villanova University and available live via internet. Audiences included parents of adolescents, high school and college students in locations across the United States. July 2014 “Background on Sleep and Sleep Disorders” presented at the meeting of
the annual meeting of reviewers for the Services for Students with Disabilities department of the College Board in Los Angeles, CA.
Gaultney. (1993). The development of utilization deficiencies in learning disabled children. UNC-Charlotte Faculty Research Grant. Funded. Gaultney. (1994). The development of utilization deficiencies in gifted children when acquiring a reading strategy. UNC-Charlotte Faculty Research Grant, $4,100.00. Funded. Gaultney. (1995). Strategy acquisition and strategy persistence among highly gifted and average children. UNC-Charlotte Faculty Research Grant, $3,840,00. Funded. Gaultney. (1997). The relationship between working memory and strategy use and benefit by academically average and above average adults. UNC-Charlotte Faculty Research Grant, $3,500.00. Funded. Gaultney. (1997). Information processing in infants prenatally exposed to crack or nicotine. UNC-Charlotte Research Support Grant, $4,959.00. Funded. Gaultney, Kaplan, & Gingras. (2000). Cognitive/behavioral difficulties and sleep disorders in children. Faculty Research Support Grant, $4,977.70. Funded. Gaultney, Kaplan, & Gingras. (2001). Cognitive/behavioral difficulties and sleep disorders in children - continuation. Faculty Research Support Grant, $1,160.00. Funded. Gaultney. (2007). Evaluation of Delayed Bell Schedule in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Submitted to UNC Charlotte Faculty Research Grants, $5780.00. Not funded. Gaultney. (2007). Evaluation of Delayed School Start Time on Adolescent Safety and Academic Success. Submitted to the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute, $4970.00. Not funded. Bonnie Cone Advance Award - provided a buy-out of one class during the Fall 2007 term and again during the Spring 2008 term. Funded. $5,000. Gaultney. (2011). Sleep and Academic Achievement. Internal Faculty Research grant. $5108. Funded Gaultney. (2011). Risk for sleep disorders among college student. Faculty Research Support Grant, $5,108.00. Funded.
Gingras, J., Gaultney, J. F., Leatherman, N., Zeskind, P. S. (1997). Attention and information processing in infants prenatally exposed to cocaine and/or nicotine: The neurobehavioral risk study. $48,545.00. Submitted to Carolinas Medical Center Foundation. Partially funded.
Gaultney, J. F., Gingras, J. L., & Zeskind, P. S. (1998). Neurodevelopmental risk study of infants prenatally exposed to cocaine and/or nicotine. Submitted to the State of North Carolina Division of MH/DD/SAS. $204,793. Not funded. Goolkasian, Van Wallendael, Foos, Croy, Davis, Zytkow, Hadzikadic & Gaultney. (2000). Web-based materials for an interdisciplinary course in cognitive science. NSF, $209,819. Funded.
Gaultney, J. G. & Gingras, J. L. (2002). Sleep disorders and school readiness in preschool children. RO3 proposal submitted to NIH, assigned to NICHD. Requests funding for 2 years with a total of $200,000. Not funded. Gaultney, J. F. (2010). R15 proposal titled Sleep Disorders in College Students & Academic Consequences: Outcome of Treatment to MESH (Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Emotion, Stress, and Health) at the National Institutes of Health. $300,000. Not funded. Leuck, J. (2012). An assessment tool for the effects of sleep deprivation inherent to EM residency training and clinical practice. Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Academic Fellowship. $150,000. Funded. My role in this grant was as a co-mentor of the PI. Peck, B., Marino, J., Gaultney, J. F. & Peach, H. (2014). Examination of risk for sleep disordered breathing among college football players. Submitted August 2014 to the National Collegiate Athletic Association. $7500. Funded.
2015 (Expected) Hannah Peach (chair; in progress) 2010 Kristin Daley (committee member, completed) 2009 David Graham (outside committee member, completed) 2009-2010 Henry Neale (outside committee member, completed)
2013 Honors Thesis David Chapman (chair, completed) 2013 Masters Thesis Hannah Peach (chair, completed) 2012 Honors Thesis Ashley Davis (chair, completed) 2012 Honors Thesis Lina Pogosov (committee member, completed) 2012 Honors Thesis Dave Gray (chair, completed) 2011 Honors Thesis Alan Plumeau (chair, completed) 2011 Masters Thesis Margaret Papadakis (chair, completed) 2010 Honors Thesis Ashley Washing (chair, completed) 2008 Research Experience Maegan Phillips (chair, completed) 2008 Honors Thesis Kim Trinh (chair, completed) 2008 Master’s Thesis Cynthia Perez (chair, completed) 2007 Research Experience Talia Buitrago (chair, completed; funded by NSF Grant, Goolkasian and Gordon, PIs) 2007 Honors Thesis Kelly Gunter (chair, completed) 2006 Master’s Thesis Christi Davis (chair, completed) 2006 Honors Thesis Kristina Grovhoug (chair, completed) Victoria Krebs (chair, completed) 2006 Research Experience Mariah Ely (chair, completed; funded by NSF Grant, Goolkasian and Gordon, PIs) 2005 Honors thesis Cynthia Perez (chair, completed) Elizabeth Robie (committee member, completed)
Nicole Martinez (chair, completed) 2005 Honors Thesis Alyssa Snider (committee member, completed) 2004 Master’s Thesis Kristin Daley (chair; completed) 2002 Master’s Thesis Sandy Conklin (committee member; completed) 1999 Honors Thesis Mindy Jordan (chair; completed) Michelle LaCount (chair; completed) 1997 Master’s Thesis JoAnn Weinstein (committee member; completed) Master’s Thesis LaDonna Hairston (committee member; completed) Master’s Thesis Doreen Byrd-Scott (committee member; completed) 1996 Master’s Thesis Nancy Pierce (committee member; completed) Master’s Thesis Angie Owen-Killar (committee member; completed)
Florida Atlantic University: The Psychology of Human Development University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Graduate Topics in Development Graduate Topics in Sleep and Health Cognitive and Language Development Human Cognitive Processes (in-person, hybrid, and 100% online versions) Research Methods (combined class and lab) Psychological Research I Psychological Research II Senior Seminar in Development Psychology Senior Seminar in Experimental Psychology Educational Psychology Child Development Undergraduate Readings and Research, 3806 Graduate Readings and Research, 6899
Departmental: Advisory 1996-2004;2007-2009 Planning and Assessment 2002-2004; 2006- present Undergraduate Curriculum Faculty Development Co-editor, Undergraduate Journal of Psychology 1996-2004 Departmental Review Committee (chair, 2004) 2004-2006 Workload Committee 2004-2006 Search Committee, Instructor position 2006; 2011 Research Methods Task Force 2006-2007 Dept. Representative to Faculty Council 2007-2012
Committee to draft guidelines for promotion to full prof. 2008-2009 Health Psychology Ph.D. Advisory Board 2009-2012 Quality Control for Research Methods 2012-present
College: Faculty Summer Session Advisory (alternate) 1994-1996 COAS Course and Curriculum Committee 2002-2004 CLAS Small Grants Review Committee Fall 2012
University: Faculty Honorary Degree Advisory 1994-1996 Curriculum and Instructional Subcommittee 1994-1996 Counsel on General Education (Chair, 1998-1999) 1997-1999 University Institutional Effectiveness Oversight 2000-2012 SACS Steering Committee 2000-2002 SACS Subcommittee on Institutional Effectiveness 2000-2002 New Faculty Mentor 2008-2009; 2010- 2011
Service to profession
Reviewer, Panel #3 (Memory, Attention, & Perception) for the 1993 Conference on Human Development, April 1994. Reviewer, Panel #3 (Memory, Attention, & Perception) for the 1995 Conference on Human Development, April 1996. Panel Chair, (Cognition and Learning) for the Conference on 1998 Human Development, March 1998. Co-Chair, Conference on Human Development 2002 2000-2002 Conference organizer Reviewer, Panel #3 (Memory, Attention, & Perception) for the 2002 Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, Florida, April 2003. Reviewer, Behavior, Cognition and Dreaming 2007-2009; 2011 Association of Professional Sleep Societies Annual Conference Invited Reviewer, Computer Human Interaction Conference 2009
Editorial Advisory Board, “Wake Up America” (online newsletter on sleep, 2007-2008 behavior, and academic outcomes) Article Editor, SAGE Open Aug. 2013 Scientific Advisory Board, Journal of Behavioral Health 2013-present Communication and Membership Committee Sleep Research Society (member) 2011-present Invited Reviewer, NIH/MESH Grant Reviews February 2012 May 2012 October 2012
March 2015
Ad hoc reviewer for Addictive Behaviors, Behavioral Medicine, Behavioral Sleep Medicine, Child Development, Cognitive Development, Developmental Psychology, Developmental Review, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Journal of Behavioral Health, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Journal of Behavioral Health, Journal of Genetic Psychology, Journal of Psychonomic Research, Journal of Research on Adolescence, Journal of Sleep Research, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Medical Principles and Practice, Psychology Health and Medicine, Sleep, Sleep Disorders, Stress and Health
Society for Research in Child Development 1989-present Cognitive Development Society 1999-2012 Sleep Research Society 2005-present Membership and Communication Committee Member 2009-present Society for Behavioral Sleep Medicine 2011-present