Action Plan Proforma Draft

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Action Plan Proforma Draft


Area of Concern: Promote quality education for the students of partner schools. For details of the action plans for teaching and learning, please refer to the Action Plans for individual subjects. Action / Task Time frame Resources needed Success Indicator(s)

1. To cater for students of different abilities

a) First assemblies will be organized September 2006. ATEC will make the necessary a) Teachers find the first assembly useful in for all students to help them better arrangements to enable all orienting the students. Students’ learning understand what it means to attend students to attend an assembly in attitude becomes more positive and their the Centre, the Centre’s expectations the first or second cycle of sense of belonging is increased. and the regulations of the Centre. attending ATEC. b) Teachers of the Centre and of partner schools b) A Conference will be held in the November 2006. ATEC will invite the discipline find the conference meaningful. Professional second Staff Development Day to masters and teachers concerned development for all teachers is enhanced. discuss and solve problems related to attend the conference. to teaching and student discipline. c) Students show enthusiasm for taking part in extra curricular activities. Interesting projects c) Talented/gifted students will be and more advanced topics are covered in the nominated by the Centre to The whole school The Centre will pay the entry club activities. participate in external competitions year. fees for the competitions where and extra support will be provided to necessary. d) Students participate in external competitions them. to enrich their learning experience. They win awards for the Centre and partner schools. d) Students demonstrating interest and ATEC will provide the facilities ability will be absorbed into subject The whole school and resources for subject clubs clubs so that they can be given extra year. and extra-curricular activities. training and exposure to the subject.

[03b0ee3ba2dc067fc22ffc255630b09c.doc] 3 Action / Task Time frame Resources needed Success Indicator(s)

2. To improve the services and environment of the Centre

a) The application to the Greening Application to be Funding from the LCSD and the a) The application is approved by the Leisure and School Subsidy Scheme will be submitted in Centre to purchase the required Culture Services Department. submitted to the Leisure and Culture September 2006. plants and equipment. Services Department. b) Staff, students and visitors to the Centre enjoy and compliment the greenery around the b) The greening school programme will The programmes Deployment of existing school campus. be continued. will be carried out resources of the Centre. c) The Reading Room provides a suitable place c) Make full use of the Reading Room the whole year. for teachers of partner schools to rest and to on G/F for teachers of partner The whole year. carry out their duties in the Centre. schools.

3. To improve the IT facilities of the Centre

a) To turn Room 304 and Room 304B Upgrading work to Extra funding from the EMB. a) A well-equipped studio to facilitate quality into a professional Video Studio be completed in teaching of the multi-media studies course. with advanced equipment. Funding from the EMB and October 2006. QEF according to the QEF b) More and better IT facilities for the Centre. b) To replace and upgrade the proposal approved last year. remaining IT facilities of the Centre. c) The whole campus is well-served by wired c) To centralize the IT facilities and The whole school Purchase of a TSS and and wireless IT facilities. make it more cost effective to run. year for other employment of an IT Seed using d) To increase the IT coverage and the items. the School Development Grant. number of access points on the d) The hardware and software operate smoothly. Centre’s network. e) To further develop the e-Learning e) The e-Learning platform and software are platform of the Centre. Teachers and TAs upload frequently used and valued by teachers and teaching materials, examples of f) To restructure the Centre’s Intranet. students. students’ work and student portfolios to the e-Learning

[03b0ee3ba2dc067fc22ffc255630b09c.doc] 4 Action / Task Time frame Resources needed Success Indicator(s) platform. f) The E-campus Intranet is revised and used by teachers and students.

4. To further develop P eer O bservation in the Centre

a) The administration team to further Early First Term. Resources on Lesson a) Teachers support the rationale of peer promote the scheme to the Centre’s Observation from the QA observation. They are willing to take part in staff. Section of EMB. the exercises and benefit from this b) Heads of department to organize Whole school year. professional development mechanism. peer observation in their own b) Subject department heads organize appropriate subject departments. Second term of the peer observation for all members of their c) Sharing of the experience of peer year. panels. observation for all teachers of the c) Sharing of experience among all members of Centre. the same department and with all members of the teaching staff.

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