Grading Scale Student Grade (Standards Based)

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Grading Scale Student Grade (Standards Based)

PreCalculus Syllabus Mr. Cartin, [email protected] Blog: 2013 - 2014

Grading Scale Student Grade (Standards Based) A 90-100 Statistics 10% B 80-89 Algebra 30% C 74-79 Trigonometry 35% D 70-73 Common Assessments 5% F below 70 Final Exam 20%

Course Requirements: Prerequisite: Advanced Algebra with an “A” or “B” or Acc. Math II. Everyday students must bring the following: textbook, notebook, pencils, and calculator. Students will need a graphing calculator for home use. I have a classroom set that can be used at school. However, you will also need one at home for take home assignments. I recommend a TI-84 Plus (~$100) or TI-Nspire (~$130).

Course Description: This is the fourth (3rd for Acc. Math3 students) in the sequence GPS mathematics courses designed to ensure that students are prepared for college level math. Course topics include: Data Analysis, Sequences and Series, Rational Functions, Introduction to Trigonometry, Graphs and Inverses of Trigonometric Functions, Trigonometric Identities, Applications of Trigonometric Functions, and Investigations of Functions

Grading: Grading is standards based consisting of the categories Statistics, Algebra, Trigonometry and Final Assessment. Each category will contain one or more entries for Summative Assessments (weighted 4.5), Formative Assessments (3.0) and Homework/Classwork Averages (.5).

Notebook: An up-to-date, accurate notebook will be critical for success in this class. Your notebook will serve as your “personal tutor” for homework assignments and studying for quizzes and tests. Students must have a protractor, compass, one yellow highlighter, and one 2 -inch 3 ring binder. The notebook should be organized with the syllabus being the first page and the remainder of the notebook divided into 4 sections with tabs. Section 1: Class Notes, Section 2: Classwork, Section 3: Homework, Section 4: Quizzes. Notebooks will be collected and graded randomly.

Homework: Homework will be assigned on a regular basis. Assigned homework will be graded for completion. I encourage you to complete all homework. Late homework will only be accepted in the case of an excused absence.

Make Up Work : Students will receive one more day than the total amount of days absent to make up any missed work, provided that the absence is excused. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements to make up any quizzes or tests. Missed day class notes and assignments can be found at Mr. Cartin’s blog. The listed blog address is listed above.

Tests: All tests will be announced in advance. There will also be a final exam. Study Guides are provided for all tests and the final. If time permits, students will review for tests/final during class. However, it is expected that the majority of review will be completed at home or during tutoring sessions. Students will have the opportunity to retake summative exams for mastery (9 week assessment excluded). Retest opportunities will only be given after a student completes remediation on the un-mastered standard(s). Remediation examples include completing extra assigned problems, completing lessons on Study Island or USA Test Prep websites, or attending a remediation tutoring session with the teacher.

Tardiness: All students should be in class before the tardy bell rings. The classroom door closes when the tardy bell rings. It is simple. If the door is closed, you are tardy. The school tardy policy will be strictly enforced.

Tutoring: Is offered to any student Tuesday (3:40pm – 4:30pm), Thursday (7:30 – 8:10am).

Extra Credit: I do not offer extra credit work. Class Expectations (Keys to Success)

 Attendance is Crucial. The course is challenging enough. Don’t handicap yourself with poor attendance.  Come to Class Prepared. Everyday you will need a textbook, pencil, paper, calculator, and your notebook. Bring everything daily.  Come Prepared to Learn. We’ll cover many new concepts. Stay on task at all times. Part-time listening results in full-time failure.  Participate in Classwork, Discussion and Activities. Your participation will allow me to gauge your level of understanding. When you have a question, Ask it! There is no such thing as a stupid question. Sleep at home, not in class.  Take Responsibility For Your Actions and Your Grades. Don’t blame your actions on someone else. Everyone is graded on the same scale. My goal is that all students complete the course with an “A”. However, grades are earned, not given. You will receive the grade YOU EARN.  Respect Yourself and Others. Cursing, bullying and put-downs are not appropriate or tolerated. The teacher will always respect you. Act the same toward the teacher and fellow students. Inappropriate behavior will result in a call to parents and a referral to an administrator.  Put Forth Your Best Effort. Do your best at all times and push yourself. The best performers in the arts and athletics push themselves to their individual limits. Do the same in academics.  Remain Quiet and In Your Assigned Seat. You should be prepared to start learning when the late bell rings. As soon as you enter the class, find your assigned seat, sharpen your pencil, and get out your notebook. Begin working on the warm-up assignment as soon as the late bell rings. When participating in group activities, keep the discussion focused on the assigned activity. Bathroom passes will only be given on an emergency basis. Parents should notify teacher should there be a medical reason to deviate from the policy. I have read the course description and attached information and understand what is expected of me/my son/daughter for this class.

Student Name (Printed): ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent Name (Printed): ______

Parent Signature: ______

Parent Phone # Home: ______

Parent Phone # Work: ______

Parent Cell #: ______

Parent Email Address: ______

Circle Preferred Contact Method: Home Phone Cell Phone Work Phone Email

May I contact you at work or on your cell phone regarding issues that require your immediate attention (ie: behavior, failing grades, etc)? ______

Parents, thank you for your support. Please feel free to contact me via email should you have any questions or concerns. The best way to contact me is via email: [email protected] . You may also leave a message at 770-819-2521 extension 230.

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