New Hire / Rehire Form – Taiwan 新進人員/復職人員 表格

1. Please refer to the Codes on the reverse of this form for Field Names prefixed with Field Numbers. 2. ‘*’ Denotes mandatory fields. 1. 資料欄位須填入之資料為代號,請參閱附件之代號一欄表。 2. 打星號”*”之欄位,為必填欄位。

Request Type Hire/ Rehire (If Pre hire/ Hire/ Rehire (If Pre Pre Rehire already hire/ Pre Rehire not Pre Hire/ Pre Rehire completed) submitted)  Note  If Pre Hire/ Pre Rehire is selected then its mandatory to provide Name fields under Section I and Employment Details under Section II for Hire or Section III in Rehire.  If Hire/ Rehire selected then provide all the mandatory fields along with Personnel Number (created from Pre hire request) in the Employment Details in Section II for Hire or Section III in Rehire.  If Hire/ Rehire (If Pre hire/ Pre Rehire not submitted) is selected then provide all the fields except Personnel Number field under Employment Details in Section II.


To be completed by the Employee 由員工完成下列資料填寫

Name 姓名資料 Last Name (English) * 英文姓 First Name (English) * 英文名 Birth Name (Chinese) 出生時中文姓名 Nickname (Chinese) * 中文姓名 Name Format 02 Last Name,First Name

Name data for Nielsen Email and Outlook display name (Note – If left blank corresponding above legal name will be used) Preferred First Name Preferred Middle Name Preferred Last Name

 Note: The preferred name applicable to be provided only ONCE. It is not applicable for option Hire/ Rehire (If Pre hire/ Pre Rehire already completed).

Additional Data 相關資料 Birth Date (DD/MMM/YYYY) * 生日 / MONTH / Place of Birth 出生地 Country of Birth 出生國家 Nationality * 國籍 (English) Language * 語言 (Englsih)

Address - Permanent Address is mandatory. Fields indicated with an asterisk ‘*’ are mandatory. 地址 – 戶籍地址資料是必填欄位。*為必填欄位 Permanent Address 戶籍地址* Name (Last Name, First Name) 姓名 (姓 名) Street and House Number 地址行 1* Address Line 2 地址行 2 Zip / Postal Code 郵遞區號* City 城市 (中文)*

New Hire / Rehire Form – Taiwan (for new joiner only) 1/5 Elect Ver: 1.4 Last Revised: 12/APR/2016 New Hire / Rehire Form – Taiwan 新進人員/復職人員 表格 Region / State 縣市* (Select the required Region from the list if it is not the same as default) CHC Changhua County 彰化縣 Country (English) * Telephone Number 戶籍電話號碼* Mailing / Postal Address (Please provide details for Mailing / Postal Address only if it is different than the Permanent Address) 寄件地址 (請提供相關於寄件地址之相關資料) 僅需填寫與戶籍地址不同之處。 Name (Last Name, First Name) 姓名 (姓 名) Street and House Number 地址行 1 Address Line 2 地址行 2 Zip / Postal Code 郵遞區號 City 城市 (中文)* Region / State 縣市* (Select the required Region from the list if it is not the same as default) CHC Changhua County 彰化縣 Country (English) * Telephone Number 電話號碼*

Emergency Contact Address 緊急連絡地址* -必填欄位 Emergency Contact Name (Last Name, First Name) 緊急連絡姓名* Street and House Number 地址行 1* Address Line 2 地址行 2 Zip / Postal Code 郵遞區號 City 城市 (中文)* Region / State 縣市* (Select the required Region from the list if it is not the same as default) NTP New Taipei City 新北市 Country (English) * Telephone Number 電話號碼*

Personal Mobile 個人行動電話 * Personal Mobile 行動電話

Personal Email Address 個人電子郵件地址*

Bank Details - Fields indicated with an asterisk ‘*’ are mandatory. 銀行資料 - *為必填欄位 Bank Account Type Primary Bank 薪資轉帳銀行 Payee Name (Chinese) * 帳戶名稱 Bank Key *分行代號 Bank Account Number *帳戶號碼 Payment Method * T Transfers- Sinopac_T&E

Military / Civil Service - Fields indicated with an asterisk ‘*’ are mandatory. 軍歷相關資料 - *為必填欄位 Service Type * 兵種 Choose Service Type Soldier’s ID 士兵號碼 Military Registration Date 1. Military Rank 軍階 (DD/MMM/YYYY) 報到日 / MONTH / (see page 3 for code + text) Military Service Indicator Mark the checkbox on the left if you are obligated to serve in the Military.

Personal IDs - Fields indicated with an asterisk ‘*’ are mandatory. 1. ID Type * (see page 3 for code + text) 2 17

New Hire / Rehire Form – Taiwan (for new joiner only) 2/5 Elect Ver: 1.4 Last Revised: 12/APR/2016 New Hire / Rehire Form – Taiwan 新進人員/復職人員 表格

ID Number * 號碼

Country of ID Taiwan Taiwan Issuing Authority 發行機構 Issuing Number 發行號碼 Date of Issue (DD/MMM/YYYY) 發行日 / MONTH / / MONTH / / MONTH / / MONTH / / MONTH / Date of Expiry (DD/MMM/YYYY) / MONTH / / MONTH / / MONTH / / MONTH / / MONTH / Place of Issue 發行地 Country of Issue 發行國家 Taiwan Taiwan

New Hire / Rehire Form – Taiwan (for new joiner only) 3/5 Elect Ver: 1.4 Last Revised: 12/APR/2016 New Hire / Rehire Form – Taiwan 新進人員/復職人員 表格

Codes  Please refer to the codes below for Field Names prefixed with Field Numbers and enter them in the appropriate space on the form, as required. 請參閱下列相關代號 並填 入適當之欄位

1. Military Rank 軍階 Code Text Code Text Code Text Code Text 001 Corporal 008 Lieutenant Colonel 015 First Master Sergeant 022 Private 002 Marshal 009 Major 016 Master Sergeant 023 First Reserve 003 General 010 Captain 017 Sergeant 024 Second Reserve 004 Lieutenant General 011 First Lieutenant 018 Staff Sergeant 025 Other 005 Major General 012 Second Lieutenant 019 Private 1st Class 006 Brigadier General 013 Lieutenant 020 Private 2nd Class 007 Colonel 014 Sub-officer 021 Private 3rd Class

2. Personal ID Type 號碼代號 Code Text Code Text Code Text Code Text Fiscal Identity 01 Passport 護照 17 Tax ID 稅籍號碼 33 Number AI Army ID Identity Card Payroll System Executive Comp DB 02 身份 證號 18 Number 34 Voter Card Number EC UniKey Health Insurance 03 Driver’s Licence 19 Social Insurance ID 35 Code EP Expatriate indicator Provident Fund 04 Birth Certificate 20 Visa J-1 36 Number EU Europe Function Family Pension Exante Bank Account 05 Work Permit 工作證 21 Visa F-1 37 Number EX Number Permanent Account Payee’s ID in Home 06 Marriage Certificate 22 Visa TN 38 Number ID Country Employee State 07 Military Card 23 Visa B-1 39 Insurance Number IN Index Number Mellon Bank Account 08 Visa 24 Visa B-2 40 Foreign ID Number MB Number National Registration 09 Number 25 Visa H-1B 41 Blood Group PS Passport Executive Comp. 10 Unit Jey 26 Visa H-1B1 42 Dependent Pass TE Approver Level Worker Registration Employment / P2 11 Scheme 27 Visa L-1A 43 Pass TN Tax Number

12 Personal ID Card 28 Visa L-1B 44 Q2 (Qual’d) Pass V1 Visa 1 Social Security 13 Card 29 Visa L-2 45 Q1 (Qual’d) Pass V2 Visa 2

14 Stay Permit 30 Visa LPR 46 R (Rest’d) Pass V3 Visa 3 American Express 15 Card 31 Visa EAD 47 P1 (Pref’d) Pass New Hire / Rehire Form – Taiwan (for new joiner only) 4/5 Elect Ver: 1.4 Last Revised: 12/APR/2016 New Hire / Rehire Form – Taiwan 新進人員/復職人員 表格 National Insurance Social Security 401k Plan Identifier 16 Number 32 Number 4K Number

New Hire / Rehire Form – Taiwan (for new joiner only) 5/5 Elect Ver: 1.4 Last Revised: 12/APR/2016