Board of Directors Meeting ∙ Sunday, December 3, 2017 ∙ 9:30AM – 12:00PM; 1:00-3:00PM Portsmouth Renaissance Hotel ∙ Holley Ballroom IV (1st Floor) As a reminder the following individuals serve on the VASWCD Foundation Board: Richard Chaffin, President; Derwin Booker, VP; Ed Overton, Treasurer; Richard Chaffin, VASWCD Past Pres; Steven Meeks, VASWCD Pres; Chip Jones, VASWCD 1st VP; Don Wells, VASWCD Treasurer/Foundation Assistant Treasurer; Linda Campbell, Area I Representative; Jim Gehlsen, Area II Representative; Frank Johnson, Area III Representative; Pete Farmer, Area IV Representative; Wilkie Chaffin, Area V Representative; Margie Davis, Area VI Representative; John Peterson, NACD Board Member. Ex-Officio Members: NRCS, DCR, SWCS

I. Call to Order & Introduction of Guests……………………………….….……Richard Chaffin, President

II. Additions to the Agenda……………..……………………………………………………………….Richard Chaffin

III. Approval of September 2017 Foundation Meeting Minutes…………..…………….Richard Chaffin

IV. Review & Approval of Treasurer’s Reports……………………………….…………………..…….Ed Overton - Review/Update of FY17 Income & Expenses - FY18 Budget Information Review – Approved in September, Included as FYI - 2017 Endowment Activity Spend Information - Re-Election of Assistant Treasurer Position to Assist with Check Signing/Financials - Other Details – Foundation Support to Association, Other Opportunities, etc.

V. Committee Plans & Reports a. Education Committee Report………………………………………………………………………..Suzie Brown b. Foundation Awards (Chaffin, Dora Chaffin Scholar, ToY)……………R. Chaffin/VASWCD Staff c. Fundraising Report…………………………………………….………………………………………VASWCD Staff - Golf Tournament Planned for May 2, 2018 at Hollows Golf Course - Kroger Community Rewards Program – See information in meeting binders - AmazonSmile – Online shop at AmazonSmile and .5% donated to VASWCDEF - Annual Meeting Fundraisers – Swag for Tag, Auction & Raffle, Calendar – Donate! - Other Fundraising Ideas and Assistance Always Welcome!

VI. VASWCDEF President & VASWCD Staff Project Update - Envirothon Report – Dominion Partnership - Youth Conservation Camp Information - Youth Conservation Leadership Institute - Poster Contest Submissions - Pick Up Poster Entries/Patches from VASWCD Staff - Other training opportunities and activities

VII. Nominating Committee Report & Election of Officers……………………………..…….John Peterson

To Be Given Sunday, December 3, 2017 during the 1-3PM Session (Holley Ballroom)

VIII. Investment Report Info – Flexible Timing/Finance Committee Meeting………………Ray Moore IX. New Business/Public Comment (Public Comment will be provided at all board sessions) X. Adjournment………………………………………………………………………………….………………..……R. Chaffin


Board of Directors Meeting ∙ Sunday, December 3, 2017 ∙ 9:30AM – 12:00PM; 1PM-3PM Portsmouth Renaissance Hotel ∙ Holley Ballroom (1st Floor) I. Call to Order/Invocation…………………………………….……………………….…Steven Meeks, President II. Welcome and Introduction of Board Members & Guests…………..………….…….…Steven Meeks III. Approval of September 2017 Association Meeting Minutes……..…………..……….Steven Meeks

IV. Review & Approval of Treasurer’s Reports……………………………………………..………..….Don Wells FY 17 & FY18 Budget Update/Review, Travel Reimbursements, *Investment update Flexible V. Standing Committee Plans & Reports – Committee Sign-Up Forms near Registration Table a. Marketing/Public Relations Committee….…………………….Derwin Booker, Committee Chair b. Forestry Committee……………………………………….….Todd Kready/Bill Worrell/VASWCD Staff c. Urban Committee……………………………….……...... Committee Representative/VASWCD Staff d. IT Committee.………………………….….Committee Representative/Marina Schumacher, Chair e. Legislative Committee………..……………………………….. To Be Discussed in Afternoon Session VI. Nominating Committee Report (Elections at Tuesday Business Mtg)……John Peterson, Chair VII. Agency/Partner Reports – Flexibility Needed Dependent on Partner Arrival a. Virginia Association of Conservation District Employees b. Natural Resource Conservation Service c. Virginia Cooperative Extension d. Soil & Water Conservation Board e. Department of Conservation & Recreation f. Others as in Attendance

VIII. Executive Committee & Executive Director Report…....………………………………..…Steven Meeks  Virginia Conservation Assistance Program Grant Efforts

 Annual Meeting Review of Schedule & Other Details – VASWCD Staff to Assist

 Review of Business Meeting Agenda & Materials for Tuesday, December 5

 Association Update & Other Executive Committee Items for Discussion

To Be Given Sunday, December 3, 2017 during the 1-3PM Session (Holley Ballroom) IX. Remaining and Additional Partner Reports as Needed X. Legislative Committee Report  State Updates………………………………………….……Don Wells, Legislative Committee Co- Chair Legislative Agenda, Friend of Conservation Award, January 10, 2018 Legislative Day Prep  NACD/Federal Updates………………………………………John Peterson, Report In Board Packets XI. Review of Needed Items for Discussion at Area Meetings Monday………..…Board Discussion If your area has an election – Scheduled Elections: Area III, IV, VI – your new Area Chair or Vice are welcome to attend the Monday night meeting as Area Reports will be given. To Be Given Monday, Dec 4, 2017 during Evening Board Mtg (Dinner Admiral Ball – 2nd Floor) XII. Area Chair Discussion & Reports a. Area I..……………………………………………………………………………………….…………....Linda Campbell b. Area II…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…....…Jim Gehlsen c. Area III…….…………………………………………………………………………………………………Frank Johnson d. Area IV………………………………………………………………………...... Pete Farmer e. Area V …….……………………………………………………..…….………………………………..….Wilkie Chaffin f. Area VI.….….………………………………………………..…………………..….…..………..………..Margie Davis XIII. New Business/Public Comment (Public Comment will be provided at all board sessions) XIV. Closing Remarks & Adjournment……………………………..………………………………..….Steven Meeks Please notify VASWCD of Spring Area Mtg date. TBA: Details on April Quarterly Board mtg.