Impacting Instruction in 21St Century Classroom

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Impacting Instruction in 21St Century Classroom


Elements Guiding Questions Lesson Plan Time Teacher Strategies/Resources of A Allocated Lessons

s l n

a  After referencing curriculum map, develop i o Which of the following strategies t i t

n essential question that asks students what you s e

e and/or resources have you included s u

s want them to learn (broad concepts, how/why

E st Q questions, etc. Have you addressed any of the 21 in your lesson plan that will yield Century skills or literacies? high student engagement and Goals and Objectives from the NCSCOS: learning?

Specific Skills: : (Which content skills are included? Collaboration with media Which 21st Century skills are included?) Vocabulary: coordinator

Collaboration within PLC d  Have you planned a warm up? n w a e

i  How will you clear up any misconceptions? CRISS s v u e c

R 

o Vocabulary Journal F -


r Thinking Maps e e ) R h / s c s e Cooperative Learning a e c i e r g T u

e Balanced Literacy

t o e s a e r S t Differentiated Instruction ( S


o  Activities ClassScape

n o n i o t

i Nine Instructional Strategies a t

c  Strategies m u

r (Marzano) d o o f

r  Identifying similarities n  Materials t I

n and differences I

e d c  Summarizing and note

i  Have you differentiated in content, process, and/or e t d c i product? taking a u r  Reinforcing effort and G P  Have you considered the students’ readiness levels, interests, and learning styles? providing recognition  Is your lesson rigorous? Thought-provoking?  Homework and practice Diverse? Authentic? LESSON PLANNING GUIDE FOR 21ST CENTURY INSTRUCTION


n  Have you differentiated in content, process, and/or  Nonlinguistic e e c d i product? representation t n c e

a  Have you considered the students’ readiness levels,  Cooperative Learning p r e P

d interests, and learning styles?  Setting objectives and n

I  Is your lesson rigorous? Thought-provoking? providing feedback Diverse? Authentic?  Generating and testing t

n  Is the assessment formative? Or summative? hypotheses e

m  Is the assessment aligned to Marzano’s Thinking  Cues, questions, and s s

e Skills or Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (CTE only)? advance organizers s s  Is the assessment designed to give you quality A SIOP Strategies feedback to measure mastery of skills?  Is ClassScape an appropriate assessment for this Technology Tools and lesson? Resources:______ What is an appropriate assessment for this lesson ______(open-ended, multiple choice, performance?) ______ Did the work demonstrate student mastery of aligned curriculum (SCOS), on grade level work, ______essential learning? ______ Did the student work connect to other disciplines ______and/or real life?  Did the work demonstrate the use of complex 21st ______Century thinking skills? Other:______ Was the student work product worth the time ______devoted to completion?  How will you reteach and retest for mastery? ______s t ______e  Have you established new learning goals based on g

r assessment results?

a ______T

 What will you do next? ______g n i

n ______r a e L

Outcomes/Artifacts: w

e  How did this lesson impact student learning? N  What evidence can I provide that proves the students “got it”?

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