Vergil S Aeneid: Selected Bibliography

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Vergil S Aeneid: Selected Bibliography

Vergil’s Aeneid : Selected Bibliography

Adkin, Neil "More Yukky Virgil: Aeneid 2,410-15" Hermes 134.4 (2006) 398-406

Adkin, Neil "Sinon on his 'pal' Palamedes (Virgil, 'Aeneid' II 81-104)" ACD 47 (2011) 155-169

Ames, Cecilia; De Santis, Guillermo. 2011. "The construction of Ethnic Identities in the Augustan Age: Virgil's Aeneid" Gymnasium 118.1.7-28.

Anderson, William. 1999. Aeneid 11: The Saddest Book. In Reading Vergil's Aeneid: An Interpretive Guide, edited by C. Perkell. Norman: University of Oklahoma.

Becker, Trudy Harrington. 1997. Ambiguity and the Female Warrior: Vergil's Camilla. Eletronic Antiquity 4 (1):1-13.

Behr, Francesca "The narrator's voice: a narratological reappraisal of apostrophe in Virgil's Aeneid" Arethusa 38.2 (2005) 189-221

Berardo, J. A. 2008. "Pietas as is Observed in the Father and Son Relationship of Anchises and Aeneas in Virgil's Aeneid" Ancient World 39.1.3-10.

Bettini, Maurizio. 1997. Ghosts of Exile: Doubles and Nostalgia in Vergil's parva Troia (Aeneid 3.294 ff.). In Classical Antiquity: The Regents of the University of Calfornia.

Bonner, Robert J. 1906. "A Note on Rapuit in Virgil Aeneid I.176" Classical Journal 1.2.49-50.

Brooks, Robert A. 1953. Discolor Aura: Reflections on the Golden Bough. American Journal of Philology 74 (3):260-280.

Burbridge, James. 2009. "Dido, Anna and the Sirens (Vergil, Aeneid.4.437 ss.)" MD 62: 105-128 Cato, Bonnie. The Labyrinth on the Cumaen Gates and Aeneas' Escape from Troy. Vergilius: 71-77.

Commager, Steele. 1966. Virgil; a collection of critical essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice- Hall.

Connor, Robert. 2011. “We Must Call the Classics Before a Cort of Shipwrecked Men.” Classical World 104.4.483-93.

Cowan, Robert. 2009. Scanning Iulus: Prosody, Position and Politics in the Aeneid" Vergilius 55: 3-12.

Dyer, Robert Rutherfurd. 1989. Vergil's Fama: A New Interpretation of Aeneid 4.173FF. Greece and Rome xxxvi (1):28-32. Dyson, Julia T. 1997. Birds, Grandfathers, and Neoteric Sorcery in Aeneid 4.254 and 7.412. Classical Quarterly N.S. 47 (1):314-315.

Edgeworth, Robert; Stem, Rex. 2005. "The Silence of Vergil and the End of the .Aeneid." Vergilius 5: 3-11.

Eliot, T. S. 1944. “What is a Classic?” Address delivered to the first meeting of the Virgil Society, London.

Fairclough, H.R. 1906. "The Helen Episode in Vergil's Aeneid II. 559-623" CPh 1.3:221-230.

Fairclough, H.R. 1906. "Vergil's Relations to Graeco-Roman Art" CJ 2.2.59-68.

Farrell, J. and M. C. J. Putnam (eds.). 2010. A Companion to Vergil’s Aeneid and Its Tradition. Chichester / Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Feldherr, Andrew. 1999. “Putting Dido on the Map: Genre and Geography in Vergil's Underworld.” Arethusa 32:84- 112.

Formicula, Crescenzo. 2006. "Dark Visibility: Lavinia in the Aeneid." Vergilius 52.76-95.

Freyburger-Galland, Marie-Laure. 2009. "Political and Religious Propaganda between 44 and 27 BC" Vergilius 55.17-30.

Galinsky, Karl. 2009. "Aeneas at Cumae" Vergilius 55.69-87

Galinsky, Karl. 1992. “Venus, Polysemy, and the Ara Pacis Augustae.” American Journal of Archaeology 96 (3):457-75.

Gasti, Helen "Narratological aspects of Vergil's Aeneid 2.1-13" AClass 49 (2006) 113-120

Gordon, Pamela. 1998. "Phaeacian Dido: Lost Pleasures of an Epicurean Intertext". Classical Antiquity 17 (2):188-211.

Gowers, Emily "Virgil's Sibyl and the 'Many Mouths' Cliche (Aen. 6.625-7)" CQ 55.1 (2005) 170-182 -

Grebe, Sabine "Augustus' Divine Authority and Vergil's Aeneid" Vergilius 50 (2004) 35-62 -+-

Hanson, John Arthur. 1982. Vergil. In Ancient Authors: Greece and Rome Vol II. New York: Scribners.

Holliday, Peter J. 1990. Time, History, and Ritual on the Ara Pacis Augustae. Art Bulletin 72:542-57.

James, Sharon L. 1995. Establishing Rome with the Sword: Condere in the Aeneid. American Journal of Philology 116 (4): 623-637. Johnson, W. R. 1976. "Aeneas and the Monuments. In Darkness Visible. Berkeley: University of California.

Johnson, W. R. 1976. "The End of Book 12". In Darkness Visible. Berkeley: University of California.

Johnson, W. R. 1976. "The Worlds Vergil Lived In." In Darkness Visible. Berkeley: University of California.

Johnson, W. R. 1984. Vergil's Bees: The Ancient Romans' View of Rome. In Roman Images: Selected Papers from the English Institute, 1982, edited by A. Patterson. Baltimore.

Johnson, W. R. 1999. "Lilies and Violence: Lavinia's Blush in the Song of Orpheus". Classical Philology 94 (3):281-88.

Johnson, W. R. 2001. "Imaginary Romans: Vergil and the Illusion of National Identity." In Poets and Critics Read Virgil, edited by S. Spence. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Johnson, W.R. 1976. Darkness Visible: A Study of Vergil's Aeneid. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Johnson, WR. 1981. “The Broken World: Virgil and his Augustus.” Arethusa 14.1.49-56.

Kampen, Natalie Boymel. 1988. "The Muted Other". Art Journal 47 (1):15-19.

Kennedy, Duncan. 1997. "'Augustan' and 'Anti-Augustan': Reflections on Terms of Reference." In Roman Poetry and Propaganda in teh Age of Augustus., edited by A. Powell. London.

Kitchell, Kenneth. Virgil's Ballasting Bees. Vergilius:36-43.

Knox, Bernard. 1950. The Serpent and the Flame. American Journal of Philology 71 (4):379- 400.

Kraggerud, Egil "On Juno's First Monologue in Vergil's 'Aeneid'" Eranos 105.2 (2008-2009) 98- 101 -+-

Kraggerud, Egil. 2013. "Zeugma or Corruption? On Vergil's Aeneid 4. 375" Symbolae Osloenses 87: 90-94.

Lansing, Richard H. "Vergil's Homage to Homer in Aeneid 1.1-7" Vergilius 54 (2008) 3-8 -+-

Leach, E. W. 1997. Venus, Thetis, and the Social Construction of Maternal Behavior. Classical Journal 92 (4):347-71.

Lombardo, Stanley, and W. R. Johnson. 2005. Aeneid. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.

Martindale, Charles, ed. 1997. The Cambridge Companion to Virgil. Cambride, UK: Cambridge University Press. McElduff, Siobhan "Not as Virgil has it: Rewriting the Aeneid in 18th century Ireland" IJCT 18.2 (2011) 226-245 -+-

McGill, Scott "Rewriting Dido: Ovid, Virgil, and the Epistula Didonis ad Aeneam (AL 71 SB)" C&M 60 (2009) 177-199 -+-

Morgan, Gareth. Dido the Wounded Deer. Vergilius:67-68.

Murgatroyd, P. "Lavinia Aeneae" Vergilius 50 (2004) 131

Nugent, S. Georgia. 1992. Vergil's "Voice of the Women" in Aeneid V. Arethusa 25 (2):255-291.

Olson, S. Douglas. 2011. "Immortal Encounters: Aeneid 1 and the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite." Vergilius 57: 55-62.

O'Sullivan, Timothy M. "Death ante ora parentum in Virgil's Aeneid" TAPhA 139.2 (2009) 447- 486 -+-

Parry, Adam. 1963. The Two Voices of Virgil's Aeneid. Arion 2 (4):66-80.

Perkell, Christine G. 1981. On Creusa, Dido, and the quality of victory in Virgil's Aeneid. In Reflections of Women in Antiquity, edited by H. Foley. New York: Gordon and Breach.

Pollio, David "Reconcilable Differences: Greeks and Trojans in the 'Aeneid'" Vergilius 52 (2006) 96-107 -+-

Poschl, Victor. 1970. The Art of Vergil: Image and Symbol in the Aeneid. Translated by G. Seligson. Ann Arbor, MI.

Putnam, Micahel C.J. 2008. "Italian Virgil and the Idea of Rome". In Volk, Katharina (ed) Vergil's Georgics. Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: 138-60. Oxford and New York. BMCR review by Randall Pogorzelski ISBN 9780199542949

Putnam, MIchael C. J. 1998. "Dido's Murals and Virgilian Ekphrasis". Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 98:243-275.

Putnam, Michael. 1985. Possessiveness, Sexuality and Heroism in the Aeneid. Vergilius 31:1-21.

Quarterone, Lorina "Teaching Vergil's Aeneid through Ecofeminism" CW 99.2 (2006) 177-182

Quint, David. 2011. "Virgil's Double Cross: Chiasmus and the Aeneid" AJPh 132.2.273-300.

Reed, Joseph A. "Ardebat Laena ('Aeneid' 4.262)" Vergilius 52 (2006) 55-75

Rehak, Paul. 2001. Aeneas or Numa? Rethinking the Meaning of the Ara Pacis Augustae. Art Bulletin 83 (2):190-208. Scott, James M. "The Aeneid as a Philosophical Guide 'To Turn Arms Against the Turks'" Vergilius 50 (2004) 63-95

Skinner, Marilyn "Venus as Physician: 'Aen.' 12.411--19" Vergilius 53 (2007) 88-101 -+-

Smith, R. A. 1993. A lock and a promise: Myth and Illusion in Aeneas' Farewell to Dido in Aeneid 6. Phoenix 47:305-312.

Smolenaars, J.J.L. "A Disturbing Scene from the Marriage of Venus and Vulcan: Aeneid 8.370- 415" Vergilius 50 (2004) 96-107

Stahl, H.P. 1993. "The Death of Turnus: Augustan Vergil and the Political Rival". In Between Republic and Empire: Interpretations of Augustus and His Principate, edited by K. A. a. M. T. Raaflaub. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Starr, Raymond J. "Weaving Delays: Dido and Penelope in Vergil, Aeneid IV,50-53" Latomus I 68.4 (2009) 910-914 -+-

Tamas, Abel. 2012. "Multiplex Sermo the 'Manifold Speech' of Fama in Virgil'S Aeneid" AAntHung 52.4: 339-348.

Tarrant, R.J. 1997. "Poetry and power: Virgil's poetry in contemporary context". In The Cambridge Companion to Virgil, edited by C. Martindale. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Toll, Katherine. 1997. "Making Roman-ness and the Aeneid". Classical Antiquity 16 (1):34-56.

Zieske, Lothar "Julius Caesar in Virgil's Aeneis: A review of Virgil's poetic attitude" Gymnasium 117.2 (2010) 129-140

Johnston, Patricia A.; Casadio, Giovanni; Abbamonte, Giancarlo. 2009. "Symposium Cumanum, June 17-20, 2008: Poetry or Propaganda: What was Vergil's Purpose in Writing the Aeneid?" Vergilius 55 (2009) 176-192 -+-

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