Department of Information Science & Engineering

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Department of Information Science & Engineering

MALNAD COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, HASSAN (An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU, Belgaum)




To prepare competent engineers in Information Science & Engineering with a strong foundation for professionalism and responsible citizenship, and become an excellent center for learning.


 Imparting high quality education with emphasis on fundamental concepts and practical application, adopting the best technologies.

 Encouraging students and faculty to pursue higher studies.

 Collaborating with industry and institutes of higher learning.

 Nurturing personality development of students.



1) Graduates will be able to synthesize Mathematics, Science, Computer fundamentals, and Laboratory experiences in Information Science and Engineering to formulate and solve problems. 2) Graduates will succeed in getting employment in prestigious organizations. 3) Graduates will succeed in the pursuit of higher studies. 4) Graduates will communicate proficiently, work effectively in teams, practice professional ethics and assume social responsibility. 5) Graduates will acquire the necessary skills for continued independent learning.


1. An ability to apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science and Computer Engineering. 2. An ability to design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret results. 3. An ability to design a system, component or process to meet the desired needs within realistic constrains. 4. An ability to work on multi-disciplinary tasks. 5. An ability to identify, and solve engineering problems. 6. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. 7. An ability to communicate effectively. 8. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and societal contexts. 9. To appreciate the need for and the ability to engage in life-long learning. 10.Knowledge of contemporary issues. 11.An ability to use the tools and techniques for solving problems. 12.An ability to prepare for competitive examinations and pursue higher education.


Assessment Weightage in Marks CIE 1 (based on unit1 and unit2) 25 CIE 2 (based on unit3 and unit4) 25 CIE 3 (based on unit5 and unit6) 25 Total 50 II Year B.E.: Scheme of Teaching and Credits, 2015-2016 (Information Science and Engineering)

3 rd Semester Course Course Title L T P C Code MA301 Engineering Mathematics-III 4 0 0 4 MA302 Discrete Mathematical Structures 4 0 0 4 IS303 Digital Principles and Applications 3 1 0 4 IS304 Data Structures 4 0 0 4 Computer Organization and IS305 3 1 0 4 Architecture IS306 Unix and Shell Programming 3 0 1 4 IS307 Design of Digital Systems 0 0 3 1.5 IS308 Data Structures Laboratory 0 0 3 1.5 HS003 Communication Skills - 1 2 0 0 1.0 Total 23 2 7 28.0

4 th Semester Course Course Title L T P C Code MA401 Engineering Mathematics-IV 4 0 0 4 IS402 Microprocessors and Interfacing 4 0 0 4 IS403 Operating Systems 3 0 1 4 IS404 Analysis and Design of Algorithms 4 0 0 4 IS405 Software Engineering 4 0 0 4 IS406 Java Programming 3 0 1 4 IS407 Microprocessor Laboratory 0 0 3 1.5 IS408 Algorithms Laboratory 0 0 3 1.5 Total 22 1 6 27

MA301 - Engineering Mathematics – III (EE/EC/IT/IS/CS) (4–0–0) 4 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 4 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 52

# Course Outcome Mapping to POs 1. Introducing Fourier series to learn practical harmonic analysis 1, 5, 8 and learning Fourier transforms and it’s inverse. 2. Adopting Z-transforms concepts to solve difference equations 1, 5, 8, 9, 11 and solving algebraic and transcendental equations numerically. 3. Adopting numerical different formulas for solving engineering 5, 8, 9, 11 problems and exposure to numerical integration through standard rules. 4. Learning solution of system of homogeneous equations through 1, 5, 8, 9, 11 matrices and numerical solution of differential equations

PART A 1. Fourier series: Periodic functions, representation of a periodic function as a Fourier series using Euler’s Formulae. Fourier series of an even & an odd function. Half- range Fourier series and practical harmonic analysis-illustrative examples. Graphs of Fourier series. 7 Hrs.

2. Fourier Transforms and Inverse Fourier transforms: Properties of Fourier transform, Evaluation of Complex Fourier, Fourier sine & Fourier cosine transforms. Inverse complex Fourier, Inverse sine & Cosine transforms. Applications of transforms to boundary value problems. 8 Hrs.

PART B 3. Z-Transforms: Definition, standard forms, Linearity property, damping rule, shifting rule – Problems. Inverse Z transforms. Solution of Difference equations using Z Transforms. 6 Hrs.

4. Numerical Techniques: Solution of algebraic & Transcendental equations by (i) Bisection method, (ii) Newton – Raphson method.,(iii) Regulai falasi method Solution of non – linear system of equations by using Newton Raphson method. 6 Hrs. PART C 5. Numerical Interpolation / Extrapolation: Finite differences – Forward, backward & Central differences. Interpolation by Newton’s Interpolation formula (both forward & backward), Stirling & Bessel’s interpolation formula for central interpolation. Lagrange’s & Newton’s divided differences formula for un-equal intervals. Some application oriented engineering problems. 7 Hrs.

6. Numerical Integration: General quadrature formula with proof and deduction of traphezoidal rule, Simpsons 1/3rd rule, weddles rule and illustrative examples. Gaussian quadrature 3 point formula. 6 Hrs.

PART D 7. Matrix algebra: Consistency of non homogeneous system of equations using the rank concept,(using elementary row operation), Solution of the system of linear equations by Gauss elimination method, Gauss – Seidel iterative method. Solution of system of homogeneous equations, Finding Eigen values and Eigen vectors of matrices. Physical significance of Eigen values and Eigen vectors in Engineering. 6 Hrs. 8. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Computation of solution by using the following single step methods: Taylor series method, Picards method of successive approximation, Runge-Kutta method of fourth order, Solution of first order simultaneous differential equations by R.K. method of fourth order . Predictor and corrector methods (Adams Bashforth method). 7 Hrs.

Text Book: 1. Dr. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publications, 40th edition (2007)

Reference Books: 1. Erwin Kreyzig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 8th edition (2007) 2. S. C. Chapra and R. Canale, Numerical Analysis for Engineers, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 5th edition (2005) 3. Numerical methods for Scientific and Engineering computation by M.K. Jain, SRK Iyengar, R.K. Jain, 5th edition, New age International Publishers.

MA302 – Discrete Mathematical Structures (4-0-0) 4 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 4 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 52

# Course Outcome Mapping to POs 1. Understanding of algorithms, inclusion and exclusion principle 1, 5, 8 and application of probability. 2. Introducing the basic connectives, logical implications, 1, 5, 8, Quantifiers, mathematical induction principle and their engineering applications. 3. Computer application of relations. 5, 8, 9, 11 4. Applications of functions to engineering field and understanding 1, 5, 8, 11 of coding theory

PART A 1. Properties of the Integers: Recursive Definitions, Division Algorithm: Prime numbers, G.C.D of two numbers, the Euclidean Algorithm, The fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Application Problems. 7 Hrs.

2. Set theory: Review of set operations, Law of set theory, Counting and Venn diagrams, Countable and uncountable sets. Inclusion and Exclusion Principle, a word on Probability. 6 Hrs. PART B 3. Fundamentals of logic: Basic connectives and Truth tables. Logical equivalence: the laws of logic. Logic implication - Rules of inference, Direct and indirect proof. 7 Hrs. 4. Fundamentals of logic (contd.): The use of Quantifiers, Quantifiers, definitions and the proofs of theorems. Mathematical Induction principle. Illustrative examples. 6 Hrs. PART C 5. Relation-I: Cartesian products and relations, computer representation of a relation and directed graph, properties of relations, equivalence relations, Partitions. 7 Hrs. 6. Relation - II: Partial ordering relation, partially ordered set and totally ordered set, Hasse diagram. Minimal, maximal, greatest and least element of a poset. Lattices and examples. 7 Hrs. PART D 7. Functions: Definition, various types of functions, function composition, and invertible functions, special functions, functions in computer science. Application of Stirling numbers of second kind. 7 Hrs.

8. Elements of coding theory Review of theory of groups. The Hamming metric, the parity-check and generator matrices, group codes – decoding with coset leaders and Hamming matrices. 6 Hrs.

Text Book: R.C.Grimaldi, B.V.Ramana, Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics, Pearson’s publications, Fifth edition, 2007. Chapters: 2.1 to 2.5, 3.1 to 3.4, 4.1 to 4.5, 5.1 to 5.6, 7.1 to 7.4, 16.1 to 16.8

Reference Books: 1. Discrete Mathematical Structures by Kenneth Rosen, Tata-McGraw Hill publications, 2006. 2. Discrete Mathematical Structures, by D. S. Malik & M. K. Sen, Thomson’s Publications, First edition, 2006.

IS303 – Digital Principles and Applications (3-1-0) 4 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 4 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 52

# Course Outcomes Mapping to POs 1. Ability to gain the fundamental knowledge of basic and universal 1, 2, 5, 8, 12 logic gates.

2. Ability to design, correctly implement and document solutions to 2, 3 significant computational problems.

3. Get familiarized with data processing circuits like PLA, PAL, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, multiplexers, demultiplexers, trouble shooting and so on. 11

4. Ability to simplify the given equation using methods like K-map 2, 3, 5, 12, 11 and Quine –Mcclusky.

5. Gain the basic knowledge of registers, Flip-Flops, counters and 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, will be in a position to design synchronous and Asynchronous 11 circuits.

PART - A 1. Digital Logic: Overview of Basic Gates and Universal Logic Gates, AND-OR-Invert Gates, Positive and Negative Logic, Introduction to HDL. Combinational Logic Circuits: Boolean Laws and Theorems, Sum-of-Products Method, Truth Table to Karnaugh Map, Pairs, Quads, and Octets, Karnaugh Simplifications, Don’t Care Conditions, Product-of-Sums Method, Sum-of-Products Simplification. 7 Hrs. 2. Combinational Logic Circuits (contd.): Simplification by Quine-McClusky Method, Hazards and Hazard Covers, HDL Implementation Models. Data-Processing Circuits: Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, 1-of-16 Decoder, BCD-to- Decimal Decoders, Seven-segment Decoders, Encoders, EX-OR gates, Parity Generators and Checkers, Magnitude Comparator. 7 Hrs.

PART - B 3. Data-Processing Circuits (contd.): Read Only Memory, Programmable Array Logic, Programmable Logic, Troubleshooting with a Logic Probe, HDL Implementation of Data Processing Circuits Arithmetic Circuits: Binary Addition, Binary Subtraction, Unsigned Binary Numbers, Sign- Magnitude Numbers, 2’s Complement Representation, 2’s Complement Arithmetic, Arithmetic Building Blocks, The Adder-Subtractor, Fast Adder, Arithmetic Logic Unit, Binary Multiplication and Division, Arithmetic Circuits using HDL. 7 Hrs.

4. Clocks and Timing Circuits: Schmitt Trigger, pulse forming circuit. Flip-Flops: RS Flip-Flops, Gated Flip-Flops, Edge-triggered RS, D, JK Flip-Flops, Flip-Flop timing, JK Master-Slave Flip-Flops, Switch Contact Bounce Circuits, Various Representations of Flip-Flops. 6 Hrs.

PART - C 5. Flip-Flops (contd.): Analysis of Sequential Circuits, Conversion of Flip-Flops – A synthesis example, HDL implementation of Flip-Flops Registers: Types of Registers, Serial In-Serial Out, Serial In-Parallel Out, Parallel In-Serial Out, Parallel In-Parallel Out. 6 Hrs.

6. Registers (contd.): Applications of Shift Registers, Register Implementation in HDL. Counters: Asynchronous Counters, Decoding Gates, Synchronous Counters, Changing the Counter Modulus, Decade Counters, Presettable Counters, Counter Design as a Synthesis Problem. 6 Hrs. PART - D 7. Counters (contd.): A Digital Clock, Counter Design Using HDL Design of Sequential Circuit: Model Selection, State Transition Diagram, State Synthesis Table, Design Equations and Circuit Diagram, Implementation using Read Only Memory, Algorithmic State Machine, State Reduction Technique, Analysis of Asynchronous Sequential Circuit, Problems with Asynchronous Sequential Circuits. 7 Hrs.

8. Design of Sequential Circuit (contd.): Design of Asynchronous Sequential Circuit Memory: Basic terms and Ideas, Magnetic memory, Optical memory, Memory addressing, ROMS, PROMs and EPROMs, RAMs, Sequential Programmable Logic devices. 6 Hrs.

Text Book: Donald P Leach, Albert Paul Malvino & Goutam Saha, Digital Principles and Applications, 6th Edition, TMH, 2006 (Chapters 2, 3, 4, 6, Chapter 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11-1 to 11-10, 13)

Reference Books: 1. Stephen Brown, Zvonko Ranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, TMH, 2006 2. Charles H. Roth, Jr, .Fundamentals of Logic Design, , 5th Edition, Thomson, 2004 3. Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Gregory L. Moss, Digital Systems Principles and Applications, 10th Edition, PHI/ Pearson Education, 2007 IS304 – Data Structures (4-0-0) 4 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 4 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 52

# Course Outcome Mapping to POs 1. Gain Knowledge on data structures like Stack, Queues, Linked 1, Lists and Trees. 2. Design algorithms for implementing these data structures. 2, 11 3. Develop applications using these data structures. 3, 5, 10 4. Solve problems using these data structures. 7, 12 5. Appreciate the importance of data structures in solving problems. 9

PART - A 1. C language features - Pointers: Concepts, Pointer variables, Accessing variables through pointers, Pointer declaration and definition, Initialization of pointer variables, Pointers and functions, Pointer to pointers, Lvalue and Rvalue, Arrays and pointers, Pointer arithmetic and arrays, Passing an array to a function, Understanding complex declarations, Memory allocation functions, Array of pointers.

7 Hrs.

2. Derived types – Type definition, Enumerated, Structure, and Union: The type definition, Enumerated types, Structure, Accessing structures, Complex structures, Array of structures, Structures and functions, Unions – meaning declaration and accessing its members. 6Hrs. PART - B 3. Strings – Declaring and initializing strings, Reading strings from terminal, Writing strings to screen, Arithmetic operation on characters, putting strings together, Comparison of two strings, string handling functions, Table of strings. File Management – Introduction, Defining and opening a file, closing a file, Input output operations on files, Error handling during I/O operations, Random access to files. 7 Hrs.

4. Data structures - Meaning of Data Structures The Stack - Definition and examples: Primitive operations, Example. Representing stacks in C: Implementing the pop operation, testing for exceptional conditions, implementing the push operation. Example: Infix, postfix and prefix, Basic definitions and examples, evaluating a postfix expression, Program to evaluate a postfix expression, converting an expression from infix to postfix, Program to convert an expression from infix to postfix. 6 Hrs. PART - C 5. Recursion: Recursive definition and processes: Factorial function, Multiplication of natural numbers, Fibonacci sequence, Binary search, Properties of recursive definition or algorithm. Recursion in C: Factorial of a number, generation of Fibonacci numbers, Binary searching, Concept of Recursive chains, Towers of Hanoi problem. Queues and lists: The queue and its sequential representation: C implementation of queues, Insert operation, Priority queue, Array implementation of a priority queue. Linked lists: Inserting and removing nodes from a list, Linked implementation of stacks. 7 Hrs. 6. Linked Lists Continued: Getnode and freenode operations, Linked implementation of queues, Linked list as a data structure, Example of list operations, Header nodes. Lists in C: Array implementation of lists, Limitations of array implementation, Allocating and freeing dynamic variables, linked lists using dynamic variable, Queues as lists in C, Examples of list operations in C, Non integer and non- homogeneous lists. 6 Hrs. PART - D 7. Lists Continued - Other list structures: Circular lists, Stack as a circular list, Queue as a circular list, Primitive operations on circular lists, Josephus problem, Doubly linked lists. Trees - Binary trees: Operations on binary trees, Applications of binary trees. Binary tree representation: Node representation of binary tree, Internal and external nodes. 7 Hrs.

8. Trees continued - Implicit array representation of binary trees, Choosing a binary tree representation Binary tree traversals in C, Threaded binary trees. Trees and their application: C representation of trees, General expressions as trees, evaluating an expression tree, constructing a tree. 6 Hrs.

Text Books: 1. Yedidyah Langsam and Moshe J. Augenstein and Aaron M.Tenanbaum, Data structures using C and C++, PHI, 2006 Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 2. Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F. Gilberg, Computer Science - A Structured Programming Approach Using C, 2nd Edition, Thomson, 2003 (Chapters 9, 10, 12, 13) 3. E.Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C , III edition, Tata Mcgraw hill

Reference Books: 1. Robert Kruse, C.L.Tondo and Bruce Leung, Data Structures & Program Design in C, II Edition, Pearson Education, Asia. 2. M.G.Venkateshmurthy, Programming techniques through C - A beginners companion, Pearson Education, Asia.

IS305 – Computer Organization and Architecture (3-1-0) 4 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 4 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 52

# Course Outcomes Mapping to POs 1 Ability to understand the functionalities of computers, their data 1, 12,9 . organization, situations that cause interrupts and their handling and will study different types of buses 2 Ability to differentiate the various types of memories in terms of their 1,5, 12 . speed, size and cost and to do the basic arithmetic operations a, e, l 3 Gain the knowledge of how the data transfer takes place between 1, 12 . registers, memory, and the way data is been fetched and stored.

PART – A 1. Basic Structure of Computers: Computer Types, Functional Units, Basic Operational Concepts, Bus Structures, Performance – Processor Clock, Basic Performance Equation, Clock Rate, Performance Measurement, Historical Perspective Machine Instructions and Programs: Numbers, Arithmetic Operations and Characters, Memory Location and Addresses. 5 Hrs 2. Input/Output Organization: Accessing I/O Devices, Interrupts – Interrupt Hardware, Enabling and Disabling Interrupts, Handling Multiple Devices, Controlling Device Requests, Exceptions, Direct Memory Access. 5 Hrs

PART – B 3. Input/Output Organization contd: Buses, Standard I/O Interfaces – Buses, PCI Bus, SCSI Bus, USB. 5 Hrs

4. Memory System: Basic Concepts, Semiconductor RAM Memories, Read Only Memories, Speed, Size, and Cost, Cache Memories – Mapping Functions, secondary Storage-Magnetic Hard Disks, Optical Disks. 5 Hrs

PART – C 5. Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers, Design of Fast Adders, Multiplication of Positive Numbers, Signed Operand Multiplication, Fast Multiplication. . 5 Hrs

6. Arithmetic (conti..):Integer Division, Floating-point Numbers and Operations - IEEE standard for floating point numbers, Arithmetic operations on floating point numbers, Implementing floating-point operations. 5 Hrs

PART – D 7. Basic Processing Unit: Some Fundamental Concepts, Execution of a Complete Instruction, Multiple Bus Organization, Hard-wired Control. 5 Hrs

8. Introduction to Multi -core Architecture: Motivation for Concurrency in software, Parallel computing platforms-Parallel computing in Microprocessors, Differentiating Multi-core Architectures from Hyper-Threading Technology,Multi0threading on single-core versus Multi-core platforms , Understanding performance-Amdhal's Law. 5 Hrs Text Books: 1. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky: Computer Organization, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. (Listed topics only from Chapters 1,2.2,2.5,2.6,2.7,2.8,2.9,4.1,4.2,4.4,4.5,4,7, 5.1-5.5.1,5.9, 6.1-6.7.2, 7,8.1-8.3)

2. Shameem Akther and Jason Roberts: Multi-Core Programming, Intel Press, 2006 (chapter 1)

Reference Books: 1. William Stallings: Computer Organization & Architecture, 7th Edition, PHI, 2006.

2. David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy: Computer Organization and Design – The Hardware / Software Interface ARM Edition, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2009. IS306 – Unix and Shell Programming (3-0-1) 4 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 4 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 52

# Course Outcomes Mapping to POs 1. Get a basic understanding of the features and architecture of 1, 10, 9 Unix operating system 2. Learn the structure and usage of different Unix commands and 1, 2, 12 utilities 3. Familiarized with the Unix file system and will be able to handle 1, 2, 3, 5 different types of Unix files 4. Gain an understanding of the Unix kernel and shell , processes 1, 2, 5, 11, 12 and filters 5. Ability to write shell scripts, awk and perl programs using all the 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 commands and filters.

PART - A 1. The Unix Operating System: The UNIX architecture and Command Usage: The UNIX Architecture, Features of UNIX, Locating Commands, Internal and External Commands, Command Structure, Flexibility of Command Usage, man - Browsing the Manual Pages On-line, Understanding The man Documentation, Further Help with man –k, apropos and whatis. General Purpose Utilities: cal, date, echo, printf, echo, bc, script passwd, who, uname, tty, stty. The File System: The File, What’s in a (File)name? The Parent – Child Relationship, The HOME Variable, pwd, ed, mkdir, rmdir, Absolute Pathnames, Relative Pathnames, ls, The UNIX File System. 7 Hrs

2. Handling Ordinary Files: cat, cp, rm, mv, more, The lp Subsystem: Printing a File, file, wc, od, emp, comm., diff, dos2unix and unix2dos

Basic File Attributes: ls –l, The –d Option, File Ownership, File Permissions, chmod, Directory Permissions, Changing File Ownership. The vi Editor: vi Basics, Input Mode, Saving Text and Quitting, Navigation, Editing Text, Undoing Last Editing Instructions, Repeating the Last Command (.), Searching For The Pattern (/ and ?), Substitution – Search and Replace. 7 Hrs

PART - B 3. The Shell: The Shell’s Interpretive Cycle, Shell Offerings, Pattern Matching, Escaping and Quoting, Redirection, /dev/null and /dev/tty: Two Special Files, Pipes, tee, Command Substitution, Shell Variables. The Process: Process Basics, ps, System Processes (-e or –a), Mechanism of Process Creation, Internal and External Commands, Process States and Zombies, Running Jobs in Background, nice: Job Execution with Low Priority, Killing Processes with Signals, Job control, at and batch, cron, time. Customizing the Environment: The Shells, Environment Variables, The Common Environment Variables, Aliases ( bash and ksh), Command History (bash and ksh), In-Line Command Editing (bash and ksh), Miscellaneous Features, The Initialization Scripts. 7 Hrs

4. More File Attributes: File Systems and Inodes, Hard Links, Symbolic Links and ln, The Directory, umask:Default File and Directoty Permissions, Modification and Access Times, find:Locating Files. Simple Filters: The Sample Database, pr, head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr, An Example: Displaying a Word Count List. 6 Hrs PART - C 5. Filters Using Regular Expressions: grep and sed, grep: Searching for a Pattern, Basic Regular Expressions (BRE), Extended Regular Expressions and egrep, sed: Stream Editor, Line Addressing, Using Multiple instructions, (-E and –F), Context Addressing, Writing Selected Lines to a File(w), Text Editing, Substitutions(s), Basic Regular Expression Revisited. 6 Hrs

6. Essential Shell Programming: Shell Scripts, read, Using Command Line Arguments, exit and Exit Status of command, The Logical Operators && and || - Conditional Execution, The if Conditional, Using test and [] to Evaluate Expressions, The case Conditional, expr, $0-Calling a Script by Different Names, while, for, set, and shift, The Here Document (<<), trap Debugging Shell Scripts with set –x, Sample Validation and Data Entry Scripts. 7 Hrs

PART - D 7. Awk - An Advanced Filter: Simple awk Filtering, Splitting a Line into Fields, printf:Formatting Output, Variables and Expressions, The Comparison Operators, Number Processing, Variables, The –f Option: Storing awk Programs in a File, The BEGIN and END Sections, Built-in Variables, Arrays, Functions, Control Flow - The if Statement, Looping with for, Looping with while. 6 Hrs

8. Perl – The Master Manipulator: perl Preliminaries, The chop Function, Variables and Operators, The String Handling and Functions, Specifying Filenames in Command Line, $_: The Default Variable, Current Line Number ($.) and The Range Operator (..), Lists and Arrays, foreach: Looping Through a List, split: Splitting into a List or Array, join: Joining a List,, grep, Associative Arrays, Regular Expressions, and Substitutions, File Handling, File Tests and Subroutines. 6 Hrs

Text book: 1. Sumitabha Das, UNIX - Concepts and Applications, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006. (Chapters 1.2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19)

Reference books: 1. M. G. Venkateshmurthy, Unix & Shell Programming, Pearson Education, 2005 2. Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F.Gilberg, UNIX and Shell Programming - A Textbook, 1st Edition, Thomson Course Technology, 2005. 3. Kenneth Rosen, Douglas Host, James Farber and Richard Rosinski, The Complete Reference UNIX, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000 Edition

IS307 – Design of Digital Systems (0-0-3) 1.5 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 3 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 39

# Course Outcome Mapping to POs 1 Get familiarized with logic gates, multiplexers, and decoders, 1, 2 . various types of flip flops, counters and shift registers. 2 Ability to apply principles of digital electronics with DE tools to 1, 2, 5 . engineering problems. 3 Learn to apply k-map concepts, code conversion techniques to 1, 2 . experiments 4 Work effectively in teams to design and implement solutions to 1, 2, 3, 7 . computational problems. 1. Simplify and realize given Boolean expressions using logic gates.

2. Realize Full adder and Full Subtractor using NAND gates.

3. Design and implement the following using NAND gates: i) 4:1 Multiplexer ii) 2:4 Decoder

4. Design and implement 4-bit Adder and Subtractor using 7483 ( Adder chip)

5. Design and implement a Full Adder using 4:1 Multiplexer chip

6. Design and implement BCD to Excess-3 code converters using 7483 chip.

7. Given any 4-variable logic expression, simplify using a Karnaugh Map and realize the simplified logic expression using 8:1 Multiplexer IC.

8. Design and implement a 3 stage Asynchronous Counter using J-K flip flops to count down from 7 to n (n>0). Display result on discrete LEDs and the waveform on CRO.

9. Design and implement an Asynchronous Counter using a Decade counter IC to count up from 0 to n (n<9). Display the count value on 7 segment LED display using BCD to 7 segment Code converter IC.

10.Design and implement an Asynchronous Counter using 4 bit Binary Counter IC to count up from 0 to n(n<15)

11.Design and implement a Mod-N (N<8) Synchronous Counter using J-K flip flops. Display the result suitably.

12.Design and implement a 3-stage Up/ Down Counter that counts from a preset value using Decade presettable counter ICs. Display the result suitably.

13.Design and implement a Johnson Counter using 4-bit Shift Register IC.

14.Design the circuit for the given expression (A+B) (A+C) and write the Verilog/ VHDL code for the same. Simulate and verify its working

15.Write the verilog code for : a) 2 to 1 Multiplexer b) 4 to 1 Multiplexer Simulate and verify its working.

16.Write the Verilog/VHDL code for D Flip-Flop ,T Flip-Flop and J-K Flip Flop with positive-edge triggering. Simulate and verify its working.

17.Write the Verilog/VHDL code for a full adder. Simulate and verify its working. 18.Write the Verilog/VHDL code for mod-8 up counter. Simulate and verify its working

19.Write the Verilog/VHDL code for switched tail counter. Simulate and verify its working.

20.Write the Verilog/VHDL code that converts D flipflop to an SR flipflop. Simulate and verify its working.

IS308 - Data Structures Laboratory (0-0-3) 1.5

Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 3 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 39

# Course Outcome Mapping to POs 1. Gain Knowledge on data structures like Stack, Queues, Linked 1 Lists and Trees 2. Design and test algorithms for implementing these data 2, 11 structures 3. Develop and test applications using these data structures 3, 5, 10 4. Solve problems using these data structures and test the 7, 12 solution 5. Appreciate the importance of data structures in solving 9 problems

1. a. Write a C program to find the maximum and minimum element in an array of n integers. Use only pointers for referencing the array.

b. Write a C program to represent a complex number using a structure variable. Write user defined functions that accept two complex numbers and finds their sum and difference.

2. a. Write a function in C that accepts a structure date with three fields. First field contains month, second is an integer showing day in month and third is an integer showing year. Function should increment the date by one and return the new date.

b. Write a program using pointers to read in an array of integers and print its elements in reverse order.

3. a. Write a function that checks if every element of array A is equal to the corresponding element in array B. That is the function must check if a[0]=b[0], a[1]=b[1] ……a[n]=b[n] . It is assumed that A and B have equal number of elements. The function must accept only two pointer values and an integer n representing number of elements. The function should return 0 for equal and nonzero for unequal arrays.

b. Write a C program which will read a text and count all occurrences of a particular word.

4. Write a C Program to create a Sequential file with at least 5 records, each record having the structure shown below:

USN Name Marks1 Marks2 Marks3 Non-zero 25 characters Positive Positive Positive positive integer integer integer integer Write necessary functions a. To display all the records in the file. b. To search for a specific record based on the USN. In case the record is not found, suitable message should be displayed. Both the options in this case must be demonstrated. 5. a. Write a C program that reads a string from the keyboard and determines whether the string is a palindrome or not.

b. Write a C program to read n integers from the keyboard. All even numbers entered should be written into a file named even.dat and all odd numbers to be moved into a file named odd.dat. Display the contents of both the files created.

6. Write a C Program to construct a Stack of integers and to perform the following operations on it: a. Push b. Popc. Display The program should print appropriate messages for stack overflow, stack underflow, and stack empty.

7. Write a C Program to convert and print a given valid parenthesized infix arithmetic expression to postfix expression. The expression consists of single character operands and the binary operators + (plus), - (minus), * (multiply) and / (divide).

8. Write a C Program to evaluate a valid suffix/postfix expression using stack. Assume that the suffix/ postfix expression is read as a single line consisting of non-negative single digit operands and binary arithmetic operators. The arithmetic operators are + (add), - (subtract), * (multiply) and / (divide).

9. Write a C Program to simulate the working of a Queue of integers using an array. Provide the following operations: a. Insert b. Delete c. Display

10.Write a C Program to simulate the working of a Circular Queue of integers using an array. Provide the following operations: a. Insert b. Delete c. Display

11.Write a C Program using dynamic variables and pointers, to construct a Singly linked list consisting of the following information in each node: student id (integer), student name (character string) and semester (integer). The operations to be supported are: a. Insertion at i) the front of the list ii) the back of the list iii) any position in the list b. Deleting a node based on student id. If the specified node is not present in the list, an error message should be displayed. Both the options should be demonstrated. c. Searching a node based on student id and updating the information content. If the specified node is not present in the list an error message should be displayed. Both situations should be displayed. d. Displaying all the nodes in the list.

12.Write a C Program using dynamic variables and pointers to construct a Stack of integers using Singly linked list and to perform the following operations: a. Push b. Popc. Display The program should print appropriate messages for stack overflow and stack empty.

13.Write a C Program to support the following operations on a Doubly linked list where each node consists of integers: a. Create a doubly linked list by adding each node at the front. b. Insert a new node to the left of the node whose key value is read as an input c. Delete the node with a given data if it is found, otherwise display appropriate message. d. Display the contents of the list. 14.Write a C Program a. To construct a binary search tree of integers. b. To traverse the tree using all the methods i.e., In-order, Pre-order and Post- order. c. To display the elements in the tree.

15.Write recursive C Programs for a. Searching an element in a given list of integers using the Binary search method. b. Solving the Towers of Hanoi problem.

HS003 - Communication Skills – 1 (2-0-0) 1.0 (Common to EE/EC/IT/CS/IS) Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 3 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 40

# Course Outcome Mapping to POs 1. Understand the rules of spelling, pronunciation and accent and 1, 4 demonstrate the speaking skills. 2. Draw conclusions, relate contents and make presentations using 8 multimedia. 3. Express ideas in essay structure that are clearly linked through 7, 8 cohesive paragraphs and appropriate transitions. 4. Apply writing and presentation skills to assignments of other 8, 9 courses.

PART A UNIT-1 & 2: Me - My Dreams – SMART Goals, Explanation of Goals, Action Planning, Talking about self, Writing about self in 500 words, SWOT Analysis - SWOT through situations, Time management strategies and application in a given situation, Essay Writing, Spotting difference in formal and informal writing & Rewriting informal in formal form, Grammar - error corrections, Grammar exercises (application and analysis). 9 Hrs

PART B UNIT-3 & 4: Rules of spelling/ pronunciation & Accent, Homophones, Homonyms - Academic Vocabulary/ Speaking Skills, Time Management - Time management strategies and application in a given situation. Comprehensions - Reading comprehension for drawing inferences, skimming and scanning techniques. 9 Hrs

PART C UNIT-5 & 6: Understanding academic essay structure - Formal & Informal writing - Interpretation of graphs and Report writing, Negotiations/ Conflict Management - Application of negotiation and conflict management skills in a given situation, Power of Body Language - understanding body language, Interpreting body language, Individual activities through solving problems given in worksheets. 9 Hrs

PART D UNIT- 7 & 8: Taking and Giving directions – General & Academics, Giving and taking information - Writing process of model making (any) writing directions to reach a destination by looking at picture, Presentation Skills – Making academic presentations - Making power point presentations/ using multi-media. These sessions will be student centered practical sessions imparted through language games, group activities, group discussions based on video clippings. 9 Hrs. Evaluation: CIE–1 &2 (20 marks each); Assignment–1 (10 marks) and SEE (50 Marks) MA401 - Engineering Mathematics IV (EE/EC/IT/IS/CS) (4-0-0) 4

Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 4 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 52

# Course Outcome Mapping to POs 1. Introduction to complex differential calculus and its applications 1, 5, 9, 11 through conformal mapping. 2. Adopting residue concept for complex integration and learning 1, 5, 8, 11 basics of statistics.

3. Exposure to probability theory and its applications for discrete 1, 5, 11 random variables.

4. Learning concepts of continuous random variables and hence 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 adopting Marco chain in stochastic process.

PART A 1. Functions of a complex variable: Definition of limit continuity and differentiability of a function of a complex variable. Analytic functions. Cauchy-Riemann equations in Cartesian and polar forms. Harmonic functions. Construction of an analytic function using Milne-Thomson method (Cartesian & Polar forms). Illustrative examples from Eng. Field. 6 Hrs

2. Conformal Mapping: Definition of Conformal Transformation and discussion of standard transformations. k 2 w  z 2 , w  ez , w  z  , w  sin z. Bilinear transformations. illustrative examples. z Cross ratio property with proof. 6 Hrs PART B 3. Complex Integration: – Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s Integral formula, Evaluation of integrals using Cauchy’s integral formula, Zeros of an analytic function, Singularities and Residues, Calculation of residues, Evaluation of real definite integrals. 7 Hrs.

4. Statistics: Review of Mathematical Statistics - measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. Curve fitting by least square method – Straight lines, parabola, and exponential curves. Correlation – Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Regression analysis. Illustrative examples. 7 Hrs. PART C 5. Probability: Basic counting principles, sample space, random experiment, definition of probability and probability axioms. Addition and multiplication law of probability, conditional probability, and Bayes’ theorem. Illustrative examples. 6 Hrs.

6. Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and properties of PDF & CDF. Theoretical Distributions - Binominal, Poisson Distributions. Expectation and variance. Illustrative examples. 7 Hrs. PART D 7. Continuous Random Variables: Definition and properties, PDF and CDF. Theoretical distribution of a continuous random variable – Exponential, Normal/Gaussian. Expectation and variance of theoretical distribution functions. 6 Hrs. 8. Joint Probability Distribution & Stochastic Processes: Concept of joint probability, Joint distributions of discrete random variables, Independent random variables problems. Joint expectation, co-variance and regression coefficients. Stochastic Processes – Classification, Markov Chains: Introduction, probability vectors, stochastic matrices, fixed points and regular stochastic matrices. 7 Hrs.

Text Book: 1. Dr. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publications, 40th edition (2007)

Reference Books: 1. Erwin Kreyezig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 8th edition (2007) 2. S. C. Chapra and R. Canale, Numerical Analysis for Engineers, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 5th edition (2005) 3. Numerical methods for Scientific and Engineering computation by M.K. Jain, SRK Iyengar, R.K. Jain, 5th edition, New age International Publishers.

IS402 - Microprocessors and Interfacing (4-0-0) 4 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 4 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 52

# Course Outcomes Mapping to POs 1 Ability to understand the complete architecture of a processor and 1, 10 . the segmented memory management 2 Write assembly language programs of moderate complexity 1, 2, 4, 5 . 3 Understand the basics of communication between the 1, 5 . microprocessor and peripheral devices 4 Ability to develop simple programs to interface a wide range of 2, 4, 5 . peripheral devices to the microprocessor 5 Understand some of the characteristics of RISC and CISC 1, 9, 10 . architectures.

PART – A 1. The 8086/8088 Processors: Register Organization of 8086, Architecture, Signal descriptions of 8086, Physical memory organization, General bus operation, I/O Addressing capability, Special processor activities, Minimum mode, 8086 System and Timings 7 Hrs.

2. 8086/8088 Instruction Set Assembler Directives: 8086 Machine language Instruction formats, Addressing modes of 8086, Instruction set of 8086/8088. 7 Hrs.

PART – B 3. 8086/8088 Instruction Set & Assembler Directives: Assembler Directives and Operators. The art of Assembly Language Programming with 8086/8088: A few machine level programs, Machine coding the programs. 6 Hrs.

4. The art of Assembly Language Programming with 8086/8088 (Contd.): Assembly language example programs (excluding 3.4.2) 6 Hrs.

PART – C 5. Special Architectural Features and Related Programming: Introduction to Stack, Interrupts and Interrupt Service Routines, Interrupt Cycle of 8086/8088, Non- maskable interrupt, Maskable interrupts (INTR), Interrupt programming, MACROS, Timings and Delays. 6 Hrs.

6. Basic Peripherals and their Interfacing with 8086/88: Semiconductor Memory interfacing (excluding 5.1.2), Dynamic RAM interfacing, Interfacing I/O Ports (excluding programs ), PIO 8255 7 Hrs. PART – D 7. Basic Peripherals and their Interfacing with 8086/88 (Contd.): Modes of operation of 8255(excluding programs), Inerfacing Key board, printer, seven segment display(excluding programs). 6 Hrs.

8. Basic Peripherals and their Interfacing with 8086/88 (Contd.): Stepper Motor Interfacing, Analog to digital converter – ADC 0808/0809, Digital to analog converter-Ad 7253 8-bit multiplying DAC, Control of high power devices using 8255, Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259A - architecture and signal description, Interrupt sequence in 8086 system, Programmable Communication Interface- methods of communication, Architecture and signal description(excluding programs). 7 Hrs. Text books: 1. Ajoy Kumar Ray & Kishor M Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals, 2nd Edition, TMH, 2006. (Chapters 1 – 5 , 6.2, 6.4)

Reference Book: 1. Douglas V. Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing Programming and Hardware, 2nd Edition, TMH, 2006

IS403 - Operating Systems (3-0-1)4 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 4 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 52

# Course Outcomes Mapping to POs 1 Learn the fundamentals of various concepts in operating systems 1, 9 . and understand about processes, threads, IPC, concepts of semaphores, deadlocks, monitors, synchronization. 2 Learn process scheduling with different scheduling algorithms, 1, 2, 5, 9 . memory allocation methods, disk scheduling, memory and storage management 3 Understand various security problems faced by operating 1, 10 . systems and learn to minimize them, with an introduction to Linux operating system

PART-A 1. Introduction to Operating Systems, System Structures: What Operating Systems Do; Computer System Architecture; Operating System Structure; Operating System Operations; Distributed Systems; Special-Purpose Systems; Computing Environments, Operating System Services; User-Operating System Interface; System Calls; Types of System Calls; System Programs; Operating System Structure; Virtual Machines – Benefits, The Java Virtual Machine. 7 Hrs. 2. Process Management: Process Concept; Process Scheduling; Operations on Processes; Inter-Process Communication. Multi-Threaded Programming: Overview; Multithreading Models; Thread Libraries; Threading Issues- The fork() and exec() System Calls, Cancellation, Signal Handling. Process Scheduling: Basic Concepts; Scheduling Criteria; Scheduling Algorithms; Multiple-Processor Scheduling. 7 Hrs.

PART-B 3. Process Synchronization : Synchronization: The Critical Section Problem; Peterson’s Solution; Synchronization Hardware; Semaphores; Classic problems of Synchronization, Monitors- Usage. 6 Hrs.

4. Deadlocks: Deadlocks: System Model; Deadlock Characterization; Methods for Handling Deadlocks; Deadlock Prevention; Deadlock Avoidance; Deadlock Detection and Recovery from Deadlock. 6 Hrs.

PART-C 5. Memory Management: Memory Management Strategies: Background; Swapping; Contiguous Memory Allocation; Paging; Structure of Page Table; Segmentation. Virtual Memory Management: Background; Demand Paging; Copy-on-Write; Page Replacement. 7 Hrs.

6. Memory Management (Contd.): Allocation of frames; Thrashing- Cause of Thrashing. Storage Management: File System: File Concept; Access Methods; Directory Structure; File System Mounting; Protection. Implementing File System: File System Structure; File System Implementation; Directory Implementation; Allocation Methods; Free Space Management. 7 Hrs.

PART-D 7. Storage Management (Contd.): Secondary Storage Structures, Protection : Mass Storage Structures; Disk Structure; Disk Attachment; Disk Scheduling; Disk Management; Swap Space Management. Protection: Goals of Protection, Principles of Protection, Domain of Protection- Domain Structure, Access Matrix, Implementation of Access Matrix, Access Control, Revocation of Access Rights. 7 Hrs. 8. Case Study: The Linux Operating System: Linux History; Design Principles; Kernel Modules; Process Management; Memory Management- Management of Physical Memory, Virtual Memory-Virtual Memory Regions; File Systems-The Virtual File System, The Linux ext2fs File System, Journaling. ( Please refer to chapter details for this unit) 5 Hrs.

Text Book: 1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne: Operating System Principles, 8th Edition, Wiley India, 2009. (Chapters: 1.1, 1.3 – 1.5, 1.10 -1.12, 2.1 to 2.5, 2.7, 2.8 - 2.8.2,, 3.1 to 3.4 , 4.1 to 4.4-4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.3, 5.1 to 5.3, 5.5, 6.1 to 6.7-6.7.1, 7, 8.1 to 8.6, 9.1 to 9.6 - 9.6.1, 10.1-10.3 - 10.3.1, 10.3.2, 10.4, 10.6, 11.1 to 11.5, 12.1 to 12.6, 14.1 - 14.3.1, 14.4 - 14.7, 21.1 to 21.4.1, 21.6 - 21.6.1, 21.6.2 -, 21.7 - 21.7.1, 21.7.2, 21.7.3)

Reference Books: 1. D.M Dhamdhere: Operating Systems - A Concept Based Approach, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill, 2002. 2. P.C.P. Bhatt: Introduction to Operating Systems: Concepts and Practice, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2008. 3. Harvey M. Deitel: Operating Systems, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 1990. IS404 - Analysis and Design of Algorithms (4-0-0) 4 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 4 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 52

# Course Outcomes Mapping to POs 1. Understand the basics of asymptotic notations and different 1, 5, 12 problem types. 2. Develop the skills of designing algorithms and analyzing their 1, 2 complexities. 3. Gain an understanding of different algorithmic design 2, 3, 10 strategies and their applications 4. Apply sound principles of different algorithmic design 2, 3, 11, 12 strategies to solve and analyze problems of different complexities 5. Learn the limitations of algorithm power and also to cope with 1, 5, 11, 12 these limitations

PART – A 1. Introduction: Notion of Algorithm, Fundamentals of algorithmic problem solving, Important problem types, Fundamental data structures. Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency: Analysis framework, Asymptotic notations and Basic efficiency classes, Mathematical analysis of Recursive and Nonrecursive algorithms, Examples. 7 Hrs.

2. Brute Force: Selection Sort and Bubble Sort, Sequential Search and String Matching, Exhaustive search. 6 Hrs. PART – B 3. Divide-and-Conquer: Binary Search, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Binary tree traversals and related properties, Multiplication of large integers, Stressen’s Matrix multiplication. 6 Hrs.

4. Decrease-and-Conquer: Insertion Sort, Depth First and Breadth First Search, Topological sorting, Algorithms for generating combinatorial objects. 6 Hrs.

PART – C 5. Transform-and-Conquer: Presorting, Balanced Search Trees, Heaps and Heap Sort, Problem reduction. 6 Hrs

6. Space and Time Tradeoff: Sorting by counting, Input enhancement in string, Matching, Hashing 7 Hrs. Dynamic Programming: Computing a Binomial coefficient, Warshall’s Algorithm

PART – D 7. Dynamic Programming (Contd.): Floyd’s algorithms, The Knapsack problem and Memory functions. Greedy Technique: Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, Dijkstra’s algorithm, Huffman trees. 7 Hrs.

8. Limitations of Algorithm Power: Lower-bound arguments, Decision trees, P, NP and NP-Complete Problems Coping with the Limitations of Algorithm Power: Backtracking, Branch-and- bound, Approximation algorithm for NP-Hard problems. 7 Hrs. Text Book: 1. Anany Levitin, Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2008. (Chapter 1.1-1.4, 2.1 to 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 4.1 to 4.5, 5.1 to 5.4, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, 7.1 to 7.3, 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 9.1-9,4,10.1-10.3, 11.1-11.3, 12.1- 12.3)

Reference Books: 1. Thomas H. Coremen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms, PHI, 1998. 2. Horowitz E., Sahani S., Rajasekharan S., Computer Algorithms, Galgotia Publications, 2001.

IS405- Software Engineering (4-0-0)4 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 4 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 52

# Course Outcome Mapping to POs 1. Students understand their FAQs and software engineering 6, 8 professional and ethical responsibility ,socio-technical systems 2. Will get the fundamental knowledge about different software 1, 12 process models and also critical systems. 3. Study system requirements specification and learn to write 1, 5 software requirement document. 4. Will gain a thorough knowledge of different rapid Software 1, 3, 11 development methods. 5. Will learn the different steps in software development cycle – 2, 3, 11 design , verification and validation and testing 6. Will be able to estimate the cost of a software using different 10, 11, 12 techniques and different project management activities.

PART – A 1. Introduction: FAQ's About Software Engineering, Professional and Ethical Responsibility. Socio-Technical Systems: Emergent System Properties, Systems Engineering, Organizations, People and Computer Systems, Legacy Systems. 6 Hrs

2. Critical Systems: A Simple Safety-Critical System, System Dependability, Availability and reliability. Software Processes: Software Process Models, Process Iteration, Process Activities, The Rational Unified Process, Computer-Aided Software Engineering. 6 Hrs PART – B 3. Software Requirements: Functional and Non-functional Requirements, User Requirements, System Requirements, Interface Specification, The Software Requirements Document. Requirements Engineering Processes: Feasibility Studies, Requirements Elicitation and Analysis, Requirements Validation, Requirements Management. 7 Hrs

4. System Models: Context Models, Behavioral Models, Data Models, Object Models, Structured Methods. Rapid Software Development: Agile Methods, Extreme Programming, Rapid Application Development. 6 Hrs PART – C 5. Software Design: Architectural Design - Architectural Design Decisions, System Organization, Modular Decomposition Styles, Control Styles. Object-Oriented Design: Objects and Object Classes, An Object-Oriented Design Process, Design Evolution. 7 Hrs

6. Verification and Validation: Planning, Software Inspections, Automated Static Analysis, Verification and Formal Methods. Software Testing: System Testing, Component Testing, Test Case Design, Test Automation. 7 Hrs PART – D 7. Software Cost Estimation: Productivity, Estimation Techniques, Algorithmic Cost Modeling, Project Duration and Staffing. Software Evolution: Program Evolution Dynamics, Software Maintenance, Evolution Processes, Legacy System Evolution. 6 Hrs

8. Management: Managing People - Selecting Staff, Motivating People, Managing People, The People Capability Maturity Model. Project Management: Management Activities, Project Planning, Project Scheduling, Risk Management. 7 Hrs

Text Book: 1. Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, 8th Edition, Person Education, 2007. (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26)

Reference Books: 1. Roger S. Pressman, “Software Engineering - A Practitioners Approach”, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007. 2. Waman S. Jawadekar, “Software Engineering Principles and Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2004.

IS406 - Java Programming(4-0-0)4 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 4 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 52

# Course Outcome Mapping to Pos 1. Learn fundamentals of Programming with Java, using various 1 data types, operators, expressions and control statements. 2. Introduced to object oriented concepts including overriding, 1,2 overloading and exception handling 3. Gain the knowledge of applets, multithreaded programming, 2,5,10 event handlers and swings. 4. Understand and implement concepts of Servelets, Introduction 1,10,12 to Networking.

PART - A 1. Introduction to Java: Java and Java Applications, How Java Changed the Internet, Java Development Kit (JDK), The Byte Code, Servlets, The Java Buzzwords, Object-Oriented Programming, Simple Java Programs using Control Statements and Blocks of code, Lexical Issues, Data Types, Variables, and Arrays : The primitive Types, Integers, Floating-Point Types, Characters, Booleans, Literals, Variables, Type Conversion and Casting, Arrays, Strings, Operators : Arithmetic, Bitwise, Relational, Boolean Logical, Assignment Operator, The ? Operator, Operator Precedence, Java’s Selection Statements, Iteration Statements, Jump Statements. 7 Hrs 2. Introducing Classes, Objects and Methods: Class Fundamentals, Declaring Objects, Object Reference Variables, Methods, Constructors, The this keyword, Garbage collection, Overloading Methods and constructors, Argument Passing, Returning Objects, Recursion, Access Control, Nested and Inner Classes. 7 Hrs

PART - B 3. Inheritance, Packages and Interfaces: Inheritance Basics, Using Super, Multilevel Hierarchy, When Constructors are called, Method Overriding, Abstract Classes. Packages, Access Protection, Importing Packages, Interfaces. 6 Hrs

4. Exception Handling, Multi Threaded Programming: Exception-Handling Fundamentals, Exception types, Uncaught Exceptions, Using try and Catch, Multiple catch Clauses, Nested try Statements, throw, Java’s Built-in Exceptions. The Java Thread Model, The Main Thread, Creating a Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Using isAlive() and join(), Synchronization, Interthread Communication, The Modern way of Suspending, Resuming, and stopping Threads. 6 Hrs

PART - C 5. Event Handling, The Applet Class: Event Handling: Two Event Handling Mechanisms, The Delegation Event Model, Event Classes, Sources of Events, Event Listener Interfaces, Using the Delegation Event Model, Adapter Classes, Inner Classes. The Applet Class: Two Types of Applets, Applet Basics, Applet Architecture, An Applet Skeleton, Simple Applet Display Methods, Requesting Repainting, Using the Status Window, The HTML APPLET tag, Passing Parameters to Applets, getDocumentbase() and getCodebase(), ApletContext and showDocument(), The AudioClip Interface, The AppletStub Interface, Output to the Console. 7 Hrs

6. Java Beans, Introducing Swing: What is a Java Bean?, Advantages of Java Beans, Bound and Constrained Properties, Persistence, The Java Beans API, A Bean Example. The Origins of Swing, Two Key Swing Features, Components and Containers, The Swing Packages, A Simple Swing Application, Event Handling, Create a Swing Applet. 6 Hrs PART - D 7. Exploring Swing: Jlabel and ImageIcon, JTextField, The Swing Buttons, JTabbedpane, JScrollPane, JList, JComboBox, JTable. 6 Hrs

8. Servlets and Introduction to Networking: Servlets-Background, The Life Cycle of a Servlet, Using Tomcat for Servlet Development, A Simple Servlet, The Servlet API, The Javax.servlet Package, Reading Servlet Parameter, The Javax.servlet.http Package, Handling HTTP Requests and Responses, Using Cookies, Session Tracking. Networking- Networking Basics, The Networking Classes and Interfaces, URL, URL Connection, TCP/IP Server Sockets, Datagrams. 7 Hrs

Text Books: 1. Herbert Schildt, “Java The Complete Reference”, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007. (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31)

Reference Books: 1. Y. Daniel Liang, “Introduction to JAVA Programming, Brief Version”, 9th Edition, Pearson Education, 2012. 2. Kogent Learning Solutions, “Java 6 Programming Black Book”, Dreamtech Publication, 2014. IS407 - Microprocessor Laboratory (0-0-3)1.5 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 3 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 39

# Course Outcome Mapping to POs 1. Ability to develop, implement, test and debug assembly level 2, 5 programs of moderate complexity 2. Ability to program interfacing of few peripheral devices to 2, 5 computer 3. Develop skills of writing appropriate comment statements, which is 7 very essential in any assembly code.

Practice Programs Write Assembly language programs to perform the below operations using DEBUG

1. Perform the below operations for both 8-bit and 16-bit numbers a. Addition b. Subtraction c. Multiplication d. Division 2. Test whether the given number is odd or even. If even store FFH into AL, else store 00H into AL. 3. To find the biggest of given ‘n’ numbers. 4. To find the sum of given ‘n’ numbers.

PART –A Write Assembly language programs to perform the below operations using MASM

1. Perform Binary search on given ‘n’ 8-bit and 16-bit numbers separately. 2. Reverse a given string and check whether it is a palindrome or not. 3. Generate and print, the first ‘n’ Fibonacci numbers. 4. Perform Bubble sort on given ‘n’ 8-bit numbers. 5. Find out whether a given sub-string is present or not in a main string of characters. 6. Create a file and to delete an existing file, using interrupt routines. 7. Compute the factorial of a positive integer ‘n’ using recursive procedure. 8. Read a pair of input co-ordinates in BCD and move the cursor to the specified location on the screen. 9. Read an alphanumeric character and display its equivalent ASCII code at the center of the screen and display the message “Hello”. 10.Simulate a Decimal Up-counter to display 00- 99. 11.To find out whether string1 is equal to string 2 or not. 12.Write ALP macros: i) to read a character from the key board in a module ii)to display a character from the module. 13.To read the current time from the system and display it in the standard format on the screen. PART-B 1. Read the status of eight input bits from the Logic Controller Interface and display ‘FF’ if it is even parity bits otherwise display 00. Also display number of 1’s in the input data.

2. Perform the following functions using the Logic Controller Interface. i. BCD up-down Counter ii. Ring Counter 3. Read the status of two 8-bit inputs (X & Y) from the Logic Controller Interface and display X*Y.

4. Display messages FIRE and HELP alternately with flickering effects on a 7- segment display interface for a suitable period of time. Ensure a flashing rate that makes it easy to read both the messages (Examiner does not specify these delay values nor it is necessary for the student to compute these values).

5. Drive a Stepper Motor interface to rotate the motor in clockwise and anticlockwise direction by N steps (N is specified by the examiner). Introduce suitable delay between successive steps. (Any arbitrary value for the delay may be assumed by the student).

6. Drive a stepper motor interface to rotate the motor by N steps left direction and N steps right direction (N is specified by the examiner). Introduce suitable delay between successive steps. (Any arbitrary value for the delay may be assumed by the student).

7. Scan an 8 x 3 keypad for key closure and to store the code of the key pressed in a memory location or display on screen. Also display row and column numbers of the key pressed.

8. Drive an elevator interface in the following way: Initially the elevator should be in the ground floor, with all requests in OFF state. When a request is made from a floor, the elevator should move to that floor, wait there for a couple of seconds, and then come down to ground floor and stop. If some requests occur during going up or coming down they should be ignored.

NOTE: 1. Practice programs will not be asked in the exam. 2 In the Lab exam one program from Part-A and one program From Part-B will be asked.

IS408 - Algorithms Laboratory (0-0-3) 1.5 Exam: 3 Hrs. Hours/Week: 3 SEE: 50 Marks Total Hours: 39 # Course Outcomes Mapping to POs 1. Design and implement searching and sorting methods with time 1, 5 complexity 2. Design and implement algorithms for string matching, graph 1, 2, 5 problems 3. Design and implement programs related to dynamic 1, 2, 5, 12 programming and greedy technique Implement the following using C/C++ Language.

1. a. Implement Recursive Linear search and determine the time required to search an element. b. Sort a given set of elements using selection sort and find the time required to sort the elements.

2. a. Implement Recursive Binary search and determine the time required to search an element. b. Sort a given set of elements using bubble sort and find the time required to sort the elements.

3. a. Sort a given set of elements using Merge sort and find the time required to sort the elements . b. Check whether a graph is connected or not using DFS.

4. a. Sort a given set of elements using Quick sort and find the time required to sort the elements. b. Print all the nodes reachable from a given starting node in a digraph using BFS method.

5. a. Sort a given set of elements using Insertion sort method. b. Obtain the topological ordering of vertices in a given digraph.

6. Sort a given set of elements using the Heap sort method..

7. Implement Horspool algorithm for String Matching.

8. a. Print all the nodes reachable from a given starting node in a digraph using Depth First Search method. b. Compute the transitive closure of a given directed graph using Warshall’s algorithm.

9. a. Implement Floyd’s algorithm for the All-Pairs- Shortest-Paths problem. b. Find the Binomial Co-efficient using Dynamic Programming.

10. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Prim’s algorithm.

11. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Kruskal’s algorithm.

12. From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to other vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm.

13.Implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using dynamic programming.

14.Implement N Queen's problem using Back Tracking.

15.Find the subset of given set S={s1,s2,….sn} of an positive integers whose sum is equal to a given positive integer d. A suitable message is to be displayed if the given problem instance doesn’t have a solution.

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