E-News January 16, 2017 Volume VI Issue43
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Butler District
E-news January 16, 2017 Volume VI Issue43
Jan 30 Year end Statistic Report due. Login to Erza http://ezra.gcfa.org/ Feb 16 DCOOM Mar 6 (Date change) Local Pastors meeting with Joel at the Conference Center 10 AM – 1:00 PM Mar 24 District Spring Party - Monaca UMC May 7 District Conference details to follow. June 15 DCOOM – reorganizational meeting Conference Center Parking Alert: Site work is underway toward permanent improvements in parking and traffic flow at the UM Center in Cranberry. Get details.
Friday March 24, 2017 MONACA UMC, 813 Indiana Ave, Monaca, PA 15061 6:00 PM Gathering/Appetizers 6:45 PM- Dinner (Buffet) 8:00 PM – Entertainment Watch for your invitation – coming soon. Please mark your calendar now! *************************************************** ********************************** Clergy Family Birthdays
30 Mary Grey Emmett 31 Janice Hall
7 Wayne Schar 8 Chad J. Bogdewic 9 Allen O Grimm III 11 Cherie Smith 18 Barbara Ann Turpish 22 Nathan Anderson 26 Gary Hilton 27 Dorothy Youngdahl
UPDATE NEEDED! Charge Conferences have all been completed, so it’s time to update your leadership information on the church dashboard. If you need help logging in – please call the district office. 724- 252-3198. http://www.wpaumc.org/dashboard The Conference Center will begin using this updated information for 2017 mailings
Confirmation Class Visits: Registration is open for 2017 Confirmation Class visits to the United Methodist Center. The students will spend time with Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and learn about ministries and mission from staff members. See dates and details.
2017 Confirmation Class Tour Schedule
February 24, Friday - Morning March 3, Friday - Morning March 16, Thursday - Morning March 17, Friday - Morning and Afternoon March 18, Saturday - Morning April 21, Friday - Morning May 12, Friday - Morning and Afternoon May 13, Saturday - Morning Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Use the links above to the reservation form for the session you choose. Have a confirmed number of students and adults in your group when you register. Confirmation tour sessions fill up quickly. If you are unable to attend after you register your group, contact Rev. Greg Cox.
Please remember to keep in prayer:
The family of Rev Victor Brown, retired, died January 20 Deaths: Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Saturday, Jan. 28 for the Rev. Victor L. Brown at Wurtemburg UMC. See obituary.
Rev Gail McQueen was hospitalized briefly and is recovery at home.
Continued prayer for Pastor Jan Davis as she recovers from an auto accident. Jan has been moved to
Continued prayer for Rev Chance & Chelsea Kelosky and their infant daughter.
Denise (Rev Douglas) Myers recovering from knee replacement surgery.
Rev Victor Brown declining health.
Clergy Tax Seminar Feb. 11, 2017 Hollidaysburg UMC
Disability Awareness Sunday February 19, 2017
Clergy Tax Seminar March 2, 2017 Pittsburgh Marriott North
Pastor Koikoi On Loan to WPA! Beginning February 1, the Rev. Raphael Koikoi will begin serving a new extension ministry in Western Pennsylvania, but remain a member of the Baltimore- Washington Conference under appointment by Bishop Latrelle Easterling. Read more.
STATISTIC REPORTS – Again this year arrangements have been made with the General Council on Finance & Administration to use http://ezra.gcfa.org/ for reporting the 2016 Statistical Tables.
You can find the link to the forms by typing the URL address http://www.wpaumc.org/ezra or on our website home page by clicking on Districts and then find Statistical Forms under Important Links.
Please refer to recent emails send by John Wilson, and the Butler District Office, for your login information. ******************************************************************************** *********
Scholarships for Christian Unity Workshop: The Council of Bishops offers scholarships for young adult (age 18-25) first-time participants to attend the National Workshop on Christian Unity and United Methodist Ecumenical and Inter-religious Training. Learn more.
SUNDAYS 2-5:30 PM March 12, 19, 26 and April 2
Harmony-Zelienople United Methodist Church
COST: $35 covers book and materials Registration deadline March 1 2017
Courses being offered…….. Basic Lay Servant – leaders Susan Keppen & Barbara Tutwiler
Lay Preaching – leaders David Alleman & Mary Jo Gould
UM Polity, Practice, and the Mission of the UM Church – leaders Lee Vega & Thom Glovier Leading Bible Study – Joel & James Tutwiler
Brochures will be mailed to church on Monday, January 30 Concord UM Church in North Sewickley (Beaver Falls) is seeking a full time Director of Youth Ministry. Copies of the Job Description can be obtained at the church office or on Concord’s Web Site – celebrateconcord.com. (Information is on the front page of our site.) If you would like to be considered for this position, either mail your resume to Pastor John Phipps at Concord UM Church – 285 Concord Church Rd. – Beaver Falls, PA 15010 or e-mail it to him at [email protected]
Concord Church has 45 choir robes of various adult sizes in excellent condition available for immediate pickup. The robes are black with white trim and have a small cross and flame logo on the right side. Please contact Curt Scott at [email protected] or 724-846-4739 for further information.
Volant UMC, 1100 Main St, Volant, PA
Pianist wanted for Volant United Methodist Church. For the 11:00 service. If interested call Pastor Loren McQueen at 724-766-6754. Chippewa UMC upcoming event schedule A new session of GRIEFSHARE (Grief Recovery Support Group) has begun on Thursday evenings, January 12 through April 13, 2017 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. This special weekly seminar and support group is for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. Registration is preferred, but not mandatory. For more information, please contact the Church office @ 724-843-4828 or visit our website at www.chippewaumc.org
All men are invited to participate in a new Men’s study - “The Mentor Leader” by Tony Dungy led by Pastor Rodney Smith which began on Tuesday evening January 17 and will continue through February 28 from 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. In this study, men will learn how Tony Dungy became such a mentor in his life to so many men. This study will help you as you mentor others in your day-to-day interactions. The cost for the book is $12. For more information, please contact the Church office @ 724-843-4828 or visit our website at www.chippewaumc.org
All women are invited to participate in a new women’s Bible study led by Michele Hilton which began on Wednesday evening, January 18 @ 7 p.m. and will continue for 4 weeks. For more information, please contact the Church office @ 724-843-4828 or visit our website at www.chippewaumc.org
Tired of being stuck in the house this winter. If so, please join us for FAMILY GAME NIGHT on Saturday, January 28 from 4 pm to 6 p.m. at our Community Life Center (CLC). We are going to play Human Hungry Hippos, minute to win it games and life size Kerplunk!. Enjoy fellowship with members of our Church and the local community. Pizza, chips and water will be for sale. For more information, please contact our Church office @ 724-843-4828 or visit our website @ www.chippewaumc.org.
SOJOURNER GOSPEL QUARTET will be in concert on Sunday, January 29, 2017 @ 7 pm. Come and enjoy a great night of southern gospel music at its best live on stage at our CUMC Community Life Center. The Sojourner Quartet is a southern gospel quartet touring the United States sharing the love of God and gospel music. They are currently recording artists with Chapel Valley Studio on the Church House Label and have shared the stage with gospel greats: The Booth Brothers, The Hoppers, The Isaacs, Ivan Parker, Crabb Family just to mention a few. A love offering will be taken to help defray the cost for the Sojourner Quartet. Desserts will be sold at intermission to benefit our CUMC Community Life Center. For more information, please contact our Church office @ 724-843-4828 or visit our website @ www.chippewaumc.org
Our basketball programs for K-5th Grade begin on January 31st for our 1st & 2nd grade at our Community Life Center (CLC). These programs will teach your children drills & skills with weekly games and a 5 minute devotional. This is a great way for kids to have fun, meet other children and exercise. Each child will receive a t-shirt. The cost is $50 for early registration, if received 1 week prior to each program’s start date and $60 for late registration. To review the complete schedule for all grades including start and end dates or to complete a registration form, please contact the Church office @ 724-843-4828 or visit our website at www.chippewaumc.org
“What the World Needs Now is Love” - a Dave Hodge & Friends Concert will be held on Saturday, February 4, 2016 @ our Community Life Center (CLC), 118 McMillen Ave, Beaver Falls, PA 15010. Come and join Dave and his friends for an evening of American standards and songs from the Great White Way at our Community Life Center (CLC). From Tony Bennett to Les Miserables to Dean Martin, you will be transported back in time to music with heart and meaning. Get out of the winter cold and warm up with melodies that will make you feel like “Spring” is just around the corner. The cost is $15 with dessert included and all proceeds benefit our CUMC Community Life Center. For more information, please contact the Church office @ 724-843-4828 or visit our website at www.chippewaumc.org
A Lady’s Valentine Tea sponsored by our United Methodist Women will be held on Saturday, February 11 from noon until 2:00 p.m. at our CUMC Community Life Center, 118 McMillen Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 This year’s program will be a video of Lisa Harper. Rarely are the terms hilarious storyteller and theological scholar used in the same sentence, much less used to describe the same person but then again, Lisa Harper is anything but stereotypical! She has been lauded as a gifted communicator, whose writing and speaking overflow with colorful pop culture references that connect the dots between the Bible era and modern life. Her style combines sound scriptural exposition with easy-to-relate to anecdotes and comedic wit. Yet when asked about her credentials, the most noticeable thing about Lisa Harper is her authenticity. If you are interested in hosting a table, please contact Karen McCutcheon at 724-384-8695. We ask that if you are bringing four or more people please volunteer to host your table. It really is fulfilling to participate as a hostess.
A Financial Peace University Class will begin on Tuesday evenings, January 24 and continue through April 11, 2017, 7 to 9 p.m. at the Chippewa United Methodist Church (CUMC), 2545 Darlington Road, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 in the Wells Room. The benefits of taking this class is that it will help you turn your life around by helping you save more, decrease your debts, become better Stewards of God’s gifts, and help you to develop the spirit of giving. All participants must register online at www.daveramsey. The first night is free so stop by to learn more. Contact the Church office @ 724- 843-4828 or visit our website at www.chippewaumc.org ALL YOU CAN EAT SPAGHETTI DINNER (including salad, rolls, dessert and beverage) will be held on Thursday, February 16, 2017 from 5 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall. Come and join others in your local community for a great night of food & fellowship. This is a free will offering with all proceeds benefitting our Youth Group. For more information, please contact our Church office @ 724-843-4828 or visit our website at www.chippewaumc.org.
A Valentines Dinner & Movie will be held on Saturday, February 12, 2017 @ the Chippewa United Methodist Church (CUMC), Community Life Center (CLC), 118 McMillen Ave, Beaver Falls, PA 15010. Enjoy a great catered dinner of either beef stroganoff over linguini or chicken parmesan with linguini/marinara sauce along with a salad, dessert and beverage. The deadline to register and make a dinner selection is Wednesday, February 8th. Guests must register through the office or sign up in the Welcome Center. The cost is $15 and all proceeds benefit our United Methodist Men and their missions. For more information, please contact our Church office @ 724-843-4828 or visit our website at www.chippewaumc.org.
Our 5th annual Kids in the Kitchen event will be held on February 15 & February 22 @ our Chippewa United Methodist Church, B Classrooms, 2545 Darlington Road, Beaver Falls, PA 15010. February 15 is for Grades K, 1 & 2 and February 22 is for Grades 3, 4, 5. Both nights are from 6 to 7:30 p.m. and participants must pre-register in advance of the event by February 8. The cost is $15 per child. A registration form can be downloaded on our website or picked up in the Church office or in our Church Welcome Centers. For more information please contact our Church office @ 724-843- 4828 or visit our website @ www.chippewaumc.org.
Big Screen Movie Night - A Friday Night Kids Program will be held on Friday, February 17, 2017 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. @ our Community Life Center (CLC). Friday Night Kids is a fun & entertaining monthly-themed Friday night event for kids that offer age appropriate Christian-based activities for children in grades 1 thru 5. For our February event, wear you pajamas! Bring a picture of your pet for the Pet Wall of Fame, pack a sleeping bag and pillow! Plenty of movie snacks provided. Come and meet other children and have fun! Must register in advance of the event. The cost is $5.00 and children must be pre-registered. A registration form can be downloaded on our website or picked up in the Church office or in our Church Welcome Centers. For more information please contact our Church office @ 724-843- 4828 or visit our website @ www.chippewaumc.org.
Course of Study at United: After a year of consultation with the Board of Higher Education and Ministry, United Theological Seminary has become an Extension of the Course of Study School of Ohio at MTSO. United will offer up to 12 courses each year for part-time local pastors. Students attend weekend intensive classes four times a year and complete their work online within six weeks of the weekend intensives. The first group began classes this month. Get details.
Wellness Incentives: Employees and active clergy covered by the Conference’s UPMC health care plan should check out the wellness requirements and incentives for 2017 at wpaumc.org/2017HealthCare. Clergy Excellence: There's an updated list of continuing education opportunities at wpaumc.org/leadershipdevelopment.
YOUTH SPARK: Last weekend’s youth gathering in Pittsburgh got rave reviews and drew almost 550. Read more and see photos.
Youth Ministry Info: Forms are online to nominate youth for the Timothy Award and adult leaders for Youth Worker of the Year awards. The application to serve as a page at the 2017 annual conference has also been posted. Details are on each form and links to download them are at wpaumc.org/youth.
Getting Comfortable with Discomfort: Youth from Western Pennsylvania experienced some discomfort about 10 days ago while watching the documentary I’m Not a Racist...Am I? But they got to look at things from other perspectives -- and talk about it. Learn more.
Youth Zim Camp: Applications are now available for the 2017 Youth Zim Camp. The dates are June 20- July 5. Get details and application.
YOUTH 2019 The next national gathering of United Methodist youth will be July 10-14, 2019, in Kansas City, Missouri. Young People’s Ministries, a division of Discipleship Ministries, is announcing details of the event to give churches time to plan for their youth to attend. The national gathering for United Methodist youth takes place every four years. Read press release
PREPARING FOR AN ACTIVE SHOOTER This engaging seminar will help to prepare you for a day you hope never comes. Friday, January 20, 2017 from 10 am – 2 pm at Wesley Woods, 1001 Fiddlersgreen Road, Grand Valley, PA 16420. Lunch is included. Bonus: “Sheepdogs” segment 2 pm – 2:45 pm. General Admission ticket: $24.95. Group discount: $5 for 99.95. Early Bird pricing ends January 6, 2017. 814-436-7669. Register.
· Presenter: Rick Capozzi · Review strategies recommended by Homeland Security · Move from condition white (oblivious) to condition yellow (aware) · Discuss the numerous response considerations and how to choose the most appropriate option for your scenario · Run multiple drills in a controlled environment that will build muscle memory · Develop a survival mindset
CELEBRATE CAMPING AT WESLEY WOODS Join us at Asbury UMC (corner of Asbury and W Ridge Rd, Erie PA) February 11, 2017 at 6:30pm A night of good food, good fellowship Hear the inspiring testimonies of campers and staff. Reservations by February 3, 2017 Email to [email protected] or call 814 673 6519 or 814 833 9053
For more information or to register for a retreat, click here SPRING WOMEN'S RETREAT April 23-25, 2017. Come laugh, learn, and be rejuvenated with Sue Duffield! Sue is a singer, songwriter, humorist, speaker, author, and advocate who loves to make people laugh with her off-the-wall Jersey logic and sacred sarcasm. MORE INFORMATION FLY FISHING RETREAT April 29 - May 1, 2017. It's finally here - the fly fishing retreat you've been waiting for. Everyone is welcome to come for a weekend of learning, spiritual exploration, and fishing! Gary is a well-known fly fishing instructor and welcomes participants of all skill levels. MORE INFORMATION MINI MISSION U May 7-9, 2017. Join us at Olmsted as we explore topics from this year's WPA Mission u (you need not have attended the event). Come to be refreshed, educated, and empowered. Topics will include "The Bible and Human Sexuality: Claiming God's Good Gift," "Latin America: People and Faith," and "Climate Justice: Call to Hope and Action." MORE INFORMATION PASTORS' ACADEMY May 22-24, 2017 with Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi. Come gather with your peers as you learn and dig deeper into the ministry of serving a church. This event is in coordination with the Continuing Education efforts of the WPA Conference and is intended to help clergy meet their education requirements and fulfill their spiritual needs. Continuing Education Units: 1. MORE INFORMATION
PREPARING FOR AN ACTIVE SHOOTER Increasingly, mass shootings are in the headlines and a concern to businesses, organizations and institutions. Would you know how to respond if you heard shots fired where you are? There are many steps that can be taken to increase your odds of survival if you should have such an incident. In this well researched program you will: Review strategies recommended by Homeland Security Move from condition white (oblivious) to condition yellow (aware) Discuss the numerous response considerations and how to choose the most appropriate option for your scenario Develop a survival mindset
The cost for this one day training is $59 for a single person from an organization and $49/person for multiple persons from the same organization. Register by February 1st and save $10/person. The training will begin at 10:00 am through 3:00 pm on Thursday March, 2, 2017. There will be an hour break for lunch provided by Jumonville and included in the cost. Click here to register online as either a participant or as a sponsor.
SUMMER CAMP SCHEDULE This summer's camp schedule and registration form is ready! Start your summer plans today by visiting the Jumonville website. You can give the gift of a summer camp experience to your child, grandchild, neighbor, or friend. Complete an online form here and you will receive the gift certificate in the mail to give it as a gift. That person's camp account will be credited with the amount of the gift certificate. If you prefer, you can download this pdf file. Print the pdf file, complete it, and mail it to Jumonville with your check. We will then follow up by mailing your Gift Certificate to the address that you provide.
Professional Association of UM Church Secretaries: Registration is open for the association’s annual gathering for church secretaries. It’s May 4-6, 2017 in Chicago. Encourage your church secretary to attend. Get details. Thrive - Ministry on the Edge
April 30 – May 2, 2017
Double Tree by Hilton, Pittsburgh, PA, 15205
Cutting Edge Speakers Interactive Breakouts Travel/Lodging - Book Room now Registration opens November 1st Western PA Scholarship Form
EUMA Extravaganza
The new date is Friday, February 24, 2017. The event will be held at the Bel-Aire Hotel and Conference Center, 2800 W 8th St, Erie, PA 16505. The date change will follow a complete renovation of the hotel and convention center and give the EUMA board and staff an opportunity to complete a strategic planning process – the outcomes of which will be announced at the banquet. We are honored to announce that Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and members of her cabinet are planning to participate. Additional details will follow and thank you for saving the date. Visit our website at www.euma-erie.org
Save the Date! Mark your calendars for March 23, 2017, when the Conference will sponsor a workshop in conjunction with the Albright-Deering Lecture at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Dr. Paul W. Chilcote, Professor of Historical Theology & Wesleyan Studies at Ashland Theological Seminary, will speak. He describes the workshop as a time for “participants to immerse themselves in the time-honored practices of prayer, scripture, and Eucharist, not only talking about but experiencing God’s lavish grace.”
Spring Commuter Licensing School: Applications for the 2017 Spring Commuter Licensing School, which begins the weekend of March 9-11 at Manorville UMC, are available online. Get application/registration with dates/details.
Pastors' Academy at Olmsted Manor May 22-24, 2017 with Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi. Come gather with your peers as you learn and dig deeper into the ministry of serving a church. This event is in coordination with the Continuing Education efforts of the WPA Conference and is intended to help clergy meet their education requirements and fulfill their spiritual needs. Continuing Education Units: 1 The 5th Annual Faith Night will be held on Thursday, August 17, 2017. Enjoy discounted tickets for the Pirates-Cardinals game at 7:05 pm and stay after the game to hear from Manager Clint Hurdle and many more Pirates Players and Coaches discuss how faith has impacted their lives, both on and off the field. The Faith Night presentation will last approximately 45 minutes. Early bird pricing for groups of 15 or more. Contact Chad Glover at (412) 325-4756 or [email protected] or Ryan Vizzini at (412) 325-4777 or [email protected] .
Get Ahead of Bad News! When you find your church in the middle of a situation, clear communication can be the best defense against the rumors and innuendo that often create turmoil. Learn why and see 10 steps to follow.
Your Church’s Brand Matters! Why? Join UM Communications 45-minute free webinar on Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 2 p.m. EST. Get details and register Lenten Devotional: Now’s the time to order Lenten devotional material from the Society of St. Andrew, the Global Ministries Advance ministry and partner with United Methodist Men in the fight against hunger. Get details at endhunger.org/Lent.
See full list of upcoming webinars at gbod.org/webinars
Washington District Lay Servant School 2017 First UM Church, Washington, at 29 North College St, Washington, PA 15301
Courses: o Spirit Gifts o Living Our Beliefs: The UM Way o Go Preach o Lay Servants lead in Conflict Resolution
March 5,12,19,26 & April 2 2:00 PM—4:30 PM Opening Worship Service with Our New Bishop!
Sunday, March 5th
2:00 PM Opening worship service with Bishop Cynthia 3:00 PM Meet & greet Bishop Cynthia 3:30 PM Start of classes
What a great way to start this year’s school off!
Snacks and drinks. Child care provided. Come for a great time of fellowship and learning!
Give monetary donations to WPA Disaster Response (Advance Special #DR0000911) for the response, including supplies, administration and volunteer support, and direct assistance to survivors of the Connellsville area.
We are still collecting Cleaning Buckets, Health Kits, and Bedding Kits as well as monetary donations through Advanced Special #wv2016 (West Virginia Flooding). We will continue to receive these at the Conference Center and the Eastbrook Mission Barn and its satellites for the next few months. Items may be dropped off at any time, even after hours, at the UM Conference Center or Eastbrook Mission Barn at your convenience.
UMCOR Kits Cleaning buckets, health kit, and bedding kit ingredients can be gathered by local communities and congregations. UMCOR kits can be received at Eastbrook Mission Barn, at the Conference Center or at one of the official Mission Barn sub-depots. Eastbrook Mission Barn is on call to deploy their kits through the UMCOR Relief Supply Network through their national system. Kits collected in UMCOR's name are UMCOR property and unverified kits cannot be given out in UMCOR's name by local groups.
WPA/Zimbabwe Partnership -Butler/Mutare Districts To learn more about the Zimbabwe Partnership, contact Sandra Matoushaya [email protected]
ZIMBABWE PARTNERSHIP – BUTLER DISTRICT/MUTARE DISTRICT For more information, contact: Sandra Matoushaya, Zimbabwe Partnership Coordinator 724.776.2300 x249
To learn more about the Zimbabwe Partnership, contact Sandra Matoushaya at [email protected] or 724.776.2300 ext. 249.
•Butler Mutare District Parsonage and Gwese Orphanage Trust
Improving Health in Zimbabwe: In a community so rural that elephants frequently wander through and the only access to a mobile phone network is under a single tree, UMC facilities are providing quality medical care. With the help of United Methodists in Western PA, the Nyadire Mission Hospital’s satellite clinics in six remote Zimbabwe communities are being expanded and upgraded. Read Eveline Chikwanah’s report from Zimbabwe.
UMCOR has a four-star rating, the highest, on Charity Navigator, with 92 percent of its income going to programs/projects and just 7 percent on administrative expenses. Most administrative costs are funded by the denomination through One Great Hour of Sharing offerings. See Charity Navigator report.
UMCOR Hotline is on hiatus as it moves to the new General Board of Global Ministries headquarters in Atlanta. In the meantime, you can stay connected with UMCOR through Facebook.
UMCOR Kit Update: A moratorium has been issued on collection of birthing kits and cleaning buckets. There's an oversupply of both. Health kits and sewing kits and school bags are needed. Rev. Nelson Thayer reports that the Eastbrook Mission Barn particularly needs bags for school kits. "Ingredients" are on hand.
If donors wish to contribute to Eastbrook Mission Barn shipments or kit creation through an Advance Special please use the WPA Advance special #MS002009B. Any money given through Advance #901440 goes to UMCOR at Sager Brown or Salt Lake City.,
Get Kit Instructions. UMCOR website click here. http://www.umcor.org/
Click here to access the latest Mission News publication. http://wpa-email.brtapp.com/viewinsite/[email protected]
UMVIM/UMCOR Training Academy: Registration is open for the Northeast Jurisdiction’s 2017 Academy, set for March 26-29 at Pocono Plateau Camp and Retreat Center in Cresco, PA. Get details Mission VIMpossible? What’s that? Watch video 2017 Conference VIM Teams
Find out how to apply for a team and see new teams as they are announced at wpaumc.org/opportunities.
Costs include travel, housing, most meals and VIM insurance. Contact Rev. Stephanie Gottschalk for more information, [email protected].
Early Response Team training, for those interested in specialized Disaster Response VIM teams, will be held Saturday, Jan. 14, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Ingomar UMC. Cost is $20. Clearances are required. Get details and register.
2017 VIM Brochures are available in any amount upon request. We will mail print copies to you or you can download the inner portion yourself. It is not too early to start praying, planning, and fundraising now! Contact Rev. Stephanie Gottschalk, Missions/VIM Coordinator by Email or call 724.776.23000 ext. 241.
Texas Disaster Recovery Team – February 2017: In 2015 and 2016, areas of Texas had massive flood damage from repeated storms which made the cleanup and ongoing recovery a struggle. Staying in as local church, this team will continue the recovery work and strengthen the UMC in Texas. Age 16+. Estimated cost: $500.
Mission VIMpossible Pilgrimage to Germany: Western PA UMs are invited to join a spiritual pilgrimage, On the Trail of Martin Luther, in Germany from April 19 – May 1, 2017. This year marks the 500th anniversary of Luther's Ninety- Five Theses and a major turning point in the Protestant Reformation. Collette Tour Company, will support WPA Volunteer-in-Mission Scholarships to help make VIM service possible for all God's people. Cost: 3,990. Luther Trail Webinar: Get details
House of the Carpenter Team – June 18-24, 2017 in Wheeling, West Virginia. Join House of the Carpenter in holistic approach to mission and community development. Volunteers engage the community for mercy, justice and spiritual formation. This team will focus on home repair and other tasks. Age 14 - Adult. Cost $375.
Red Bird Family Team – July 9-15, 2017: In Eastern Kentucky, chronic poverty makes life a struggle for people in this mountainous area of Appalachia. Volunteers enable Red Bird Mission to builds up the community and witness to Christ. Kids age 7-12 with adult, Youth (age 13+) and Adults. Estimated cost: $600 for Youth and Adults. Kids: $450.
UMCOR Sager Brown Team – July 30-August 5, 2017: Join the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) in the work of disaster response and fighting poverty at Sager Brown, their main warehouse and shopping depot. Volunteers engage in local outreach and in preparing relief supply kits as signs of comfort and hop to a community in distress. Age 16+. Estimated cost $2,500.
Fiji Team – Fall 2017 (Dates to be determined): Cyclone Winston devastated parts of the Fijian Islands in February 2016. We are working with our brothers and sisters in the Methodist Church in Fiji and the UMC to meet their ongoing needs with solidarity and encouragement. Cost to be determined.
Check out these ways to serve in Western Pennsylvania:
Uth4Mission – Summer 2017: Hands on service, worship and fellowship for Youth grades 6 -12 at Pitt at Johnstown. Estimated cost: $275. www.wpaumc.org/youth
Mission u – July 2017: Service and learning for Kids, Teens & Adults at Cal U. www.wpaumc.org/missionu UM A.R.M.Y. – Your church can be a youth work camp as Youth and chaperones partner with UM A.R.M.Y. to love your neighbors. www.ne.umarmy.org.
Eastbrook Mission Barn – Ramps, relief supplies and Outreach. ALL ages can serve for one day in the New Castle area. www.wpaumc.org/missionbarn
Western PA UM Conference - www.wpaumc.org Butler District - http://www.wpaumc.org/butler - In Focus Publication - http://www.wpaumc.org/infocus Joyful Noise - http://www.wpaumc.org/joyfulnoise Subscribe to Publications - http://www.wpaumc.org/subscribe Conference Resources - http://www.wpaumc.org/resources Reflections! wpaumc.org/blogs. Imagine No Malaria -https://www.facebook.com/ImagineNoMalaria A link for the Winter 2015 Newsletter. Prison Outreach Ministry 2015 Winter Newsletter Keep up with United Methodist news from around the connection with a free subscription to the News Service Daily Digest. Subscribe at umc.org/news-and-media/umns-subscription-form Discipleship Ministries umcdiscipleship.org. Learn how to update your FindAChurch profile. People are looking for a church to visit during Advent. Help them find you! update-your-find-a-church
Special Sundays for 2016: Conference and General Church Special Sundays/Weekends for 2016 are listed on the Conference website. See the dates at wpaumc.org/SpecialSundays
Official Journal Online: wpaumc.org/2015journal.
Spiritual Gifts: Help your church members identify their gifts using the free online Spiritual Gifts Assessment at UMC.org.
REQUIRED ANNUAL FORMS – (all district forms listed with due dates) http://www.wpaumc.org/annualforms
PENSION BOARD NAME CHANGE: The UMC Board of Pension and Health Benefits has changed its name to Wespath Benefits and Investments. To see why, r ead press release
Want to keep up with breaking news in the UMC? See the latest on the UMNS Facebook page. Follow UMNS
Butler District Office Email: [email protected] (Rev. Joel Garrett) [email protected] (Thelma Castor) Save the dates! Annual Conference 2017 is June 8-11, 2017
Be a Section Leader! Serving as a section leader at our June annual conference is a chance to get involved beyond the local church and to develop leadership skills. Training sessions for section leaders will be held on the second Saturdays of March and May, 2017. If you or someone you know is interested, contact Rev. Greg Spencer at 724-224-2370 (h), 724-224-7300 (o) or [email protected] or Guinevere Gregory at 412-731-6155 or [email protected].
Annual Conference Agenda: To request time on the agenda, email Rev. Alan J Morrison at [email protected] by February 28. Indicate the type of presentation, its length, and how it benefits the AC members and the organization/program featured. Not all requests can be approved
2020 General Conference: A new Commission on the General Conference met last week and preparations have begun for a 2020 worldwide legislative gathering in Minneapolis. Learn more