Resume of Ling Wang (L s1
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Resume of Dr. Ling WANG (L. WANG)
AFFILIATION Associate Professor, Dr. Ling WANG (王凌) Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P. R. China Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-10-62783125-272, 62785845-272 Fax: 86-10-62786911
EXPERIENCE & EDUCATION [1] Associate Professor, Department of Automation, 2002~current [2] Assistant Professor, Department of Automation, 1999~2002 [3] Ph.D. student in Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, 1995~1999. (Supervised by Professor Da-Zhong ZHENG) [4] B.S. student in Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, 1990~1995 [5] Birth Date and Place: 1972-08-03, Wujin City of Jiangsu Province
RESEARCH INTEREST [1] Modeling, planning, scheduling and optimization of manufacturing systems [2] Optimization theory, algorithms and applications based on computational intelligence, including genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, tabu search, particle swarm optimization, differential evolution, neural networks, quantum computing, etc [3] Simulation optimization, ordinal optimization
CURRICULUM [1] Intelligent optimization algorithms and applications. (for undergraduate students) [2] Production scheduling and intelligent optimizations. (for graduate students) [3] Neural networks. (for graduate students) [4] Literatures retrieving and paper writing. (for graduate students)
STUDENT Ph.D. STUDENT Ling-Lai LI (Vice Adviser) (’2001) Yi-Nan GUO (Co-Adviser) (’2001) Bo LIU (Vice Adviser) (’2001) Bin QIAN (Vice Adviser) (’2004)
MS STUDENT Liang ZHANG (’2002) Hui PAN (’2003) Bin-Bin LI (’2004) Qie HE (’2005) Fu-Zhuo HUANG (’2006) Ling-PO LI (’2007)
UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT Wen-Feng LI, Ming YAN (’2000) Ling-Lai LI, Wei-Rong ZHU (’2001) Liang ZHANG, Wei ZHOU (’2002) Li-Jun JI, Xuan HUANG (’2003) Bin-Bin LI, Hao WU (’2004) Qie HE (’2005) Fu-Zhuo HUANG, Yu ZHOU (’2006)
PROJECT [1] NSFC Project (60204008): Computational intelligence based hybrid optimization theory and algorithms for complex systems. (200,000RMB, PI) (2003.1~2005.12) [2] NSFC Project (60374060): Study on intelligent simulation optimization theory and algorithms for complex manufacturing systems. (150,000RMB, PI) (2004.1~2006.12) [3] New Star of Science and Technology of Beijing City (2004A41). (70,000RMB, PI) (2004.7~2007.7) [4] NSFC Project (60574072): Study on optimization and scheduling theory and algorithms based on PSO for complex manufacturing process. (230,000RMB) (2006.1~2008.12) [5] 973 Project (2002CB312203): Study on real-time, intelligent operation and optimization theories and methods for complex manufacturing process. (340,000RMB, Investigator) (2002.12~2007.12) [6] 973 Project (G1998020310): Hybrid electrical systems. (20,000RMB, Investigator) (1998~2002) [7] 863 Project (863-511-930): Management mode and integration technology for process CIMS industries. (70,000RMB, Investigator) (2001.1~2001.12) [8] 863 Project: CIMS for Dalian petrochemical company. (20,000RMB, Investigator) (1999.10~2000.3) [9] 863 Project (2001AA411220): Overall plan and key technology for Chinese petrochemical automatic systems. (39,000RMB, Investigator) (2001.12~2002.11) [10]International Cooperation Project: Effective simulation and optimization for service network. (65,000RMB, Investigator) (2002.4~2004.4) [11]Key Member Program of Tsinghua University: Study on hybrid optimization algorithms. (60,000RMB, PI) (2000.6~2002.5) [12]Company Cooperation Project: Development of HIS. (18,000RMB, Co-PI) (2001.5~2001.12) [13]985 Project: Theory, methods and technologies of system integration for 21 century oriented process industries. (10,000 RMB, Investigator) (2001~2002) [14]Teaching and Paper Foundation. (15,000+52,000RMB, PI) (2002~2004)
AWARD [1] 2003’ National Natural Science Award (1st Place Prize) nominated by Ministry of Education of China. [2] Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award of Tsinghua University (1st Place Prize). [3] 2002’ Outstanding Paper Award of IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, IEEE-ICMLC’02. [4] 2006’ Excellent Paper of IET International Conference on Informatics and Control Technologies, IET-ICT’06. [5] 2004’ Excellent Paper of Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CDC'04. [6] 2004’ New Star of Science and Technology of Beijing City. [7] 2004’ Excellent Textbook of Tsinghua University (2nd Place Prize). [8] 2002’ Excellent Textbook in 11th Textbook Festival of Tsinghua University Press (1st Place Prize). [9] 2004’ Excellent Class Advisor of Tsinghua University (1st Place Prize). [10]2005’ Excellent Class Advisor of Tsinghua University (1st Place Prize).
DISSERTATION [1] Ph. D. Dissertation: Study on some problems for hybrid optimization strategies and neural networks, 1999. [2] M.S. Dissertation: Stochastic optimization algorithms and their hybrid strategies, 1997. [3] B.S. Dissertation: Optimization problem on route of 1/N custom stream, 1995. PUBLICATIONS [Till 2007-2-10, SCI Times Cited 190, Google Scholar Times Cited 1290, CNKI Times Cited 12 48 +6 25 =18 73] BOOK: [1] Wang L. Intelligent optimization algorithms with applications. Beijing: Tsinghua University & Springer Press, 2001.10(First), 2003.03(Second), 2004.03(Third), 2004.11(Fourth). (SCI Times Cited 26, Google Scholar Times Cited 646, CNKI Times Cited 484+130+422+19=1055) [2] Wang L. Shop scheduling with genetic algorithms. Beijing: Tsinghua University & Springer Press, 2003. (SCI Times Cited 9, Google Scholar Times Cited 108, CNKI Times Cited 96+20+71+6=193) [3] Wang L. Heuristic optimization method. In: Chinese Encyclopedia, 2nd ed. Beijing: Chinese Encyclopedia Press, 2004 [4] Wang JC, Wang L, Jin YH (Translation). Process dynamics and control (2nd edition). Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2006
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL PAPER Forthcoming [1] Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH. An effective hybrid PSO-based algorithm for flow shop scheduling with limited buffers. Computers & Operations Research. (SCI, EI) [2] Pan H, Wang L, Liu B. Chaotic annealing with hypothesis test for function optimization in noisy environment. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. (SCI, EI) [3] Qian B, Wang L, Hu R, Huang DX, Wang X. A hybrid differential evolution for permutation flow-shop scheduling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (SCI, EI) [4] Qian B, Wang L, Huang DX, Wang X. Scheduling multi-objective job shops using a memetic algorithm based on differential evolution. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (SCI, EI) [5] Pan QK, Wang L, Tasgetiren MF, Zhao BH. A hybrid discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm for the no-wait flow shop scheduling problem with makespan criterion. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (SCI, EI) [6] Pan QK, Wang L, Zhao BH. An improved iterated greedy algorithm for the no- wait flow shop scheduling with makespan criterion. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (SCI, EI)
2007 [7] Li BB, Wang L. A hybrid quantum-inspired genetic algorithm for multi-objective flow shop scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part B: Cybernetics, 2007, 37(3): 576-591. (Regular paper). (SCI, EI). [8] Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH. An effective PSO-based memetic algorithm for flow shop scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part B: Cybernetics, 2007, 37(1): 18-27. (Regular paper). (SCI-135CN, EI- 071110477409) [9] He Q, Wang L, Liu B. Parameter estimation for chaotic systems by particle swarm optimization. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2007, 34(2): 654-661. (SCI, EI- 071610552661) [10]Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH, Tang F, Huang DX. Control and synchronization of chaotic systems by differential evolution algorithm. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2007, 34(2): 412-419. (SCI, EI-071610552631) [11]Li LL, Zhou DH, Wang L. Fault diagnosis of nonlinear systems based on hybrid PSOSA optimization algorithm. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2007, 4(2): 183-188. [12]He Q, Wang L. A hybrid particle swarm optimization with a feasibility-based rule for constrained optimization. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007, 186(2): 1407-1422. (SCI, EI-071410523957) [13]Huang FZ, Wang L, He Q. An effective co-evolutionary differential evolution for constrained optimization. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007, 186(1): 340-356. (SCI, EI-071210505763) [14]Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH. An effective hybrid particle swarm optimization for no- wait flow shop scheduling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2007, 31(9-10): 1001-1011. (SCI-138AQ, EI-070310376551) [15]He Q, Wang L. An effective co-evolutionary particle swarm optimization for constrained engineering design problems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2007, 20(1): 89-99. (SCI-128GV, EI-064510229471)
2006 [16]Pan H, Wang L, Liu B. Particle swarm optimization for function optimization in noisy environment. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2006, 181(2): 908-919. (SCI-110NK, EI-064410216773) [17]Wang L, Zhang L, Zheng DZ. An effective hybrid genetic algorithm for flow shop scheduling with limited buffers. Computers & Operations Research, 2006, 33(10): 2960-2971. (SCI-031EL, EI-06079696641, SCI Times Cited 1) [18]Wang L, Zhang L. Determining optimal combination of genetic operators for flow shop scheduling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2006, 30(3-4): 302-308. (SCI-068RV, EI-063210059005) [19]Li LL, Wang L, Liu LH. An effective hybrid PSOSA strategy for optimization and its application to parameter estimation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2006, 179(1): 135-146. (SCI-088LZ, EI-063410080518) [20]Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH, Tang F, Huang DX. Directing orbits of chaotic systems by particle swarm optimization. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2006, 29(2): 454-461. (SCI-028JV, EI-06059677656, SCI Times Cited 1) [21]Wang L, Zhang L Stochastic optimization using simulated annealing with hypothesis test. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2006, 174(2): 1329-1342. (SCI-027HY, EI-06109743893) [22]Zhang L, Wang L, Zheng DZ. An adaptive genetic algorithm with multiple operators for flow shop scheduling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2006, 27(5-6): 580-587. (SCI-990EJ, EI- 05509542884, SCI Times Cited 1)
2005 [23]Wang L, Tang F, Wu H. Hybrid genetic algorithm based on quantum computing for numerical optimization and parameter estimation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005, 171(2): 1141-1156. (SCI-015GM, EI-06059668761, SCI Times Cited 1) [24]Wang L, Zhang L, Zheng DZ. Genetic ordinal optimisation for stochastic flow shop scheduling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2005, 27(1-2): 166-173. (SCI-986QH, EI-05489516760, SCI Times Cited 1) [25]Wang L. A hybrid genetic algorithm-neural network strategy for simulation optimization. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005, 170(2): 1329-1343. (SCI-980YQ, EI-05449448565) [26]Tang F, Wang L. An adaptive active control for the modified Chua’s circuit. Physics Letters A, 2005, 346(5-60: 342-346. (SCI-979HD, SCI Times Cited 2) [27]Wang L, Li LL, Tang F. Optimal reduction of models using a hybrid searching strategy. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005, 168(2): 1357-1369. (SCI- 976UW, EI-05419411614, SCI Times Cited 2) [28]Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH, Tang F, Huang DX. Improved particle swarm optimization combined with chaos. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2005, 25(5): 1261-1271 (SCI- 929NL, EI-05219111132, SCI Times Cited 9) [29]Wang L, Zhang L, Zheng DZ. A class of hypothesis-test based genetic algorithm for flow shop scheduling with stochastic processing time. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2005, 25(11-12): 1157-1163. (SCI-928MA, EI-05229127233, SCI Times Cited 5)
2004 [30]Wang L, Zhang L, Zheng DZ. The ordinal optimisation of genetic control parameters for flow shop scheduling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2004, 23(11-12): 812-819. (SCI-829DZ, EI- 04308280893, INSPEC-8175077, SCI Times Cited 2) [31]Wang L, Li LL, Tang F. Directing orbits of chaotic systems using a hybrid optimization strategy. Physics Letters A, 2004, 324(1): 22-25. (SCI-808CX, INSPEC-8211207, SCI Times Cited 5)
2003 [32]Wang L, Zhang L, Zheng DZ. A class of order-based genetic algorithm for flow shop scheduling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2003, 22(11-12): 828-835. (SCI-752CH, EI-04037817728, INSPEC-8005335, SCI Times Cited 11) [33]Jiang YH, Wang L, Jin YH. Bottleneck analysis for network flow model. Advances in Engineering Software, 2003, 34(10): 641-651. (SCI-727WR, EI-03417667435, INSPEC-7969439) [34]Wang L, Zheng DZ. A modified evolutionary programming for flow shop scheduling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2003, 22(7-8): 522-527. (SCI-741NA, EI-03507780860, INSPEC-7998582, SCI Times Cited 8) [35]Wang L, Zheng DZ. An effective hybrid heuristic for flow shop scheduling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2003, 21(1): 38-44. (SCI-653WV, EI-03087368196, INSPEC-7649822, SCI Times Cited 26, Google Scholar Times Cited 20)
2002 [36]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Finite-time performance analysis for genetic algorithm. Progress in Natural Science, 2002, 12(12): 940-944. (SCI-620AV, EI- 03047337279) [37]Zhou T, Wang L, Sun ZS. Closed-loop model set validation under a stochastic framework. Automatica, 2002, 38(9): 1449-1461. (SCI-586AC, EI-02307032983, INSPEC-7420690, SCI Times Cited 4) [38]Wang L, Zheng DZ. A modified genetic algorithm for job shop scheduling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2002, 20(1): 72-76. (SCI-587DX, EI-02357058287, INSPEC-7409138, SCI Times Cited 3, Google Scholar Times Cited 14)
2001 [39]Wang L, Zheng DZ. An effective hybrid optimization strategy for job-shop scheduling problems. Computers & Operations Research, 2001, 28(6): 585-596. (SCI-413MP, EI-01015497525, INSPEC-6888306, SCI Times Cited 38, Google Scholar Times Cited 85)
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PAPER 2007 [1] Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH, Huang DX. Designing neural networks using PSO-based memetic algorithm. International Symposium on Neural Networks, Nanjing, ISNN’2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, 4493: 219-224. [2] Liu Y, Liu B, Huang JK, Wu YH, Wang L, Jin YH. An intelligent differential evolution algorithm for designing trading-ratio system of water market. International Symposium on Neural Networks, Nanjing, ISNN’2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007.
2006 [3] Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH, Huang DX. An effective PSO-based memetic algorithm for TSP. International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, ICIC’2006. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 2006, 345: 1151- 1156. (SCI-BEZ63, ISTP-BEZ63) [4] Qian B, Wang L, Huang DX, Wang X. Multi-objective flow shop scheduling using differential evolution. International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, ICIC’2006. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 2006, 345: 1125-1136. (SCI-BEZ63, ISTP-BEZ63) [5] Huang FZ, Wang L, Liu B. Improved differential evolution with dynamic population size. International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, ICIC’2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, 4113: 725-730. (EI- 064210172676) [6] Li BB, Wang L. A hybrid quantum-inspired genetic algorithm for multi-objective scheduling. International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, ICIC’2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, 4113: 511-522. (EI- 064210172653) [7] Pan H, Wang L. Blending scheduling under uncertainty based on particle swarm optimization with hypothesis test. International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, ICIC’2006. Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, 2006, 4115: 109-120. (SCI-BEY16, ISTP-BEY16, EI-064210172349) [8] Wang L, Liu LH, Liu B, Pan QK. An effective hybrid particle swarm optimization for designing IIR filters. International Conference on Informatics and Control Technologies, Shenzhen, ICT’2006, 181-186. [9] Liu Y, Huang JK, Wu YH, Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH. An intelligent particle swarm optimization for designing trading-ratio system of water market. International Conference on Sensing, Computing and Automation, Chengdu, ICSCA’2006. 1757-1761.
2005 [10] Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH. Hybrid particle swarm optimization for flow shop scheduling with stochastic processing time. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, Xi’an, CIS’2005. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2005, 3801: 630-637. (SCI-BDQ19, ISTP-BDQ19) [11] Wang L, Wu H, Zheng DZ. A quantum-inspired genetic algorithm for scheduling problems. International Conference on Natural Computation, Changsha, ICNC’2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, 3612: 417-423. (SCI- BDA32, EI-05439427037, ISTP-BDA32) [12] Wang L, Wu H, Tang F, Zheng DZ. A hybrid quantum-inspired genetic algorithm for flow shop scheduling. International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Hefei, ICIC’2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, 3645: 636-644. (SCI-BDC10, EI-05449443744, ISTP-BDC10, SCI Times Cited 1) [13] Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH, Huang DX. Designing neural networks using hybrid particle swarm optimization. International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chongqing, ISNN'2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, 3496: 391- 397. (SCI-BCN38, EI-05399382245, ISTP-BCN38, SCI Times Cited 6)
2004 [14] Wang L, Tang F. NN-based GA for engineering optimization. International Symposium on Neural Networks, Dalian, ISNN'2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004, 3173: 448-453. (SCI-BAT64, ISTP-BAT64, INSPEC-8230178) [15] Zhang L, Wang L. Genetic ordinal optimization for stochastic traveling salesman problem. The 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Robotics, Hangzhou, WCICA’2004. 2086-2090. (EI-04388368171, INSPEC-8143772) [16] Wang L, Zheng DZ, Huang DX. Hybrid strategy for parameter estimation and PID tuning. The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, Hongkong, ADCHEM’2003. 1011-1016.
2003 [17] Zhang L, Wang L. Optimal parameters selection for simulated annealing with limited computational effort. IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks & Signal Processing, Nanjing, ICNNSP'2003. 412-415. (ISTP-BY77R, INSPEC-8065044, SCI Times Cited 1) [18] Li LL, Tang F, Wang L. Directing orbits of chaotic dynamical systems based on simplex-annealing strategy. IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks & Signal Processing, Nanjing, ICNNSP'2003. 748-750. (ISTP-BY77R, INSPEC-8046043) [19] Zhang L, Wang L, Tang F. Hypothesis-test based simulated annealing for stochastic flow shop scheduling. The Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Xi'an, ICMLC’2003. 1607-1612. (EI- 04128072128, ISTP-BY61C, INSPEC-7992938) 2002 [20] Zhang L, Wang L, Tang F. Order-based genetic algorithm for flow shop scheduling. The First International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Beijing, ICMLC’2002. 139-144. (Outstanding Paper Award, ISTP-BW27J, EI-03127405529, INSPEC-7597628, SCI Times Cited 1) [21] Yang C, Ye H, Wang JC, Wang L. An artificial life and genetic algorithm based on optimization approach with new selecting methods. The First International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Beijing, ICMLC’2002. 684- 688. (ISTP-BW27J, EI-03127405646, INSPEC-7597916) [22] Wang L, Zheng DZ, Tang F. An improved evolutionary programming for optimization. The 4th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Robotics, Shanghai, WCICA’2002. Volume 3, 1769-1773. (ISTP-BV45G, EI- 03047336817, INSPEC-7412463, SCI Times Cited 1)
2001 [23] Wang L, Li WF, Zheng DZ. Design higher-order digital differentiator with simulated annealing. The 5th International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments, Guilin, ICEMI’2001. 883-886. (ISTP-BU70Y) [24] Wang L, Li WF, Zheng DZ. A class of hybrid strategy for adaptive IIR filter design. The 8th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Shanghai, ICONIP’2001. 85-89. (ISTP-BU46F)
2000 [25] Wang L, Zheng DZ. Global derivative-free training for feed-forward neural networks. The 3rd Asian Control Conference, Shanghai, ASCC’2000. 1570-1575. (SCI Times Cited 2)
DOMESTIC JOURNAL PAPER: 2007 [1] Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH, Huang DX. Advances in Differential Evolution. Control and Decision, 2007. (in Chinese). (EI) [2] Pan QK, Wang L, Zhao BH. Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for No-Idle Flow Shop Problem. Control and Decision, 2007. (in Chinese). (EI)
2006 [3] Pan H, Wang L, Liu B, Jin YH. An effective method for parameter estimation and model reduction in noisy environments. Control and Instruments in Chemical Industry, 2006, 33(5): 13-17. (in Chinese). (EI-065110317733) [4] Liu LH, Wang L, Liu B, Jin YH. Study on function optimization and model reduction based on a class of hybrid PSO algorithm. Control and Instruments in Chemical Industry, 2006, 33(2): 9-12. (in Chinese). (EI-06229913045)
2005 [5] Liu B, Wang L, Jin YH, Huang DX. Advances in particle swarm optimization algorithm. Control and Instruments in Chemical Industry, 2005, 32(3): 1-7. (in Chinese). (EI-05279198140, SCI Times Cited 7) [6] Wang L, Zhang L. Genetic algorithm with multiple searching modes for flow-shop scheduling with limited buffers. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems— CIMS, 2005, 11(7): 1041-1046. (in Chinese). (EI-05359331186, INSPEC- 8767726) [7] Wang L, Li BB, Zheng DZ. A fast genetic algorithm for model reduction and parameter estimation. Control and Decision, 2005, 20(4): 426-429,433. (in Chinese). (EI-05229136659, INSPEC-8519234) [8] Wang L, Wu H, Tang F, Zheng DZ, Jin YH. Hybrid quantum genetic algorithms and performance analysis. Control and Decision, 2005, 20(2): 156-160. (in Chinese). (EI-05149025694, INSPEC-8443907)
2004 [9] Zhang L, Wang L, Zheng DZ. Hypothesis-test based genetic algorithm for stochastic optimization problems. Control Theory and Applications, 2004, 21(6): 885-889. (in English). (EI-05108875003, INSPEC-8403801) [10]Li BB Wang L, Zheng DZ. Genetic algorithm with interpolation based evaluation and its application for parameter estimation. Control and Instruments in Chemical Industry, 2004, 31(6): 14-17. (in Chinese). (EI-05279198084) [11]Wang L, Huang X, Zheng DZ. A class of improved genetic algorithm with sifting strategy and performance analysis. Control and Decision, 2004, 19(11): 1290-1293, 1297. (in Chinese). (EI-05048803655, INSPEC-8409681) [12]Li LL, Wang L, Zheng DZ. Optimal reduction of models based on a class of SMSA strategy. Control and Decision, 2004, 19(8): 947-950, 953. (in Chinese). (EI- 04468459062, INSPEC-8241286) [13]Wang L, Tong HH, Zheng DZ. Reference point based near insertion approach and two-stage approach for TSP. Control and Decision, 2004, 19(7): 831-833, 837. (in Chinese). (EI-04438424613, INSPEC-8197471) [14]Wang L, Ji LJ, Zheng DZ. Simulation optimization based on surrogate model and genetic algorithm. Control and Decision, 2004, 19(6): 626-630. (in Chinese). (EI- 04378354978, INSPEC-8197457) [15]Wang L, Zheng DZ. A class of simulated annealing approach based on hypothesis test for stochastic optimization problems. Control and Decision, 2004, 19(2): 183- 186. (in Chinese). (EI-04248214379, INSPEC-8053933) [16]Zhang L, Wang L, Zheng DZ. Parameter ordinal optimization for simulated annealing with limited computational efforts. Control and Decision, 2004, 19(2): 226-229. (in Chinese). (INSPEC-8053938)
2003 [17]Wang L, Li LL, Zheng DZ. A class of effective search strategies for parameter estimation of nonlinear systems. ACTA Automatica Sinica, 2003, 29(6): 953-958. (in Chinese). (INSPEC-8002292, SCI Times Cited 2) [18]Wang L, Zhang L, Tang F. On ordinal optimization of parameters and operators for genetic algorithm. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2003, 34(4): 350-354. (in Chinese). (INSPEC-7894142) [19]Wang L, Zhang L, Zheng DZ. Advances in simulation optimization. Control and Decision, 2003, 18(3): 257-262, 271. (in Chinese). (INSPEC-7852060, SCI Times Cited 2, Google Scholar Times Cited 19) [20]Wang L, Wang X. CIMS architecture and manufacturing execution system for process industry. Computers Engineering and Applications. 2003, 39(10): 16-18. (in Chinese) [21]Wang L, Li WF, Zheng DZ. Optimal design of controllers for non-minimum phase systems. ACTA Automatica Sinica, 2003, 29(1): 135-141. (in Chinese). (INSPEC- 7699080, SCI Times Cited 1) [22]Li LL, Wang L. Chemical process optimization based on SMSA algorithm with multiple operators. Control and Instruments in Chemical Industry, 2003, 30(1): 25- 28. (in Chinese). (EI-04328307443)
2002 [23]Wang L, Zhang L, Zheng DZ. A class of genetic ordinal optimization framework for stochastic simulation optimization. Control and Decision, 2002, 17(S): 699-702. (in Chinese). (EI-03087370158, INSPEC-7579635) [24]Tong HH, Wang L, He JR. Reference point-based near insertion approach and its improvement for traveling salesman problem. Computers Engineering and Applications, 2002, 38(20): 63-65. (in Chinese) [25]Lan H, Wang X, Wang L. Improved genetic annealing algorithm for global optimization of complex functions. Journal of Tsinghua University, 2002, 42(9): 1237-1240. (in Chinese). (EI-03027313247, INSPEC-7505243) [26]Li LL, Wang L, Zheng DZ, Zhou DH. Simplex-annealing hybrid approach for model parameters estimation. Journal of Tsinghua University, 2002, 42(9): 1207- 1208, 1213. (in Chinese). (EI-03027313239, INSPEC-7505236) [27]Guo YN, Wang L, Tan DJ, Hao R. Coal blending control based on mixed optimization of genetic algorithm and neural network. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology, 2002, 31(5): 404-406. (in Chinese). (EI-02457195019) [28]Wang L, Li LL, Zheng DZ. Design adaptive IIR filters with a kind of simplex- annealing strategy. Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2002, 24(7): 99-102. (in Chinese) [29]Wang L, Zheng DZ. An improved genetic algorithm to solve permutation scheduling problem. Systems Engineering—Theory and Practice, 2002, 22(6): 74- 79. (in Chinese). (EI-02417136470) [30]Wang L, Tang F. Study on PID tuning based on genetic annealing strategy. Control and Instruments in Chemical Industry, 2002, 29(3): 21-24. (in Chinese) [31]Wang L, Wang X. Some key factors to design CIMS for process industry. Computers Engineering and Applications, 2002, 38(10): 50-52,108. (in Chinese) [32]Wang L, Zheng DZ. A class of simulated annealing for multi-objective optimization. Computers Engineering and Applications, 2002, 38(8): 4-5, 55. (in Chinese). (Google Scholar Times Cited 10) [33]Tang F, Wang L. From local minimum to global optimum. Computers Engineering and Applications, 2002, 38(6): 56-58. (in Chinese) [34]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Stability analysis for several classes of dynamical feedback neural networks. Computing Technology and Automation, 2002, 21(1): 1-6. (in Chinese) [35]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Study on unified framework of hybrid optimization strategies. Control and Decision, 2002, 17(1): 33-36, 40. (in Chinese). (EI-02397107558, INSPEC-7385581, Google Scholar Times Cited 11) [36]Wang L, Zhang L, Zheng DZ. Generalized TSP-type traffic model and optimization. Computers Engineering and Applications, 2002, 38(2): 15-16, 42. (in Chinese) [37]Wang L, Zheng DZ. An improved evolutionary programming and its optimization performances analysis. Computers Engineering and Applications, 2002, 38(1): 8- 10. (in Chinese)
2001 [38]Wang L, Li WF, Zheng DZ. Simulated annealing for designing higher-order digital differentiator. Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2001, 23(12): 1-3. (in Chinese) [39]Wang L, Li LL, Zheng DZ, Zhou DH. SMSA approach for online joint estimation of time delay and parameters in nonlinear time-varying systems. Control and Instruments in Chemical Industry, 2001, 28(6): 5-9. (in Chinese). (SCI Times Cited 1) [40]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Advances in job shop scheduling based on genetic algorithm. Control and Decision, 2001, 16(S): 641-646. (in Chinese). (EI-02246976076) [41]Wang L, Li WF, Zheng DZ. Estimating model-parameter and tuning controller- parameter by a class of hybrid strategy. Control and Decision, 2001, 16(5): 530- 534. (in Chinese). (EI-02236966472, SCI Times Cited 1) [42]Wang L, Yan M, Li QS, Zheng DZ. A class of effective hybrid optimization strategy for complex functions with high dimension. Journal of Tsinghua University, 2001, 41(9): 118-121. (in Chinese). (EI-02116885825, SCI Times Cited 2) [43]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Optimization study on a class of flow shop scheduling with non-unique jobs. Computers Engineering and Application, 2001, 37(19): 76-78. (in Chinese) [44]Wang L, Zheng DZ. A kind of GASA hybrid optimization strategy. Control Theory and Applications, 2001, 18(4): 552-554. (in Chinese). (EI-01556802755, INSPEC- 7057463, Google Scholar Times Cited 20) [45]Wang L, Wang X, Jin YH. MES---key element for the development of CIMS in process industry. Control and Instruments in Chemical Industry, 2001, 28(4): 1-5. (in Chinese). (Google Scholar Times Cited 40) [46]Lan H, Wang X, Wang L. Analysis of a classic genetic-annealing algorithm towards global optimization for complex functions. Journal of Systems Simulation, 2001, 13(S): 111-113. (in Chinese) [47]Li QS, Wang L, Zheng DZ. Study on tuning controller for water turbine system. Basic Automation, 2001, 8(3): 10-12, 50. (in Chinese) [48]Wang L, Zheng DZ, Li QS. Survey on chaotic optimization methods. Computing Technology and Automation, 2001, 20(1): 1-5. (in Chinese). (SCI Times Cited 3, Google Scholar Times Cited 33) [49]Wang L, Wang X, Jin YH, Xiao DY. CIMS reference architecture based on life- cycle and integrated platform for process industry. Control and Instruments in Chemical Industry, 2001, 28(1): 1-4,8. (in Chinese) [50]Wang L, Li WF, Zheng DZ, Li QS. A Class of hybrid strategy to estimate model parameters. Basic Automation, 2001, 8(1): 5-7,38. (in Chinese)
2000 [51]Wang L, Wang X, Jin YH. Consider CIMS architecture for process industry. Automation Panorama, 2000, 17(S): 38-40, 50. (in Chinese) [52]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Simulated annealing with the state generator based on Cauchy and Gaussian distributions. Journal of Tsinghua University, 2000, 40(9): 109-112. (in Chinese). (EI-01436700268, INSPEC-6730349, SCI Times Cited 1, Google Scholar Times Cited 12) [53]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Unified framework for neighbor search algorithms and hybrid optimization strategies. Journal of Tsinghua University, 2000, 40(9): 125-128. (in Chinese). (EI-01436700272, INSPEC-6730353) [54]Wang L, Wang X. Survey on optimal design of batch chemical process. Journal of Tsinghua University, 2000, 40(S2): 265-269. (in Chinese) [55]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Meta-heuristic algorithms: a review. Control and Decision, 2000, 15(3): 257-262. (in Chinese). (Google Scholar Times Cited 19) [56]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Training algorithm for FNN based on a class of nonlinear property. Control and Decision, 2000, 15(1): 19-22. (in Chinese). (CSA-0502030, EI-00095311003) [57]Wang L, Zheng DZ. A kind of chaotic neural network optimization algorithm based on annealing strategy. Control Theory and Applications, 2000, 17(1): 139-142. (in Chinese). (EI-00095313837, INSPEC-6553191, Google Scholar Times Cited 25)
1999 [58]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Study on TSP and optimization based on Hopfield neural network. Control and Decision, 1999, 14(6): 669-674. (in Chinese). (EI- 00095310999, Google Scholar Times Cited 19) [59]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Hybrid optimization strategy for radial basis function neural network structure. Journal of Tsinghua University, 1999, 39(7): 50-53. (in Chinese). (CSA-0450084, EI-00045122367, INSPEC-6354635)
Before 1999 [60]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Study on a class of GASA hybrid strategy and its convergence behavior. Control and Decision, 1998, 13(6): 699-672. (in Chinese). (SCI Times Cited 1, Google Scholar Times Cited 15) [61]Wang L, Zheng DZ. The comparative research on several sub-optimization methods to solve TSP problem. Control and Decision, 1998, 13(1): 79-83. (in Chinese). (Google Scholar Times Cited 13) [62]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Two hybrid learning strategies of feedforward network. Journal of Tsinghua University, 1998, 38(9): 95-97, 101. (in Chinese). (EI-99094800492, INSPEC-6086762, Google Scholar Times Cited 11) [63]Zheng XZ, Wang L, Jin GF. Design binary optics elements for ICF uniform illumination with hybrid optimization method. Chinese Journal of Lasers A, 1998, 25(3): 265-269. (in Chinese). (EI-99084739370, INSPEC-5948174, Google Scholar Times Cited 20) [64]Song TY, Wang L. Statistics and simulation of forest spatial data. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 1997, 19(3): 74-78. (in Chinese) [65]Wang L, Zheng DZ. The research on solving flowshop problem with simulated annealing algorithm. Journal of the Postgraduate of Tsinghua University, 1996, 26(1): 28-35. (in Chinese)
DOMESTIC CONFERENCE PAPER: 2005 [1] Wang L, Wu H, Zheng DZ. Hybrid quantum genetic algorithm for model parameter estimation. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Haerbin, 2005, 527-530. (ISTP-BFR69)
2004 [2] Wang L, Zheng DZ. Integrated framework and key issues of simulation optimization. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Huangshan, 2004, 799- 802, 806. (Excellent paper of CDC'04, EI-04428413058, ISTP-BFR67) [3] Zhang L, Wang L. Zheng DZ. Hypothesis test based intelligent optimization algorithms and comparisons. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Huangshan, 2004, 338-341. (Excellent paper of CDC'04, EI-04428413016, ISTP-BFR67)
2002 [4] Wang L, Zhang L, Zheng DZ. Fundamental study on genetic ordinal optimization algorithm. Chinese Process Control Conference, Macon, 2002, 98-102.
2001 [5] Wang L, Zheng DZ, Tang F. Chaos—a kind of new optimization technique. Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, 2001, 185-189. [6] Li QS, Wang L. Optimal design of binary optical instrument based hybrid algorithm. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Xi’an, 2001, 346-349. [7] Li QS, Wang L. A kind of hybrid optimization algorithm for complex functions. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Xi’an, 2001, 350-353.
Before 2001 [8] Wang L, Zheng DZ. Study on performance of simulated annealing based on different neighbor generators. Chinese Control Conference, Hongkong, 2000, 430- 434. [9] Wang L, Zheng DZ. Study on a class of variable-lot flow line scheduling problem. Chinese Control Conference, Ningbo, 1998, 491-494. [10]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Two kinds of training strategies for feed-forward networks. Chinese Control Conference, Lushan, 1997, 1059-1062. [11]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Study on simulated annealing for flow shop scheduling problems. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Lushan, 1997, 390-394. [12]Wang L, Zheng DZ. Comparative study on several sub-optimal solutions for TSP. Chinese Control Conference, Qingdao, 1996, 604-607.
ACADEMIC MEMBERSHIP AND REFEREE [1] Visiting Scholar, Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan [2] Adjunct Professor, Shandong University at Weihai [3] Adjunct Professor, Liaocheng University [4] Member, IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) ETTC (Emergent Technology Technical Committee) [5] Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Automation and Control (InderScience) [6] Editorial Board Member, The Open Operational Research Journal (Bentham Science) [7] Editor, International Journal of Soft Computing (Medwell Online) [8] Editor, International Journal of Electric and Power Engineering (Medwell Online) [9] Editor, Asian Journal of Information Technology (Medwell Online) [10]Editor, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (Medwell Online) [11]Reviewer, NSFC Project [12]Reviewer, Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation Project [13]Reviewer, National 863 Project [14]Reviewer, IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-B (IEEE) [15]Reviewer, IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE) [16]Reviewer, IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks (IEEE) [17]Reviewer, IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE) [18]Reviewer, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier) [19]Reviewer, Computers & Operations Research (Elsevier) [20]Reviewer, Computers & Industrial Engineering (Elsevier) [21]Reviewer, International J of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer) [22]Reviewer, Journal of Global Optimization (Springer) [23]Reviewer, Information Sciences (Elsevier) [24]Reviewer, Applied Mathematical Modelling (Elsevier) [25]Reviewer, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier) [26]Reviewer, Neurocomputing (Elsevier) [27]Reviewer, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering (Springer) [28]Reviewer, ETRI Journal (ETRI) [29]Reviewer, International Journal of Operations Research (ORSTW) [30]Reviewer, Science in China [31]Reviewer, Chinese Science Bulletin [32]Reviewer, ACTA Automatica Sinica [33]Reviewer, Journal of Control Theory and Applications [34]Reviewer, Control Theory and Applications [35]Reviewer, Control and Decision [36]Reviewer, Information and Control [37]Reviewer, Journal of Software [38]Reviewer, Chinese Journal of Computers [39]Reviewer, Chinese Journal of Electronics [40]Reviewer, Acta Electronica [41]Reviewer, CIMS [42]Reviewer, Systems Engineering: Theory and Practice [43]Reviewer, Systems Engineering and Electronics (Chinese and English Editions) [44]Reviewer, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering (English Edition) [45]Reviewer, Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering [46]Reviewer, Journal of Tsinghua University [47]Reviewer, Journal of Zhejiang University [48]Reviewer, Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics [49]Reviewer, Journal of Wuhan University [50]Reviewer, Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University [51]Reviewer, Journal of Beijing University of Science and Technology [52]Reviewer, Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications [53]Reviewer, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology [54]Reviewer, Journal of North Jiaotong University [55]Reviewer, Journal of Beijing University of Information and Technology [56]Reviewer, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Chinese and English Editions) [57]Reviewer, Journal of Tianjin University [58]Reviewer, Journal of Northeast University [59]Reviewer, Journal of Central South University [60]Reviewer, Journal of Haerbin Industrial University [61]Reviewer, Journal of Qingdao University [62]Reviewer, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China [63]Reviewer, Journal of Dalian Institute of Technology [64]Reviewer, Journal South China Institute of Technology [65]Reviewer, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University (English Edition)