South Kirkby and Moorthorpe Town Council Minutes -2016/2017

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South Kirkby and Moorthorpe Town Council Minutes -2016/2017

Finance and Resources Committee – 25th January 2017 In attendance:-

TJ Allsopp RRC – Chair of Environment and Planning Committee Mrs M Burkinshaw Mrs P Evans – Town Mayor DE Mothershaw – Leader of the Council and Chair of Finance and Resources Committee C Robinson – Deputy Leader of the Council and Vice Chair of Finance and Resources Committee Mrs E Sykes J Treacy – Chair of Grants Committee and Vice Chair of Recreation Committee Mrs J Tunstall – Vice Chair of Environment and Planning Committee Ms L Whitehouse – Deputy Town Mayor and Vice Chair of Grants Committee

235 Apologies for Absence The Town Clerk confirmed that Cllr Mrs M Collins has a pre-approved leave of absence. The Town Clerk reported that apologies had not been received from the other absent members, namely, Cllr Mrs J Cole, Cllr Mrs C Cormack, Cllr L Harrison, Cllr A Redfern and Cllr R Redfern.

236 Minutes Resolved that the minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 16th November 2016, as detailed in Minute Book No. 3 (2016/2017) and approved and adopted at the meeting of the Town Council held on 7th December 2016, be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

237 Code of Conduct - Declaration of Interests Cllr D Mothershaw declared a pecuniary interest respectively in agenda item 7 (iii) - “Chalet bungalow” (minute no. 241 [iii] [2016/17]) and agenda item 10 – “Payment of Accounts and Receipt of Income” (minute no. 244 [2016/17]).

238 Dispensations The Town Clerk reported that no dispensation requests had been received in respect of this meeting.

239 Precept 2017/18 - Determination A discussion was held on the proposed budget and precept for 2017/18. Resolved that the budget and precept determination for 2017/18 be decided by the Town Council on 8th February 2017.

240 All Saints Church Resolved that the Town Clerk investigate any liability on the part of the Town Council regarding the churchyard lighting.

241 Land and Property (i) Langthwaite Business Centre South Kirkby and Moorthorpe Town Council – Minutes -2016/2017 (ii) Finance and Resources Committee – 25th January 2017 Continued

The Town Clerk reported that the roof repair had been completed. The Chairman reported on the progress of the internal redecoration of the corridors in the west wing. Resolved that the respective reports of the Town Clerk and the Chairman be noted and approved. (iii) Moorthorpe Railway Station Resolved that the request from the office of Jon Trickett MP be approved, conditional upon the work being at nil cost to the Town Council and that the work be undertaken by the Town Council’s approved contractor. (iv) Chalet bungalow Having declared a pecuniary interest in respect of this item, Cllr D Mothershaw left the Council Chamber at this juncture and the Vice- Chairman assumed the Chair. The Town Clerk reported on the need to progress the refurbishment of the bungalow. Resolved that the necessary refurbishment work be done in house where possible or otherwise conducted/arranged by Cadital Ltd. Cllr D Mothershaw re-entered the Council Chamber and resumed the Chair at this juncture.

242 International Twinning Resolved that the twinning event be offered free use of the Grove Hall. Cllr C Robinson offered to work (gratis) behind the bar to minimise costs.

243 Exclusion of press and public

Resolved that members of the press and the public be excluded for the consideration of business of a confidential nature, as per the Public Bodies Admissions to Meetings Act 1960. 244 Payment of Accounts and Receipt of Income Resolved that the payment of accounts for October and November 2016 as circulated to members be approved and signed by the Chair. Having declared a pecuniary interest in respect of the receipt of income, Cllr D Mothershaw took no part in the discussion or vote regarding this item and the Vice-Chairman assumed the Chair. Resolved that the receipt of income for October and November 2016 as circulated to members be approved and signed by the (Vice) Chair. Cllr D Mothershaw resumed the Chair at this juncture.

2 South Kirkby and Moorthorpe Town Council – Minutes -2016/2017

Finance and Resources Committee – 25th January 2017 Continued 245 Land and Property (confidential items) (i) Grove Hall Resolved that a basic agreement be drafted to issue to all users of the Grove Hall with a flexibility clause included to offer alternative accommodation, when necessary.

The Town Clerk reported that the catering tender had been awarded, subject to contract.

Resolved that the report of the Town Clerk be noted and approved. (ii) Mallard Café at Moorthorpe Railway Station Resolved that the Town Council pay half of the (gross) cost of the item concerned. (iii) Burntwood Community Centre Resolved that SESKU Academy’s request regarding the multi-use games area be approved in principle, conditional upon consideration of any potential light pollution for residents. The Town Clerk reported on a rent issue regarding Roses Social Care.

Resolved that the report of the Town Clerk be noted and approved.

(iv) Northfield Community Centre The Town Clerk reported on the Town Council’s lease of Northfield Community Centre.

Resolved that the report of the Town Clerk be noted and approved.

246 Staffing Matters (i) Grove Hall Bar - Recruitment The Town Clerk reported that the bar supervisor post has been offered, pending receipt of satisfactory references.

Resolved that the report of the Town Clerk be noted and approved. (ii) Staff terms and conditions Resolved that the amended terms, conditions and role of the member of staff concerned be approved. (i) Staff Training The Town Clerk reported that all the administration staff are currently undertaking training as part of their continuous professional development.

3 South Kirkby and Moorthorpe Town Council – Minutes -2016/2017 Resolved that the report of the Town Clerk be noted and approved. (ii) Sickness monitoring

Finance and Resources Committee – 25th January 2017 Continued

The Town Clerk reported that since the last meeting three members of staff had had a sickness absence but no trigger points were hit. Resolved that the report of the Town Clerk be noted and approved.


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