A.P. Government Uber Vocab List

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A.P. Government Uber Vocab List

A.P. Government Uber Vocab List

Chapter 1 separation of powers government checks and balances public goods republic politics Federalists political participation Anti-Federalists single-issue groups Federalist Papers policymaking system Bill of Rights linkage institutions Equal Rights Amendment policy agenda Marbury v. Madison political issue Judicial Review policymaking institutions public policy democracy Chapter 3 majority rule federalism minority rule Unitary governments representation intergovernmental relations pluralist theory supremacy clause elite and class theory Tenth Amendment hyperpluralism McCulloch v. Maryland policy gridlock elastic clause gross domestic product Gibbons v. Ogden individualism full faith and credit voter apathy extradition privileges and immunities Chapter 2 dual federalism Natural Law cooperative federalism Strict vs. Loose construction fiscal federalism amendment process/living document categorical grants ex post facto project grants Bill of Attainder block grants Constitution reserved powers Declaration of Independence delegated powers natural rights enumerated powers consent of the governed implied powers limited government commerce clause Articles of Confederation U.S. v. Lopez Shay's Rebellion factions New Jersey Plan Chapter 12-Congress Virginia plan incumbents Connecticut Compromise casework writ of habeus corpus pork barrel bicameral legislature Twenty fifth Amendment House Rules Committee cabinet filibuster National Security Council Speaker of the House legislative veto majority leader crisis (in relationship to the crisis whips manager) minority leader Executive Privilege standing committees Veto Override joint committees Revolving Door conference committees Confirmability select committees Signing Statements legislative oversight U.S. v. Nixon committee chairs Approval Rating seniority system Council of Economic Advisors caucus Office of management and budget bill veto pocket veto Chapter 18 presidential coattails Entitlements War Powers Resolution 1973 Poverty line/threshold Welfare Reform Chapter 20 - Foreign Policy Social Security Reform Subsidies and Entitlements Foreign Policy Chapter 19 UN Health Care and Environmental Policy NATO HMO's Interdependency National Health Insurance Balance of trade Medicare economic sanctions Medicaid nuclear proliferation Health Care Reform Detente Globalization NGO's Chapter 13 - The Presidency MNC's

Constitutional requirements for president Chapter 14 - The Budget Electoral college expenditures Powers and checks (define each one) revenues Support Staff tax expenditures Imperial Presidency Social Security Act War Powers Act Medicare State of the Union address incrementalism Impoundment uncontrollable expenditures Executive Order entitlements Twenty Second Amendment House Ways and Means Committee impeachment Senate Finance Committee Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Chapter 16-The Courts budget resolution reconciliation Article I courts authorization bill Article III courts appropriations bill Standing to Sue continuing resolutions Class Action Suit Fiscal Justiciable disputes Monetary amicus curiae briefs Keynesian original jurisdiction Supply Side Economics appellate jurisdiction Monetarism district courts Deficit courts of appeal Income Tax Supreme Court Sixteenth Amendment senatorial courtesy Federal debt solicitor general Entitlements opinion Uncontrollable expenditures stare decisis Budget and Impoundment Control Act original intent of 1974 judicial implementation Marbury v. Madison judicial review The Bureaucracy United States v. Nixon judicial restraint patronage political questions Pendleton Civil Service Act statutory construction civil service Gideon v. Wainwright merit principle Mapp v. Ohio Hatch Act Bush v. Gore Office of Personnel Management Webster v. Reproductive Services General Schedule rating Tinker v. Desmoines Senior Executive Service Miranda v. Arizona bureaucracy independent regulatory agency Chapter 4 - Civil Liberties governmental corporations Due Process independent executive agencies Incorporation policy implementation Bill of Rights standard operating procedures Nationalization administrative discretion Privacy street-level bureaucrats Establishment clause regulation Lemon v. Kurtzman deregulation Everson v. Board command-and-control policy Engle V. Vitale incentive system Abbington v. Schempp executive orders Epperson v. Arkansas iron triangles Zelman v. Simmons-Harris Free Exercise Clause Freedom of Speech Equal Pay Act of 1963 Clear and Present danger American with Disabilities Act Gitlow v. New York Due Process Gideon v. Wainwright Patriot Act I and II Symbolic Speech Evidence Qualifications Freedom of Press Rights of the Accused Shield Laws Exclusionary Rule Access Miranda v. Arizona executive privilege Mapp v. Ohio defamation obscenity The Media-chapter 7 student press High-tech politics regulation of public airwaves mass media Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier media event Freedom of Assembly and Petition press conferences Association (political versus personal) investigative journalism print media Chapter 5-Civil Rights Vocabulary broadcast media Equality Civil Rights Act of 1964 chains Equal Protection under the law narrowcasting Title iX of Education Act of 1972 beats Reed v. Reed trial balloons Roe v. Wade sound bites NOW talking head EMILY’S LIST policy agenda Dred Scott policy entrepreneurs Reconstruction Amendments infotainment Jim Crow gatekeeper Plessy v. Ferguson watchdog Brown v. Board of Education horse-race journalism Affirmative Action spin Bilingualism Immigration Reform Reverse Discrimination Chapter 11 Rational Basis Test Suspect Classifications Alexis De Tocqueville Strict Scrutiny interest group U.C. Regents V. Bakke pluralist theory Quasi-suspect or heightened scrutiny elite theory Fundamental rights test hyperpluralist theory right to die subgovermnents right to marry collective good right to procreate free-rider problem voting barriers Olson's law of large groups literacy test lobbying Voting Rights Act of 1965 electioneering political action committee third parties amicus curiae briefs winner-take-all system public interest lobbies proportional representation traditional interest groups coalition government nontraditional interest groups responsible party model single issue groups candidate-centered politics public interest groups divided government ideological groups loyal opposition governmental groups direct election litigation quota system campaign contributions report cards material benefits Chapter 9-Elections purposive benefits solidarity benefits nomination cohesiveness campaign strategy disclosure national party convention 1946 Federal Regulation of lobbying act caucus incumbency advantage (how interest presidential primaries groups help) McGovern-Fraser Commission petition the government superdelegates frontloading national primaries Chapter 8 regional primaries party competition party platform political party direct mail linkage institutions Lee Atwater party image Slash and Burn rational-choice theory Karl Roe party identification pollsters ticket-splitting attack strategies party machines campaign finance reform patronage McCain-Feingold campaign reform act closed primaries of 2002 open primaries Bush v. Gore blanket primaries campaign consultant national convention internet campaigning national committee disproportionate news national chairperson Federal Election Campaign Act coalition Federal Election Commission party eras soft money critical election political action committees PAC's party realignment selective perception New Deal coalition Buckley v. Valeo 1976 party dealignment party neutrality Chapter 10 Elections and Voting  Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Primary (open, closed, blanket) voter apathy legitimacy referendum initiative petition suffrage political efficacy civic duty voter registration Motor Voter Registration Act Mandate theory of elections policy voting electoral college retrospective voting incumbency advantage permanent congress safe seats war chest single member district system Iowa caucuses New Hampshire primary balancing the ticket selectorate plurality faithless electors swing states

AP US Gov. is broken down into the following categories:

 Constitutional Underpinnings of United States Government  Political Beliefs and Behaviors  Political Parties, Intrest Groups and Mass Media  Institutions of National Government  Public Policy

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