United States Study Guide American West / Rise of Industry s1

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United States Study Guide American West / Rise of Industry s1

Reconstruction and Westward Movement Study Guide

1. What is the 13th Amendment?

12. What are sharecroppers? 2. What was the name of Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan? 13. What was the job of the Freedman’s Bureau?

3. What group wanted to punish the South for the war? 14. What was significant about 40 acres and a mule?

4. Identify the two key components of Congress’ Reconstruction Plan. 15. Name two scandals that affected the Grant Presidency.

5. What is the 14th Amendment? 16. Who ran for President in the 1876 election? 6. What were the southerners who supported Reconstruction called? 17. How was the 1876 election won?

7. What were the Northerners who came south to help in Reconstruction called? 18. How does reconstruction end?

8. What law did President Johnson 19. What were laws restricting the activities violate that led to his impeachment? of African Americans called?

9. What was the 15th Amendment? 20. What is the separation of the races called?

10. Where did many slaves go after the war? 21. What are Jim Crow laws?

11. What are tenant farmers? 22. What law created 160-acre farms for 33. What were the short stories called that settlers? told of legend and adventure in the west?

23. Name the two railroads that built the first cross-country railroad. 34. How was the life of the cowboy different than what we imagine?

24. What is a cross-country railroad called? 25. Where and when was the railroad 35. What is another name for the Great completed? Plains?

26. What name was given to the area 36. Name four Plains Indian tribes. where cattle were ranched?

37. What two things were many Plains 27. Why did the demand for cattle Indians dependent upon? increase?

38. What animal did the railroads nearly 28. Why did the railroads extend to the drive to extinction? west?

39. What was the basic conflict between 29. What invention of Joseph Glidden’s settlers and Indians? changed the frontier?

40. What battle signaled the beginning of 30. Name four areas where the country the Indian Wars? faced a gold rush.

41. What Indian lands were invaded by 31. What is a Ghost Town? miners looking for gold?

32. Name the type of house that many 42. Name the battle where Custer and his Plains families first built. men were defeated.

43. Name the two Indian leaders at Custer’s Last Stand. 46. What novel described the discriminatory practices faced by the Native 44. Who was Chief of the Nez Pierce Americans? Indians?

47. What law gave Indian families 160 acres 45. Name the last of the Indian battles. of land?

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