Personal and Contact Information
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PERSONAL AND CONTACT INFORMATION Family Name, First Name(s): KABADAYI, Mustafa Erdem Date of birth: 26.12.1973 Citizenship: Austrian Email: [email protected]
LANGUAGE SKILLS Fluent in written and spoken: Turkish (advanced Ottoman reading skills), English, and German
EDUCATION, EXAMS AND CERTIFICATIONS 20/04/2011 Associate Professor of Economic History and History of Economic Thought (granted by the Inter-University Council of Turkey after a positive evaluation of publications and an oral examination)
11/08/2008 PhD (Doktor der Philosophie) Munich Ludwig Maximilian University, Dissertation Title: ‘Working for the state in a factory in Istanbul: The role of factory workers’ ethno-religious and gender characteristics in state-subject interaction in the late Ottoman Empire’
13/11/1999 MSc. in Economics, University of Vienna
02/07/1995 BSc. in Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara
RESEARCH GRANTS Project Nr. 112K271, funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), October 2012 – October 2015: An Introduction to the Occupational History of Turkey via New Methods and New Approaches (1840 - 1940)
ERC-Starting Grant, to be started in October 2016 and to be concluded in October 2021: Industrialisation and Urban Growth from the mid-nineteenth century Ottoman Empire to Contemporary Turkey in a Comparative Perspective, 1850-2000
FELLOWSHIPS, AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS Best Scientific Article Prize the Ottoman Bank Archives and Research Centre on History of Banking and Finance, 2004-05
01/10/2015 – 01/10/2016 Sabbatical at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, Faculty of History, University of Cambridge
11/06/2014 – 11/09/2014 British Council, Researcher Links, Travel Grant Visiting Scholar at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, Cambridge
01/10/2003 – 28/02/2006 Fellow, Research Training Group on Slavery, Serfdom and Forced Labor (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Graduiertenkolleg 846), Trier University
01/07/2004 – 30/09/2004 Fellow, American Research Institute in Turkey, Aegean Exchange, Research in the State Archives (Ottoman Documentation) in Salonika
1 KABADAYI CV 01/10/2000 - 30/09/2002 Research Grant – Doctoral Programmes, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
01/10/1999 - 30/09/2000 Graduate Scholarship, Austrian Hammer-Purgstall Oriental Society, Vienna, Austria
01/10/1995 - 30/09/1999 One-World Scholarship, Afro-Asian Institute, Vienna, Austria
CURRENT AND PREVIOUS POSITIONS AT THE ISTANBUL BILGI UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 01/10/2011 – Present Associate Professor 01/10/2008 – 01/10/2015 Director of the MA Programme in History 01/10/2008 – 01/10/2015 Department Erasmus Coordinator 01/10/2008 – 30/09/2011 Assistant Professor 01/10/2006 – 30/09/2008 Instructor 01/03/2006 – 30/09/2006 Teaching Assistant
SUPERVISION OF GRADUATE STUDENTS AT THE ISTANBUL BILGI UNIVERSITY 01/10/2008 – Present More than 15 MA Thesis in History Programme
TEACHING ACTIVITIES HIST 561 Middle Eastern Labour History (graduate course) also taught as a block seminar at the Global and European Studies Institute, Leipzig University, Summer 2012
COURSES TAUGHT AT THE ISTANBUL BILGI UNIVERSITY HIST 501/502 Sources of Ottoman Cultural and Intellectual History I/II (graduate course) HIST 431/2 Ottoman Institutions I/II HIST 422 Special Topics in History – Labor History of the Ottoman Middle East HIST 461/2 Selected Readings in Ottoman Turkish I/II HIST 311/2 Methodology and Philosophy of History I/II HIST 321 European Social History HIST 271/2 The Making of the Modern World I/II: A Global Narrative, 16th - 20th Centuries HIST 202 Late Ottoman History HIST 212 Ottoman Economic History HIST 161/2 Global History I/II: Cultural Encounters from Antiquity to the 20th Century HIST 105 Mediterranean World from Antiquity to the Middle Ages HIST 101 Introduction to Historiography I
ORGANISATION OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 02/05/2015 – 03/05/2015 History of Occupations and Occupations in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey. A workshop organised with Suraiya Faroqhi at the History Department of the Istanbul Bilgi University.
10/11/2014 – 12/11/2014 Bringing Mughal and Ottoman History Together. International conference organised with Suraiya Faroqhi at the at the History Department of the Istanbul Bilgi University, participants from India, US and Turkey.
2 30/11/2012 – 01/12/2012 The Working World: A Mini Symposium on Work, Occupations, and Labour Relations in Eurasia between 1500 and 2000. International conference organized at the History Department of the Istanbul Bilgi University, conference organiser, 8 participants from Canada, India, Netherlands, Russia, and Turkey.
18/11/2011 – 20/11/2011 Working in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey: Ottoman and Turkish Labour History within a Global Perspective. International conference organized at the History Department of the Istanbul Bilgi University with academic and financial support by Orient-Institut Istanbul, Re:work International Research Center Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History Humboldt University Berlin and TÜSTAV (Social History Research Foundation of Turkey) in cooperation with Kate E. Creasey, conference organiser, 31 participants from 15 countries.
15/12/2010 – 18/12/2010 Urban Landscapes of Modernity. Istanbul and the Ruhr Area 2010. International conference organized at the History Department of the Istanbul Bilgi University, Orient-Institut Istanbul and the Library of the Ruhr Foundation, in cooperation with Malte Fuhrmann and Jürgen Mittag, conference organiser, 17 participants.
20/10/2005 – 22/10/2005 Unfree Labor: Perspectives in Economics, Law and Humanities. International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Research Training Group “Slavery, Serfdom and Forced Labor,” at the University of Trier, Germany in cooperation with Tobias Reichardt, conference organiser, 15 participants.
ORGANISATION OF PANELS AT THE EUROPEAN SOCIAL SCIENCE HISTORY CONFERENCE 31/03/2016 Dynamics of Occupational and Demographic Change in Eurasia 1700-2000: Diverging Paths or Convergence in Occupational Structures and Population Densities?, Valencia, A double session co-organised with Osamu Saito (accepted panel)
23/04/2014 A Comparative Historical Analysis of Occupational Change Across Eurasia, 1840– 1940, Vienna, 16 participants
15/04/2012 Factory regulations de jura and de facto: labour laws and factory inspections in the long 19th century, Ghent
INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AT THE ISTANBUL BILGI UNIVERSITY 01/10/2008 – 30/09/2009 Deputy Director Social Science Institute 01/10/2010 – 30/09/2012 Member of the Faculty Committee, Arts and Sciences 01/10/2008 – Present Graduate Student Advisor, MA in History Programme
MEMBERSHIPS 01/09/2013 – Present Economic History Society, UK 01/01/2013 – Present Social Science History Association, US 01/09/2010 – Present European Network in Universal and Global History, Germany 01/03/2004 – 28/02/2009 Middle East Studies Association of North America, US 01/10/2012 – Present History Association (Tarih Vakfi) 01/06/2014 – Present Turkish Social History Research Foundation (TUSTAV)
MAJOR COLLABORATIONS - PLANNED AND SCHEDULED PUBLICATIONS 3 KABADAYI CV INCHOS (International Network of the Comparative History of Occupations) Project: submitted the co-authored chapter with Berkay Küçükbaşlar (graduate student researcher in my TUBITAK research project), ‘Shifts in Occupational Structure and Urban Economic Change in Turkey in the Twentieth Century’ for the book Occupational Structure and Industrialization in a Comparative Perspective edited by Leigh Shaw-Taylor and Osamu Saito under review for publication at the Cambridge University Press.
Collaborating with Leda Papastefenaki on a transnational labour history co-edited volume Working in Greece and Turkey: A Comparative Labour History from Empires to Nation States, 1840 – 1940 which is accepted by the International Social History Series edited by Marcel van der Linden at the Berghahn Books. This edited volume has been planned as an accompanying second volume to the forthcoming Suraiya Faroqhi ed. Bread from the Lion’s Mouth. Artisans Struggling for a Livelihood in Ottoman Cities, New York: Berghahn Books, 2015. Our co-edited volume will bring 11 contributions on the Ottoman Empire, Greece and Turkey from scholars working in Greece and Turkey and it is by-product of the conference Working in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey: Ottoman and Turkish Labour History within a Global Perspective.
As a working-group on Ottoman/Turkish territories for the Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations 1500-2000 we submitted a suggestion for a Special Section with three articles ‘Shifting Labour Relations in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey 1500-2000’ to the International Labor and Working-Class History journal, decision pending, for which I will submit a joint article: Gavin Brockett and M. Erdem Kabadayı, ‘From Empire to Nation State: Changing Labour Relations in Ottoman and Republican Turkey, 1840-2000’
As a spinoff of the same collaboratory I am working on an article tentatively titled: ‘Working in urban economies for the state from the multi-national Ottoman Empire in the 1840s to Greek and Turkish national states in the 1940s’ for a Special Issue of the International Review of Social History, ‘Historical Shifts in Labour Relations, 1500-2000: The Role of the State.’
PUBLICATIONS Eleni Gara, M. Erdem Kabadayı, Christoph K. Neumann eds. Popular Protest and Political Participation in the Ottoman Empire. Studies in Honor of Suraiya Faroqhi, Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2011.
M. Erdem Kabadayi and Tobias Reichardt, eds. Unfreie Arbeit. Ökonomische und kulturgeschichtliche Perspektiven, Hildesheim: Olms Verlag, 2007.
“Working from Home: Division of Labor among Female Workers of Feshane in late nineteenth- century Istanbul.” In A Social History of Late Ottoman Women. New Perspectives, edited by Duygu Köksal and Anastasia Falierou. Leiden: Brill, 2013 together with Kate Elizabeth Creasey, “Working in the Ottoman Empire and in Turkey: Ottoman and Turkish Labor History within a Global Perspective, a Conference Report,” International Labor and Working-Class History vol. 82 (2012): 187-200.
“Petitioning as Political Action: Petitioning Practices of Workers in Ottoman Factories.” In Popular Protest and Political Participation in the Ottoman Empire. Studies in Honor of Suraiya Faroqhi,
4 edited by Eleni Gara, M. Erdem Kabadayı, Christoph K. Neumann, Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2011.
“ Introduction of Merino Sheep Breeding in the Ottoman Empire, its Success and Failures in Implementation.” In Animals and People in the Ottoman Empire, edited by Suraiya Faroqhi. Istanbul: Eren, 2010.
“ Working in a Fez Factory in Istanbul in the late nineteenth Century: Division of Labour and Networks of Migration Formed along Ethno-Religious lines,” International Review of Social History vol. 54, supplement 17: Ottoman and Republican Turkish Labour History (2009): 69-90.
“ The Sharp Rise and the Sudden Fall of an Ottoman Entrepreneur: The Case of Mkrdich Cezayirliyan.” In Merchants in the Ottoman Realm, edited by Suraiya Faroqhi and Gilles Veinstein, Peeters: Leuven, 2008.
“Unfreie Arbeit in den staatlichen Fabriken im Istanbul des 19. Jh.” In Unfreie Arbeit. Ökonomische und kulturgeschichtliche Perspektiven, edited by M. Erdem Kabadayi and Tobias Reichardt, Hildesheim: Olms Verlag, 2007.
“ Mobility and Resistance in the Light of Ottoman Settlement Policies in the second half of the nineteenth century: The Transfer of Agricultural Labourers from Syria to Dobrudja.” In Ottoman Rural Societies, edited by Mohammad Afifi, Rachida Chih, Brigitte Marino, Nicolas Michel, Işık Tamdoğan, Cairo: IFAO, 2005.
5 KABADAYI CV Selected Recent Presentations together with Berkay Küçükbaşlar, “Kaybolan Toplumlar, Kaybolan Meslekler? Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Etnik-Dini İşbölümü,” [Lost Communities, Lost Occupations? Ethno-Religious Division of Labour from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic] A Civilization Destroyed: The Wealth of Non- Muslims in the Late Ottoman Period and the Early Republican Era, Bogazici University, 20-21 November 2015.
??? Encounters and Interactions. Ottoman, Mughal, Vijaynagar Empires and Beyond, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 7-9 November 2015 together with Murat Güvenç, “Revisiting an old yet unsettled research question in Ottoman historiography: was there an ethno religious division of labour in the multi-ethnic, multi religious Empire,” Beyond the Methods of Mining. A Workshop on Doing Historical Research using Digital Data, Utrecht University, 14-15 September 2015 together with Berkay Küçükbaşlar, “Industrialisation and Occupational Structure in Turkey, 1850- 2000,” XVIIth World Economic History Congress, Kyoto, 3-7 August 2015 together with Murat Güvenç, “Reading and Mapping Mid-Nineteenth Century Ottoman Tax Registers: an Early Attempt Toward Building a Digital Research Infrastructure for Ottoman Economic and Social history,” Data-driven Research in the History of Southeast Europe and Turkey, Bochum University, 25-26 June 2015
“ Occupational Choice, Residential Patterns and Generating Income along Ethno-religious Affiliations in mid-nineteenth century Ottoman Cities,” Religion, Ethnicity and Economic Performance, New Concepts and Empirical Appplications, Humboldt University, 5-6 March 2015
“ Occupational Structure of Ottoman Cities in the nineteenth century,” Bringing Mughal and Ottoman History Together, Istanbul Bilgi University, 10-12 November 2014
“Structural Change and Urbanization in Turkey, 1927-2000,” Social History and Social Movements Colloquium organised by the Institute of Social Movements in Bochum, 27 October 2014
“ Mapping Urban Economies Beyond National Histories. Spatial-Economic Organizations of Ottoman Neighborhoods in the Mid-Nineteenth Century,” Mapping and Visualising Transnational (Hi)stories Workshop, the Institute for Transnational History, University of St. Andrews, 8-10 June, 2014
“ Changing Neighbours and Neighbourhoods in Ankara, Bursa and Salonica from the Ottoman Empire to Nation States: Urban Fabrics Compared Across Time and Space, 1845-1945,” Visible and Invisible Urban Boundaries in the Ottoman and post-Ottoman World from a Comparative Perspective, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 22-23 May 2014
“Occupational Structures of Ottoman Cities in mid-nineteenth Century: Regional Differentiation or Cohesion?” Quantitative History Seminar, Faculty of History, University of Cambridge, 5 May 2014
6 together with Berkay Küçükbaşlar, “Occupational and Structural Change from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic,” presented at the double panel A Comparative Historical Analysis of Occupational Change Across Eurasia, 1840–1940 organized by M. Erdem Kabadayı, at the 10th European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, 23-26 April 2014
“ Economic Transformation from the late Ottoman Empire to the early Turkish Republic: De- industrialisation or Urban Economic Growth?,” presented at the panel Occupational Structure at the Economic History Society Annual Conference, Warwick, 28-30 March 2014
“Working in Urban Economies for the State from the Multi-national Ottoman Empire in the 1840s to Greek and Turkish National States in the 1940s,” Political Change as a Determinant of Shifting Labour Relations, a workshop of the Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations, International Institute of Social History (IISH), Amsterdam 7-8 February 2014
‘‘Urban Economic Change and Transformation of Occupational Structures in Turkish Cities from a Multi-ethnic, Multi-religious Empire to a National State (1840 – 1940),’’ 38th Annual Meeting of Social Science History Association, Chicago, 21-24 November 2013
“Working in Ottoman Cities in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: Did artisanal production survive? Did religion matter?” 9th International Conference on Labour History - Work and Non-Work: Histories in the Long Term, Delhi, 22-24 March 2012
“ Demise of Urban Crafts and Ethno-Religious Division of Labour in Ottoman Cities in mid- nineteenth Century,” 45th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association of North America Washington DC, 1 – 4 December 2011
“Occupations in Ottoman Cities in mid-nineteenth Century,” Working in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey: Ottoman and Turkish Labour History within a Global Perspective. Istanbul, 18-20 November 2011
“ Transitions in labour relations in the Ottoman Empire (1500-1845), West Anatolia and the Balkans.” (co-presented with Hülya Canbakal) Third European Congress on World and Global History, London, 14-17 April 2011
“Factory Inspections and Labour Control in the Ottoman Empire in the late nineteenth century,” presented at the co-organized panel with Andrei Volodin, Factory Regulations de jura and de facto: Labour Laws and Factory Inspections in the long nineteenth century, at the 8th European Social Science History Conference, Ghent 13-16 April 2010
“ Gender segregation and spatial organization of fez production in late nineteenth-century Istanbul.” 8th International Conference of Labour History, Delhi, 18-20 March 2010