The City of West is accepting sealed proposals for Employee Health Benefits for the 2017-2018 plan year. Proposals will be accepted until 4 p.m. local time, July 20, 2017 at West City Hall, 110 N. Reagan St, West, Texas 76691. Proposals will be opened and acknowledged at City Hall on Friday, July 21, 2017 at 10 a.m. This is procurement for employee and retiree benefits insurance in a municipality pursuant to the competitive sealed proposal procedure outlined in the Texas Local Government Code Chapter 252. At the proposal opening, only the identity of the proposers will be disclosed by the City Secretary. The proposals will be forwarded to City Secretary for review, tabulation and analysis. The contents of each proposal will not be disclosed in order to protect the integrity of the follow-on negotiation process with short-listed candidates. To obtain the best and final offer(s), revisions by short-listed candidates may be permitted after original proposal submission, and before contract award. All proposals will later be made available for inspection after the contract is awarded. If a proposer indicates and justifies in his proposal(s) that certain information in the proposal(s) is confidential or a trade secret, the City of West will review those materials with the proposer prior to releasing the materials after the contract award.

Detailed specifications, including the criteria for proposal evaluations, and RFP packets may be obtained at the City of West, 110 N. Reagan St, West, Texas, or viewed online at Proposers will need to submit pages 2-5, which includes the Acknowledgement Form, Hold Harmless Agreement, Certification of Good Standing, and the Conflict of Interest Questionnaire prior to receiving the RFP exhibits.

Please mark on the outside of the submitted envelope and on any carrier’s envelope: SEALED PROPOSAL FOR EMPLOYEE HEALTH BENEFITS 2017-2018 and send to the attention of Shelly Nors, City Secretary, P.O. Box 97, West, Texas 76691.

Any competitive sealed proposal received after 4 p.m. local time, July 20, 2017, will be automatically rejected and returned to the proposer unopened. City of West will not accept faxed or emailed proposals.

The City of West will not be responsible in the event that the U.S. Postal Service or any other carrier system fails to deliver the sealed proposal to the City of West, City Secretary Office, by the given deadline above.