Paste a static image of a cat Paste a static image of an here. STATIC advertisement for cat food here. IMAGES

Static image means ‘a picture which does not ...... It could be a poster, a book cover, an advertisement, a greeting card, or a ......


The purpose of a ...... image is to:  persuade people to do something,  to entertain them or  to inform them about an event or issue. When words and pictures are used, the words must match the picture in some way, and add extra meaning and ideas to the image.


The medium is how and where an image reaches its audience. It is important to consider where your image will be viewed before beginning the design of a static image. A poster, for example, would need large lettering and bold shapes so that the message could be seen from a ......


The impact of a static image can be assessed by asking, “Did the Static Image work, and if so, why?” The static image should grab the ...... ’s attention.

Techniques to attract attention and create impact can be divided into two general areas: Visual and Verbal.

(Task: provide examples of what is meant by these techniques.) Visual

 Contrast – colour e.g

 Contrast – shapes e.g

 Symbolism – colour

 Bold lines

 Lettering – font / size

 Empty space e.g This is how much trouble it will give  Bold colour

 Unusual images Verbal (Language)

 Humour

 Slogans

 Catch-phrases

 Puns

 Emotive words

 Alliteration

 Imperatives

 Rhetorical questions

Dominant Feature

The dominant feature of the image is the shape/figure/object/words, which stand out from the rest. It attracts attention to the image and should be its most effective part. It may be graphic or language based, or both.

Symbols or logos

Symbols represent or suggest an idea or concept visually. Symbols need no further explanation.

Find a symbol and Find a logo and place it place it in this box. in this box. When you create your static image the following needs to be looked at, so that your static image is effective:  A dominant feature  Other visual features  Symbolism  Verbal (Language) features

 So whether your task is to create your own static image, OR to examine someone else’s static image, ask the following questions ...

Visual Features Layout – overall form of the image. Where does the lettering look good? Where should the dominant feature be? Lettering – various fonts and sizes depending on audience and message. Are they appropriate? Colour – more than decorative. Different colours suggest different messages. E.g. pink is associated with femininity, white with purity, red with danger, anger or love and green with nature… Is colour used correctly? Shape(s) – can be unusual or interesting Depth – images can look 2-D (flat) or 3-D (have depth) Movement – does it need to show movement? E.g. blurring or using lines behind cars to create illusion of speed Language Features

Some aspects of language to look at:

 What is the tone? E.g. warning, threatening, romantic, informative, persuasive, formal  What kind of vocabulary has been used? E.g. colloquial language, jargon, slang  What types of sentences have been used? E.g. questions, statements, imperatives/commands  Have words been used cleverly? E.g. puns, hyperboles, clichés, quotes from literature  Has any figurative language been used? E.g. similes, metaphors, personification  Have any sound devices been used? Alliteration, rhyme, repetition, assonance Static Images – What features can

you see?

Feature Static Image 1 Static Image 2 Layout – overall form of the image. Where does the lettering look good? Where is the dominant feature? Lettering – various fonts and sizes depending on audience and message Colour –Different colours suggest different messages. E.g. pink is associated with femininity, white with purity, red with danger. Which colours are used, what do they mean? Shape(s) – any unusual or interesting shapes?

Depth – do images look 2-D (flat) or 3- D (have depth?) Movement – does it need to show movement? E.g. blurring or using lines behind cars to create illusion of speed The dominant feature of the image is the shape/ figure/ object/words, which stands out from the rest. It attracts attention to the image.It may be graphic or language based, or both. What is it here? What is the tone? E.g. warning, threatening, romantic, informative, persuasive, formal What kind of vocabulary has been used? E.g. colloquial language, jargon, slang Has any figurative language been used? E.g. similes, metaphors, personification Have any sound devices been used? Alliteration, rhyme, repetition, assonance?