-Manuscript Draft- October 21, 2015, 4:12pm Options for Staging Orbits in Cis-Lunar Space Ryan Whitley Roland Martinez NASA Johnson Space Center NASA Johnson Space Center 2101 NASA Parkway 2101 NASA Parkway Houston, TX 77058 Houston, TX 77058 281-483-9577 281-483-3497
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract—NASA has been studying options to conduct missions on the journey to Mars [1]. beyond Low Earth Orbit, but within the Earth-Moon system, in preparation for deep space exploration including human To that end, a common aggregation point or staging orbit in missions to Mars. Referred to as the Proving Ground, this cis-lunar space is an attractive option as it offers opportunities arena of exploration activities will enable the development of for multiple missions to be accomplished and objectives to be human spaceflight systems and operations to satisfy future ex- ploration objectives beyond the cis-lunar environment. One met while reusing valuable assets deployed over may years. option being considered includes the deployment of a habitable In addition to NASA’s recognition of this idea, the concept element or elements, which could be used as a central location has also been accepted and described by the international for aggregation of supplies and resources for human missions space community [2]. Ideally, spacecraft would use the in cis-lunar space and beyond. Characterizing candidate orbit staging orbit to conduct in-space missions, while providing locations for this asset and the impacts on system design and accessible transfer options to support lunar surface activities mission operations is important in the overall assessment of the and as an intermediate step to Mars transfer orbits.