Robert Conrad Emily Matel Jolana Rivas Joanne Trcka

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Robert Conrad Emily Matel Jolana Rivas Joanne Trcka


ROBERT CONRAD EMILY MATEL JOLANA RIVAS JOANNE TRCKA Room: # 314 Room: #310 Room: #318 Room #312 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

ROUND ROCK AP World History:

We are very happy you decided to challenge yourself with an AP course and we hope to make your time in class an enjoyable experience. In order to accomplish this objective, we all have responsibilities. If there is anything we can do to help you in class, or at Round Rock High School in general, don’t hesitate to talk with any of us.

The Course - AP World History is designed to prepare the ambitious student for success on the College Board World History Exam, and to provide the student with a thorough, objective education in global history. This is an academically rigorous study of mankind’s existence on this planet for the past ~10,000 years. Although World History is a “core” course, AP World History is a College Board approved, college-level class taught with a college-level text and ancillaries with college-level expectations. This is the equivalent of a two-semester, three-hour college history course. In other words, this is a challenging course for a high school sophomore. Near the end of the school year ALL AP students are expected to take the AP World History Examination which, with an acceptable score, could provide them with college credit. The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are met and greatly exceeded throughout this course.

Costs: There is a fee that the College Board charges for administering this test. There are systems in place to help those who may require financial assistance. Round Rock High School wants to ensure that every student has an equal opportunity to participate in the AP Exam.

Grading Policy: ALL QUIZZES, EXAMS, & ESSAYS ARE TIMED. Six weeks grades are calculated according to the following:

50% Summative Grades: These can include, but are not limited to, exams & essays, which are based on readings, lecture, and class activities. All exams (multiple choice and essay) are timed to reflect the format of the AP Exam. Summative assessments will be cumulative.

30% Formative Grades: These Include daily quizzes and other work as assigned. Quizzes are timed and you should expect a quiz every day. Students will have the opportunity to improve their grade on a quiz within one week of taking the quiz and only if/when the corresponding Key Points have been completed and submitted within the allotted time.

20% Daily Work: This will include in class work, group activities and other work as assigned. Students are encouraged to fully participate in class and discussions each day.

Reading Assignments (“Key Points”) are assigned to each chapter and must be completed on time. *These Key Points will not mathematically factor in to the student’s grade. However, completed Key Points may be used during a quiz and are required for quiz corrections only if the Key Points have been completed and submitted to the teacher within one (1) week of taking the quiz.

● Attending class alone cannot possibly prepare the student for success on the AP exam or in the course. ● You will encounter vocabulary that you may never have encountered before. If you do not know a word, look it up!

Absences: IF you miss class on a test day, expect to take it the next day you come to class. If it is discovered that you have skipped on a test day- you get a ZERO on the test. We randomly check on absences - so don’t skip. You must always check our website for homework assignments and anything else you might need to know.

Tutorials & Communication: Mr. Conrad, Mrs. Matel, Mrs. Rivas, and Mrs. Trcka and are available to assist you at various times. There is a schedule posted outside each of our classrooms for your reference. Each of us can also be reached via e-mail - often this can be the most efficient form of communication. Students need not work exclusively in their own teacher’s room. If their teacher is not available they may work in another WHAP teachers’ room. The majority of our time is spent with students in the room and often our conference periods are used for meetings, etc.

Students with Educational Accommodations: The College Board has a lengthy accommodation process. If you need accommodation for the AP exam, please contact your counselor and/or principal to begin the application process ASAP. WHAP (World History Advanced Placement) Grading at a Glance

Expectations are not relaxed for students not taking the AP Exam.

Six Weeks Grades based on: 50% Summative Assessments

30% Formative Assessments

20% Daily Work

Homework: Nightly reading assignments (“Key Points” accompanying an average of 25-30 pages of reading per assignment) accompanied by guided reading worksheet. If all Key Points have been submitted on time, throughout the semester, ten points will be added to the grade of the mid-term exam.

Daily Reading Quizzes: Timed, ten multiple-choice questions. Students may use completed Key Points for help on quizzes.

EXAMS 1. Timed, 70 Multiple Choice questions, 55 minutes, usually one per six weeks.

2. Timed essay, at least one per six weeks. Three types; Compare/Contrast, Change over Time & Document-Based Question. Forty minutes.

3. Projects and assessments as assigned.

Quiz Corrections: If the student had Key Points completed on the day of the quiz, they may complete quiz corrections and receive half-credit back for each question missed, regardless of original grade. Students have one calendar week from the date of the original quiz to complete both the key points and the quiz corrections. Key Points are required for quiz corrections - no key points, no quiz corrections.

Example of grade improvement through quiz corrections: The original grade of 90%, when corrected becomes 95%. Original grade 50%, corrected grade 75%. 30% = 70%, and so on.

Exam Corrections/Retakes: Per District policy, if a student makes less than a 70% on an exam, students may correct exam to a 70% within one week of reporting. This includes essays. Essays are returned to students with a grading sheet indicating what requirements of the essay were not awarded points.

All WHAP teachers utilize - This online service allows us to send notices, updates, and reminders to our students and their parents. Mr. Conrad Text ______to ______Mrs. Matel Text ______to ______Mrs. Rivas Text ______to ______Mrs. Trcka Text ______to ______

AFTER READING THIS INFORMATION YOU WILL ARE REQUIRED TO TAKE A QUIZ VIA SOCRATIVE.COM ENTITLED WHAP POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. In order to become a student in one of our classes you will need to identify your specific teacher’s site Teacher Socrative Room # Teacher Socrative Room# Mr. Conrad 494692 Mrs. Matel qNwnCG2j Mrs Rivas 2a48708b Mrs. Trcka 987060 Students and Parents please read, initial where indicated, and sign this page Please return the next class day Parent/Guardian and Student please Initial each of the following indicating your understanding of WHAP expectations as well as sign at the bottom of this page.

Expectations for the course ● Be on Time, Be Honest, Respect the Opinions of Others, and Politely Participate ● Use time wisely and clean up any mess you make. ● It is highly recommended that each student purchase a third-party course study guide.

Parent Initials Student initials

______It is understood that a substantial amount of outside of class preparation is required for success in this course and on the College Board Examination.

______Classroom expectations and requirements are not relaxed for students who choose not to take the College Board AP Exam in May.

______It is expected that the student will have Internet access to receive homework assignments and additional readings. If Internet access is not available at home, the RRHS library provides Internet access as does the Round Rock Public Library.

______We understand that there is a cost associated with all College Board Advanced Placement Exams

______We have read and understand the WHAP grading policy.

______It is expected that students and parents subscribe to and actively monitor RRHS Home Access.

I have read the AP World History Course Information and I understand, am aware of, and will comply with, the expectations for AP World History.

Parent or adult guardian’s Signature/email & phone/Date



Parent or adult guardian’s printed name and any other contact information

I have read the AP World History Course Information and am aware of the expectations for AP World History and I am prepared to start my course of study. Student Signature ______Date ______

Printed Student Name ______

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