The following student paragraphs have sentence fragments, run-ons and comma splices. Correct the sentence errors.

“I’m proud of you son,” said my father; as I presented my high school diploma to him. Showing him that all his lecturing and disciplining as a parent for the past eighteen years had finally paid off. Also, it was proof that graduating from high school was only the first step for me in life. Not only was I grateful that I had accomplished high school and was going to go to college. I was also grateful that I was able to hear my father say, “I’m proud of you.” Which seemed more important to me than receiving the diploma. Parents should express their love and pride toward their children because it makes them better people in the future. ______

When parents show their children that they love them and are proud of them. It helps create a strong bond between the parents and the children. When the children hear their parents say, “I love you” and “I’m proud of you,” they feel important, they feel that their parents approve of them. When the parents don’t say these things to their children; their relationship is not very close. An example of this is in the book, Breaking Through, by Francisco Jimenez. In this book, the author talks about his life growing up as a teenager in a Mexican-American family. Francisco’s father didn’t like to praise him when Francisco did something good. Like becoming school president or getting a college scholarship. So Francisco felt that his father didn’t really love him or was proud of him. For this reason, Francisco didn’t like to talk to his father about his life or accomplishments, as a result Francisco wasn’t close to his father he didn’t have a positive relationship.