Title in Full

Your Name

University Name

Author’s note: Program Name

Number and Name of Course

Instructor's Name

Date of Submission (e.g., October 12, 2011) ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 2

Author, I. M. A. (Date of publication with the year first). Title of the source. Retrieved


The annotations can be anywhere from one to three paragraphs, depending on your

assignment. Please read your assignment to determine the appropriate format for your

annotations. The first paragraph will be a summary of the source. If you include a second

paragraph, that will be an evaluation and analysis of the methods. If you include a third

paragraph, it will be an explanation of how the source will relate to your final project.

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.) Annotated bibliography samples. Retrieved from

The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL), provides three sample annotations from three

different citation styles on the annotated bibliography samples page. The length and

depth of annotations will differ depending on the assignment. Students should read the

assignment to determine if they should be summarizing, analyzing, or relating it to their
