ENGLISH EXAMINATION MAJOR: GEOGRAPHY OF TOURISM, Ist academic year, IInd semester, May 2011.

- WRITING (2 points). a. Under the form of a structured essay (thesis-antithesis-synthesis), sum up this semester English course and develop a topic you have most liked. Speculate on the course good/bad points. b. Would you like to have the same English teacher next year or would you rather like to have a new experience? Explain your choice (why yes or no). The accuracy of your English will be marked and not the content of your ideas!

- READING (4 points). Give SHORT answers to these specific questions from texts and course information. The task will test both your general culture and your particular knowledge:

1. Why do you think people come to Romania? 2. Is your country the perfect place to come to or you can see there some disadvantages? 3. Why do you think people want to visit Britain? 4. How can a travel agent promote and market a destination? 5. Name some highlights in China. 6. Where is the Museum of the Revolution? 7. How is the well-known London bus called? 8. This country is famous for the cigar. 9. Name five major highlights in London. 10. Give the name of a famous British writer from Broadstairs or from Nottingham. Give example of some of his/their writings. 11. What is Broadway cinema in England? 12. Name different ways of accommodation. 13. Give example of some Chinese cities. 14. Where are Cusco and Puno? 15. What exactly is the Pan-American Highway? 16. Name some advantages and some disadvantages of being a specialist in tourism. 17. What is Carretera Transoceanica/ Transoceanic Highway? 18. Which state is considered to be South America’s economic powerhouse? 19. What do highways usually alter? 20. Give reasons for one’s need to travel. 21. Name different types of transport. 22. Give the American words for the following British ones: autumn, cupboard and faucet. 23. Mention some room facilities and some public facilities in a hotel. 24. Name a place where you can get a full day of entertainment. 25. Give examples of top tourist attractions in the world. 26. Make the difference between a journey and a trip. 27. How has technology affected tourism? 28. If you wanted to meet the people and experience the atmosphere of a country which place would you choose? Justify. 29. Use ten adjectives to describe and promote a destination. Your descriptive language should make the specific holiday destination sound more attractive. 30. Give the titles of the films we have played this semester mentioning their directors and some of their actors/actresses.

- GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY (3 points):

- LEXIS: Make your own dictionary. a. Find definitions or synonyms for the following words/ phrases taken from your reading texts: - long-haul destinations - bedspread - within reach - dressing table - an unexpected boon - uncrowded - cobbled - bustling - mouth-watering - well-appointed - affordable - secluded - time zone changes - constabulary b. Give the word family of ‘cheek’ and explain your examples.

- GRAMMAR 1. Use academic language to make up complex sentences expressing: - likes (Use so /so much THAT……CAN HARDLY) - dislikes (Use so /so much THAT……CAN HARDLY) - comparisons (HALF AS MUCH AS) 2. Give examples of uncountable words in English. 3. Give examples of Future/Past/Present Perfect actions. 4. Find the mistake and explain the right function: the Alps, the Everest, the Thames, the Pacific, the Lake Ontario, the Sahara, the Seychelles, the Louvre, the UK 5. Decide whether you use a Past Simple or a Present Perfect: - Peter (buy) a new car last month, but he (not sell) his old car yet, so at the moment he has two cars. - When we (move) into our new flat we (ask) for a telephone. The Telephone Company (tell) us to wait, but we (wait) a year now and our phone still (not come). - When I (be) on my way to the bus stop it (start) to rain. I (run) back home for my umbrella, but this (make) me late for the office. My boss (look) up as I (enter) the office. “You (be) late twice this week”, he (growl). - Ann (think) the garage (be) empty and (turn) off the lights. “Hey”, (shout) Paul from under the car. “I’m sorry, Paul”,(say) Ann, “I (not know) you (be) there.” - Tom (meet) Paul at lunch time and (say): “I (not see) you at the bus stop this morning. You (miss) the bus?” “I (not miss) it”, (reply) Paul, “I (not miss) a bus for years. But this morning George (give) me a lift.” - Peter (try) to come in quietly but his mother (hear) him and (call) out: “Where you (be)? Your supper (be) in the oven for an hour.” - “I just (buy) a copy of ‘David Copperfield’. You (read) it?” “As it happens it is the only one of Dickens’s books that I (not read). I (not even see) the film.” - “You (be) to Scotland/” “Yes, I (be) there last summer.” - “You (be) to the theatre lately?” “Yes, I (go) to ‘Othello’ last week.” “You (like) it?”“Yes, but I (not see) well. I (be) right at the back.” - . “How long you (be) in your present job?” “I (be) there for six months.” “And what you (do) before that?” “Before that I (work) for Jones and Company. - I (work) as a civil servant from 1985 till 1989. For 5 years I (work). Since 1989 (work) in a hospital. It is now 1995. This means I (work) in a hospital for 6 years.

INFO: - 0,50 for Course Attendance, 0,50 for Course Activity (1 point altogether) - 1 extra point for Presentations.