Curriculum Vitae s284

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Curriculum Vitae s284


1. Personal information

Name and surname: Carmen SOCACIU Date and place of birth: 8th October 1953 Present academic position: Full professor, Unit of Chemistry-Biochemistry, Dept. Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Agricultural Sciences and veterinary Medicine (USAMV) Cluj-Napoca Current address: Romania, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, str. Manastur 3-5 Phone number, e-mail address: 0264595825/int.213; 0741115673, [email protected] ; [email protected] Web:

2. Education

POSTDOCTORAL STUDIES, 1991/1992 Univ.Bordeaux I, Talence, France; Univ. Bremen, Germany (DAAD post-doc 1997 şi 2000) PhD in CHEMISTRY, 1986, University “Babes-Bolyai” (UBB) Cluj-Napoca MASTER DIPLOMA (specialization) 1977, Fac. Chemistry, UBB Cluj-Napoca DIPLOMA OF CHEMIST, 1976, Fac. Chemistry, UBB Cluj-Napoca

3. Professional experience

Since 1998 – full professor, Dept.Chemistry & Biochemistry, USAMV Cluj-Napoca 1994 – 1998: associated professor, Dept.Biochemistry, USAMV Cluj-Napoca 1991 – 1994: lecturer, Dept.Biochemistry, USAMV Cluj-Napoca 1985-1990: researcher, Dept.Genetics, USAMV Cluj-Napoca 1982-1985: researcher, Inst.Pasteur Bucuresti, branch Cluj 1977-1982: chemist, Laboratory of Food Chemistry &Toxicology, Veterinary Inspection Cluj

Specializations: Organometallic Chemistry ( 1977), Nutrition and metabolic disease ( 1984), ICPV Pasteur, Bucharest; Mutagenesis and carcinogenesis ( 1988) , Inst. Pasteur, Paris

International teaching/ Invited lecturers under Erasmus Master and PhD courses - la Univ. Bordeaux (2001-2002) and Bremen (2001-2009) Courses at EU doctoral schools (15-22 August 2005, INA Paris and 13 February-3 March 2007, Cluj-Napoca) Member of EU-ISEKI Food 1 and Food2 consortium for European Curricula for Food Science and Technology Invited Lectures during Erasmus exchanges at Universities of Gent, Wageningen, Valencia, Burgos, Murcia, Bremerhaven, Bremen

1 Research activity  Director and responsible of more than 25 national programs funded by CNCSIS, ANCS, Romanian Academy Grants, CEEX-module III, IV, projects PNII- Partnerships, Innovation  Responsible for Romania, in International projects, funded by EU (FP5, FP6, FP7- 6 projects), COST (3 projects), NATO (2 projects), bilateral collaboration projects with Flanders, Belgium ( 2 projects) Researcher abroad University of Bern, Switzerland ( 2 months-1991, 3 months -1994, 3 months -1998), University of Liverpool , UK ( 6 months - Tempus program, 1998) University of Bremen, Germany ( totally 9 months in the period 2003-2010)

4. Ten selected publications

1. Socaciu C., Diehl H.A. 2009,Instruments to analyse food colors, in : Handbook of Food Analysis Instruments, ( ed. S.Otles), CRC Press-Taylor and Francis Group, New York, ISBN 978-1-4200-4566-6 2. Socaciu C., 2009, Advances in natural food colorant chemistry. Part 2. Purification and formulation versus legal specifications, Agrofood Industry Hi-tech , 20(4), 4-6, ISSN 1722-6996, ( citat in Thomson) IF 1,60 3. Socaciu, Ranga F., Fetea F., Leopold D., Dulf F., Parlog R., 2009, Complementary advanced techniques applied for plant and food Authentication, Czech J. Of Food Sciences, 27, S70-S75, ISSN 1212-1800 IF 0.448 4. Socaciu C. (editor) Food Colorants:Chemical And Functional Properties, CRC Press-Taylor and Francis Group, New York, 2008, ISBN: 9780849393570 5. Socaciu C. and Stanila A., 2007, Nitrates In Food, Health And The Environment in: Case studies in food safety and Environmental health (Ed. P. Ho,M.M.C.Vieira), ISEKI-Food Series Vol. 6. Ser. Ed. Kristberg Kristbergsson, Springer, NY. p.16-25. ISBN 978-0-387- 33514-8 6. Socaciu C., Analysis Of Chemical Food Safety, In: Safety in the Agrifood chain, (eds. Luning P., Devlieghere F., Verhe R.), Wageningen Academic Publ., 2006, p. 525-559. ISBN 9076998779 7. Jessel, R, S.Haertel, Socaciu, C, H.Diehl, 2002, Kinetics of apoptotic markers in induced apoptosis of EL4 cells, J. Cell. Mol.Med., 6,82-92. IF-6.555 8. Socaciu, C, Jessel, R, H.Diehl, 2000, Carotenoid incorporation into microsomes: Yields, stability and membrane dynamics, Spectrochimica Acta, part A, 56, 2799-2809. IF-1.270 9. Socaciu, C, Jessel, R, H.Diehl, 2000, Competitive carotenoid and cholesterol incorporation into liposomes:effect on membrane phase transition, fluidity, polarity and anisotropy, Chem. Phys Lipids, 106,79-88. IF-2.371 10. Socaciu, C, Haertel S., H.Diehl, 1999, Carotenoids in DPPC vesicles: membrane dynamics, Spectrochimica Acta, part A, 55(11), 2289-2297 IF-1.270

Publications, total: 305 CITATIONS IN ISI JOURNALS: 381 ( excluding self-citations) in 97 publications Index Hirsch: 12, cf. ( Oct. 2011)

2  Scientific articles in IF journals (cu impact factor or indexed ISI) : 69  Scientific articles in extenso in journals BDI or B+: 95  Scientific articles published in Proceedings of International Conferences: 35  Scientific articles published in national journals (B): 37  Scientific articles published in extenso in Proceedings of National Conferences: 69

Presentations at national and international conferences: 178 o International Conferences: 99 (oral presentations, posters, published as summary) o National Conferences: 17 (oral presentations) o Invited presentations abroad ( symposiums , universities UE -Germany, UK, Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, etc.): 36 o Invited presentations In Romania(international or national simposiums, Romanian Academy, etc.: 26

Patents and patent requests: 7 ( at OSIM )

5. Research interests

 Plant and Agri-food biochemistry: Biosynthesis and bioconversion, : analysis of phytochemicals (UV-Vis and FTIR spectrometry, HPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS) agrifood metabolomics  Cellular biochemistry: In vitro evaluation of cellular metabolism, signal transduction, apoptosis and cytotoxicity markers  Food Biotechnology: Fermentations and bioconversions “in vitro” on vegetal substrates, pro-and prebiotics, bioencapsulation technologies applied in food and biomedical areas.

6. Prizes

Prize of Romanian Academy, „Gh.Spacu”, for Chemistry 2001 Diploma of Excellent “Best professor” at USAMV Cluj-Napoca, for 3 years successively 2008, 2009, 2010 Medal „ Progress in Veterinary Medicine„ for the book „ Mutageneza chimica” (Chemical mutagenesis) 1986 Gold medal for 10 innovative nutraceuticals, Innovation Fair PROINVENT Cluj-Napoca, -Expo Transylvania, April 2008 Gold (1), Silver (1) and bronze (1) medals at KIWIE International Exhibition of Inventions made by Women, 8-12 May 2008, Seul, South Korea Silver (1) and bronze (2) Medal at International Exhibition of Inventions, Warsaw, Poland, 2008 Gold medals (2) at Innovation Fair PROINVENT Cluj-Napoca, -Expo Transylvania, April 2009 IFIA AGRO INNOVATION MEDAL for Dietetic hard candies, Slatina-Croatia, 2010

3 7. Synergistic activities

 Associated Member of Romanian Academy for Agricultural Sciences and Forestry ASAS (since 2010)  PhD supervisor, field: BIOTEHNOLOGY, specialization Agrifood Biochemistry and Biotechnology - 8 PhD students  Coordinator of the Department of Agrifood Chemistry and Biochemistry , USAMV Cluj- Napoca, http://;  Director, Research Center, authorized by CNCSIS, 78/CC-C „ Chemistry and biochemistry of plant pigments”;  Director, Laboratory AGRIAL (under accreditation RENAR- for quality and authenticity of agrifood products).  Scientific Director, Center of Applied Biotechnologies, SC Proplanta SRL Cluj-Napoca  Member in the „Platform of knowledge-based Biotehnology “„USAMV Cluj-Napoca  Director, Department for Quality Assurance, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, Member of USAMV Senate Cluj-Napoca  Evaluator-expert European Projects FP6, FP7 (1998-2010), cercetare international ( Flanders, Ciprus, Chile), national projects (CNCSIS, PNII )  European Expert FP EU ( Impact assessment of FP projects) ( 2001-2011)  Member of the National Council for University and Research Titles’ Authorization Diploma Validation (CNATDCU)- Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport, vice- president of Panel 2 “ Engineering sciences” , member of the Commission “ Plant and Animal Resources”  Vice-president of the National Council for Research-Development and Innovation (CNDI)  Member of National Council for Scientific Research (CNCS)  Member of the National Consulting Council of the for Research-Development and Innovation (CCCDI) coordinator of “Priority domains and intelligent strategies”  UN-FAO representative of Romania in CFS Committee- High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE)

18th Noiember 2011


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