Tech-Level Assignment Brief

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Tech-Level Assignment Brief

Tech-level Assignment Brief


Unit code H/507/6622 UNIT 10 GAMES MECHANICS Unit title

Learner name Tutor/Assessor name Assignment title CODEMASTERS Date assignment issued Submission Date

Performance Criteria Pass Merit P1,P2,P3 M1,M2 P4,P5,P6 M3 Performance Outcome P7,P8,P9 M4,M5 P10,P11,P12 M6 Tasks Task 1 P1, P2, P3, M1, M2, D1 Task 2 P4, P5, P6, M3 Task 3 P7, P8, P9, M4, M5, D2 Task 4 P10, P11, P12, M6, D3

Submission Checklist (please insert the items the learner should hand in) Confirm submission Vehicle design overview including movement characteristics of acceleration, top speed and steering. Video showing implemented movement controls and damage/health system for vehicle Justification for modifiable attributes. Video showing implemented modifiable attributes Video showing player score system or HUD with vehicle speed Video showing implementation of controls based on a recognised control binging layout including movement, action and context sensitive control elements. Two videos showing initial key gameplay mechanics Evaluation and reflection discussion of initial key gameplay mechanics Two videos showing refined key gameplay mechanics with modification for timing and player interaction Analysis and evaluation of refined key gameplay mechanics Video showing chosen refined mechanic with prototype user interface elements Playable tech demo including:

 A showcase of mechanics and playable vehicle in a 3d testing environment.  On screen prompts  An area for showcasing pickup and key gameplay mechanics. Page 1 of 8 Learner - please confirm that you have proofread your submission Supported by

Learner Authentication I confirm that the work and/or the evidence I have submitted for this assignment is my own. I have referenced any sources in my evidence (such as websites, text books). I understand that if I don’t do this, it will be considered as a deliberate deception and action will be taken. Learner Signature Date Tutor declaration I confirm the learner’s work was conducted independently and under the conditions laid out by the specification. I have authenticated the learner’s work and am satisfied that the work produced is solely that of the learner. Tutor/Assessor Signature* Date *Please record any assistance given to the learner beyond the group as a whole even if within the parameters of the specification

For marking purposes only

Marking grid

Performance Criteria (PC) achieved Pass 1stsubmission Resubmission Merit ** 1stsubmission Resubmission Distinction** 1stsubmission Resubmission  / X*  / X*  / X*  / X*  / X*  / X* P1 M1 D1 P2 M2 P3 P4 M3 P5 P6 P7 M4 D2 P8 P9 M5 P10 M6 D3 P11 P12

Assignment Result

 / X* Not yet passed




*Achieved () Not achieved (X)

Page 2 of 8 **Distinction and Merit criteria can be achieved only where the associated Merit and Pass criteria have been achieved first. Learners must achieve all the PCs relevant to a grade before they can be given that grade for the assignment.

Tutor summative feedback for learner (Note to tutors: this section should focus on what the learner has done well. Where a learner has not achieved a specific performance criterion or is likely to want to improve on a response to a performance criterion, then you may identify the issues related to the criterion, but should not provide explicit instructions on how the learner can improve their work to achieve the outstanding criteria.) Feedback

Tutor name(print) and date

Resubmission Feedback

Tutor name(print) and date


You will start this assignment by demonstrating your knowledge of the fundamental ideas behind games design, why we play games and how games are designed. This knowledge will be used to drive the technical development of a playable character or vehicle within a games engine. This character will be built up to participate in a complete playable experience. TASK OVERVIEW

Learners will start with basic movement setup, moving through pickups, health systems, score systems, and the design and development of unique selling point mechanics to make their games stand out.

Task 1: PO1 Design and implement player mechanics

In this task you must:

a) Following the client brief in Appendix A, design key player/vehicle movement characteristics of acceleration, top speed and steering. (P1)

b) Using the car mesh provided by your institution, or preferred game engine, implement the movement controls and a damage/health system for the vehicle. (P2, P3)

c) Following the implementation of these controls, provide a justification (a simple sentence for each planned modification) for which attributes should be modifiable during gameplay, examples to choose may be top speed, acceleration, traction, braking etc. (M1)

d) Choose two of these modifiable attributes and implement these into the game mechanics using pickups. (M2)

e) Design and implement a suitable player score system or HUD for the vehicle speed. (D1)

Task 2: PO2 Design and implement player controls

In this task you must:

a) Implement the basic movements of the vehicle to a recognised control binding layout (analogue sticks or triggers to steer/move the car for example) (P4)

Page 4 of 8 b) Follow this up by implementing action controls (such as pressing ‘A’ to activate a speed boost). (P5)

c) Implement two context sensitive control elements, (an example of this may be only being able to press a button when the vehicle is near or in a certain zone). (M3)

d) Implement a camera swapping mechanic, moving the player’s view from first person/bonnet cam to third person/behind the car. (P6)

Task 3: PO3 Design and implement key gameplay mechanics

In this task you must:

a) Design and implement two key gameplay mechanics onto your vehicle whilst evaluating and reflecting on progress. (P7, P8, P9)

b) Based on your reflection, follow an iterative process to refine the mechanics with consideration for timing and interaction with the player, whilst continuing to evaluating and reflecting on progress (M4, M5)

c) Choose one of the mechanics to refine further by implementing prototype user interface elements. (D2)

Task 4: PO4 Produce proof of concept technical demonstration

In this task you must:

a) Showcase your mechanics and playable vehicle in a 3D testing environment. (P10)

b) Add on screen prompts to guide the player through the testing environment and package the environment as a playable tech demo. (P11,P12)

The testing area should showcase the pickup mechanics and refined key gameplay mechanic from Task 3. (M3, D3)

Page 5 of 8 APPENDIX A

Codemasters are developing a new arcade racing game. The game is themed around a fictional electric racing series that pits drivers against each other in close, doortodoor racing around tracks designed to encourage explosive action and spectacular crashes. It features a single player Career mode, PVP multiplayer and over 30 fictional cars.

Using a stock/placeholder vehicle mesh, we would like you to prototype basic vehicle movement characteristics for the game such as accelerating, braking and steering. We would like this to include a speedboost mechanic that can be deployed to gain speed for a limited time before being recharged by a simple player action. Consider how common electric vehicle traits such as battery charge, kinetic energy recovery and having no gears could inspire how these movement characteristics work and interact with each other.

The car roster in the game will range from slow, easytodrive cars to faster, more demanding ones. In return for ingame currency, the player will be able to buy faster cars to compete in more difficult and prestigious events. Alternatively, the player should have the option to improve the performance of a car they already own.

Therefore, we would like you to design and implement a Vehicle Upgrades mechanic. This should allow the improvement of multiple parameters on the car. To offer the player different ways to progress through the game, they should be able to upgrade any car to be competitive against any other, so theoretically they could complete the game with a single upgraded car. Integral to this should be a method of ensuring the game always remains balanced in both single player and multiplayer modes.

Elements to consider when designing this feature:

 What characteristics of the car does it affect? Does it accelerate faster? Does it have a higher top speed? Does boost recharge quicker?  How does the player know their car has been upgraded?  How do other players know they are racing against an upgraded car?  How do you stop unbalanced cars competing against each other?

Throughout the design and development process, we’d also like you to keep a development diary of key milestones and changes to your designs. After each iteration is complete, we’d like you to conduct a review of the features with a senior team member and a focus group, from which you should compile a list of feedback and rationalise those you plan to action and those you do not. Page 6 of 8 Page 7 of 8 P7 P8 P9 M4 M5 D2

Design two Implement two Evaluate and Refine the Analyse and Choose one of different key designed reflect upon the mechanics evaluate two the refined gameplay mechanics. implemented following an refined mechanics and mechanics. mechanics. iterative process, mechanics from implement with M4. prototype user consideration for interface timing and elements. interaction with the player.

Produce a design document for Vehicle Movement.

Produce a design document for the Vehicle Upgrades mechanic.

Implement the Vehicle Movement characteristics with a placeholder mesh.

Implement the Vehicle Upgrades mechanic.

Produce a development diary for both features.

Review both features with a senior team members and a focus group.

Consider the communication of one of the features and produce associated UI and/or HUD elements.

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