Minutes of the Meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Soda Springs, Caribou s7

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Soda Springs, Caribou s7









ALSO PRESENT: Sheryl Balls

Alan Skinner, Director

Austin W. Robinson


Vorwaller, Clerk

Austin E. Robinson

Clyde Nelson, CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 3 OF 26


Jackie Robinson

Lorraine Myers

Jeff Latham

Laura Latham

Larry Hildreth

Dusty Moore

Charles Fryar CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 4 OF 26

The invocation was given by Austin W. Robinson, Mayor Smith then led everyone in the

‘Pledge of Allegiance’.

Mayor Smith administered the oath of office to Jason Cunningham to serve on the Airport

Commission for a two year term expiring December, 2016.

The Council reviewed the minutes from the last two meetings. Councilmember Goode

th moved to dispense with the reading of the August 20 minutes and the special meeting

nd minutes of September 2 , 2014 and approve them as written. Councilmember Lee CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 5 OF 26

seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.

The accounts payable for August were also reviewed. Councilmember Hart moved to

approve payment of the August 2014 accounts payable. Councilmember Goode seconded

the motion. Councilmember Hart asked about the payment to Olympus for wastewater

treatment plant digester repairs. Director Skinner explained that it was replacement of the

mixer in the old digester. A vote on the motion was called. All in favor, motion carried.


Lorraine Myers requested the City’s support for the annual “Soda Screamer” half marathon

th to be held October 11 , 2014. Mrs. Myers detailed the support provided by the City in the

past including police traffic control, cones provided by public works and City liability

insurance for the event. Mrs. Myers mentioned there were 50 participants last year and

they hope to get 75 this year but due to limited lodging they cannot draw many that live

very far. Councilmember Hart moved to approve the request to sponsor and provide

support for the Soda Screamer. Councilmember Goode seconded the motion. All in favor,

motion carried. Mrs. Myers thanked the Mayor and City Council. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 7 OF 26

st Austin W. Robinson, 10 South 1 East, addressed the Mayor and Council regarding the

military gun by the Library. Mr. Robinson commented on the history of World War II and

the significance of an artifact from that time. He mentioned that the generation that placed

the gun there was most likely directly involved in WWII. Mr. Robinson also mentioned that

Airon Shuler Mothershed, Airforce JAG who grew up in Soda Springs has done some

research regarding the placement of the gun and provided that to the City. Mayor Smith

clarified that the City’s intention was to gather information about when and how the gun

came to Soda Springs. Mayor Smith detailed a story told to him by Larry Hildreth. Mr. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 8 OF 26

Hildreth remembers going to Pocatello to pick-up the gun with his dad Laviel Hildreth who

also trained on the gun. The Mayor explained the request from a gentleman from Oregon

who wanted to purchase the gun for his 90 year old father, a veteran who trained on and

used this type of gun in WWII. The Mayor mentioned that the City has received a lot of

comments from the community who have sentimental feelings about the gun.

Sheri Geragi, two time veteran widow, expressed her opinion regarding the military gun.

She mentioned that the military keeps track of every piece of equipment and cautioned the

City regarding this gentleman’s intentions to purchase the gun for such a low amount. The CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 9 OF 26

Mayor appreciated the concern and assured Mrs. Geragi that the City had researched the

credibility of the request.

Jeff Latham, local veteran, also commented on the importance of restoring the gun and

providing literature on the history and use of this type of gun. He suggested sand blasting

and painting an original battleship grey. He expressed that he would hate to see the City

get rid of the gun.

Craig Shuler addressed the Mayor and Council. He mentioned that his father was Post CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 10 OF 26

Commander of the local American Legion when the gun was placed in the City Park. He

also mentioned that his daughter, Airon Shuler Mothershed, an Airforce JAG recently

researched the issue and explained that the gun is a static display on loan from the Navy.

Mr. Shuler agrees the gun should be left in the City Park, a special memorial of WWII and an

important educational tool for kids.

The Mayor expressed his appreciation for all the comments regarding the gun. The Mayor

pointed out the gun needs some attention and the City would welcome the help of any

organizations. He also commented that the ability for kids to be able to climb and play on CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 11 OF 26

the gun is one of the things that make it special to the community and he would like to see

that continue. Mayor Smith suggested inviting the gentleman and his father, who

requested to purchase the gun, to come and be involved in the restoration. Councilmember

Lee mentioned that she likes the idea of placing some signage by the gun. Councilmember

Hart mentioned that he appreciates the request and sentimentality but it is clearly special

to our community and he encouraged groups to help refurbish and sign the gun.

Councilmember Goode asked, Lions Club member Austin Robinson, to pursue the project

with the Lions Club. The Mayor and Council agreed to keep the gun and send a letter to the

gentleman declining his request. Mayor Smith asked that the information and decision CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 12 OF 26

regarding the gun be submitted to the Caribou County Sun to inform the citizens.

The Council reviewed a letter from Carl Toupin of MR&E Inc. The letter addresses his

previous request for a 3.5% garbage rate increase and explained that further financial

review revealed the need for a 5% increase. The Mayor and Council discussed and

considered the request. Councilmember Hart moved to approve Resolution 2014-2

st increasing garbage rates by 5%, as requested by the provider, effective October 1 , 2014.

Councilmember Goode seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 13 OF 26

(See attached copy of Resolution 2014-2 - original on file)

The Council reviewed the Formation Spring consent order from the Department of

Environmental Quality (DEQ). Director Skinner detailed several items in the consent order

that he requested be clarified or reconsidered. He has not heard back from DEQ yet

regarding the requested changes but they have agreed with all other requests including

schedule changes. Once everyone agrees on the consent order it will need to be accepted

and signed. Director Skinner pointed out that the deadlines in the consent order were

moved way out with the planning study addendum due by June 2016, pre-design meeting CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 14 OF 26

to be held by December 2016 and the improvements completed by 2019. Councilmember

Hart and Director Skinner have reviewed the consent order. Mayor Smith requested that

Attorney Nelson also review the consent order due to its importance.

Director Skinner reported that he has advertised for bids for the Court Street project and

th will be holding a pre-bid meeting on Friday, September 5 and bids are due by September

th 12 , 2014 and he explained that this is all contingent on receiving DEQ approval. An

agreement with Forsgren Engineers for the Court Street work in the amount of $19,700

was presented for approval. Attorney Nelson has not reviewed the agreement yet but CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 15 OF 26

Director Skinner requested approval pending Attorney Nelson’s review. Councilmember

Hart moved to approve the agreement with Forsgren Associates for professional services

for the Court Street project contingent on City Attorney review and authorizing the

expenditure. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.

Director Skinner went over a list of materials for the project at an approximate cost of

$23,000 not including hydrants and manholes. He requested approval to purchase the

materials out of the current budget. Councilmember Hart moved to approve the pre-

purchase of materials for the Court Street project, seconded by Councilmember Lee. All in

favor, motion carried. The Mayor and Staff discussed the need to hold a public meeting CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 16 OF 26

with the residents of Court Street to go over the schedule and details of the project and the

possibility of service line costs to the homeowners. Director Skinner will try to schedule

st for the week of September 21 . The Mayor mentioned that if residents do not attend the

public meeting they will need to be contacted individually. The City will try to do

everything possible to minimize the inconvenience.

Clerk Vorwaller presented the proposal to implement short and long term disability

policies for the City employees along with implementing health savings account (HSA)

contributions by the City. Councilmember Goode explained that after lengthy discussions CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 17 OF 26

the HR Committee feels it is appropriate and necessary to provide short and long term

disability plans at no cost to the employee. The annual cost will be approximately $9,000.

Councilmember Goode also addressed the HSA contributions. He explained that due to the

transition to a more consumer driven health insurance plan which was to help mitigate

some of the rate increase from the III-A, the City chose a high deductible health plan that is

partnered with a health savings account (HSA). The recommendation is to provide an

incentive for the employees to contribute with a matching contribution from the City up to

$500 for individual accounts and up to $1000 for family accounts. Councilmember Goode

moved to approve the disability plans and HSA contributions as detailed and CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 18 OF 26

recommended. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. Councilmember Hart expressed

his desire to make sure the Council’s intention is to share future savings on health care with

the employees. He feels the changes being made are well thought out but understands the

financial strain on the employees. Mayor Smith shared his philosophy that the Mayor and

Council come together as a government to take care of the assets of the City including the

employees. The elected officials are not doing this job to make money or penalize the

employees. The intent is to get a handle on the health insurance expense and agree that if

there is savings it will be shared with the employees. The Mayor mentioned that he would

like the ability to increase the match to the HSA which he feels is the right way to go for the CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 19 OF 26

long term and will be an asset forever to the employee. Councilmember Hart also

commented on the utility fee increases which was a decision to invest in the City’s

infrastructure but is sympathetic to the employee’s financial struggles. Councilmember

Goode mentioned that he was shocked to learn that the City didn’t offer long term disability

and again stressed the huge value it is to the employees. Mayor Smith called for a vote on

the motion to implement the disability plans and the HSA contributions. All in favor,

motion carried.

Clerk Vorwaller presented the Idaho Counties Risk Management Program (ICRMP) liability CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 20 OF 26

insurance renewal documents. The renewal included an option for additional terrorism

coverage costing $24,131 and the acceptance of the joint powers agreement. The Council

discussed the additional terrorism coverage. Councilmember Hart moved to decline the

additional terrorism coverage and approve the Joint Powers Agreement with ICRMP for

liability insurance coverage for the 2015 fiscal year. Councilmember Goode seconded the

motion. All in favor, motion carried.

Clerk Vorwaller reported on the reinvestment a US Bank certificate of deposit (CD) per the

new financial controls policy. The CD was set-up to offset the fees charged on the US Bank CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 21 OF 26

checking account. The new CD was invested for $250,000 for a 4 year term to take

advantage of the best possible rate.

Director Skinner proposed a pay increase for the one seasonal parks employee who is still

available to work. The Mayor and Council considered the proposal and discussed an

increase to $9 or $10 an hour. Councilmember Lee recommended $10 an hour due to the

difficulty of finding good workers for this position. Councilmember Hart, seconded by

Councilmember Goode moved to approve a pay increase for the remaining seasonal parks

employee to $10 an hour. All in favor, motion carried. Mayor Smith mentioned the need CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 22 OF 26

for parks help this time of year and asked Director Skinner to continue to pursue

individuals interested in part-time employment in the parks.

Mayor Smith mentioned the recent tragedy in Georgetown that took two lives. He

explained how a worker in a confined space was overcome by fumes and passed out and a

second worker jumped in after him and was also overcome. The Mayor requested that

Director Skinner hold a very thorough safety meeting to discuss the potential of this

happening and review proper safety equipment and procedures to avoid this situation. He

asked Director Skinner to have Fire Chief Squires provide training to the firemen. The CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 23 OF 26

Mayor also requested that Officer Bunderson review safety procedures with his officers.

Councilmember Hart suggested inviting Dennis Godfrey, Caribou County Public Safety

Manager to attend and to share with the County EMT’s best policy and procedures

regarding this type of potential safety situation. The Mayor asked Director Skinner to make

sure the City has appropriate tools and safety equipment.

The Mayor mentioned that he will be absent for the next meeting but if Council President

Hart is available to conduct the meeting he prefers keeping the regular schedule.

Councilmember Hart stated he planned to be in attendance. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 24 OF 26

Councilmember Hart moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:05pm, seconded by

Councilmember Goode. All in favor, motion carried.




James R. Smith, Mayor CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 25 OF 26



Tausha Vorwaller, Clerk CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 26 OF 26

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