<p>MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SODA </p><p>RD SPRINGS, CARIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO HELD SEPTEMBER 3 , 2014.</p><p>MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 5:00PM BY JAMES R. SMITH, MAYOR.</p><p>ROLL CALL SHOWED THE FOLLOWING PRESENT: JAMES R. SMITH, MAYOR</p><p>MITCHELL J. HART, PRES.</p><p>LYNDA LEE</p><p>JON D. GOODE CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 2 OF 26</p><p>EXCUSED: ROBERT LAU</p><p>ALSO PRESENT: Sheryl Balls</p><p>Alan Skinner, Director</p><p>Austin W. Robinson</p><p>Tausha </p><p>Vorwaller, Clerk</p><p>Austin E. Robinson</p><p>Clyde Nelson, CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 3 OF 26</p><p>Attorney </p><p>Jackie Robinson</p><p>Lorraine Myers</p><p>Jeff Latham</p><p>Laura Latham</p><p>Larry Hildreth</p><p>Dusty Moore</p><p>Charles Fryar CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 4 OF 26</p><p>The invocation was given by Austin W. Robinson, Mayor Smith then led everyone in the </p><p>‘Pledge of Allegiance’. </p><p>Mayor Smith administered the oath of office to Jason Cunningham to serve on the Airport </p><p>Commission for a two year term expiring December, 2016.</p><p>The Council reviewed the minutes from the last two meetings. Councilmember Goode </p><p> th moved to dispense with the reading of the August 20 minutes and the special meeting </p><p> nd minutes of September 2 , 2014 and approve them as written. Councilmember Lee CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 5 OF 26</p><p> seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.</p><p>The accounts payable for August were also reviewed. Councilmember Hart moved to </p><p> approve payment of the August 2014 accounts payable. Councilmember Goode seconded </p><p> the motion. Councilmember Hart asked about the payment to Olympus for wastewater </p><p> treatment plant digester repairs. Director Skinner explained that it was replacement of the </p><p> mixer in the old digester. A vote on the motion was called. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>(SEE ATTACHED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REGISTER FOR DETAIL) CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 6 OF 26</p><p>Lorraine Myers requested the City’s support for the annual “Soda Screamer” half marathon </p><p> th to be held October 11 , 2014. Mrs. Myers detailed the support provided by the City in the </p><p> past including police traffic control, cones provided by public works and City liability </p><p> insurance for the event. Mrs. Myers mentioned there were 50 participants last year and </p><p> they hope to get 75 this year but due to limited lodging they cannot draw many that live </p><p> very far. Councilmember Hart moved to approve the request to sponsor and provide </p><p> support for the Soda Screamer. Councilmember Goode seconded the motion. All in favor, </p><p> motion carried. Mrs. Myers thanked the Mayor and City Council. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 7 OF 26</p><p> st Austin W. Robinson, 10 South 1 East, addressed the Mayor and Council regarding the </p><p> military gun by the Library. Mr. Robinson commented on the history of World War II and </p><p> the significance of an artifact from that time. He mentioned that the generation that placed </p><p> the gun there was most likely directly involved in WWII. Mr. Robinson also mentioned that</p><p>Airon Shuler Mothershed, Airforce JAG who grew up in Soda Springs has done some </p><p> research regarding the placement of the gun and provided that to the City. Mayor Smith </p><p> clarified that the City’s intention was to gather information about when and how the gun </p><p> came to Soda Springs. Mayor Smith detailed a story told to him by Larry Hildreth. Mr. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 8 OF 26</p><p>Hildreth remembers going to Pocatello to pick-up the gun with his dad Laviel Hildreth who </p><p> also trained on the gun. The Mayor explained the request from a gentleman from Oregon </p><p> who wanted to purchase the gun for his 90 year old father, a veteran who trained on and </p><p> used this type of gun in WWII. The Mayor mentioned that the City has received a lot of </p><p> comments from the community who have sentimental feelings about the gun. </p><p>Sheri Geragi, two time veteran widow, expressed her opinion regarding the military gun. </p><p>She mentioned that the military keeps track of every piece of equipment and cautioned the </p><p>City regarding this gentleman’s intentions to purchase the gun for such a low amount. The CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 9 OF 26</p><p>Mayor appreciated the concern and assured Mrs. Geragi that the City had researched the </p><p> credibility of the request.</p><p>Jeff Latham, local veteran, also commented on the importance of restoring the gun and </p><p> providing literature on the history and use of this type of gun. He suggested sand blasting </p><p> and painting an original battleship grey. He expressed that he would hate to see the City </p><p> get rid of the gun. </p><p>Craig Shuler addressed the Mayor and Council. He mentioned that his father was Post CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 10 OF 26</p><p>Commander of the local American Legion when the gun was placed in the City Park. He </p><p> also mentioned that his daughter, Airon Shuler Mothershed, an Airforce JAG recently </p><p> researched the issue and explained that the gun is a static display on loan from the Navy. </p><p>Mr. Shuler agrees the gun should be left in the City Park, a special memorial of WWII and an</p><p> important educational tool for kids. </p><p>The Mayor expressed his appreciation for all the comments regarding the gun. The Mayor </p><p> pointed out the gun needs some attention and the City would welcome the help of any </p><p> organizations. He also commented that the ability for kids to be able to climb and play on CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 11 OF 26</p><p> the gun is one of the things that make it special to the community and he would like to see </p><p> that continue. Mayor Smith suggested inviting the gentleman and his father, who </p><p> requested to purchase the gun, to come and be involved in the restoration. Councilmember</p><p>Lee mentioned that she likes the idea of placing some signage by the gun. Councilmember </p><p>Hart mentioned that he appreciates the request and sentimentality but it is clearly special </p><p> to our community and he encouraged groups to help refurbish and sign the gun. </p><p>Councilmember Goode asked, Lions Club member Austin Robinson, to pursue the project </p><p> with the Lions Club. The Mayor and Council agreed to keep the gun and send a letter to the </p><p> gentleman declining his request. Mayor Smith asked that the information and decision CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 12 OF 26</p><p> regarding the gun be submitted to the Caribou County Sun to inform the citizens.</p><p>The Council reviewed a letter from Carl Toupin of MR&E Inc. The letter addresses his </p><p> previous request for a 3.5% garbage rate increase and explained that further financial </p><p> review revealed the need for a 5% increase. The Mayor and Council discussed and </p><p> considered the request. Councilmember Hart moved to approve Resolution 2014-2 </p><p> st increasing garbage rates by 5%, as requested by the provider, effective October 1 , 2014. </p><p>Councilmember Goode seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 13 OF 26</p><p>(See attached copy of Resolution 2014-2 - original on file)</p><p>The Council reviewed the Formation Spring consent order from the Department of </p><p>Environmental Quality (DEQ). Director Skinner detailed several items in the consent order</p><p> that he requested be clarified or reconsidered. He has not heard back from DEQ yet </p><p> regarding the requested changes but they have agreed with all other requests including </p><p> schedule changes. Once everyone agrees on the consent order it will need to be accepted </p><p> and signed. Director Skinner pointed out that the deadlines in the consent order were </p><p> moved way out with the planning study addendum due by June 2016, pre-design meeting CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 14 OF 26</p><p> to be held by December 2016 and the improvements completed by 2019. Councilmember </p><p>Hart and Director Skinner have reviewed the consent order. Mayor Smith requested that </p><p>Attorney Nelson also review the consent order due to its importance.</p><p>Director Skinner reported that he has advertised for bids for the Court Street project and </p><p> th will be holding a pre-bid meeting on Friday, September 5 and bids are due by September </p><p> th 12 , 2014 and he explained that this is all contingent on receiving DEQ approval. An </p><p> agreement with Forsgren Engineers for the Court Street work in the amount of $19,700 </p><p> was presented for approval. Attorney Nelson has not reviewed the agreement yet but CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 15 OF 26</p><p>Director Skinner requested approval pending Attorney Nelson’s review. Councilmember </p><p>Hart moved to approve the agreement with Forsgren Associates for professional services </p><p> for the Court Street project contingent on City Attorney review and authorizing the </p><p> expenditure. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>Director Skinner went over a list of materials for the project at an approximate cost of </p><p>$23,000 not including hydrants and manholes. He requested approval to purchase the </p><p> materials out of the current budget. Councilmember Hart moved to approve the pre- </p><p> purchase of materials for the Court Street project, seconded by Councilmember Lee. All in </p><p> favor, motion carried. The Mayor and Staff discussed the need to hold a public meeting CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 16 OF 26</p><p> with the residents of Court Street to go over the schedule and details of the project and the </p><p> possibility of service line costs to the homeowners. Director Skinner will try to schedule </p><p> st for the week of September 21 . The Mayor mentioned that if residents do not attend the </p><p> public meeting they will need to be contacted individually. The City will try to do </p><p> everything possible to minimize the inconvenience.</p><p>Clerk Vorwaller presented the proposal to implement short and long term disability </p><p> policies for the City employees along with implementing health savings account (HSA) </p><p> contributions by the City. Councilmember Goode explained that after lengthy discussions CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 17 OF 26</p><p> the HR Committee feels it is appropriate and necessary to provide short and long term </p><p> disability plans at no cost to the employee. The annual cost will be approximately $9,000. </p><p>Councilmember Goode also addressed the HSA contributions. He explained that due to the </p><p> transition to a more consumer driven health insurance plan which was to help mitigate </p><p> some of the rate increase from the III-A, the City chose a high deductible health plan that is </p><p> partnered with a health savings account (HSA). The recommendation is to provide an </p><p> incentive for the employees to contribute with a matching contribution from the City up to </p><p>$500 for individual accounts and up to $1000 for family accounts. Councilmember Goode </p><p> moved to approve the disability plans and HSA contributions as detailed and CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 18 OF 26</p><p> recommended. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. Councilmember Hart expressed </p><p> his desire to make sure the Council’s intention is to share future savings on health care with</p><p> the employees. He feels the changes being made are well thought out but understands the </p><p> financial strain on the employees. Mayor Smith shared his philosophy that the Mayor and </p><p>Council come together as a government to take care of the assets of the City including the </p><p> employees. The elected officials are not doing this job to make money or penalize the </p><p> employees. The intent is to get a handle on the health insurance expense and agree that if </p><p> there is savings it will be shared with the employees. The Mayor mentioned that he would </p><p> like the ability to increase the match to the HSA which he feels is the right way to go for the CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 19 OF 26</p><p> long term and will be an asset forever to the employee. Councilmember Hart also </p><p> commented on the utility fee increases which was a decision to invest in the City’s </p><p> infrastructure but is sympathetic to the employee’s financial struggles. Councilmember </p><p>Goode mentioned that he was shocked to learn that the City didn’t offer long term disability</p><p> and again stressed the huge value it is to the employees. Mayor Smith called for a vote on </p><p> the motion to implement the disability plans and the HSA contributions. All in favor, </p><p> motion carried. </p><p>Clerk Vorwaller presented the Idaho Counties Risk Management Program (ICRMP) liability CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 20 OF 26</p><p> insurance renewal documents. The renewal included an option for additional terrorism </p><p> coverage costing $24,131 and the acceptance of the joint powers agreement. The Council </p><p> discussed the additional terrorism coverage. Councilmember Hart moved to decline the </p><p> additional terrorism coverage and approve the Joint Powers Agreement with ICRMP for </p><p> liability insurance coverage for the 2015 fiscal year. Councilmember Goode seconded the </p><p> motion. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>Clerk Vorwaller reported on the reinvestment a US Bank certificate of deposit (CD) per the </p><p> new financial controls policy. The CD was set-up to offset the fees charged on the US Bank CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 21 OF 26</p><p> checking account. The new CD was invested for $250,000 for a 4 year term to take </p><p> advantage of the best possible rate.</p><p>Director Skinner proposed a pay increase for the one seasonal parks employee who is still </p><p> available to work. The Mayor and Council considered the proposal and discussed an </p><p> increase to $9 or $10 an hour. Councilmember Lee recommended $10 an hour due to the </p><p> difficulty of finding good workers for this position. Councilmember Hart, seconded by </p><p>Councilmember Goode moved to approve a pay increase for the remaining seasonal parks </p><p> employee to $10 an hour. All in favor, motion carried. Mayor Smith mentioned the need CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 22 OF 26</p><p> for parks help this time of year and asked Director Skinner to continue to pursue </p><p> individuals interested in part-time employment in the parks.</p><p>Mayor Smith mentioned the recent tragedy in Georgetown that took two lives. He </p><p> explained how a worker in a confined space was overcome by fumes and passed out and a </p><p> second worker jumped in after him and was also overcome. The Mayor requested that </p><p>Director Skinner hold a very thorough safety meeting to discuss the potential of this </p><p> happening and review proper safety equipment and procedures to avoid this situation. He </p><p> asked Director Skinner to have Fire Chief Squires provide training to the firemen. The CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 23 OF 26</p><p>Mayor also requested that Officer Bunderson review safety procedures with his officers. </p><p>Councilmember Hart suggested inviting Dennis Godfrey, Caribou County Public Safety </p><p>Manager to attend and to share with the County EMT’s best policy and procedures </p><p> regarding this type of potential safety situation. The Mayor asked Director Skinner to make</p><p> sure the City has appropriate tools and safety equipment.</p><p>The Mayor mentioned that he will be absent for the next meeting but if Council President </p><p>Hart is available to conduct the meeting he prefers keeping the regular schedule. </p><p>Councilmember Hart stated he planned to be in attendance. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 24 OF 26</p><p>Councilmember Hart moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:05pm, seconded by </p><p>Councilmember Goode. All in favor, motion carried.</p><p>TH PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL THIS 17 DAY OF </p><p>SEPTEMBER, 2014.</p><p>______</p><p>James R. Smith, Mayor CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 25 OF 26</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______</p><p>Tausha Vorwaller, Clerk CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 26 OF 26</p>
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