Short Curriculum Vitae Joao L
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Born 1961, citizen of Portugal.
Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics – North Carolina State University – 2001 – attendance of 2 modules – Probability and Statistical Inference and Introduction to Genomic Science
Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics – North Carolina State University – 2000 – attendance of 3 modules – Quantitative Trait Gene Mapping I and II, and Linkage Mapping
Ph.D. (Animal Breeding) – 1994 – Texas A&M University – “Blood Group Polymorphisms and Production and Type Traits in Dairy Cattle: After Forty Years of Research”
M.Sc. (Animal Breeding) – 1990 – Texas A&M University – “Statistical Associations between Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms and Quantitative Traits in Beef Cattle”
Attendance of Genetics module, component of a Master’s degree in Livestock Production – 1987 – Portuguese Institute for Livestock Production (EZN) and Lisbon School of Veterinary Medicine, Portugal
D.V.M. – 1984 – Lisbon School of Veterinary Medicine, Portugal
Awards Prof. Dr. Abreu Lopes, Jose Maria Teixeira, Inácio Ribeiro, Ferreira Lapa, and Ildefonso Borges – 1985 – Portuguese Society of Veterinary Sciences and Lisbon School of Veterinary Medicine, Portugal 2
Independent Breeding, Genetics and Statistics Consultant – Iowa Genetics, headquarters in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil – August 2010 to present
Shrimp Breeding Program Geneticist – Genearch/Aquatec, Barra do Cunhaú, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil – December 2006 to present
Shrimp Breeding Program Genetics Consultant – Integrated Aquaculture International, Brunei Darussalam and Kona Bay, Hawaii – December 2006 to February 2010
Shrimp Breeding Program Genetics Consultant – IMEGESA, Machala, Provincia Del Oro, Ecuador - December 2006
Quantitative Genetics Research Scientist, Shrimp Breeding Program Geneticist – Sygen International/SyAqua/Pig Improvement Company, Berkeley, California, and then Franklin, Kentucky – August 2002 to November 2006
Post-Doctoral Researcher - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Dept. of Animal Science, Breeding and Genetics Section – Sept. 1999 to July 2002
Internship – The Lasater Beefmasters Ranch, Matheson, Colorado – August- September 1999
Veterinary Surgeon – Portuguese Association of Arouquesa Cattle Breeders (ANCRA), and private practice, Cinfães, Portugal – 1997-1999
Assistant Research Scientist – Texas A&M University, Dept. Animal Science, Breeding and Genetics Section – 1996-1997
Post-Doctoral Researcher – Quantitative and Molecular Genetics - Pioneer Hi- Bred International, Inc., Johnston, Iowa – 1994-1996
Animal Breeding Consultant – Pernambucan Institute for Agricultural Research (IPA), Brazil – July 1993
Graduate Research Assistant – Texas A&M University, Dept. Animal Science, Breeding and Genetics Section – 1989-1992
Student Technician – Texas A&M University, Dept. of Animal Science, Breeding and Genetics Section – 1988-1989
Animal Breeding and Genetics Intern – Portuguese Institute for Livestock 3
Production (EZN) – 1986-1987
Veterinary Surgeon – private practice, Portugal – March-April 1987 State Veterinarian – Veterinary Services of Transkei, Republic of South Africa - 1984-1986
Veterinary Field Assistant – Portugal – 1982-1984
Teaching Assistant – Lisbon School of Veterinary Medicine, Portugal – 1979 -1980 and 1983-1984
Authored or co-authored 17 peer-reviewed manuscripts, 1 keynote address, 3 book-chapters, 10 invited Conference papers, 4 Conference papers, 6 invited Conference abstracts, 16 Conference abstracts, 6 invited non-peer-reviewed manuscripts, 11 non-peer-reviewed manuscripts, and 51 corporate technical reports
2010 – Genetic Improvement of Litopenaeus vannamei – chapter 5 of textbook Shrimp Breeding and Genetics. Invited contribution. In press.
2010 – Una Visión SPF desde Brasil. Book of Abstracts of the XII Congreso Ecuatoriano de Acuicultura Aqua2010, Guayaquil, Ecuador (abstract), pp. 45-46. Invited Contribution to the Genetic Improvement Session.
2010 – Within-Family selection enhances shrimp growth. Global Aquaculture Advocate, September/October:26-27.
2010 – SPF shrimp breeding in Brazil: genetic, phenotypic trends after generation of selection. Global Aquaculture Advocate, May/June:76-78.
2010 – Disease risk factors for shrimp production in Brazil. Global Aquaculture Advocate, May/June:36-37. Co-author.
2010 – Tank effects impact selection responses in shrimp breeding. Global Aquaculture Advocate, March/April:18-19.
2010 – Field Tests for L. vannamei commercial performance in Asian ponds. Proceedings of the World Aquaculture Society Annual Meeting (WAS), 4
San Diego, USA (abstract). Invited contribution to the Shrimp Breeding, Genetics, Genomics Session.
2010 – A major SNP resource for dissection of phenotypic and genetic variation in Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Animal Genetics, 41(1):39-47. Co-author.
2009 – Ten Years of Shrimp Genetic Improvement in Brazil and Recent Introduction of SPF Stocks. In “The Rising Tide,” Proceedings of the Special Session on Sustainable Shrimp Farming, of the World Aquaculture Society Annual Meting (WAS 2009), Vera Cruz, Mexico, pp. 34-45. Invited Contribution.
2009 – Shrimp hybrids outperform parents in Brazil studies. Global Aquaculture Advocate, May/June:36-38.
2008 – El Futuro SPF y SPR de la Camaronicultura Brasilera. Tilapia y Camarones, 1(1):6-10. Special Invited Contribution for the first number of the Journal of the Latin-American Society of Aquaculture (SLA).
2008 – Dez Anos de Melhoramento Genético de Camarão por Duas Empresas Brasileiras. Proceedings of the Seventh Brazilian Symposium on Animal Genetic Improvement, Sociedade Brasileira de Melhoramento Animal (SBMA), S. Carlos, S. Paulo, Brazil. Invited contribution.
2008 – Produção de Pós-Larvas Livres de Patógenos (SPF) no Brasil. Proceedings of the Fifth Brazilian National Shrimp Trade Show (FENACAM 2008), Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, (abstract). Invited contribution.
2008 – Field Performance of Imported SPF Shrimp in Brazil. Global Aquaculture Advocate, 11(3):79-82.
2008 – Os Novos Produtos SPF da Aquatec/Genearch: A Aposta que Deu Certo. Revista da Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Camarão (ABCC), 10(1):30-33.
2008 - Segundos Testes de Viveiro das Populações SPF Importadas. Genearch Aquacultura Ltda. Internal and confidential document.
2007 – Primeiros Resultados do vannamei SPF no Brasil. Panorama da Aqüicultura, 17(103):48-57.
2007 – Primeiros Testes de Viveiro das Populações SPF Importadas. Genearch Aquacultura Ltda. Internal and confidential document. 5
2007 – Plano de Melhoramento Genético – Genearch. Genearch Aquacultura Ltda. Internal and confidential document.
2007 – Genetic improvement in Brazil. Global Aquaculture Advocate, 10(4):40-41.
2007 – Melhoramento Genético: Fundamentos e contribuições da Aquatec e da Genearch para o fortalecimento da competitividade da Aqüicultura. Proceedings of the Fourth Brazilian National Shrimp Trade Show (FENACAM 2007), pp 55-56. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (abstract). Invited contribution.
2007 – Efectos Relativos de larvicultura y de genética, ganancias genéticas, y tendencias fenotípicas en nuestro programa de mejoramiento genético. Forum and Archives of the Latin American Society of Aquaculture (SLA).
2006 - A Final ATP Document pertaining to the Five-year Research Activities undertaken under Thrust 1, Tasks 1.1 and 1.2, GxE Interactions and Testing and Breeding Strategies. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2006 - Reassessment of Harvest Size Sexual Dimorphism Trends in the ATP-BioZEST Line Development Program. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2006 - Effects of Inbreeding, and of Dam and Sire Inbreeding and Broodstock Weights on Batch ATP-C3 PL Survival Rates and on Female and Male Broodstock Weights. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2006 - Evaluation of the Impact of BLUP Convergence Criteria and Heritability Specifications on BLUP Genetic Merit and Genetic Merit Trend Estimates. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2006 - Routine Monitoring of Genetic Merit, Phenotypic, and Inbreeding Accumulation Trends in the ATP-BioZEST Line Development Program. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2006 – Contribution to the evaluation of heterosis and maternal heterosis effects in shrimp breeding. Sygen International internal and confidential document. 6
2006 – Diallel analyses, heterotic effects, and major QTL study in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Proceedings of the World Aquaculture Society 2006 Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy, (abstract).
2006 – Development of Growth Line, Speed Line, in Brazil. Proceedings of the Third Brazilian National Shrimp Trade Show (FENACAM 2006), Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, (abstract). Invited contribution.
2006 – The contribution of genetics to BioZEST development. Proceedings of the Aquaculture America 2006 Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, (abstract). Second author.
2006 – Evaluation of Field Test Family Selection Response (Aquatec Batch 15). Sygen International internal and confidential document.
2006 – Evaluation of Speed Line Selection Response (Aquatec Batch 15). Sygen International internal and confidential document.
2005 – Results and conclusions from the Salinity GxE Follow-up (GxE 2.2) Experiment imbedded in ATP Trial R8. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2005 – Some perspectives on the future of shrimp breeding. Proceedings of the International Aquaculture Forum, Hermosillo, Mexico. Invited contribution.
2005 – Is there any value in selection for carcass and/or meat quality in shrimp? Proceedings of the International Aquaculture Forum, Hermosillo, Mexico. Second author. Invited contribution.
2005 – Opportunities and challenges for reproduction research in shrimp. Proceedings of the International Aquaculture Forum, Hermosillo, Mexico. Co-author. Invited contribution.
2005 – The future of shrimp breeding according to SyAqua. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2005 - Biotechnology tools to tackle disease resistance in shrimp. Proceedings of the International Conference on Shrimp Biotechnology, “New Challenges through Thai Shrimp Industry,” Bangkok, Thailand (abstract). Co- author. 7
2005 - The future of US shrimp farming – a breeding company perspective. Industry Briefs, The US Marine Shrimp Farming Program Newsletter, July issue, vol. 11(3), pp. 6. Second author. Invited contribution.
2005 - The Possible Evaluation of Phenotypic Trends in SyAqua’s Brazil Shrimp Breeding Program (Aquatec). Sygen International internal and confidential document.
2005 - Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism in the ATP-BioZEST Line Development Program. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2005 - Evaluation of Salinity x Stocking Density Interactions in the ATP- BioZEST Line Development Program. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2005 - Statistical Analysis of ATP R6 Trial from a GxE perspective. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2005 - SyAqua Global Genetic Development Report – May 2005. Sygen International internal and confidential document.
2005 - Description of Experimental Designs and Statistical Models for the different ATP Trials in the context of a High Density Genotyping DNA- marker Project. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2005 - Comparison of Genetic Gain Predictions from SGRM Tools and from publicly-released software SelAction. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2005 - Summarization of Genetic Merit Trends in the Historical OI Breeding Program. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2005 - Statistical Analysis of ATP R5 Trial from a GxE perspective. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2005 - Contribution towards standardization of Multiplication Plans and towards the establishment of reproductive trait selection strategies in SyAqua Breeding Programs. Sygen International internal and confidential document. 8
2005 – Technical Report providing detailed documentation and analysis of some aspects of SyAqua’s Brazil shrimp breeding program. Confidential title and subject. Sygen International internal document.
2005 - Potential of genetic selection for shrimp carcass and meat traits. Global Aquaculture Advocate, 8(1):57-58. Second author. Invited contribution.
2005 - Summary Results of Line Differences and Heterosis Estimates from Diallel 2 Analyses. Sygen International internal and confidential document.
2005 - Variability and correlation parameters for carcass and meat quality traits of Litopenaeus vannamei. Proceedings of the Aquaculture America 2005 Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 130 (abstract). Co-author.
2005 - Genetic improvement in Aquaculture: an absolute necessity or just ‘nice to have?’ Proceedings of the Aquaculture America 2005 Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 127 (abstract). Second author.
2005 - Quantitative effects of DNA markers on shrimp growth. Proceedings of the Aquaculture America 2005 Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 69 (abstract).
2005 – Microsatellite-based assessment of genetic diversity and variability in a commercial Brazilian shrimp breeding program. Proceedings of the Aquaculture America 2005 Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 68 (abstract).
2004 - Stocking Density GxE 1.2 Follow-up Experiment, Genetic Merit comparisons between A and B stocks, and Inbreeding Effects. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2004 - SyAqua Molecular and Quantitative Genetic Strategies for Disease Resistance. Proceedings of the SyAqua Mexico Customer Workshop on the Prevention and Control of WSSV and NHP in Shrimp Production, San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico. Invited contribution.
2004 - Doubled Haploid Mating Schemes. Sygen International internal and confidential document.
2004 – A large-sample QTL study in mice: III. Reproductive traits. Mammalian Genome, 15:878-886. 9
2004 - Accelerating the genetic progress of your shrimp: Aquatec’s Speed Line. Journal of the Brazilian Association of Shrimp Producers (ABCC), 6(3):72-80. Invited contribution.
2004 – Report on Association Analyses conducted for the AVMR Markers. Sygen International internal and confidential document.
2004 - Assessment of Effects of Inbreeding in the ATP Breeding Program. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2004 - Statistical Analysis of ATP Salinity GxE 2.1 R4 Trial. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2004 - Genetic technologies to target efficient production of quality shrimp. Proceedings of the Australasian Aquaculture Conference, Sydney, Australia, pp. 178 (abstract). Co-author. Invited contribution.
2004 - Customized Breeding Program for Re-circulating Shrimp Production Systems. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Re- circulating Aquaculture, Symposium 7 - Penaeid Shrimp Culture, Roanoke, Virginia, pp. 163-171. Co-author. Invited contribution.
2004 - Evaluation of the Impact of the Implementation of Formal Optimal Contribution Theory Approaches. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2004 - Harvest Sample Collection Protocol for GxE Experiment 2.1 (Degree of Salinity). Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2004 - Statistical Analysis of ATP Trial R3 from a GxE perspective. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2004 – Report on Diallel 1 Analyses. Sygen International internal and confidential document.
2004 - Evaluation of SYQ288 and SYQ51 marker-effects on SYAQUA Mexico 2003 NBC population. Sygen International internal and confidential document. 10
2004 – Technical Report on specific Molecular Genetics approach. Confidential title and subject. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2004 - Within-family validation of preliminarily identified associations between DNA-markers and phenotypic traits. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2004 – The role of genetic improvement in the development of a BioZest system. Proceedings of the World Aquaculture Society 2004 Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 607 (abstract). Co-author. Invited contribution.
2004 – Family genetic merit by stocking density interactions for growth and survival in Litopenaeus vannamei. Proceedings of the World Aquaculture Society 2004 Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 504 (abstract).
2004 - Quantitative, molecular genetic selection for shrimp disease resistance. Global Aquaculture Advocate, 7(1):52-55. Second author. Invited contribution.
2004 – Aquatec Genetic Diversity/Variability Report. Sygen International internal and confidential document.
2004 – A large-sample QTL study in mice: II. Organ and body composition traits. Mammalian Genome, 15:100-113.
2004 – A large-sample QTL study in mice: I. Growth traits. Mammalian Genome, 15:83-99.
2003 - Association Analyses between DNA-markers and phenotypic traits – GxE Experiment I (GxE1.1). Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2003 – Breeding Program Optimization. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2003 - Details of Selection Strategies and Procedures implemented in the ATP Breeding Program. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2003 - Statistical Analysis of ATP Trial R2 from a GxE perspective. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document. 11
2003 – New approaches to shrimp breeding – an integration of quantitative and molecular genetics. Proceedings of the Genetics in Aquaculture Conference, VIII, Punto Varas, Chile (abstract). Second author.
2003 - Determination of Truncation Point for Mass Selection to capitalize on Within-Family Selection. Sygen International internal and confidential document.
2003 – Report of a Genetic Audit evaluating the breeding program of the shrimp breeding company Aquatec. Sygen International internal and confidential document.
2003 - Optimal integration of inbreeding and outbreeding plans – some theoretical evaluations. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2003 – Full results from definitive GxE I statistical analyses. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2003 – Report on Bulk Segregant Analysis Simulation Project. Sygen International internal and confidential document.
2002 – Experimental Protocol for ATP GxE Experiment 1–Phase 1. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal document.
2002 – Technical document proposing vision and possible course of action for Shrimp Breeding. Confidential title and subject. Sygen International internal document.
2002 – Lessons regarding the genetic nature of continuous variation. Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, vol. 32:709-712. Montpellier, France.
2002 – Bioinformatics to support analysis of complex traits in animals. 2002 State EPSCoR Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska (abstract).
2002 – QTL analysis in livestock – chapter 12 of Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 195: “Quantitative Trait Loci: Methods and Protocols,” N.J. Camp and A. Cox (Eds.), Humana Press, Inc., pp. 311-346. Invited contribution.
2001 – Predictors of marker-informativeness for an outbred F2 design. Animal Genetics, 32:365-70. 12
2001 – The biological role of religion and of the Messiah. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, University College, London, pp. 84 (abstract).
2001 – Localization of a recessive juvenile cataract mutation to proximal chromosome 7 in mice. Human Heredity, 52(2):77-82. Co-author.
2000 – On criteria of marker-informativeness in an F2/outbred cross context (Abstract B132). Proceedings of the 27th Conference of the International Society of Animal Genetics, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 56.
1998 – Trait-based analysis in dairy cattle using blood group polymorphisms. Journal of Dairy Science, 81:1681-1689.
1998 – Blood groups and milk and type traits in dairy cattle: after forty years of research. Journal of Dairy Science, 81:1663-1680.
1998 – QTL analysis under linkage equilibrium – chapter 7 of Molecular Dissection of Complex Traits, pp. 103-118, A.H. Paterson (Ed.), CRC Press. Invited contribution. Second author.
1997 – Molecular markers at the DNA level: applications in livestock genetic improvement. II- Strategies for the detection of quantitative trait loci. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências Veterinárias, vol. XCII (523):130-137. In Portuguese.
1997 – Molecular markers at the DNA level: applications in livestock genetic improvement. I- Types of molecular markers. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências Veterinárias, vol. XCII (522):82-90. In Portuguese.
1997 – Breeding technologies on the verge of the twenty-first century. In “Designer Beef: Tailoring Genes for Client Needs.” Proceedings of the Tenth J.S. Davies Beef Research Forum, pp. 7-10. Australian Society of Animal Production and Beef Improvement Association, University of Adelaide, Australia. Invited contribution. Co-author.
1997 – Breeding technologies on the verge of the twenty-first century. In “Beef & Sheep Technology Handbook.” Proceedings of the Beef & Sheep Technology Day, pp. 1-3. Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics and New South Wales Agriculture, Trangie Agricultural Research Centre, Australia. Invited contribution. Co-author.
1997 – Twenty-first century challenges for genetic improvement in the livestock industries. Keynote paper of the Twelfth Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Dubbo, 13
New South Wales, Australia. Proceedings, Part One, pp. 1-19. University of New England, Armidale, Australia. Invited contribution. Co-author.
1995 – Genetic markers to manipulate QTL: the additive illusion. Proceedings of the 44th Annual National Breeders Roundtable, pp. 12-38. Poultry Breeders of America and Southeastern Poultry & Egg Association, St. Louis, Missouri. Invited contribution.
1995 – Analysis and applications of the “Fingerprint Data:” the secrets of Henry A. Wallace’s “pyramid.” Internal Report, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Johnston, Iowa.
1994 – Blood group polymorphisms and production and type traits in dairy cattle: after forty years of research. Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, vol. 19:299-302. University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.
1994 – Blood groups, production and type traits in dairy cattle: after forty years of research (abstract). Journal of Animal Science, 72, and Journal of Dairy Science, 77 (Suppl. I):249.
1994 – Genetic markers to manipulate QTL: the additive illusion (abstract). Journal of Animal Science, 72, and Journal of Dairy Science, 77 (Suppl. I):250.
1993 – DNA-based polymorphisms and livestock genetic improvement. Beef Cattle Research in Texas, pp. 10-19. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station, Texas.
1992 – Interaction of parasitism and nutrition in goats: effects on hematological parameters, correlations, and other statistical associations. Veterinary Parasitology, 44:183-197. Second author.
1992 – Statistical associations between Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms and quantitative traits in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 70:3360-3370.
1992 – New allelic fragments for parathyroid hormone-MspI in cattle. Animal Genetics, 23:481.
1992 – New allelic fragments for the growth hormone-TaqI marker in cattle. Animal Genetics, 23:480. 14
1991 – Interaction of parasitism and nutrition and their effects on production and clinical parameters in goats. Veterinary Parasitology, 40:99- 112. Second author.
1991 – New allelic bands and frequencies for the growth hormone-TaqI and parathyroid hormone-MspI markers in cattle. McGregor Field Day Report, pp. 99-106. Texas A&M Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report No. 91-1, College Station, Texas.
1991 – Are the Bos Taurus-Bos indicus differences in maternal birth and weaning weights caused by single genes? McGregor Field Day Report, pp. 54- 64. Texas A&M Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report No. 91-1, College Station, Texas.
1991 – Associations between RFLPs and quantitative traits in beef cattle (abstract). Journal of Animal Science, 69 (Suppl. I):201.
1990 – Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms as an aid in selection for quantitative traits in beef cattle – application to field data. Beef Cattle Research in Texas, pp. 13-17. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station, Texas.
1990 – Statistical associations between Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms and quantitative traits in beef cattle. Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal (Suppl. 2):33-42. Proceedings of the First Brazilian Symposium on New Biotechniques Applied to Domestic Animals, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
1990 – Interaction between nutrition and haemonchosis in weaned goats. Sheep and Goat, Wool and Mohair Research Reports, pp. 20-22. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station, Texas. Co-author.
1989 – Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms as an aid in selection for quantitative traits in beef cattle – application to field data (abstract). Journal of Reproduction and Fertility (Suppl. 41):210-211. Proceedings of the Second Symposium on the Genetic Engineering of Animals, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 15
Presented 12 one-hour contributions (11 of which invited) at major meetings, 11 short-presentations at major meetings (2 of which invited), administered 1 workshop lecture, gave 32 seminars (11 of which invited), presented 6 posters, 19 corporate presentations before customers, research-partner audiences and other forums, and for 11 times was the discussion leader or the main-speaker at professional gatherings
2010 – Uma Visión SPF desde Brasil. XII Congreso Ecuatoriano de Acuicultura Aqua2010, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Invited Contribution to the Genetic Improvement Session.
2010 – Melhoramento Genético de Camarão. AgriNordeste, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Invited Contribution.
2010 – Field Tests for L. vannamei commercial performance in Asian ponds. World Aquaculture Society (WAS) Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA. Invited contribution to the Shrimp Breeding, Genetics, Genomics Session.
2009 - Ten Years of Shrimp Genetic Improvement in Brazil and Recent Introduction of SPF Stocks. World Aquaculture Society (WAS) Annual Meeting, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Invited contribution to the Special Session on Sustainable Shrimp Farming.
2008 – An Overview of Shrimp Genetic Improvement Approaches and Results in Brazil. Integrated Aquaculture International (IAI) and Fisheries Department, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.
2008 – Avaliação e Balanço Estratégico do Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Genearch: Desafios, Perspectivas, Linhas de Ação. Genearch Aquacultura Ltda.
2008 – Dez Anos de Melhoramento Genético de Camarão por Duas Empresas Brasileiras. Seventh Brazilian Symposium on Animal Genetic Improvement, Sociedade Brasileira de Melhoramento Animal (SBMA), S. Carlos, S. Paulo, Brazil. Invited presentation.
2008 – Produção de Pós-Larvas Livres de Patógenos (SPF) no Brasil. Fifth Brazilian National Shrimp Trade Show (FENACAM 2008), Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Invited presentation. 16
2008 – Aquatec e Genearch: Sempre Mais e Melhor a Cada Ano (Poster). Fifth Brazilian National Shrimp Trade Show (FENACAM 2008), Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
2007 – Primero Taller de Genética de la Sociedad Latino-Americana de Aquacultura (SLA). Workshop organized by the Latin-American Society of Aquaculture (SLA). Guayaquil, Ecuador. Invited participant.
2007 – Melhoramento Genético: Fundamentos e contribuições da Aquatec e da Genearch para o fortalecimento da competitividade da Aqüicultura. Fourth Brazilian National Shrimp Trade Show (FENACAM 2007), Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Invited presentation.
2007 – Shrimp Genetic Improvement. Fisheries Department, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam. Invited presentation.
2006 – Shrimp Genetic Improvement. IMEGESA Workshop on Shrimp Genetic Improvement, Machala, Provincia Del Oro, Ecuador. Invited presentation.
2006 – Development of Growth Line, Speed Line, in Brazil. Third Brazilian National Shrimp Trade Show (FENACAM 2006), Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Invited presentation.
2006 – SyAqua Genetic Improvement Programs and appraisal of breeding alternatives. SyAqua Strategic Review Meetings, Genus, Franklin, Kentucky.
2005 – Shrimp Genetic Improvement. Workshop on Shrimp Genetic Improvement, University of S. Paulo, Animal Science Campus at Pirassununga, Brazil. Invited presentation.
2005 – The utilization of DNA markers in shrimp genetic improvement. Federal University of S. Carlos, S. Paulo, Brazil. Invited presentation.
2005 – Overview of quantitative genetic approaches and methodologies in the SyAqua shrimp breeding programs. Sygen International and University of New England (Australia) Research Partnership meeting, Franklin, Kentucky.
2005 – Some highlights of SyAqua Shrimp Genetic Improvement Program. Sygen International and Western Kentucky University Research Partnership meeting, Franklin, Kentucky. 17
2005 – Aquatec Shrimp Breeding Program – Changes since October 2003. Sygen International and Federal University of S. Carlos (S.Paulo, Brazil) Research Partnership meeting, Franklin, Kentucky.
2005 - Quantitative effects of DNA markers on shrimp growth. Aquaculture America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
2005 - Microsatellite-based assessment of genetic diversity and variability in a commercial Brazilian shrimp breeding program. Aquaculture America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
2004 - SyAqua molecular and quantitative genetic strategies for disease resistance. SyAqua Mexico Customer Workshop on the Prevention and Control of WSSV and NHP in Shrimp Production, San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico. Invited presentation.
2004 - Shrimp genetic improvement: growth and disease resistance. SIMBRAQ2004, Brazilian Symposium of Aquaculture, Brazilian Association of Shrimp Producers (ABCC), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Invited presentation. Also before Aquatec internal audience, Barra do Cunhaú, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
2004, 2005 – Shrimp Line Development. Sygen International and SyAqua several Research/Business Partnership/Customer meetings, Franklin, Kentucky.
2004 – Shrimp GxE and Line Development in Hawaii and Brazil. Sygen International Technical Managers, and Quantitative Sciences Team Meetings, Franklin, Kentucky.
2004 – Family genetic merit by stocking density interactions for growth and survival in Litopenaeus vannamei. World Aquaculture Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
2003 – Breeding for Customer Value. SyAqua Mexico Customer Meeting, Berkeley, California.
2003 – Developing commercial shrimp breeding programs. Invited seminar. EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural and Livestock Research Agency) Head-Quarters, Brasilia, Brazil.
2003 – Shrimp Projects – Breeding and Genetics. Sygen International Quantitative Sciences Team internal Meeting, Berkeley, California. 18
2003 – Optimizing Tail Analysis using phenotype data or EBVs. Sygen International Quantitative Sciences Team internal Meeting, Berkeley, California.
2003 – Testing for allele or genotype frequencies? Sygen International Quantitative Sciences Team internal Meeting, Berkeley, California.
2003 – Overview of BioZEST ATP Breeding and Genetics Research. Sygen International and BioZEST ATP (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Advanced Technology Program) internal meeting, Berkeley, California.
2002 – Corporate presentation on Shrimp Breeding topic. Confidential title and subject. Professional meeting. Sygen International, Berkeley, California.
2002 – Seminar on Shrimp Breeding topics. Confidential title and subject. Sygen International internal Seminar, Berkeley, California.
2002 – A large-sample QTL study in mice. University of Nebraska- Lincoln.
2002 – The global religion. G2002 Conference: Globalizations: Cultural, Economic, Democratic. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.
2002 – Edward Wilson’s “Consilience of Knowledge.” Discussion leader. Animal Breeding Group, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
2001 – Everything I would have liked to have known about research in the private sector when I got my Ph.D. Discussion leader. Animal Breeding Group, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
2001 – Reflections upon the future of genomics and of Science in general. Discussion leader. Molecular Genetics Group, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
2000 – The biological role of religion and of the Messiah. Morality and Its Other(s): An Interdisciplinary Conference on Moral Norms and Public Discourse. Albion College, Albion, Michigan.
2000 – The exploration of alternative universes in breeding, biology, morality and philosophy. Animal Breeding Seminar Series, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 19
2000 – On criteria of marker-informativeness in an F2/outbred cross context (Poster). 27th Conference of the International Society of Animal Genetics, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
2000 – A mouse model for energy balance: QTL and genomic applications. Invited seminar. Animal Breeding Seminar Series, University of California-Davis.
2000 – Digressions on favorite topics: QTL ‘n stuff. Animal Breeding Seminar Series, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
1999 – The Arouquesa breed of cattle. Symposium on Portuguese Cattle Breeds. University of Minho and Braga Agricultural Fair, Braga, Portugal. Invited presentation.
1996 – Molecular markers and genetic improvement: report from the battle-front. Invited seminar. Pernambucan Institute for Agricultural Research (IPA), Recife, Brazil.
1996 – An operational prototype to use DNA-fingerprint data towards specific breeding objectives. Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc., Internal Work- Group on “Marker-based strategies for brittle-stalk breeding.” Johnston, Iowa. Main speaker.
1996 – Pioneer, corn breeding, genetic markers, QTLs, and the pursuit of power. Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Internal Discussion Group on “Genetic markers, QTL analyses, and breeding applications.” Johnston, Iowa. Discussion leader.
1995 – Understanding the evolution of Pioneer germplasm at the chromosome-segment level (Poster). Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc., Agronomic Traits Poster Day. Johnston, Iowa.
1995 – Statistical designs for QTL mapping in breeding populations (Poster). Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc., Agronomic Traits Poster Day. Johnston, Iowa.
1995 – The gametic nature of corn breeding (Poster). Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc., Agronomic Traits Poster Day. Johnston, Iowa.
1995 – A review of the progress in the analysis of the “Fingerprint Data.” Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc., Genetic Marker Applications Sub-Team on “Retrospective Look at Marker-Data.” Janesville, Wisconsin. Main speaker. 20
1995 – Analysis and applications of the “Fingerprint Data:” the secrets of Henry Wallace’s “pyramid.” Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc., internal seminar. Johnston, Iowa.
1995 – Genetic markers to manipulate QTL: the additive illusion. 44th Annual National (Poultry) Breeders Roundtable. St. Louis, Missouri. Invited presentation.
1995 – Charles Darwin and the box of Pandora. Invited seminar. Animal Breeding Seminar Series, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
1994 – Blood group polymorphisms and production and type traits in dairy cattle: after forty years of research. Fifth World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.
1994 – Blood groups, production and type traits in dairy cattle: after forty years of research. Joint Annual Meeting of the American Societies of Animal and Dairy Sciences. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1994 – Genetic markers to manipulate QTL: the additive illusion. Joint Annual Meeting of the American Societies of Animal and Dairy Sciences. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1993 – Genetic markers to manipulate quantitative trait loci: the additive illusion (reflections on a 5-year experience). Invited seminar. Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc. Johnston, Iowa.
1993 – DNA-based polymorphisms and livestock genetic improvement. 45th Joint Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Societies of Genetics and for the Advancement of Science. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Invited presentation.
1993 – Some recent trends in the U.S. beef cattle industry. Round-table. Pernambucan Institute for Agricultural Research (IPA). Recife, Brazil. Main speaker.
1993 – DNA-based polymorphisms and livestock genetic improvement. Invited seminar. Portuguese Society of Veterinary Sciences and Lisbon School of Veterinary Medicine. Lisbon, Portugal.
1991 – Analyses for the detection of segregation of major genes. Joint Genetics Workshop Texas A&M University-University of Georgia. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. 21
1991 – Associations between RFLPs and quantitative traits in beef cattle. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science. Laramie, Wyoming.
1990 – RFLPs – new molecular markers towards animal genetic improvement. Invited seminar. Pernambucan Institute for Agricultural Research. Recife, Brazil.
1990 – Statistical associations between RFLPs and quantitative traits in beef cattle. First Brazilian Symposium on New Biotechniques Applied to Domestic Animals. Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
1989 – Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms as an aid in selection for quantitative traits in beef cattle – application to field data (Poster). Second Symposium on the Genetic Engineering of Animals, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
Developed all the contents and the general structure of the Genearch Aquacultura web-site (
Translated to English the contents of the Aquatec web-site (
Attended 68 scientific and professional meetings.
Sociedad Latino-Americana de Acuacultura (SLA)
World Aquaculture Society (WAS)
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
The Portuguese Veterinary Council ( Ordem )
American Society of Animal Science (ASA) 22
South African Veterinary Medical Association
The Portuguese Veterinary Union
INFECCIOSA MUSCULAR (NIM; IMN) – 2007-2008-2010 – FINEP – MCT, Brasil.
Projeto Subvenção Pesquisador na Empresa aprovado (R$ 300,000 in 3 years, non-reimbursable). Projeto Subvenção Econômica 1/2008 aprovado (R$
1,500,000 in 3 years, non-reimbursable). Projeto de Financiamento
Reembolsável aprovado (R$ 1,300,000 in 3 years to be reimbursed in 10 years).
June 2005 – USDA research grant-proposal. Not funded. Co-author.
THE BOOROOLA GENE – July 1988 – USDA research grant-proposal. Not funded. Co-author.
1)- The evaluation, conception, formulation and implementation of shrimp (and other species’) breeding programs and associated marketing strategies.
2)- The integration of genomics and QTL research findings into the understanding of production system (and human disease) complex interactions and into real-life breeding programs and strategies.
3)- QTL and marker-trait Association Analyses and the gradual narrowing of the gap between physiology and genetics. 23
4)- Heterosis and the consideration and exploration of alternative frameworks in breeding, genetics and biology.
5)- Darwinism and its social and moral implications. The exploration and formulation of alternative systems of philosophical and moral values.
Lorenzo M. Juarez President, Shrimp Improvement Systems Former President of the World Aquaculture Society (WAS) Plantation Key, Florida Tel. Office: 305-852-0872 (ext. 23) Tel. Mobile: 305-394-3597 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Sergio Nates President & CEO Fats and Proteins Research Foundation, Inc. 801 N. Fairfax Street Suite 05 Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Tel.: 703-683-2914 Fax: 703-683-2626 E-mail: [email protected]
Hajah Hasnah Ibrahim Director, Department of Fisheries Government of Brunei Darussalam Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam E-mail: [email protected]
Donghuo Jiang Vice-President for Fish Research and Development Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Co. Ltd. (CP Group) 27th Floor, C. P. Tower, 24
313 Silom Road, Bangrak Bangkok Thailand 10500 Tel.: (66) 02-625-8179 Fax: (66) 02-628-2254 Cell: (66) 084-128-2468 Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Max F. Rothschild CF Curtiss Distinguished Professor ME Ensminger Endowed Chair in International Animal Agriculture Director, Center for Integrated Animal Genomics US Pig Genome Coordinator Iowa State University Ames, Iowa Tel.: 515-294-6202 Fax 515-294-2401 E-mail: [email protected]
Daniel Pomp Professor Carolina Center for Genome Sciences Department of Nutrition Department of Cell and Molecular Physiology 2115B Michael Hooker Research Center CB #7461 University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7461 Tel. Office: 919-966-0013 Tel. Lab: 919-966-0091 Fax: 801-382-3686 E-mail: [email protected]
Dale Van Vleck Professor A-213b Animal Sciences Building Department of Animal Science University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0908 Tel.: 402-472-6010 Fax: 402-472-6362 E-mail: [email protected] 25
Jeremy F. Taylor Professor and Wurdack Chair in Animal Genomics S135 ASRC University of Missouri 920 East Campus Drive Columbia, Missouri 65211-5300 Tel.: 573-884-4946 Fax: 573-882-6827 E-mail: [email protected]
João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil, 19/10/2010