International Exchanges Division, JICE s1

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International Exchanges Division, JICE s1

General Information on the 2010 Invitation Programme for FUTURE BUSINESS COUNTERPARTS From New Zealand

1. General Outline

(1) Outline of the 2010 Invitation Programme for Future Business

Counterparts from New Zealand (FBC.NZ) The Invitation Programme for Future Business Counterparts from New Zealand (hereinafter abbreviated as FBC.NZ) is an invitation programme, through which young professionals from New Zealand, who will assume greater responsibilities in the coming years and are strongly interested in strengthening economic relations with Japan, would visit and experience Japan, its society, culture, and people. The aim of this unique programme is to give young professionals from New Zealand some clues on business between the two countries by increasing their understanding of Japan through lectures on Japanese society, visits to major Japanese industries, and interaction with Japanese people. Global environmental protection measures taken by Japanese corporations will be covered in a cross-sectoral manner as well. On 15th November, 2007, Japanese Ambassador to New Zealand Toshihiro Takahashi conveyed the idea in his remarks at the 34th Joint Meeting of the Japan- New Zealand Business Council, by noting "The Japanese Government is planning to invite up to fifty New Zealand professionals, including those from the business sector, to Japan next year to help promote the Japan-New Zealand relationship." With respect to the groundbreaking announcement above, the FBC.NZ

1 programme has been formulated in close cooperation with the Japan and the New Zealand Committees of the Japan-New Zealand Business Council in each country. This programme is designed and implemented to promote a greater understanding of Japan by participants and thereby advance and/or enhance the relationship between Japan and New Zealand. Bearing the aforementioned background in mind, this programme also aims to play a leading role in exploring the new frontiers in economic ties.

(2)Under the auspices of the JENESYS Programme FBC.NZ is formulated to be an integral part of the JENESYS Programme. At the Second East Asia Summit (EAS), which was held in January 2007, the then Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe announced a plan to implement a large-scale youth exchange program, inviting about 6,000 young people to Japan mainly from the EAS member states (ASEAN, Australia, China, India, New Zealand, the ROK) every year for five years, with a view to establishing and reinforcing a basis for Asia’s stalwart solidarity by expanding youth exchange. Based on this plan, the Government of Japan launched the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS) Programme in 2007.

(3) JICE JICE (Japan International Cooperation Center) is an authorized public organization established in 1977 under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Since its inception, JICE has been closely working with Japanese aid agencies and government ministries as well as foreign governments and United Nations organizations such as UNESCO and UNDP to support the implementation of international cooperation programmes. JICE is an official agent of this JENESYS Programme, which has undertaken all the necessary arrangements for the 2010 Invitation Programme for Future Business Counterparts from New Zealand, such as pre-departure orientation, travel procedures and the whole schedule of events in Japan under the guidance of the Government of Japan.

2 2. Tentative Programme Schedule

Date Day Schedule 31-May Mon Assemble in Auckland Pre-departure Orientation 1- June Tue (AM) Depart from Auckland (PM) Arrive in Tokyo 2-June Wed (AM) Briefing by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and Japan/Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PM) Traditional Culture Experience Programme 3-June Thu (AM) Lecture on “Business Etiquette and Communications in Japan” (PM) Visit to New Zealand Embassy in Tokyo 4-June Fri (AM) Lecture on “Business and Economic Outlook of Japan” (PM) Facility Visit 5-June Sat (AM) Travel to Kyoto (PM) Cultural Tour in Kyoto 6-June Sun Individual Research 7-June Mon (AM) Observation of Automobile Factory (PM) Travel to Tokyo 8-June Tue (AM) Company / Facility Visit (PM) Visit to Japan External Trade Organization 9-June Wed (AM) Facility Visit (PM) Facility Visit 10-June Thu (AM) Lecture on Business Trend in Japan (FM) Group Discussion / Presentation Farewell Reception 11-June Fri (AM) Individual Research (PM) Depart from Tokyo 12-June Sat. (AM) Arrive in Auckland

(1)The above schedule is subject to change. (2)JICE’s expert staff will accompany participants to all the scheduled events and will provide support in terms of their living arrangements and health during and before the programme.

3 3. Application Process

(1)Important Dates for Your Application 5 March 2010 Application Deadline 26 March 2010 Notification of Selection 31 May 2010 Pre-Orientation in Auckland 1 June 2010 Departure to Japan 12 June 2010 Arrival in Auckland

(2) Application Eligibility  Applicants must meet all the following requirements and must be eager to pursue a career that fosters Japan-New Zealand relations in the future.

(a) Applicants should be young New Zealand professionals. Undergraduate and post-graduate students with professional work experience can also apply. (b) Applicants should, in principle, be New Zealand citizens and at 35 years of age or below.

 Those who have not participated in any other invitation programme to Japan before will be given preference.  Due to the outbreak of Influenza A (H1N1 or Swine Flu) in Japan, those suffering from any specific illness or condition detailed in the (*) below are recommended to refrain from applying as they might develop a serious illness were they to catch this flu while travelling. However, if applicants with such a predetermined condition strongly wish to participate in the programme, then they, if successful, will be required to submit a “Letter of Consent ” outlining their full understanding of the risks and their affirmation that they will be responsible for any costs occasioned by the consequent illness. (*)Chronic lung disease (Asthma, Chronic obstructive lung disease etc.), Immunodeficiency state (T cell immunodeficiency etc.), Chronic heart disease (congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease etc.), Metabolic disease (Diabetes), Renal dysfunction, Obesity, Myasthenia gravis etc.  As Influenza A (H1N1 or Swine Flu) poses significant risk to pregnancy, it is strongly recommended that pregnant women do not apply to this programme at this time.

(3) Documents to be Submitted

4 Applicants must submit the following documents (a)~(d) to the Embassy of Japan by March 5, 2010. It is preferable that all documents are submitted electronically via e-mail addressed to the Embassy of Japan and marked FBC.NZ in the “subject” section. Should you have difficulty submitting all the documents electronically, you may post documents (b) ~ (d). In this case, please ensure document (a) is provided as electronic data and the other three documents (b- d) reach the Embassy of Japan no later than March 5, 2010.

E-mail address: Postal Address: Economic Section (FBC.NZ), Embassy of Japan Level 18, The Majestic Centre, 100 Willis Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand (P.O. Box 6340 Marion Square, Wellington 6141, New Zealand)

(a) Application Form Fill in the blanks with necessary information and answers.

(b) P assport- size Photo Submit a photo taken by a digital camera within the last six months. (Upper body, hat off.) Attach it to the application where it is designated.////////////

(c) Photoc opy of Your P assport Make a photocopy of the photo of your passport and send it PDF, JPEG, or BMP format. If you don’t have a current passport, you may substitute it with a photocopy of an official ID (eg driver's license). If accepted to this programme, you must immediately obtain a passport and submit a photocopy of that.

(d) Letter of Permission Print out the letter of permission and obtain your employer’s handwritten signature. Send it in PDF, JPEG, or BMP format.

(4) Notification of selection All applicants will receive notification of acceptance, rejection or of being wait listed by March 26, 2010. Invitation letters will be sent to up to 50 applicants.

5 4. Terms and Conditions

(1) Arrangements and expenses to be covered by the programme. The Japanese Government will make the necessary arrangements and bear the total cost for the programme. Any other arrangement shall be made by participants at their own expense.

 Return international air ticket (Auckland-Tokyo, Economy class) * Excess baggage charge will be paid at one’s own expense.  Overseas travel accident insurance * Please note that pregnancy-related diseases, chronic illnesses and pre- existing illnesses diagnosed by a Japanese medical doctor, and cases not approved by the insurance company will NOT be covered by this insurance. Individuals will be liable for such costs. (Please see 6. Notes (2)Influenza A (H1N1 or Swine flu))  Domestic transportation from/to Auckland * If you reside in a location other than Auckland, a return domestic flight tickets (from at domestic airport near you to Auckland) can be provided at your request.  Accommodation in Japan  Transportation in Japan  Meals in Japan  Accommodation in Auckland for the day before the departure. *Other personal expenses will be paid at one’s own expense.

(2)Prohibitions The following is not permitted:

 To remain in Japan after the programme without a permission from JENESYS secretariat.  to change the flight designated by the programme;  to change accommodation designated by the programme;  to be accompanied by someone; or  to travel to third countries on the way to Japan or back to New Zealand.

6 (3) Submission of Post-Programme Evaluation Participants are requested to submit the post-programme evaluation sheet reporting on experiences gained in this programme and to cooperate in any further follow-up programmes in the future.

(4) Respect for Japanese Law and Regulations During the stay in Japan, participants must respect the laws and regulations of Japan, and offenders are subject to penalties under Japanese law.

5. Pre-departure Orientation

Participants shall attend a pre-departure orientation that will be held in Auckland on 31st May, 2010. Further information about the pre-departure orientation will be sent to participants at a later date.

6. Notes

(1) Participants should understand thoroughly the significance of this programme, which is to facilitate young professionals’ understanding of Japan.

(2) Influenza A (H1N1 or Swine Flu)  According to the past cases, when a person with a chronic illness is infected with Influenza A, the risk of the symptoms becoming worse is high, compared with other infected patients without chronic illnesses.  When a participant with a chronic illness receives medical treatment or medication due to symptoms caused by the chronic illness, medical expenses will not be covered by the overseas travel accident insurance provided by JICE. Therefore, the participant will be liable for all the associated medical expenses.  The participant must understand the above mentioned risk and conditions, and agree to bear all the medical expenses not covered by the insurance provided by JICE.

7 7. Inquiries

Contact the Embassy of Japan for any questions. Embassy of Japan Level 18, The Majestic Centre, 100 Willis Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand (P.O. Box 6340 Marion Square, Wellington 6141, New Zealand)

Tel: (64-4) 473-1540 Fax: (64-4) 471-2951 E-mail: [email protected]


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