Minutes of the Inner Club Council

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Minutes of the Inner Club Council

Minutes of the Inner Club Council

ICC Meeting

Date: Monday, March 31, 2008

Time: 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Place: Los Medanos College – 409 2700 East Leland Road Pittsburg, CA 94565-5107

Chair: Enock Teefe

I. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:07 p.m.

II. Roll Call: Present Late Absent

Tamikko Bennett* Felero Smith Jonathan Hoffman Luciana Cardenas Tim Nichols Jr. Pablo Cardenas Gary Ray* Christina Cannon Aurelio Cardona* Eduardo Cardona* Francisco Rojas Stephen Hamrick* Anita Wagner Demetria Lawrence LaQuin Miller Jamila Stewart* Enock Teefe*

Quorum: Those present constitute a quorum.

* Club Representatives with 2 or more votes.

III. Agenda Approval:

Adopt Agenda for Monday, March 31, 2008:

Call for a motion to approve the agenda for Monday, March 31, 2008.

Motion: Enock Teefe Second: Tamikko Bennett Vote: 5-0-0

IV. Adopt minutes from Monday, March 24, 2008:

Call for a motion to approve the minutes for Monday, March 24, 2008.

Motion: Enock Teefe 1 Second: Tamikko Bennett Vote: 5-0-0

Vote passed by majority.

V. Special Announcements: ICC

A). Announcements: Demetria Lawrence

 Demetria Lawrence asked those present to identify who were going to be a part of the upcoming Student Success Ceremony to be held on May 16th. Eduardo Cardona & Stephen Hamrick raised their hands. o Demetria and Dave Belman are creating Club Awards for those participants.  Demetria introduced Selena Diaz of the Rape Crisis Center who will be coupling on Club Day. April 1 st with the Umoja Club that will promote the Clothesline Project/Violence against Women. o This project is dedicated to victims/survivors of sexual assault and their family members. o Students/participants will design tee-shirts by placing a word(s) on them that will reflector express some form of violence or a particular assault against women. o Once the tee-shirts have been completed they will be placed in a display case for viewing. o All clubs can get involved.  The Rape Crisis Center will be having various upcoming events that Selena invited everyone to attend. To find out more information visit their website at www.cvsolutions.org under their News & Events tab.

B). Guests: Christina Cannon

 Christina passed out handouts that spelled out the proposal she wants supported by ICC concerning ongoing issues with cafeteria employees of Fresh and Natural. o Christina wanted the various clubs to go to the club members to and poll them on what they think the problems are and what possible solutions can be suggested. o Identify things like the following: . Should there be a possible inspection to satisfy sanitary questions. . Should there be menu changes. . Price changes. o She also wants to see who is in support of the boycott and who would be willing to sell food during the boycott. o Once the problems and solutions have been identified; those clubs who want to be involved will work during the week of April 21st, Monday – Friday between 2 – 3 hour timeslots serving food to the students as an alternative to the cafeteria. o She would like the message to get across to the students that no one should buy from the cafeteria during this time. o Christina asked that the responses be turned in by the next ICC meeting. o She feels a united front will give credibility to the cause. . VI. Committee Reports – ICC Finances and Guidelines Review: ICC

 No reports.

VII. Club Reports/Requests: ICC

 Tamikko Bennett passed out various handouts for upcoming future BSU activities/events.

2  The BSU will sponsor an Empowering Achievement Conference on April 24th in the library. She will pass out the handout on Club Day tomorrow.  Tamikko said there will be advertisement in the Delta News (Antioch), The National Newspaper (Pittsburg), The LMC Experiment and the Marquee.  Tamikko said there will be a drawing table starting Thursday.  Tamikko requested funding for decorations and food from ICC.  Stephen Hamrick reviewed the price list and questioned the amount requested. Said ICC can’t pay for a meal.  Demetria identified the type of food (refreshment type) that could be covered by ICC.  Tamikko went over the list and identified the actual amount needed was $150.00 for publicity, refreshments and decorations.  Tamikko will see Demetria about the electrical equipment.  Although Tamikko hasn’t secured the BSU’s advisor’s signature she will have it by tomorrow.

Call for a motion to approve the requested funding in the amount of $150.00 pending the BSU advisor’s signature.

Motion: Stephen Hamrick Second: Jamila Stewart Vote: 4-0-0 Abstain: Tamikko Bennett

Eduardo Cardona’s guest, Alfredo, did not make the meeting today to speak about the Inner Club Competition in softball and basketball. Eduardo will invite him to the next ICC meeting.

VIII. Unfinished Business: ICC

A). Club Day Preparation: ICC

 Club Day will be from 10 – 2 p.m.  Demetria Lawrence will supply power on Club Day for CLEMA, BSU and Honors.  There will be a PA and CD’s instead of a DJ.  Remember to visit the Umoja Club’s table and support the Clothesline Project.

B). Discussion on cafeteria

 Tabled.

IX. New Business: Enock Teefe

A). Discussion on Cafeteria: Enock Teefe

 Tabled until next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.


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