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Place This in Your Own Letter Head


2018 年 4 月 4 日

Name Title Bank Name Address City, St ZIP

Dear Community Reinvestment Manager:

Life enhancing. Character building. Outstanding.

These are just a few of the ways that Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) students describe their experiences.

The HOBY program helps provide leadership development to lower-income 10th graders and can provide your institution with CRA credit .

A contribution from [Bank} will provide scholarships for students from low- and moderate-income schools to attend a three-day Leadership Development Seminar. We have enclosed information highlighting the sponsorship opportunities available to you. In addition to getting CRA credit within your Assessment Areas, [Bank} is free to determine which areas it would like to support.

Every year, HOBY offers [three of four day] Leadership Development Seminars to high school sophomores from nearly [amount] high schools throughout [state]. Our programs focus on leadership, motivation and volunteerism by providing interactive discussions with community, business and political leaders, as well as hands-on community service projects.

HOBY seminars – which have been presented almost 50 years – are made possible through the generosity of companies, foundations and individuals who care about our collective future. There is minimal cost to the schools we serve, but no costs to students or their families. All seminars are 100-percent volunteer driven, meaning we have virtually no administrative expenses.

We sincerely hope that we can count on your support. Together, we will help make a positive difference in the lives of our future leaders, their families and their communities. For more information about HOBY and the CRA program, please feel free to contact us with any additional questions. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Sincerely, HOBY Youth Leadership and CRA FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Question #1: How does HOBY qualify for CRA on the Investment Test? Answer #1: HOBY has identified the schools in [Affiliate State] that qualify under CRA standards based on criteria that federal regulators have suggested. A school will qualify for direct sponsorship if it is either located in a low- or moderate- income Census Tract or the student population [state requirements for student meal program or other state requirements].

All sponsorships for this CRA program will be earmarked and 100% of the Grant will be directly applied to support the student attending the Leadership Seminar from the CRA qualified school. Therefore, 100% of your Investment will qualify under CRA examination standards.

Question #2: How many low- and moderate-income schools are there in California? Answer #2: Based on HOBY research, approximately [X%] to [Y%] of all the schools in [STATE} would be considered a low- or moderate-income school. Therefore, HOBY expects that [X%] to [Y%] of the students attending a HOBY Leadership Seminar would reflect those percentages.

Question #3: How does HOBY qualify for CRA on the Service Test? Answer #3: There are two different ways to get involved with HOBY to gain CRA credit on the Service Test: 1. In 1998, HOBY launched the Leadership for Service program as a component of the Leadership Seminars. The program is part of HOBY's commitment to the Presidents' Summit for America's Future. Through Leadership for Service, HOBY provides young people with the tools and training necessary to successfully complete 100 hours of volunteer service in their local communities. There is opportunity for the Sponsor to assist the student after they have attended the Leadership Seminar to help them identify community organizations to serve out their 100 hours of community service. 2. Additionally, part of the HOBY program is for students to take what they learned at the Leadership Seminar and go back to school and present a one-day workshop along the same lines to other students within their school. The Sponsor will be able to assist in offering their financial expertise on a panel as well as helping to coordinate the financial aspects of putting on the workshop.

Question #4: Is HOBY only in [STATE]? Answer #4: HOBY is nationwide and the plan is for the CRA program to spread too many other States as we gather the appropriate information. This will be especially helpful for those Financial Institutions with more than one Assessment Area.

Question #5: If I have additional questions, whom do I contact? Answer #5: Just call HOBY at [contact phone number] and we will be happy to provide you with the information you need.

[PLACE CONTACT INFORMATION HERE] CRA Qualified Sponsorship Opportunities

Your gift sponsors students from lower-income schools to attend a 3-day Leadership Seminar that will provide stimulating perspectives on America's democratic, economic, and educational systems; entrepreneurship; volunteerism and community service; and our nation's future. The Seminar[s] are in June of [year].

 Sponsor Forty (40) Students………………………………………………………….. ……………….……..$10,000 Prominent recognition on the Back Cover of Program Book, signage during seminar and at Banquet, Company name/logo on seminar T-Shirts and special announcement at Banquet

 Sponsor Thirty (30) Students………………………………………………………………………………....$ 7,500 Prominent recognition on the Inside Cover of the Program Book, Company name/logo on seminar T-Shirts, and special announcement at Banquet

 Sponsor Twenty (20) Students………………………………………………………………………………..$ 5,000 Full Page Ad in the Program Book, Company name/logo on seminar T-Shirts and special announcement at Banquet

 Sponsor Ten (10) Students………………………………………………………………………………….…$ 2,500 Full Page Ad in the Program Book and special announcement at Banquet.

 Sponsor Four (4) Students…………………………………………………………………………. …………$ 1,000 Half Page Ad in the Program Book

 Sponsor One (1) Student…………………………………………………………………………. …………..$ 250 Quarter Page Ad in the Program Book Response Form

Name (please print) and Title Phone Number

Business Name and Address

As indicated above, I will sponsor ______students at $250 each. I have completed the Additional Information page attached to designate the specific Counties where I would like my Sponsorship(s).

 Please find a check enclosed for the full amount of the Sponsorship.  Please Invoice me.  The check will follow.

Please have checks made payable to: [HOBY Affiliate Name] [Place Contact Information Here]

Additional Information For Sponsorships

CRA **Please indicate Qualifi *Total $s the number of County ed Needed in sponsorships in School the County desired Counties s  Los Angeles 131 $32,750  Sponsor ______Students c

 Orange 34 $8,500  Sponsor ______Students

 San 24 $6,000  Sponsor ______Students Bernardino  Riverside 16 $4,000  Sponsor ______Students

 San Diego 37 $9,250  Sponsor ______Students

 Imperial 10 $2,500  Sponsor ______Students

 Ventura 7 $1,750  Sponsor ______Students

 Santa Barbara 5 $1,250  Sponsor ______Students

 Kern 12 $3,000  Sponsor ______Students

 Tulare 8 $2,000  Sponsor ______Students

 Fresno 19 $4,750  Sponsor ______Students

 Monterey 3 $750  Sponsor ______Students

 Madera 2 $500  Sponsor ______Students  Inyo 2 $500  Sponsor ______Students

 Kings 2 $500  Sponsor ______Students

 Mono 1 $250  Sponsor ______Students San Luis Obispo 0 $0 San Benito 0 $0 Please allocate Sponsorships based on Counties “checked” above as HOBY sees the need:  Sponsor ______Students

Sponsoring ______Total Students for $______

* The Total $ Needed is calculated by the number of schools at $250 each. For example, [County] has 131 schools with one student located at each. Therefore, 131 schools at $250 for each Sponsorship equals $32,750 needed in the [County].

** Please indicate the number of schools you would like to sponsor for each County. The idea is for your Financial Institution to be able to target Schools where you have Assessment Areas. If one of your Assessment Areas does not include the whole County and you want to make sure the School is within your Assessment Area, please look to the listing of Schools attached for the address. You may request specific Schools; however, please be advised that HOBY cannot guaranty the School will still be available. If you have additional questions, please call [phone].

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