Grammar Checklist with Links to the BBC

ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS  'Before' and 'ago'  emphasizing adverbs  Participles as adjectives   enough / sufficient / adequate  possibility: maybe, perhaps, may and might  Adverb and adjective collocations  plural nouns  'incredible' and 'unbelievable'  hardly/scarcely, neither/nor, so/too  'efficient' or 'effective'  quite  'busy with' or 'busy about'?  concern/concerned/concerning  adjectival prefixes: un-, in- or im-?  on / off  adjectival suffixes: -ive, -ous or -ful?  future forms: comparatives and superlatives  adjectival suffixes: -less or -free?  being  'good' or 'well'?  position of adverbs  using 'as well'  too much/many, fewer/less, little, as much as  using 'besides'  however/nevertheless/moreover  'for example' and 'for instance'  irregular adjectives and adverbs  using 'so'  -ed adjectives  inversion after negation and 'only'  compound adjectives  'how long?', 'how often?' 'how many times?'  time expressions, adjectives and adverbs  using 'ever'  'Always' and 'ever'  'formation and use of adjectives' just or only  -ed and -ing adjectives  adjectives: appropriate/suitable and  actually/in fact/well adequate/sufficient/enough  yet/still/already  'hardly', 'hardly ever', hardly any'  especially/specially&continuously/continually  'even if', 'even though'  adjectives with -er/-est, more/most, less/least  'ed' and '-ing' as adjectives in comparative/superlative  time expressions with 'next', 'last' and 'on'  so, such and so on  adjectives: position  'worth/worthwhile'  'yet': adverb or conjunction  likely to  though / as though / like  adverbials  comparative and superlative forms  inversion

CONJUNCTIONS AND CLAUSES  though, even though and even so  'yet': adverb or conjunction  Omitting that  though / as though / like  Using '' and 'How...?'  'by' and 'from'  Affirmative word order in questions  'in order to' and 'so that'  Which or that  'wh'-questions  'Since': preposition, conjunction and adverb  cleft sentences  as / while / as long as  as... as  'preposition + relative pronoun'  but as conjunction and preposition  'unless' and 'otherwise'  'for' and 'during'  'whenever', 'wherever and etc'  when or if? if or whether?  'though' & 'although'; 'despite' & 'in spite of'  being  'while' and 'whereas'  what or that? and noun-verb collocations  'because', 'as', 'since' and 'for'  What if / suppose / supposing  'yet' and 'but', 'so' and 'hence'  subordinating and coordinating conjunctions  'as well as' and 'as long as'  when/while/meanwhile  'as' and 'like'  when and if & in case and if  inversion after negative expressions  Linking adverbs  participial or relative clause  alternatives to 'if'  'even if', 'even though'  participle clauses DETERMINERS, NOUNS AND PRONOUNS  noun-verb agreement  it to identify people  no = not a / not any  compound nouns  article or no article?  plural nouns  this/that - these/those - here/there  'what or which'  different uses of 'any'  job title suffixes  'the', 'a' and 'an'  'there' and 'is' as preparatory subjects  indefinite and zero articles  'the' or zero article?  using articles with geographical names  a/an and the: pronunciation  articles, possessives and demonstratives  too much/many, fewer/less, little, as much as  apostrophes: 'its' and 'it's';'ones' and 'one's'  nouns + prepositions  'so do I.'/ 'me too'  what or that? and noun-verb collocations  'such' and 'so'  noun + to- infinitive clause  'much', 'many', 'lots of' and subj-verb agr’t  noun suffixes  subject-verb agreement with count nouns  possessive 's or of + noun?  double negatives  'that' and 'then'  relative pronouns: 'who' or 'whom'?  the definite article: context-specific and with  using 'the' correctly abstract nouns  reflexive pronouns  uncountable nouns  'each' and 'every'  fewer or less  'either'/'neither'/'too'  you and me / you and I  'any' and 'no'  every/all  subject/verb agreement  countable and uncountable nouns with  'amount', 'quantity', 'number' different meanings  it/this/that  'The' with place names: rules and exceptions

MODALS AND CONDITIONALS  Third conditional  'will', 'shall', 'would' and 'should'  Mixed conditionals  'could have', 'would have' and 'should have'  Inversion in conditional sentences  'if I was' and 'if I were'  'Needn't have' and 'didn't need to'  'hope' and 'wish'  'if-clauses' and containing 'will', 'will'  'must', 'have to', 'have got to'  'must' as deduction and obligation  'would' in conversation  'must', 'need' and 'used to' in reported speech  general and future condition and 'have got to'  'first and second conditionals; 'should'  should , would and could instead of 'if'  What if / suppose / supposing  'using 'as long as'  when and if & in case and if

PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASES  'at', 'on' and 'in'  'like' as verb and preposition  'good at' or 'good in'?  as... as  'beside'/'besides' and 'toward'/'towards'  but as conjunction and preposition  'since' and 'for'  'for' and 'during'  'despite' and 'in spite of'  prepositions in time expressions  'with regard to' and 'regarding'  concern/concerned/concerning  'due to', 'owing to', 'on account of' and  on / off 'because of'  in front of / before/ across  'as' and 'like'  prepositions for common nouns without  'busy with' or 'busy about' articles  prepositional and phrasal verbs  time and place phrases with at, in and on  'on', 'in', or 'at' midnight?  during, for, by, until with time phrases with  time expressions with 'next', 'last' and 'on' at, in and on  though / as though / like  for/to VERBS AND TENSES  unreal uses of past forms  subject/verb agreement  'say' and 'tell' in reported speech  the passive  have had / had had  stative verbs  wouldn't/would & won't/will for refusals and  American/British verbs insistence  'would' in conversation  planned future actions  'get, plus past  the passive with modals, future and infinitive  verbs + adverbial particles  short answers and question tags  'let' or 'leave'  doubling final consonants  'like' as verb and preposition  we are to / we are not to  reporting questions, suggestions, advice and  have / have got instructions  present perfect with 'for' and 'since'  expressing possibility: perhaps, maybe, may  forming questions with do/does and is/are and might  see / feel / like & love in progressive form  'gonna', 'wanna', 'gotta' and 'dunno'  Choosing the right tense in indirect speech  present perfect  Phrasal verbs: five different structures  change of time/tense in reported speech  do as auxiliary verb  concern/concerned/concerning  primary auxiliary verbs: 'do' and 'have'  auxil. verbs; contracted forms: pronunciation  'up' and 'down' in phrasal verbs  past tenses  'to do' and 'to have done'  future forms: comparatives and superlatives  lots to do with 'do'  could, was able to and managed to  'happen' and 'happen to'  being  tenses of 'lie' or 'lay'  suggest, recommend, insist, demand  past simple and past perfect: 'have' and 'had'  subject-verb inversion in questions  past tense endings  past simple and past perfect  'used to' or past simple?  The future  present perfect simple and continuous  Hear, see, make, let, allow + object + verb  will/shall/would/should form  'been' or 'gone'?  present perfect with just, already, ever and  inverted word order: questions & statements yet  reported/indirect speech  what or that? and noun-verb collocations  'must', 'need' and 'used to' in reported speech  Bare infinitive  the passive  Verbs and tenses  prepositional and phrasal verbs  past simple and present perfect  'to' or '-ing'?  intransitive and transitive verbs  contractions: 'aren't', 'haven't', 'isn't'  have to do and to have done  'will', 'shall', 'would' and 'should'  reporting the future  'don't' and 'do not'  get (for transport) + preposition or adverb  'present perfect and past simple' particle  reporting verbs  get + preposition or adverb particle  be able + infinitive  ever and in time expressions  be to + infinitive  time expressions and tenses  the subjunctive  dare and need - auxiliary verbs  participial or relative clause  'be to'  verb + two objects  for + verb-ing'  have+object+infinitive/-ing  'used to' or 'would'  question tags+imperative  expressing wishes: past, present and future