New Hampshire Soccer Association

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New Hampshire Soccer Association

New Hampshire Soccer Association Meeting Minutes December 5, 2007

Attendance: Bill Thornton, Bob Willey, Ric Marion, canida campbell, Mark Ruest, Sonja Snellgrove, Mark Sadler, John Ferreira, Daniel Roberge, Kathee Doran-Goulet

Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm

Secretary Report: November meeting minutes presented. Motion to accept September, October and November minutes by Bob and seconded by candi. Motion passes.

Treasurers Report: Bookkeeper presented Profit and Loss by Class, NHSA Referee P&L, Sept.-December P&L, NHSA Referee Balance Sheet... John stated that monies collected from last year are being kept separate from this year to correctly state our balance. Bill verified with John that cash in checking and savings no longer reflects the Referee account now. John stated that for security purposes there are now 3 levels of security on the NHSA data base: password, challenge and encryption. W2’s, W3’s and 1099’s have all been audited. John has collected 3 of the 5 past due monies from ODP players. 2 are still pending. John mentioned the need for a proposal to change the constitution in order for the new billing process to be set up. Currently Competitive registers by team and it will need to change to the individual.

Executive V.P.: Written report submitted. Bob suggested inviting Blue Sombrero and Score representatives to the AGM on March 15 and the Recreation Forum to be held on January 26th at the Anheuser-Busch facility. In order to boost declining attendance for the AGM it was suggested to include a mandatory Coaches meeting for Competitive

V.P. of Recreation: Written Report Submitted

President: Bill stated that NHSA is still not in possession of rosters from the Academy Program. NHSA needs to have these rosters to insure the National rules are adhered to. While it is for only 2 age groups, (U15 and U17) NHSA has to check 4 age groups because they use the calendar year for age groups. Region I currently have the rosters however if we are unable to secure them, then we will need to contact Seacoast.

V.P. of Competitive: Written report and November 17th Competitive Meeting Minutes submitted. Sonja questioned if a decision was made regarding the round robin for Fall Playoffs. candia stated that it was suggested and the idea was supported to offer a round robin to teams at D1 level that wish to participate. There are teams that are registered but do not participate in the State and the Fall tournaments. Bill and candia agreed that there will be another meeting held with representation from all leagues to discuss and review the ideas presented. No changes will be made until procedures are worked out. Bob proposed this discussion be tabled until another meeting takes place and more information becomes available.

V.P. of Adult: Written report submitted.

V.P. Indoor: No report John stated that letters have been sent to all indoor facilities for amount owed. Currently Seacoast, Derry Sports Zone and Hampstead Phan Zone are in serious arrears. If they do not make arrangements to pay ASAP then they will be put in bad standing. If a facility is in bad standing then Mark Sadler will send out a notice to all referees that they may still ref at these facilities but they cannot wear the USSF patch or OSI uniform. If they do then they are subject to disciplinary action. Bill stated that the State Referee Committee can make recommendations regarding discipline to the State Board. Mark will check with Region I regarding the rules of discipline. John volunteered to organize an indoor tournament so that the facilities may raise enough revenue to pay what is owed NHSA. Dan stated that he has talked with Seacoast about a national tournament but needs to be certain the facility is sanctioned. NHSA will know the status of all indoor facilities by January 15.

State Coach of Education: Written report, U.S. Soccer National Coaching School D License Grid Schedule and D Course Outline Submitted. Mark presented his reworked D Coaching course outline. He stated that he needs a big enough space so that it can be done in 2 pods with 2 instructors. Jay Joseph has stated that he may be able to acquire indoor space and time. Mark stated that he would like to offer the course twice a year as in the past. Notes from the Crystal City Coaches Meeting were sent to all Board members directly before this meeting. Mark noted that he is in the process of updating the Coach of the Year nomination form. He is creating an online form so that each board member would receive a copy of all submissions and each nomination would be acknowledged automatically. With the Board’s agreement he will continue to work on this site. . State Coach of ODP: Written report and 11/18/07 NH ODP Staff Meeting Agenda submitted. Bob questioned what was being done regarding the damage to the state vehicle. John stated that there is a long scrape on the side of the vehicle that was done in a parking lot. John has contacted GMAC to evaluate the car on December 29. John stated that the ODP budget is in need of review so that it will include the Score uniforms for next year. Bill stated they are keeping the same budget for uniforms which is the bottom line budget. Bill stated that ODP coaches will get their uniforms but in the second year the returning coaches will not get the full package. Bill stressed that all orders for uniforms must go through Ric at the State Office. John has set dates for payments which he stated that Ian has explained to the ODP parents. John will work with Carla to work out a bill submitted to Doug at the Crystal City meeting in October for the coaching symposium.

State Referee Administrator: Written report submitted Mark S. requested that the State President poll other Region I President’s to get their opinion of the new referee uniform. Bill stated if Mark wrote a proposal that he would present it. Mark stated that there is a SRYRA workshop in Colorado on March 28th. This was also the same day that N.H. was to host a National instructor. Bill stressed the importance of attending the workshop. Mark stated that they are working out the final arrangements. There are currently 288 Referees registered for 2008 in N.H. 81 are still being processed through E7. Mark is waiting to hear from Liz regarding these.

SYRA: Written report submitted SDI: Written report submitted SDA: Written Report Submitted.

State Registrar: Written Report submitted.

State Administrator: Written report submitted Ric will get together with John by the end of the week to go over forms and send in fee’s due.

Risk Management Report: No report.

Old Business: Ric suggested that Blue Sombrero discussion be held at a committee meeting. Bill stated that Blue Sombrero needs to review the NHSA business rules. NHSA needs to change the constitution to change to per player. During the transition NHSA needs to invoice so that when a person registers travel they register as part of a team. John will contact Blue Sombrero on Thursday, December 6. Dan suggested using Adult to begin the registration process on Blue Sombrero as they are ready to go. There will be a committee meeting comprised of Bill, John, Mark S., Bob, Dan, Ric and candia to be held on Wednesday, December 12 at 7:00pm at the State Office.

New Business: As of today the people attending the USYSA Coaches Convention in Pittsburgh are: Bill, Doug, Liz, candia, Mark R., Fil, Kathee and possibly Mark S. March 15 is the 2008 NHSA AGM to be held at the Anheuser Busch Facility in Merrimack, N.H. Registration will be from 8:30- 9:30. Coaches meeting is scheduled for 9:30-10:30. AGM begins at 10:30. A discussion was held regarding a date for the NHSA Awards Ceremony. After several dates were presented a motion was made by Bob W. to have the Awards Ceremony the third (3rd) Friday of November each year unless it conflicts with a holiday weekend. Seconded by candia. Motion passes. The 2008 Awards Ceremony will be held on Friday, November 14, 2008. This will be for the 2007 Fall and 2008 Spring season. Bill suggested having an ODP coaching symposium at the AGM using ODP players. He stated that any coach who is member of NHSA should be encouraged to attend. ODP training sessions. Bill requested that Mark R. check with Ian on the possibility of training sessions. Bob stated that he will chair the AGM committee. John will chair the Blue Sombrero committee. The Awards committee is left open so that new board members may get involved.

Good of the Game: On November 18th, 2007, Noreen Taylor and Frank Hasek, Lifetime members of NHSA were inducted into the Soccer Hall of Fame. Franklin Pierce Men’s Team won the National Championship. The Franklin Pierce Women’s team made the finals but lost in a shoot out. Seacoast Untied joined with the N.H. Fischer Cats one day to promote soccer and get more involved with the inner city program.

Next meeting is on Wednesday, January 9 at 6:30 at the State Office. Motion to adjourn by candia and seconded by Bob. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted Kathee Doran-Goulet

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