The Opening Prayer

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The Opening Prayer

program. The group conscience requests that all our wrongs. matters affecting another group or Al-Anon or THE OPENING PRAYER present refrain from gossip, dominance and 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove AA as a whole. discussion of religion, treatment centers, self-help all these defects of character. 5. Each Al-Anon Family Group has but one God, grant me the serenity programs, counseling and the use or mention of 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our purpose: to help families of alcoholics. We do To accept the things I cannot change, material other than our Al-Anon/Alateen conference shortcomings. this by practicing the Twelve Steps of AA Courage to change the things I can, approved literature. 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, ourselves, by encouraging and understanding And the wisdom to know the difference. and became willing to make amends to our alcoholic relatives, and by welcoming and Please remember that in Al-Anon/Alateen we keep them all. giving comfort to families of alcoholics. SUGGESTED AL-ANON OPENING the focus on us and not on the alcoholic. We thank 9. Made direct amends to such people 6. Our Family Groups ought never endorse, you for your cooperation in our group effort to stick wherever possible, except when to do so finance or lend our name to any outside We welcome you to the _____ Al-Anon/Alateen to Al-Anon/Alateen principles. would injure them or others. enterprise, lest problems of money, property Family Group and hope you will find in this 10. Continued to take personal inventory and and prestige divert us from our primary fellowship the help and friendship we have been SUGGESTED PREAMBLE TO THE when we were wrong promptly admitted it. spiritual aim. Although a separate entity, we privileged to enjoy. 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to should always co-operate with Alcoholics We who live or have lived with the problem of TWELVE STEPS improve our conscious contact with God as Anonymous. alcoholism understand as perhaps few others can. The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of we understood Him, praying only for 7. Every group ought to be fully self-supporting, We, too, were lonely and frustrated, but in Al- relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their knowledge of His will for us and the power declining outside contributions. Anon/Alateen we discover that no situation is really experience, strength and hope in order to solve to carry that out. 8. Al-Anon Twelfth Step work should remain hopeless, and that it is possible for us to find their common problems. We believe alcoholism is a 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the forever nonprofessional, but our service contentment, and even happiness, whether the family illness and that changed attitudes can aid result of these steps, we tried to carry this centers may employ special workers. alcoholic is still drinking or not. recovery. message to others, and to practice these 9. Our groups, as such, ought never be organized; We urge you to try our program. It has helped Al-Anon is not allied with any sect, principles in all our affairs. but we may create service boards or many of us find solutions that lead to serenity. So denomination, political entity, organization or committees directly responsible to those they much depends on our own attitudes, and as we institution; does not engage in any controversy, serve. learn to place our problem in its true perspective, neither endorses nor opposes any cause. There are THE TWELVE TRADITIONS 10. The Al-Anon Family Groups have no opinion on we find it loses its power to dominate our thoughts no dues for membership. Al-Anon is self-supporting outside issues; hence our name ought never be and our lives. through its own voluntary contributions. The Traditions that follow bind us together in drawn into public controversy. The family situation is bound to improve as we Al-Anon has but one purpose: to help families unity. They guide the groups in their relations with 11. Our public relations policy is based on apply the Al-Anon/Alateen ideas. Without such of alcoholics. We do this by practicing the Twelve other groups, with AA, and the outside world. They attraction rather than promotion; we need spiritual help, living with an alcoholic is too much Steps, by welcoming and giving comfort to families recommend group attitudes toward leadership, always maintain personal anonymity at the for most of us. Our thinking becomes distorted by of alcoholics, and by giving understanding and membership, money, property, public relations, and level of press, radio, films and TV. We need trying to force solutions, and we become irritable encouragement to the alcoholic. (Al--Anon/Alateen anonymity. guard with special care the anonymity of all AA and unreasonable without knowing it. Service Manual pg. 39) The Traditions evolved from the experience of members. The Al-Anon/Alateen program is based on the AA groups in trying to solve their problems of living 12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Twelve Steps (adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous) and working together. Al-Anon adopted these Traditions, ever reminding us to place which we try, little by little, one day at a time, to THE TWELVE STEPS group guidelines and over the years has found principles above personalities. them sound and wise. Although they are only apply to our lives along with our slogans and the Because of their proven power and worth, AA’s suggestions, Al-Anon’s unity and perhaps even its Serenity Prayer. The loving interchange of help Twelve Steps have been adopted almost word for survival are dependent on adherence to these SUGGESTED AL-ANON CLOSING among members and daily reading of Al- word by Al-Anon. They represent a way of life principles. (Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual pg.41) Anon/Alateen literature thus make us ready to appealing to all people of goodwill, of any religious In closing, I would like to say that the opinions receive the priceless gift of serenity. faith or of none. Note the power of the very words! 1. Our common welfare should come first; expressed here were strictly those of the person Anonymity is an important principle of the Al- (Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual pg.40) personal progress for the greatest number who gave them. Take what you liked and leave the Anon/ Alateen program. Everything that is said here 1. We admitted we were powerless over depends upon unity. rest. in the group meeting and member-to-member, alcohol--that our lives had become 2. For our group purpose there is but one The things you heard were spoken in must be held in confidence. Only in this way can we unmanageable. authority - a loving God as He may express confidence and should be treated as confidential. feel free to say what is in our minds and hearts, for 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders Keep them within the walls of this room and the this is how we help one another in Al-Anon/Alateen. ourselves could restore us to sanity. are but trusted servants - they do not govern. confines of your mind. (Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual pg. 38) 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our 3. The relatives of alcoholics, when gathered A few special words to those of you who haven’t lives over to the care of God as we together for mutual aid, may call themselves been with us long: Whatever your problems, there understood Him. an Al-Anon Family Group, provided that, as a are those among us who have had them too. If you SUGGESTED STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 4. Made a searching and fearless moral group, they have no other affiliation. The only try to keep an open mind, you will find help. You will inventory of ourselves. requirement for membership is that there be a come to realize that there is no situation too Our meetings last for approximately one hour. 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to problem of alcoholism in a relative or friend. difficult to be bettered and no unhappiness too During this hour we come together for mutual help. another human being the exact nature of 4. Each group should be autonomous, except in great to be lessened. We come to learn how to live the Al-Anon/Alateen We aren’t perfect. The welcome we give you For meetings outside of this area, call AFG, Inc. St John’s Episcopal ……………….….………………..……..210 may not show the warmth we have in our hearts for 888-425-2666 SUNDAY N Main St you. After a while, you’ll discover that though you Local - www.LEXINGTONAL-ANON.ORG LEXINGTON (O)…………….…SERENO AMANCER……….. may not like all of us, you’ll love us in a very special International - www. al- ….9:00 am TUESDAY way the same way we already love you. Kentucky - Spanish-Speaking Meeting ………………………..1388 Talk to each other, reason things out with Alexandria Dr. # 1 CARLISLE (O)…. …..……. TUESDAY NIGHT AFG.…...…..…. someone else but let there be no gossip or criticism MEETING DESCRIPTIONS 8:00 pm of one another. Instead, let the understanding, love LEXINGTON (O) ….…………….RAINBOW………..………….…. Nicholas County Health Dept……………….…………..2320 and peace of the program grow in you one day at a AL-ANON: membership is open to anyone who feels his 6:00 pm Concrete Rd Word of Hope, Lutheran……………………….…1870 time. Will all who care to, join me in closing with or her life has been or is being affected by alcoholism in a family member or a friend Armstrong Mill Rd *H - FRANKFORT (O) …….…..TUESDAY’S SERENITY …. the ______Prayer? (Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual …... 12 noon First Christian Church, Prayer Room, 1st floor pg. 45 & 46) (O) OPEN: open to anyone interested in the family disease of alcoholism. *H - LEXINGTON (O)….……….…….…JOY…..…………………. …………………316 Ann St 8:00 pm (C) CLOSED: limited to members & st nd prospective members. These are persons who (Speaker 1 Sunday, Step meeting 2 Sunday) FRANKFORT (O)……....……....ODAT..……………..….....…. SUGGESTED MEETING FORMAT feel their lives have been or are being deeply Quest Community Church, behind Meijer………….....….410 …. 6:30 pm ……………………………….……………………...… affected by alcoholism in a family member or Sporting Ct. 300 Strathmore Drive Moment of Silence followed by the Serenity Prayer friend. MONDAY LEXINGTON (O) …...... ADULT CHILDREN GROWIN’ UP….. Read Al-Anon Welcome ALATEEN: part of the Al-Anon Family Groups. It is a BEREA (O)………………....……FREEDOM.……………....….…. …5:30 pm Al-Anon Adult Children -- elevator inside door Read Al-Anon Statement of Purpose fellowship of young people whose lives have 6:00 pm been affected by alcoholism in a family member Union Church……..…(Wayside Rm. 204)…...…….…200 off playground st Read Twelve Steps or close friend. All Alateen meetings are Prospect Street Maxwell St Presbyterian, Marshall Parlor, 1 floor. ……180 CLOSED, in that they are designed for E Maxwell St Read Twelve Traditions members in their teens only. Some groups may FRANKFORT (O)……….….....NEW HOPE…………..…....…. Business/Announcements allow younger members. Please check in …. 6:30 pm Bridge St Club, upstairs……...…… non- advance smoking…....…111 1/2 Bridge St *H - MT STERLING……………….RESTORED HOPE…...... Program/Speaker …. 7:00 pm Episcopal Church………. basement, use back IRVINE (O) ……………..….REACHING OUT….…….……….…. door…..…....48 W High St th *H – HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE - but may not have Pass 7 Tradition Basket – no dues or fees automatic doors 8:00 pm Dr Patterson’s office…….…………….………. ………….…105 Main Street NICHOLASVILLE (O) …………TUESDAY 12-STEPPERS….. Read Al-Anon Closing *CC – CHILDCARE PROVIDED THE FOLLOWING DESIGNATIONS ARE GIVEN BY THE ….7:30 pm LEXINGTON (O)…...... LIVE & LET LIVE…………....….…. Comments or Phone Numbers GROUPS THROUGH GROUP CONSCIENCE AND AUTONOMY. United Methodist Church (library) ………………………. 303 12 NOON W. Maple St. Al-Anon Adult Children La Roca/The Rock-Epworth UMC..non-smoking……...1015 Al-Anon members who identify themselves as N Limestone PARIS (Closed) …….…………….……………………………....…. ______growing up in the disease of alcoholism Women Group specifies it is for women only *CC -LEXINGTON (O) ...... …SISTERS of the 6:00 pm Caminos de Esperanza GFA ……..……………………. ______Men Group specifies it is for men only SPIRIT…………6:00 pm ……...….708 Main St Women only, child care provided ______DISTRICT & AIS MEETINGS Maxwell St Presbyterian…………….…………….……….180 E RICHMOND (O)…. …….…….…TUESDAY AFG.………….……. 8:00 pm FOR AL-ANON & ALATEEN MEETINGS Maxwell St First Methodist Church…………………………..…………..401 ______TIMES, DATES, LOCATION – subject to change *H - LEXINGTON (O) ………..... BEGINNERS………..….……. W. Main St. DISTRICT 12: Meeting held at Ahava Center, 168 Burt 6:00 pm Multimedia Center, across parking lot, behind the Revised by majority vote of District 12 groups for change of the Rd. An informational meeting for newcomers. church….... Room 218 introduction to the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. June 15, 2nd Thurs./mo at 6:00 pm during daylight Ridge Behavioral………….….……………..….Man O’ War & 2004 savings time, Rio Dosa Dr. and the 2nd Sat./month 9:30 a.m. in fall & WEDNESDAY winter. MOREHEAD (O) …………. MOREHEAD AL-ANON….……..…. Attendees: Group Reps (to vote) and any FRANKFORT (O) ……..……...... NEW HOPE………….…..... 6:00 pm Living Word Church…..………………….………….. interested …. 6:30 pm Bridge St Club, upstairs……….….. non- GREATER LEXINGTON AREA MEETINGS …….905 Clearfield St DIRECTORY Al- Anon member (for information). smoking…...…111 1/2 Bridge St DISTRICT 12 AL-ANON & ALATEEN RICHMOND (O) ……………….…. SANITY…….………… ….. LEXINGTON (O)………..……. BROWN BAG………..…….….. THE GREATER LEXINGTON AL-ANON / ALATEEN AL-ANON INFORMATION SERVICE: Meeting held on …. 6:30 pm First Methodist nd ….12 noon Good Shepherd Episcopal Church INFORMATION SERVICE OFFICE & LDC the 2 Tuesday of Feb., April, June, Aug., Church…………………………………… 401 West Main St …………………………533 E. Main St. 845 Lane Allen Rd. - Suite B-6 (downstairs) Oct. and Dec. at Multimedia Center, across parking lot, behind the 6:15 pm. Ahava Center, 168 Burt Rd., church….…Room 203 (Bride’s Room in the basement) Lexington, KY 40504-3631 Lexington. For Alternate Group Reps or a 859-277-1877 person chosen by the group to vote and any VERSAILLES (O)………..……. MONDAY’S HOPE ………..…... LEXINGTON (O)……...….. ...SEEKERS of SERENITY….….. Office hours: Saturday 12 noon to 2 pm interested Al-Anon member (for information). 7:00 pm …. 7:30 pm Lafayette Christian Church, basement………... …...... 1836 Clays Mill Rd FRIDAY (Youth Activities Bldg., downstairs, through cafeteria, LEXINGTON (O) ...... UNITY ………. FRANKFORT (O)……..……...... ODAT..……………..….....….…. meeting on left) ………………7:30 pm 6:30 pm ……………………………….……………..……..…..… *H -*CC LEXINGTON (O) ……… SATURDAY FIRST STEP…. (Al-Anon Adult Children) 300 Strathmore Dr Maxwell St Presbyterian, Marshall Parlor …. ……….….180 11:00 am E Maxwell St Christ United Methodist Church, basement…...... 3801 FRANKFORT (O)……..…….....NEW HOPE…………..…....…. Harrodsburg Rd. …6:30 pm CHILDCARE PROVIDED LOUISA (O) ………………….…LOUISA AFG Bridge St Club, upstairs……..….non-smoking…….….. 111 …………………….1:00 pm 1/2 Bridge St Cornerstone Christian Counseling ………………….. 332 When our Information Service office lists a group, at River Bend Rd. their request, FRANKFORT (C) ……...... SPANISH- SPEAKING…..... there is an informal agreement that the group will ….…6:30 pm OWENTON (O)…. ………OWENTON AFG….…………………. abide by Bridge St Club, upstairs…………….…………...…...... 111 8:00 pm Al-Anon Traditions and keep its doors open to any Al- 1/2 Bridge St Owenton Library …………….....………...…………….….…..118 Anon member. N Main St Listing in the directory does not constitute approval of *H - LEXINGTON (O)….…..….….……..T.G.I.F. …………….. any group’s manner of practicing the Al-Anon …. 12 noon Christ United Methodist…..………..………Man O PARIS (O)…… …………………TRADITIONS……………………. program. War & Harrodsburg Rd 8:00 pm If the group you attend is not right for you, please try 1st Presbyterian Church…………...…………………6th & another. *H - LEXINGTON (O) ...... NEW BEGINNINGS…. Pleasant Streets There is help available in Al-Anon! KEEP AN ………8:00 pm Ridge Behavioral…………..……………..…….Man O’ War & UPDATED SCHEDULE – December 9, THURSDAY Rio Dosa Dr 2014

*H - BEREA (O)………..…………….AL-ANON…..…...…..….. *H - RICHMOND (O)………………. NEW HOPE….…………... …. 8:00 pm ….8:00 pm Baptist Church……...... ………... First Methodist Church…..Main St & Lancaster Rd…….. 401 310 Chestnut W. Main St. rd (enter back Sunday School Bldg,, elevator to 3 Floor) Multimedia Center, across parking lot, behind the church….... Room 218 FRANKFORT (O)……….………… HOPE FOR TODAY………....12 noon *H - RICHMOND (C)…...… ALATEEN………….. 1st United Methodist Church………...………….…. 211 PEACE…8:00 pm Washington Street First Methodist Church….….(Main St & Lancaster Rd) ….401 W. Main St. FRANKFORT ALATEEN …...... when school is in Multimedia Center, across parking lot, behind the session…………3:30 church….... Room 214 Franklin County High ………….……………………………… 1100 E. Main (In Amy Nance's office, through front door, past the office, SATURDAY on the left) DANVILLE (O)……..……SATURDAY MORNING…….……... 10:30 am First Christian Church, Rm. 100………………….… FRANKFORT (O)……….. NEW HOPE STEP STUDY...…...…. 555 E. Lexington Rd 6:30 pm Bridge St. Club, upstairs………………… ………... ……. 111 ½ Bridge St. FRANKFORT (C)……..……...... NEW HOPE……………....….… 11:00 am Bridge St Club, upstairs…………... non- GEORGETOWN (O)…….………. CIRCLE of HOPE…….…...…. smoking..…..…111 1/2 Bridge St 7:30 pm Harmony Christian Church……… 170 Southgate Dr., behind McDonald’s GEORGETOWN (O)…….………..OASIS AFG …………..……. …. 9:00 am First Christian Church ………….…………………….….…112 E LEXINGTON (O)…..………….. …JUST for TODAY ………..…. College St 10:30 am Crestwood Christian Church…….. IRVINE (O)…. …………….…REACHING OUT …………….……. ……………………...1882 Bellefonte Dr 8:00 pm Phillip Owens Law Office …………….………………….…… LEXINGTON (O)……………. BLUEGRASS.…….…..……….…. Richmond Rd 7:30 pm Ahava Center…………………………………………..……… 168 LEXINGTON (O) ...... NEVER ALONE AT NINE. Burt Rd. …………9:00 am Cathedral of Christ the King………………………………..299 Colony Blvd

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