ROSTER VERIFICATION Support Team Intro Email Delivery Mechanism: Email with Principal/Support Team Quick Guide docs attached Delivery Date: April 27 Delivered By: Pershing Principals Subject: Chicago Public Schools Roster Verification Overview

Dear Support Team: As you are aware, CPS is actively preparing for implementation of REACH (Recognizing Educators Advancing CHicago) Students—our new, comprehensive teacher evaluation system. I am writing to request your assistance in a critical component of that preparation: ensuring that our records matching students to teachers are fair and accurate. To do this, we are undergoing a roster verification process. We need you to participate to determine if the information we currently have in our system accurately captures the instructional relationships between teachers and students. You have been identified as a support team member to support our school and teachers’ contribution to this effort.

To prepare for roster verification, please follow the steps listed below. 1. Review the attached Principal/Support Team Quick Guide document.

2. Attend the Principal and Support Team Roster Verification Kickoff Pershing Network’s Kickoff sessions are:

Date Time Location Thursday, May 3 8:30 – 10:30 Elizabeth Training Facility – Lab AM 303 320 N. Elizabeth St Thursday, May 3 8:30 – 10:30 Elizabeth Training Facility – Lab AM 304 320 N. Elizabeth St

To register for the Roster Verification Kickoff, please use CPS University Step-by-Step: Registration must be completed by May 1.

1. Sign in to HR4U with your standard CPS User ID and Password. 2. Click CPS University in Quick Links and go to My Learning (if My Learning is not your CPSU home page). 3. In Search the Catalog, type the words: Roster Verification. 4. Click "Search". 5. Under Search Results, one or more activities will be listed for your Network. You need only select and attend one session. 6. Click "Enroll" next to activity for which you would like to enroll. 7. The final required step is to click "Submit Enrollment" on the Enroll in Activity page. 8. You will receive enrollment confirmation emails from CPS University subsequent to submitting your enrollment requests in the application. Updated: 04-26-2012 PRINCIPAL INTRO EMAIL (Draft #2) © 2012, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved. 1 9. If you have questions about enrolling in a session, please contact your Network’s Roster Verification Lead or Tracy Templin at [email protected].

At this face-to-face session, you will learn about the roster verification process and your role and responsibilities. You will also have an opportunity to begin the school setup process with the guidance of the facilitators. Attendance is mandatory.

3. Support teachers throughout the entire roster verification process. This entails: a. Ensuring that rosters displayed in the BFK·Link® solution are correctly set up and include all of the teachers and courses within the school by May 15. b. Supporting teachers as they verify their class rosters and monitoring staff progress toward completion by June 4. c. Reviewing and submitting final class rosters, which are due by June 15. Principals are responsible for the final approval of teacher-confirmed rosters.

Questions? If you have questions about the roster verification process in general or training sessions, please contact me directly, or Susmita Pratihast at [email protected] information about roster verification will be shared in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your ongoing efforts to enhance our data quality. Sincerely, First and Last Name Principal

Updated: 04-26-2012 PRINCIPAL INTRO EMAIL (Draft #2) © 2012, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved. 2