Law Enforcement Program
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All students shall read and acknowledge their understanding of, and willingness to comply with, these Rules and Regulations in order to properly complete the enrollment process for the Program’s session.
The College of Southern Idaho’s Law Enforcement Program is located at 315 Falls Ave., Twin Falls, Idaho. The mailing address is: Law Enforcement Program, College of Southern Idaho, Law Enforcement Program 315 Falls Ave.,Twin Falls ID, 83301.
Students are required to report to College of Southern Idaho Law Enforcement Program, Canyon Building, Room 202, 315 Falls Ave, Twin Falls, ID, no later than 0745 hours, on August 25, 2014. Any deviation from this schedule requires prior notification to the Program Director.
Students will not leave the Program Building, or offsite classroom locations, during class sessions without obtaining permission from the Program Director. Training time lost during such an absence must be made up to the satisfaction of the Program Director. In cases of court appearances, which may cause a student to miss class, a subpoena or official request from the student’s agency will be required.
Department sponsored students: Injury from accidents incurred during attendance at the Program will be covered by State Workman’s Compensation and should be referred to the student’s Agency. Illness or injury not covered by Workman’s Compensation must be covered by the student or his/her Agency’s medical insurance.
Department sponsored students and Self-Sponsored students: CSI provides a limited Student Accident Insurance Program to all students enrolled in credit classes. The fee for this insurance program is included in tuition fees. Please see College of Southern Idaho Student Accident Insurance Plan pamphlet for additional information. Students may provide additional insurance if they so desire.
College of Southern Idaho/Law Enforcement Program Staff is to be advised immediately of any accident or injury incurred while a student is at the Program, or of any prior injury that has become a factor during the Program.
College of Southern Idaho or any of the cooperating agencies cannot be held responsible for any loss to trainees as a result of damage to, or loss of, their property through fire, theft, or other causes.
Visitors are not permitted at College of Southern Idaho Law Enforcement Program, except officials of city, county and state governments, law enforcement officers and instructors with prior clearance through the College of Southern Idaho. News media will be permitted after arrangements are made with the College of Southern Idaho Law Enforcement Program staff. Exceptions to this policy include official college activities with the permission of the Program Director.
Normal class hours are 0800 to 1700 Monday through Friday. Classes may be held longer depending upon speakers and class content (with prior notification).
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 2 of 14 I. ABSENCE AND PROMPTNESS
Attendance and promptness to class is paramount in building work ethic and responsibility. Any tardiness for class over twenty minutes may result in a reprimand and an absence for the day. Some classes require attendance and could result in an incomplete or failing grade.
In the event a student will be absent from class, he or she shall be required to notify the Program Director as soon as possible.
Lunch breaks and all other breaks will be determined on a day-to-day basis by the instructor(s).
Students are required to abide by all the regulations of the Program as listed in the following Sections. II. STUDENTS SUPPLIES
Required course materials will be available for purchase on the first day of the Program. Additional books and/or materials may be distributed by the Program Director and/or course instructors in the classroom. Students will be responsible for the care and return (if applicable) of any additional materials.
Students must supply their own note taking pads, pencils and/or pens and any additional supplies needed by the student.
Each student will participate in a water safety program and must have a swimsuit. Cut-offs and T-shirts, string bikinis, thongs, or speedos will not be allowed. Additional training will take place outside and at other off-site locations. Students should bring necessary personal care items, such as sunscreen, cold weather gear, bee sting kits (if necessary) or any other essential personal items.
Self-sponsored students will be provided with a sidearm, holster, full duty belt, body armor and related equipment.
Agency sponsored students will provide their department issued sidearm and approved holster to be worn on the gun-hand side. No shoulder holster, cross-draw holster, or holster which requires the releasing of the firearm by inserting a finger inside trigger guard will be allowed. They will also provide full duty belt, body armor and related equipment.
Any pistol modifications, other than grips and sights, must be approved by the Law Enforcement Program Director.
If the agency sponsored student’s duty weapon is a semi-automatic pistol, it should have all factory equipped safeties in working order and be equipped to handle full factory loads.
The Program is not liable for loss or damage to personal property. Any property damage shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Program Director.
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 3 of 14 III. UNIFORMS AND PERSONAL APPEARANCE
The College of Southern Idaho Law Enforcement Program, like most law enforcement agencies, is a uniformed organization. The appearance of the uniform and the manner in which it is worn are significant indications of individual pride, unit discipline, professionalism and esprit-de-corps. Students are expected to have correct posture and to maintain their uniforms and personal appearance in a meticulous manner at all times.
Students are expected to be prepared for personal inspection and inspection of their uniforms and equipment at all times during the Program session.
As cadets, the duty uniform is the normal attire while attending the law enforcement program. Self-sponsored students will be required to furnish a College of Southern Idaho approved uniform. Department sponsored students shall wear their official Agency uniform. Students shall wear their uniform for all daytime classes unless otherwise notified. The student will also wear his/her official uniform for graduation exercises.
1. Uniforms must be properly worn at all times. Uniforms must fit properly and be clean and properly pressed. Brass will be shined and free from tarnish, and shoes and boots shined. Student officer clothing or articles of uniform will not be torn or mutilated and must be clean and free from non prescribed markings and may not bear profane expressions or graffiti. Students are responsible for having uniforms altered or, if necessary, purchasing new ones if weight is gained or lost or the uniform or uniform part becomes unserviceable.
2. Students will not carry bulging items in exposed shirt or trouser pockets unless authorized by the Program Director.
3. Students will not wear sunglasses or tinted prescription glasses in formations or during indoor training unless documented by medical necessity and/or unless specifically authorized by the Program Director.
4. All shoes and boots must be capable of being polished.
5. Hats are not allowed to be worn in any building or in formation, unless instructed by program staff.
6. Only articles allowed by the profession will be worn on the uniform.
7. All items of jewelry shall be approved by the Program Director.
8. No foul language is allowed in the classroom or hallway. The only exception is for training purposes inside the classroom or specific exercises. A professional image and respect is earned, not a right and automatically given.
Students will be required to wear a sweat suit, or other approved athletic apparel, for participation in the Physical Education programs. This outfit may include sweat pants, sweat shirt, T-shirt, and shorts. Students should bring good quality running shoes, an athletic supporter (male students), and good quality socks.
NOTE: Most running is done on asphalt or concrete surfaces and running shoes should be of good quality, with sufficient cushion and arch support.
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 4 of 14 Students should have ample warm clothing for use on the driving course and firing range: heavy boots, socks, long underwear, hat, coat, gloves and rain gear.
Students will at all times maintain the highest standards of personal hygiene.
1. Male students will conform to the following minimum standards:
a) Without reference to style, the hair on the top of the head will not exceed three inches in length and will be neatly groomed. The sides will be tapered with the hair not touching the ear. The back will be tapered and not touch the collar. Fad haircuts, so-called (Mohawks, etc.) or motivational haircuts are not authorized.
b) Sideburns, if worn, will be neatly trimmed, have a clean shaven line at the base, will not extend downward beyond the lowest part of the outer ear opening and will not flare.
c) Male students will be clean shaven each morning. Beards are allowed on Department sponsored students only if they are worn and authorized by the employing agency, are neatly groomed and the hair of which shall not exceed 1/4" to 1/2” in length.
d) The wearing of beads, necklaces, chains and similar ornaments shall not interfere with, nor be visible, while wearing the uniform. Only two rings may be worn at any given time. Wristwatches may be worn, but no other bracelets are authorized with the exception of Medic-Alert. Religious medallions may be worn, but in a manner that they will not be seen. Male students are not authorized to wear earrings.
2. Female students will conform to the following minimum standards:
a) Hair that is longer than collar length shall be put up or braided while in uniform. Hair that is put up will be secured to the back of the head. Barrettes of a natural hair color or transparent may also be worn. No more than two (2) ponytails or braids may be worn at any given time, and if worn, will be secured to the back of the head. In no case will the length or bulk of hair interfere with the proper wearing of any police headgear. No alligator clips are allowed.
b) If worn, make-up will be of natural colors and in good taste (e.g., no heavy eye liner, colored shadow or lipstick) may be worn at any time while in attendance at the Program.
c) The wearing of beads, necklaces, chains and similar ornaments shall not interfere with, nor be visible while, wearing the uniform. Only two rings may be worn at any given time. Wristwatches may be worn, but no other bracelets are authorized with the exception of Medic-Alert. Religious medallions may be worn, but in a manner that they will not be seen.
Self-sponsored students will be issued a firearm during firearms training. No firearms other than College of Southern Idaho issued firearms or Agency firearms issued to department sponsored students are to be in the students' possession. All firearms will remain in the Program weapons vault when not required for training purposes. Firearms will be checked out to the student when required for instruction. Firearms will be returned to the weapons vault immediately after the training session is completed for the day. Pistols, shotguns and rifles will be provided for training and qualification on the range. At the discretion of the Program Director, agency sponsored students may carry their department issued firearms during training.
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 5 of 14 Alcoholic beverages of any nature may be possessed or consumed in or about the vicinity of any part of the Program at any time. Students will refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages at any time to the extent that it results in impairment or renders the student unfit to perform required duties while at the Program. Any student arriving at the Program who displays physical evidence of using or consuming any drug(s), except those prescribed by a licensed physician or any alcoholic beverage within eight hours of reporting, may be disciplined or dismissed. No person(s) will be permitted at the Program who display physical evidence of using or consuming any drug(s) or any alcoholic beverages unless under the control of an instructor. Students displaying any signs of alcohol use must submit to a breath testing at the request of the Instructor or Staff.
College of Southern Idaho is a Tobacco Free college. Smoking will not be permitted on any College of Southern Idaho property or in any College of Southern Idaho building or vehicle at any time.
College of Southern Idaho is a Tobacco Free college. Smokeless tobacco will not be allowed at any time on any College of Southern Idaho property or in any College of Southern Idaho building or vehicle at any time.
Students are required to keep the classroom area and training areas clean.
Personal telephone calls by students are not permitted on the College of Southern Idaho office lines unless of an emergency nature.
Cellular telephone use is not permitted during instructional time.
Students are expected to conduct themselves within the ethical and moral standards the law enforcement profession demands. Students must not discredit the profession, the Program, or their Agency through their behavior.
No physical contact of an intimate nature or sexual relationships will be allowed between Program students during instructional time. Examples of this include, but are not limited to: spending long periods of time alone together anywhere in the training facility or training sites, back-neck-foot rubs, holding hands, sitting close in the break room, noticeable flirting, etc. Students violating these rules are subject to Program discipline including dismissal from the Program.
All issued items will be returned at the proper assigned times, and a continuous check will be conducted.
Students MUST complete all required entrance forms and medical examinations and return to the Program Director.
Students MUST pass all of the POST entrance requirements prior to acceptance into the program. This includes, but is not limited to, the POST Physical Fitness Test, Background Check, Polygraph Examination, and Criminal History Check prior to entering the program.
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 6 of 14 B. EXAMS
Students will be tested on all major subject areas covered in the Program. A final examination may be given in the final week of the Program session.
Each student is required to score a minimum of 75% on all weekly exams. Each student will be expected to maintain a 75% average both in academics and skills, and may be dismissed if their average falls below 75%.
Each student must pass the POST certification exam with a minimum score of 75% to be certifiable as a law enforcement or detention officer in the State of Idaho.
Students who fail to get minimum scores on tests may be subject to dismissal from the Program.
Students will address staff, instructors and others by an appropriate title: Sergeant, Chief, Sheriff, Judge, Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc.
Promptness in obeying orders and in reporting for classes is required. A list of daily classes will be issued to each student.
Students will not disrupt class by argument with the instructors. Students will maintain a professional attitude and demeanor at all times while in the classroom.
If the student is a disruption to the learning process of the other students and the delivery by the instructor, the student will be asked to leave the class. This includes sleeping in the class or unsafe practices. A meeting may occur between the instructor, the student and the Program Director to determine the student’s future in the class.
Reprimands may be issued for infractions of any of the listed standards for conduct and behavior, or violations as determined by Program Staff. Any student receiving a reprimand may not be eligible for any special awards at graduation.
Students shall conduct themselves at all times, both on and off campus, in such a manner as to reflect most favorably on the Program. Conduct unbecoming a student shall include that which brings the Program into disrepute or reflects discredit upon the student as a member of the Program class, or that which impairs the operation or efficiency of the Program or student. Types of offenses subject to this section include, but are not limited to, any immoral act, disorderly conduct, and use of vulgar, humiliating, obscene or profane language or behavior.
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 7 of 14 Dishonesty, untruthfulness, or discourtesy will not be tolerated. Any conduct detrimental to the conduct, efficiency or discipline of the Program, whether or not specifically stated in the instructions, is prohibited and can be cause for disciplinary action or dismissal from the Program.
1. Lying, evasiveness, and deceit are closely related and predicated upon dishonest action which is designed to prevent the whole truth from being known. All students are expected to be completely honest and forthright at all times. Any student who is unable to live up to the spirit of this requirement is unfit to serve as a member of the police training school class, as a police officer/deputy sheriff or in public service.
2. Acts of academic dishonesty and plagiarism violate the established standards of the academic community, and jeopardize the training necessary for proper job performance as a law enforcement professional.
a. Academic Dishonesty - Any behavior, intended to promote or enhance a student’s academic standing within the police training school by dishonest means constitutes an act of academic dishonesty. Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following: Cheating, which for purposes of these Rules and Regulations is defined as giving or receiving unauthorized aid in regard to academic tests or other assignments; intentionally using plagiarized material; submitting work done by another as one's own; and/or altering any Program, Council or Employing Agency form, record or document, or forging the signature of any Program, Council or Employing Agency instructor or Official.
b. Plagiarism - The use of words, ideas, concepts, or work of another, without proper acknowledgment, constitutes plagiarism.
3. Stealing - For the purposes of these Rules and Regulations, stealing is defined as the wrongful taking of property from the possession of the owner or any other person with the intent to permanently deprive or defraud the owner or any other person of the use and benefit of said property.
4. Students may be required to submit to a Voice Stress Analysis/Polygraph, Mental Health Screening, and an Urinalysis Test prior to entering, or during, the program.
G. REPORTS - TRUTHFULNESS When in the course of an official investigation of a violation of these Rules and Regulations, a student is asked a question concerning himself/herself in a matter in which he/she has knowledge, he/she is expected to answer in a forthright and honest manner. All reports, whether oral or written, shall be submitted on time, and shall be truthful and complete. No student shall knowingly enter, or cause to be entered, any inaccurate, false or improper information.
Courtesy is the expression of consideration for others. It pays the largest returns for the least effort of anything one can do. In police service, where individuals are required to work closely together and where cooperative effort is all important, courtesy is essential in promoting coordination and developing esprit- de-corps. Courtesy is shown to all and to the public. The courtesy shown a superior is recognition of the basic principles of organization. It is the respect shown to every leader and the acknowledgment of the responsibility and authority of his/her position. Courtesy shown to the public acknowledges the role of the police in a free society; that the police are a part of, and not apart from, the community they serve. The methods of expressing courtesy are distinctive and precise. Slovenly, grudging or perfunctory displays of these methods are discourteous, and may be cause for dismissal.
Law Enforcement professionals are expected to be sensitive to, and exhibit tolerance for concerns, opinions and backgrounds of others, and to treat all individuals with respect, dignity and courtesy regardless of their circumstances or condition. The use of degrading language or actions with regard to race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation and/or physical challenge to address, refer to, or otherwise affect any person or group of
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 8 of 14 people, directly or indirectly, is prohibited except as otherwise provided in the POST approved curriculum as a role-playing tool.
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and will not be tolerated.
DEFINITION The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission defines sexual harassment as follows: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when:
a. Submission to such contact is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or education;
b. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for academic or employment decisions affecting that individual; or
c. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's academic or professional performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive employment, educational or living environment.
The touching of another person or his/her clothes either directly or by use of a material object, except at such times as one is acting within the scope of his/her authority for the following purposes is prohibited:
1. During the course of legitimate POST training exercises.
For any infraction of the Rules and Regulations by a department sponsored student while attending the Program, the student’s Chief, Sheriff, or Agency Head will be made aware of such infraction.
Soliciting business, engaging in any sales or business venture, or distributing sales or advertising matter on the Program grounds or within any training building, is strictly prohibited unless prior written permission has been obtained from the Program Director, with the concurrence of the sponsoring agency or College of Southern Idaho.
Students shall promptly obey any lawful order of the Program Director, Staff, or Instructor(s), including orders relayed from the Program Director, Staff, or Instructor(s) by other students.
Inherent in the nature of the skill and subject areas being instructed, and related activities, is the potential for injury to student officers, Program Staff and Instructors. Any act or failure to act by a student which places or may place his/her safety and/or the safety of another person or persons at risk may be punishable by his/her dismissal from the Program session.
Students will not engage in any activity which would be in violation of any criminal law of the State of Idaho or the United States. Program students must disclose ANY violation, whether charged or not.
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 9 of 14 Students will maintain in their possession at all times any prescription for a controlled substance prescribed by competent medical authority and must notify the Program Staff of said prescription.
No student will participate in loud, boisterous or unruly activity in or adjacent to Program facilities that disturb other persons who are studying.
No student will represent himself/herself as a College of Southern Idaho Law Enforcement Program student to gain special favors in the neighboring communities.
No student will become involved in any activity that may compromise the security of the College of Southern Idaho buildings or facilities.
Associations with police training school staff will be professional in nature at all times. Students are expressly prohibited from having social contact, either on or off duty, with the Program Staff or Instructor(s) at the police training school in which they are enrolled, unless authorized by the Program Director.
These minimum rules and regulations have been set for the student's safety, health and welfare. Continual flagrant violations, defiance of regulations, obnoxious or rank behavior may result in immediate dismissal from the Program and/or disciplinary action.
The College of Southern Idaho Law Enforcement Program from time to time, as circumstances dictate, may authorize exceptions to these rules. When such changes are authorized, they will be posted on the program bulletin board, and the Program Staff will acquaint the students with any new requirements or rules.
In any interpretation of these Rules and Regulations, the spirit intended shall be the governing consideration. Traditions, past practices and previous customs will not be accepted in defense of any violations of these Rules and Regulations. The provisions of these regulations shall be severable. If any phrase, clause, sentence or provision is declared to be unconstitutional, or the applicability thereof to any agency, person, or circumstances shall, with respect to all severable matters, not be affected thereby. It is the intention that these regulations be reasonably and liberally construed.
These rules and regulations are an enhancement to the Student Code of Conduct established by the College of Southern Idaho. When in conflict, the policies of the College of Southern Idaho shall prevail.
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 10 of 14 Idaho Administration Code IDAPA 11.11.01 – Rules of the Idaho Peace Idaho State Police Officers Standards & Training Council (POST)
333. Conduct and Behavior 01. POST Minimum Standards for Employment. Any vocational law enforcement student that does not meet the Minimum Standards for Employment as provided in Sections 050 through 064 of these rules will not be given the final test unless they have been granted a waiver in accordance with Subsection 327.03 of these rules. (4-2-08) 02. Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics. Every vocational law enforcement student must attest that he has read, understands, and will abide by the Law Enforcement Code of Conduct as found in Subsection 091.04 of these rules and the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics as found in Subsection 091.05 of these rules. (4-2-08)
03. Integrity. The vocational law enforcement program must have a policy of integrity. This policy must clearly state that dishonesty, including acts of academic dishonesty and plagiarism; untruthfulness; or discourtesy will not be tolerated. This policy must be reviewed with all vocational law enforcement students upon entry into the program. (4-11-06)
04. Social Contact. The vocational law enforcement program must have a policy expressly prohibiting students from having social contact, either on or off campus, with any vocational law enforcement program staff member or instructor. Associations between students and vocational law enforcement program staff members or instructors must be professional in nature at all times. (4-11-06)
05. Other Standards of Conduct and Behaviors. The vocational law enforcement program must address other standards of conduct and behavior that reflect good taste, courtesy, consideration, and respect for the rights and privileges of others. Any conduct detrimental to the conduct, efficiency, or discipline of the vocational law enforcement program must be prohibited. (4-11-06)
Student Signature Date
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 11 of 14 LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have been advised that I may be required to submit to the following tests in order to be accepted in, or to remain in, the Law Enforcement program: Voice Stress Analysis/Polygraph
Mental Health Screening and/or Evaluation
Random Urinalysis Testing
I understand that failing to pass these examinations may be grounds for dismissal from the Law Enforcement program.
Signed ______Date ______
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 12 of 14 STUDENT WAIVER APPEAL PROCESS 1
Purpose of Waiver Appeal Review Panel:
The appeal process for law enforcement students who have been denied a waiver for entry into the College of Southern Idaho Law Enforcement Program is designed as a final review hearing to decide the student’s eligibility. These students typically have been denied program eligibility by the Administrator of the Idaho Peace Officers Standards and Training Academy.
Organization of Appeal Panel:
The Appeal Panel shall be comprised of the Chairman of the College of Southern Idaho Law Enforcement Advisory Board and two other members of the Advisory Board, to be determined by the Advisory Board Chairman. All members shall be voting members of the Advisory Board. The Law Enforcement Program Director shall also be available to provide information to the panel members.
Time and Location of Appeal Hearing
The appeal hearing shall be held at a time and location designated by the Advisory Board Chairman. Notice of the hearing will be given to the student at least 3 days in advance by the Law Enforcement Program Director. The student many choose to waive this time period in order to expedite the appeal hearing.
Information to be Supplied:
All pertinent documents and reports shall be provided supplied to each Panel member for review prior to the appeal hearing. The student will be available to make a statement before the panel regarding their request for a waiver. The student may be asked to answer questions regarding their appeal.
Notification to Student of Review Panel Decision:
The Law Enforcement Program Director shall notify the student of the panel’s decision within one (1) week of the hearing, in writing.
1 Established by the College of Southern Idaho Law Enforcement Advisory Committee, July 18, 2006.
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 13 of 14 It is required that you read and acknowledge your understanding of, and willingness to comply with, the Rules and Regulations contained in this document.
I acknowledge that I have received a copy, read, understand and will comply with the College of Southern Idaho Law Enforcement Program Rules and Regulations.
______Printed Name Signature
______Session # Date
______POST ID #
CSI Law Enforcement Rules and Regulations January 2015 Page 14 of 14