Call to Order s10
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1 SADDLEBACK COLLEGE – ACADEMIC SENATE 2 3 MINUTES 4 5 March 5, 2008 6 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 7 AGB Conference Room – AGB 107 8 91. CALL TO ORDER 10 11President Dominguez called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm with a quorum. 12 132. INTRODUCE AND WELCOME GUESTS 14 15A reporter from the Lariat was introduced. 16 17Irene Renault was attending as a substitute for Janet Bagwell. 18 193. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 20 21Jeanne Smith moved, it was seconded by Dan Walsh and was passed by voice vote that 22the agenda be adopted. 23 244. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 25 26Jeanne Smith moved, it was seconded by Carol Ziehm and was passed by voice vote for 27the February 20, 2008, meeting minutes to be approved with no corrections. 28 295. PUBLIC COMMENTS 30 31Miki Mikolajczak encouraged faculty to sign up to become Gaucho Mentors. 32 33Alannah Rosenberg announced that two Saddleback College students presented at the 34Honor’s Council of California student research conference. Two Saddleback students 35also won Exceptional Honors Students Awards. 36 37Dan Walsh announced that the new signs at the crosswalks on campus were making it 38difficult for large vehicles to exit some of the campus parking lots.
406. PRESIDENT’S REPORT 41 42 A. Board Meetings/District/Chancellor 43 44 Handouts for the Basic Aid Report from the February Board Meeting were 45 distributed. 46 47 B. Disciplines List Revisions 48 49 Any faculty member can make a request for system-wide changes to disciplines. 50 Saddleback College faculty are encouraged to review the disciplines list regularly 51 to keep informed about any new revisions. The list is linked from the Senate site. 52 53 C. Online Courses: Distance Ed. Regular Effective Contact Policy 54 55 The policy approved by the Senate at the February 20 meeting has not yet been 56 brought to the Board Policy and Administrative Regulation (BP/AR) Committee. 57 The IVC Academic Senate has agendized the policy and will discuss approval 58 before it is put forward to the BP/AR District Committee. 59 60 D. Academic Senate 61 62 Results of a system-wide survey of college Student Learning Outcomes 63 Coordinators are now available at the California Academic Senate website. 64 65 Fall 2007 California Academic Senate Resolutions were distributed. 66 67 Contributions were requested for the Senate Meeting refreshments fund. 68 697. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 70 71Items on the Consent Calendar are approved in the motion without discussion unless an 72AS board member or senator requests separate action. See Agenda Item Handout for 73details. 74 75 A. Approval of Faculty to sit in Committees 76 77 Jeanne Smith moved, it was seconded by Dan Walsh, and passed by voice vote 78 that the list of faculty to sit on Committees be approved. 79 808. OLD BUSINESS 81 82 A. Planning and Budget Council 83 84 A map describing the Loop Road Reconfiguration was distributed. It will be 85 discussed at the Board Meeting on 3/24. 86 87 Parking Proposal recommendations were discussed. 88 89 The District representatives involved in preparing the Saddleback College 90 Progress Report for accreditation will be Vice Chancellor Andreea Serban and 91 Board President David Long. 92 93 The District-wide draft of vision, mission and goals were discussed. After this 94 item was presented to the members of the Academic Senate, concerns were raised 95 about the wording and appropriateness of some of the District goals. 96 97 B. Accreditation – Morgan Barrows (Chair, Institutional Effectiveness Committee) 98 99 The draft for the Course Level SLO Implementation Process at Saddleback, 100 prepared by the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, was discussed. Many 101 concerns were raised about the proposal to require that courses have at least one 102 SLO and method of assessment before they will be scheduled for the fall 08 and 103 spring 09 semesters. Other elements of the proposal were also discussed, and 104 many were agreeable to the Senators in attendance. Senators were directed to 105 take this draft proposal to their divisions for discussion and return at the next 106 meeting with recommendations for implementing a process of ensuring the 107 completion of course level SLOs. 108 109 F. Basic Skills Initiative 110 111 The proposal for a Director of Student Success (12 month, Classified Leadership 112 Position) presented by the Basic Skills Initiative Committee was discussed. 113 114 Miki Mikolajczak moved and it was seconded by Dan Walsh that the Academic 115 Senate of Saddleback College reject the proposal from the Basic Skills Initiative 116 Committee. The motion was carried. 14 Yea, 0 No, 3 Abstain. 117 118 Miki Mikolajczak moved and it was seconded by June Millovich with an 119 amendment offered by Carmen Dominguez and accepted by Miki Mikolajczak 120 that Basic Skills Initiative funds be applied to support the existing goals of the 121 Student Success Planning Group. The motion was carried. 13 Yea, 1 No, 3 122 Abstain. 123 1249. NEW BUSINESS 125 126 A. Academic Senate Election 127 128 Postponed. 129 130 B. Parking Permits 131 132 Postponed. 133 134 E. Replacement of Assistant Dean for Counseling Services & Special Programs 135 136 Nancy Bessette moved, it was seconded by Carol Ziehm, and passed by voice vote 137 that the position of Assistant Dean for Counseling Services & Special Programs 138 should be filled immediately. 139 1408. OLD BUSINESS 141 142 C. Catalog Rights and Continuous Attendance 143 144 Senators were directed to take the proposal on Catalog Rights and Continuous 145 Attendance drafted by the Senate Executive Committee to their divisions for 146 discussion and to report on the product of that discussion at the next Senate 147 meeting. 148 1499. NEW BUSINESS 150 151 C. Academic Senate Scholarship 152 153 Dan Walsh moved, it was seconded by Susan Nawa Raridon, and passed by voice 154 vote to approve the criteria proposed for the Academic Senate Scholarship.
156 D. Part-Time Task Force 157 158 Postponed.
160 F. Additional Funding for Faculty Development 161 162 Postponed. 163 1648. OLD BUSINESS 165 166 D. Board Policy: BP 6100 Curriculum; BP 5300 Grading Policy 167 168 By consensus agreement, President Dominguez was directed to bring forward to 169 the BP/AR District Committee proposed revisions to BP 6100.
17110. COMMITTEE REPORTS 172 173 A. Executive 174 175 No report. 176 177 B. Senate Standing Committee 178 179 No report. 180 181 C. College, Division and District Committee 182 183 No report. 184 18511. DIVISION REPORTS 186 18712. CONSTITUENCY GROUP REPORTS 188 189 A. Faculty Association 190 191 No report. 192 193 B. Student Government 194 195 No report. 196 197 C. Classified Staff 198 199 No report. 200 20113. ADJOURNMENT – The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. 202 203HANDOUTS DISTRIBUTED WITH AGENDA 204Agenda Item 6B.1 Disciplines List Revisions 205Agenda Item 8A.1 PBC Agenda 206Agenda Item 8A.2 Saddleback College Master Plan 207Agenda Item 8A.3 PBC Minutes February 26, 2008 208Agenda Item 8A.4 South Orange County Community College District Districtwide 209 Vision, Mission and Goals 210Agenda Item 8B.1 Proposal for the Course Level SLO Implementation Process at 211 Saddleback College 212Agenda Item 8C.1 Catalog Rights and Continuous Attendance 213Agenda Item 8D.1 Draft Board Policy 6100 214Agenda Item 8D.2 Board Policy 5300 215Agenda Item 8F.1 Director of Student Success 216Agenda Item 9A.1 Offering Web-Based Voting and Surveys for Professional 217 Organizations and Faculty/Student Governments 218Agenda Item 9C.1 Recommended Scholarship Criteria 219Agenda Item 9D.1 Part-Time Task Force Survey 220Agenda Item 9E.1 Assistant Dean for Counseling and Special Services 221President’s Report Board Information 222President’s Report Memorial Service for Terri Potratz 223 224KEYWORDS 225Distance Education 226Catalog Rights and Continuous Enrollment 227Student Learning Outcomes and Institutional Effectiveness 228Academic Senate Scholarship 229Basic Skills Initiative 230ACCJC Recommendation for the Progress Report