2014 Albany (Main) Campus Public Safety Report
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2014 Albany (Main) Campus Public Safety Report
A guide in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act, Federal Crime Awareness & Campus Public Safety Act “Safety Is Everyone’s Business”
Campus Public Safety • Red Cedar Hall RCH-119 • 6500 Pacific Blvd. SW • Albany, OR 97321-3755
Daytime: 541-917-4440 • Evenings or Emergency: 541-926-6855 • [email protected]
https://www.linnbenton.edu/public-safety1 Campus Safety is a Team Effort
Campus safety at Linn-Benton Community College is a mail to [email protected], submitting a report at team effort among the administration, faculty, staff and the online reporting link - https://linnbenton- students. Campus Public Safety is committed to providing advocate.symplicity.com/public_report - and/or reporting a safe and enjoyable environment in which all members of crimes to your local police department in a timely manner. the campus community may pursue their academic and social activities. Safety is a very important part of the Campus crime reports educational experience. Statistics for this Annual Campus Security Report are derived from incidents reported to the Campus Public As part of our safety team, Campus Public Safety Safety Office, Counseling Center, Office of the VP of Student encourages everyone to report all crimes and suspicious Affairs, and in cooperation with local law enforcement activity. We need your help! Your observations and agencies. These statistics also include anonymous or assistance makes the difference. Information from you confidential reports submitted. Criminal activity on helps us maintain and improve campus safety. campus is reported to the campus community through the Campus Public Safety following: • Annual Reports distributed to campus authorities and The Linn-Benton Community College Board of Education available online at https://www.linnbenton.edu/public- has authorized the Director of Safety and Loss Prevention safety1 (click on the “Annual Safety Report” link in the left and Campus Public Safety Officers to ensure compliance navigation bar on the page), or in print at the Public Safety with state laws, local laws, and Linn-Benton Community Office, RCH 119. College Board Policies and Administrative Rules. Campus Public Safety personnel will utilize every opportunity to • Special Crime Alerts pertaining to Part I crimes as listed persuade violators to comply with laws and/or in the Annual Campus Public Safety Report may be administrative rules. Public Safety personnel will use prepared and distributed campus-wide through campus e- discretion with violators and, when necessary, enact a mail, LBCC ReGroup messaging system, the Public Safety citizen’s arrest. If a citizen’s arrest is enacted, the Albany Web Page at https://www.linnbenton.edu/public-safety1 Police Department is notified to file criminal charges or (see the “Safety Alerts” link under “Annual Safety Report” make a formal arrest. in the left navigation bar) and The Commuter (the weekly student newspaper) within one week of occurrence. Campus Public Safety’s Responsibilities Requesting copies of this report Our primary responsibility is protecting the safety and physical security of the campus community—its people, Printed copies of the Annual Campus Security Report are vehicles, buildings, and property—as well as providing available in the Campus Public Safety Office (RCH-119), in general assistance to visitors and employees. the office of the VP of Student Affairs (Takena Hall, T-107), and on the LBCC website at Crime prevention https://www.linnbenton.edu/public-safety1 (click on the We believe that the key to campus safety begins with each “Annual Safety Report” link in the left navigation bar on member of the campus community educating themselves, the page). Copies can be mailed upon request by calling the taking precautions, and being aware of preventive Campus Public Safety Office at (541) 917-4440. measures. Most incidents on campus can be avoided by Services taking basic precautions, such as walking in pairs at night, locking all offices and car doors, and not leaving personal The Campus Public Safety department is always open and valuables unattended. Campus Public Safety is always ready to respond to any campus emergency or request for available to meet with individuals and groups to discuss assistance. Our professionally trained staff of six full-time safety, crime prevention methods and related issues. and one half-time Public Safety officers receives Further information is available at the Public Safety specialized training each year in First Aid and CPR, website - https://www.linnbenton.edu/public-safety1 emergency response procedures, hazardous materials (click the “Don’t Be A Victim” link in the left navigation (HAZMAT) procedures, and other security-related bar). Please report all crimes to Campus Public Safety, Red protocols. Cedar Hall, Room RCH-119. Public Safety Officers are available 24 hours a day by calling 541-926-6855. Reports Public Safety officers patrol all areas of the Albany main may be submitted by calling this number directly, calling campus and parking lots 24 hours a day. All exterior doors extension 4440 from a main campus phone, sending an e- on campus are unlocked by 7 a.m. and locked by 11 p.m. Monday – Friday. Only scheduled buildings and rooms are local counseling, and treatment resources; standards of open on weekends, holidays, and times of closure. conduct; and applicable laws relating to drug and alcohol Arrangements for access can be made with the Campus use. Anyone wishing additional information should contact Public Safety department staff on a case by case basis by the Human Resources Office at (541) 917-4420. calling (541) 926-6855. Public Safety Service is also provided at the Benton Center. Linn-Benton Community College does not allow the use, distribution or possession of narcotics and dangerous Public Safety officers enforce parking regulations, college drugs. Drugs and alcohol are not allowed on campus or at policies, and report crimes in progress or criminal activity college related functions except as they relate to the to the police. Public Safety officers also respond to building teaching/learning process. Violators of this policy may be alarms, injuries or illness, traffic and parking accidents, subject to student disciplinary action and/or criminal and safety hazards. Campus Public Safety maintains a charges filed through the local law enforcement agency. working relationship with Albany, Corvallis, Lebanon, and Sweet Home Police and Fire Departments. Sexual Harassment/Assault/ Personal Violence Policy The Campus Public Safety Department provides information at RCH 119, on the LBCC website, and during Linn-Benton Community College takes a proactive stance special events that informs students and staff of tips on against sexual harassment, sexual assault, and personal crime prevention, personal safety, and Public Safety violence per LBCC Board policies regarding resources. The information table is located in Takena Hall Nondiscrimination and Nonharassment (Policy No. 1015) the first two days of each quarter (8 –11 a.m.), in the and Nondiscrimination, Nonharassment Statements and Courtyard, during Welcome Day (usually a day in the third Procedures (Administrative Rule 1015-01), and student week of September, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.), and Spring Health & protection under Title IX of the 1972 Education Safety Fair (usually a day in the first week of May, 11 a.m. – Amendment (Policy No 7035, Appendix B). There is more 1 p.m.). Public Safety personnel are present to answer information available on the LBCC Web site at questions regarding security and safety-related topics and www.linnbenton.edu under Administrative to provide general information. Information/Policies/“Administrative Rules and Board Policies” and at the “Student Right To Know” link found at Other services include: the very bottom of every LBCC webpage. • Safety and risk management awareness handouts at Inappropriate student behavior, what it is and how to student orientation. respond, is addressed in the “Students Rights, • An Evening Escort Service in which Public Safety officers Responsibilities and Conduct” handbook available from accompany students and staff to their vehicles. the VP of Student Affairs Office in Takena Hall, in the “Personal Empowerment Through Self Awareness” • Crime Prevention Presentations to various groups or training required of all new students and staff (education organizations as requested. link found at https://www.linnbenton.edu/faculty-and- staff/hr-safety-and-other-services/public-safety- • Electronic Alarm and Video Surveillance Systems emergency-planning-ehs/preventing-sexual-assault- maintained throughout the facilities to detect fire and dating-violence-domestic-violence-and-stalking). A break-ins at various locations. student who commits any form of sexual assault faces criminal charges, disciplinary due process conducted by • Public Safety and Facilities Surveys of exterior lighting, the VP of Students Affairs and Campus Public Safety, as exterior doors, and grounds are conducted periodically. well as administrative sanctions, such as expulsion from school. Campus disciplinary procedures in all alleged • Quarterly routine campus safety inspections and sexual assaults include the following: corrective recommendations made in conjunction with the Safety Committee. • Accuser and accused are entitled to have others present during a campus disciplinary proceeding. Alcohol and Drug-free Programs • Accuser and accused shall be informed of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding brought about by an In accordance with “The Drug-Free Schools and alleged sexual offense. Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 101- 226),” the LBCC pamphlet “Aim High or Aim Low” is If you are a victim of a sexual assault at this institution, available free upon request from the Human Resources your first priority should be to get to a place of safety. You Office or in RHC-119. The pamphlet outlines health risks, should then obtain necessary medical treatment. The LBCC Public Safety Office strongly advocates that a victim of “Safety Alerts” link under “Annual Safety Report” in the left sexual assault report the incident in a timely manner. Time navigation bar) is a critical factor for evidence collection and preservation. An assault should be reported directly to Public Safety or Emergency Preparedness and Response one of the college representatives noted in the table on pages 5-6. Filing a report also with local law enforcement LBCC’s Emergency Response Plan, in alignment with Board is encouraged to provide the opportunity for collection of Policy 5100 and Administrative Rule 5100-01, provides evidence to be used in prosecution should the victim elect general guidance for an all-hazards approach to to pursue charges. The Public Safety Office will assist in emergency response. The plan describes College notifying the authorities if the victim so chooses. emergency response structure and assigns responsibilities for various response tasks. The Safety and Loss Prevention Registered predatory sex offenders Department in coordination with the Safety Committee plans quarterly drills to test response plans and The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 is a federal capabilities. All staff are required to annually review law that provides for the tracking of convicted sex emergency response protocols, to participate in drills and offenders enrolled at, or employed at, institutions of higher exercises, and to guide students in response activities. education. The law requires state law enforcement Further information on emergency plans and response can agencies to provide LBCC with a list of registered offenders be found at the Public Safety website: who have indicated they are enrolled, employed, or https://www.linnbenton.edu/public-safety-emergency- carrying on a vocation at LBCC. A list of registered planning-ehs/emergency-plans-teams-services. predatory sex offenders who are current students or are employed by LBCC is available in the Campus Public Safety Hours of Operation and Crime Reporting Office (RHC-119). The list incorporates information provided by the Sheriff’s Office in Linn and Benton During hours of operation, LBCC provides free and open counties as of the second week of the quarter. Since access to instructors, administrators, students, and students may register throughout the quarter, or reside in visitors. The college takes all reasonable precautions to other counties, students are encouraged to check the protect the safety and welfare of all persons visiting. LBCC Sheriff’s Web sites for a list of offenders who are on Board policies on Prevention of Workplace Violence probation in other counties. Further, a more complete list (Policy 1025 and Administrative Rule 1025-01),Use of of offenders who are on and off probation may be obtained Facilities Policy (5045 and AR 5045-06), and Safety and through the Oregon State Police. The phone numbers are: Security Policy (5095 and ARs 5095-01, 02, & 03) available Linn County Sheriff’s Office (541) 967-2005, Benton at www.linnbenton.edu under Administrative County Sheriff’s Office (541) 766-6887, and Oregon State Information/Policies/“Administrative Rules and Board Police (503) 934-1258. Policies” address the aspects of physical campus security and campus use. Timely warnings and emergency notification and response The hours of operation for access to each Linn-Benton Community College campus and the contact person for In accordance with LBCC Board policy 1030 and after hours are listed by location on the following page. Administrative Rule 1030-01, timely warnings regarding a Please report all crimes you witness or are victim of to one serious health or safety threat will be confirmed by the of the college employees listed. We also encourage anyone Safety and Loss Prevention Manager and a warning issued that is a victim or witness to a crime to report the incident without delay, after consultation with LBCC’s to the local police. If you do not want to pursue action administration, by the Public Information Officer and/or within LBCC or with the police, we encourage an the Safety and Loss Prevention Manager to the college anonymous or confidential report to the same college community. The notice will be communicated as widely as employees listed below or to LBCC’s reporting link found necessary for the circumstances using college email, at: ReGroup emergency messaging system, and/or the public address system. Further information about the policy can https://linnbenton-advocate.symplicity.com to help be obtained on the LBCC web site at: www.linnbenton.edu ensure the future safety of yourself or others. Such under Administrative Information/ information helps LBCC keep an accurate record of Policies/“Administrative Rules and Board Policies”. incidents and determine patterns of crime and/or locations, situations, or persons to which the campus On-going safety alerts are posted at the LBCC Public Safety community should be alerted. website: Public Safety Web Page at: https://www.linnbenton.edu/public-safety1 (see the Incidents that violate college policy may be referred to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs or the Director of Safety & Loss Prevention for possible student disciplinary action and/or criminal charges filed with the local law enforcement agency. SweetAlbany Home: Campus VictimLBCC Horse assistance Center (Albany) Hours of operation: Linn-BentonHours of operation: Community College is committed to Monday – Thursday………………….8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Daily………………………………….8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday……………………..8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. preventing sexual assaults and other crimes. In the event (Except for scheduled events later than 10:00 p.m.) Due to the presence of large live animals, the LBCC Horse Friday…………………………………………...closed that such a crime occurs, the college will make Friday………………………………………..8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Center is only open to students and staff during Saturday, Sunday, holidays, and times of closure; contact appropriate referrals through its Counseling Center and (Except for scheduled events later than 7:00 p.m.) scheduled class time and horse owners during the Campus Public Safety (541) 917-4440 for information. Student Life and Leadership Office. The following Saturday, Sunday, holidays, and times of closure; contact agenciesposted hours. provide counseling and other services for Campus Public Safety at (541) 917-4440 for information. victimsAll others of aresexual required assault: to make an appointment by Crime reporting: calling the Horse Center at (541) 928-7686 or Campus Director of Linn County Centers ………..…..(541) 259-5808 Albany Crime reporting: Public Safety at (541) 917-4440. Director, Safety & Loss Prevention …..….…(541) 990-3305 Linn County Health Dept……..(541) 967-3866 Director, Safety & Loss Prevention …………(541) 990-3305 Center Coordinator …………………………………(541) 367-6901 Linn County Public Health……(541) 967-3888 Campus Public Safety Secretary 2…………...(541) 917-4440 Crime reporting: Clerical Specialist 3 CARDV………………………………....(541) 754-0110 Campus Public Safety Officer……………….….(541) 926-6855 Animal Science Equine Faculty Career Counselor Toll Free 1-800-927-0197 Vice President of Student Affairs Dean, Science, Engineering, & Math ……(541) 917-4416 Or anyone on the Albany Campus list Linn County Crisis Service…...(541) 967-3866 Administrative Assistant, VP of Student Affairs Or anyone Toll on theFree, Albany 1-800-304-7468 Campus list Corvallis Benton Center (Corvallis) LebanonBenton Downtown County Center Health…………..(541) 766-6835 Hours of operation: Hours ofValley operation: AIDS Information Net…(541 752-6322 Monday – Thursday…………………..8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Currently isToll not Free, used 1-800-588-AIDS for events or classes. Friday……………………………………….8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Contact CampusCARDV*……………………………...(541) Public Safety at (541) 917-4440 754-0110 to make Saturday, Sunday, holidays, and times of closure; contact arrangements Toll forFree, access. 1-800-927-0197 Campus Public Safety at (541) 917-4440 for information. Benton County Crisis Service.1(888) 232-7192 LebanonCrime reporting: Linn County Health Dept…….(541) 967-3866 Crime reporting: Director of Linn County Centers ………....(541) 259-5808 Linn County Public Health…..(541) 967-3888 Director of Benton Center ….…..(541) 757-8999, ext. 5104 Director, Safety & Loss Prevention …..….(541) 990-3305 CARDV*……………………………..(541) 754-0110 Director, Safety & Loss Prevention….….……(541) 990-3305 Events and Meeting Coordinator ………...(541) 259-5806 Toll Free, 1-800-927-0197 Community Educator Manager .(541) 757-8944, ext. 5120 Center Coordinator ………………………………(541) 367-6901 Linn County Crisis Service…...(541) 967-3866 Center Coordinator Or anyone on the Albany Campus list Toll Free, 1-800-304-7468 Clerical Specialist * Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence Counselor Or anyone on the Albany Campus list Lebanon Center Samaritan Community Hospital (Lebanon Hospital) Hours of operation: Hours of operation: Monday –Thursday………………… 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Except scheduled events later than 8:00 p.m.) Access is limited to Radiology Technology students and Friday………………………………………closed staff during the posted hours only.
Saturday, Sunday, holidays, and times of closure; contact Crime reporting: Campus Public Safety at (541) 917-4440 for information. Radiology Technology Faculty Director, Safety & Loss Prevention …(541) 990-3305 Crime reporting: Director of Linn County Centers Director of Linn County Centers ………..…..(541) 259-5808 Or anyone on the Albany Campus list Director, Safety & Loss Prevention …..….…(541) 990-3305 Events and Meeting Coordinator ……….…..(541) 259-5806 Center Coordinator …………………………………(541) 367-6901 Clerical Specialist 3 Career Counselor Or anyone on the Albany Campus list Albany Campus (Main Campus)
On Campus Public Property (Contiguous Areas)
Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Part I: Crime 2013 Crime 2012 Crime 2011 Crime 2013 Crime 2012 Crime 2011 Crime Criminal Homicide a.) Murder/non-negligent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 manslaughter b.) Negligent manslaughter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sex Offenses a.) Forcible sex offenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b.) Non-forcible sex offenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Robbery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aggravated Assault 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Burglary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Motor Vehicle Theft 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arrests a.) Liquor law violations 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A b.) Drug law violations 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A c.) Illegal weapons possessions 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A Disciplinary Referrals a.) Liquor law violations 0 N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A b.) Drug law violations 0 N/A 4 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A c.) Illegal weapons possessions 0 N/A 1 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A TOTAL 1 0 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Violence Against Women Violations a.) Domestic Violence 0 b.) Dating Violence 0 c.) Stalking 0
Part II: Incidents 2013 2012 2011 Criminal Mischief 13 3 10 Criminal Trespass 0 0 1 Disruptive Behavior 6 9 4 Menacing 0 1 0 Theft 11 16 21 Miscellaneous 32 42 59 TOTAL 56 71 95
Other Activity: 2013 2012 2011 Campus Door Unlocks 30,752 30,463 23,531 Doors Unlocked/Ajar 5,801 4,433 2,749 Lost/Found Property 1,145 1,151 1,142 Medical Assistance 12 22 20 Motorist Assists 49 69 54 Personal Escorts 104 98 140 Service Calls 2,491 2,384 2,156 TOTAL40,354 38,612 29,794
Caveat: (1) The Albany Police Department’s computer software does not have the ability to confine their crime statistics to only the public property that is adjacent to the Albany Main Campus. Caveat: (2) No crimes of bias or hate were reported by the Albany Police Department or to LBCC Public Safety Office during this period.